my container div doesnt expand vertically on one of my pages as I add elements - css

My container div doesnt expand vertically on one of my pages as I add elements. Hence the bottom most div overlaps onto my footer. The divs in the container are horizontal elements relatively positioned
On my home page it works fine container expands and no overlapping using the css below
If I had any hair left it would be pulled out by now!! :-))
#container {
width: 900px;
height: auto !important;
min-height: 100%;

Seems to me to little context, because it is possible that the footer is overlapping your container div, which is set to start with a min-height of 100%, it depends on how the footer is defined related to your container div.

Hi now give to body, html height:100%; than give to any class or id height 100%;
as like this
body, html{
LIve demo

height: 100%;
If this doesn't work for you then a more particular rule might disable this rule, so make your rule-selector as particular as possible. If it is still not particular enough, then:
height: 100% !important;

Try this:
#container {
width: 900px;
overflow:hidden ;


Using position: fixed – CSS

Referring to this website – – I'm trying to position the 'Upwaltham Barns' graphic at the bottom centre of the viewport, so no matter what size the viewport is the graphic will move with it and stay at the bottom.
I've tried adding the following custom CSS into my WordPress site, but it doesn't seem to work:
<img src="" class="fix"/>
Here is all my custom CSS at the moment:
.menu-item a span:hover{color:#dfb5a9;}
background-position:center center;
background: #fff url( repeat top left;
Can anyone help?
You don't want position: fixed;, you're on the right path using absolute.
The problem is that the parent divs of what you're targeting aren't all 100% height of the viewport. You've set the outer-most parent to height: 100vh;, but it really needs applying to the inner .vc_column_container container (as it's using bootstrap based styles, and BS columns get position relative) - so your down arrow and graphic are being positioned based on that.
Try something like this:
#main-banner .wpex-vc-columns-wrap .vc_column_container {
height: 100vh;
#main-banner .wpex-vc-columns-wrap .vc_inner::last-child {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
bottom: 2.5%;
That should get you closer to what you're aiming for, be sure to include all vendor prefixes with transform, however if you're using something like Autoprefixer or Bourbon you'll already have this covered...
There's some "custom" styles in there I'm guessing you've added from a page-builder that might mess the position of the graphic/arrow up, remove the unnecessary padding if it's bugging out.
Good luck with the wedding :-)
I think you need to change position:absolute to position:fixed in the .fix rule
This should send your graphic to the bottom of the viewport and left there even scrolling. The horizontal center could be a bit tricky, but you could try to use a fixed container with left and right set to 0.
right: 0;
The previous rule sets the container to the bottom of the viewport and extends horizontally.
img.centered {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
display: inline-block;
This rule is applied to the image to achieve centered alignment inside the container.
HTML code:
<div class="fixed-container">
<img class="centered" src="..image..." />
I think this should do the trick.

How to center images horizontally?

I'm trying to center images in a container but it is not working. Til sofar the css looks like this;
min-height: 100%;
margin:0 auto;
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
background: yellow;
display: inline-block;
My website is
I thought that margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto; would be good but thinks are not working how I thought it would be.
Can anybody help me with this?
#imagebar {text-align:center;}
Your images aren't block-level elements, so simply applying text-align:center; to their parent will do the trick.
Since #imagebar has a width of 100%, its automaticly centered. You can center the images by using text-align: center within #imagebar.
I however think you want a specific 'content box' within #imagebar that is centered.
You can fix that by making a div inside #imagebar with a fix width (in px or %) and add margin: 0 auto to that inner div.

Place div at bottom of viewport without overwriting previous content

I have an outer div, called #wrap, and two inner divs: #container and #footer. Content is inside #container, and is dynamic. There may be a little, there may be a lot.
When content is minimal, the footer div may appear half-way up the page. However, this changes depending on the monitor/resolution. What is 50% from bottom on a large monitor may only be 10% from bottom on a small/cluttered viewport.
If I use this css method:
body,html { height: 100%; }
#wrap { position:relative; min-height:100%; }
#container{ margin:0px 0px 50px 0px; }
#footer { position:absolute; bottom:0px; }
then the page will always extend to use 100% of the viewport and the footer will be at bottom of the viewport - exactly as required.
However, if the content increases (or if a small viewport), the footer may overwrite any content extending into its 130px height -- the footer will not bump down.
Is there a way to remedy this?
Note: I don't wish to use percentages for the footer height as it is fixed at 130px and cannot squish.
Here is a fiddle I've been using to experiment
This is the best example of sticky footer I've seen:
UPDATE (April 2017): As the above link has become inoperable (and much time has passed since the original post) I'd like to offer the following solution to this problem:
Permanently fixed:
#container {
padding-bottom: 130px; // ...or more
#footer {
bottom: 0;
height: 130px;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
For a dynamically fixed element, check out this jQuery plugin:

css difficulties with 100% height

I'm trying to create a page with a panel on the left side. The panel has a header, a content area and a footer. The main panel wrapper div is supposed to be 100% of the height of the page. The header and footer do not have a specified height because I only want them to be large enough for their text and padding while the center content area I want to be 100% of the container minus whatever the height of the header and footer is. I'm not sure how or if I can do this in css. Anyone know what to do here? Thanks.
The html page & css is here -
You can use display as table to accomplish this. By setting a height of 100% on the content 'row' and then 0% on the others. Tables try and make their rows match as closely as possible the specified heights.
html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; }
div#container { display: table; height: 100%; width: 100%;}
div#container > div { display: table-row; }
div#container > div > div { display: table-cell; border: 1px solid gray; }
div#header { height: 0%; }
div#content {height: 100%; background: lightgray; }
div#footer { height: 0%; }
I have dealt with this on several occasions. It is possible to to with just CSS in one or two specific cases from my experience. Otherwise, you would need to tag team it with Javascript and CSS. Because, in order to set an element to 100% height, its parent element's height must be delared. Depending on how deeply nested the element is and what siblings it may or may not have before it, will determine if its possible to do with CSS alone.
One method of getting a conent container div to be 100% of the height browser's viewport is via the following styles.
html {
body {
#container {
<div id="container">
It can easily get tricky depending on the layout.

How to Set Height of a div same as the Screen Height

I need a div height changable if the screen size changes.
I also need that div is scrollable because the content may be Large.
But only when it is larger than the screen zize.
Also it should Work on IE6
Is there any Possibility for that?
If yes,
Please Give me the Complete css, html and javascript.
set width 100%; It's works
body {
#wrapper {
if the div is a direct child of body than just set height: 100% on both the div and the body. Like this:
body, #your-div-id {
height: 100%;
As far the scrillability is concerned just go:
#your-div-id {
overflow: auto;
Makes sense to you?
