Set textarea height to height of text - css

I want to use a textarea on a form, but I want it to be a single line high when the content is empty (i.e. on a new form), and only resize to the height of the content on the edit form.
I've been playing around with a few css settings but I'm really not skilled with front-end development, can someone point me in the direction of the attributes I need to be setting to make this happen?
Preferably without JS, but that seems to be the only solution of any I've found thus far. It seems messy and slow when you add in multiple textarea's auto resizing on a single form.

You could use this plugin for jQuery:


bulma - adjusting typography sizing efficiently

I'm having a hard time figuring out the most efficient way to resize text for mobile. I know per the documentation, making the text size responsive to the screen is fairly straightforward, simply add the is-size-*-mobile class to an element to reset the text size to the value of * (1-7) for mobile devices. What elements are the best place to do this? For example, I would like to be able to have all the text on screen change to size 7 on mobile, but so far I've had to add the is-size-7-mobile class to almost every text container on the page. While it's not impossible to do, it seems to be defeating the purpose of having such a class available through CSS.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Although they lack a specific example, those Typography helpers are meant to be added to the element that holds the content you want to modify.
For example, if you want to modify the whole document consider adding it right to the body element:
<body class="is-size-7-mobile layout-documentation page-helpers">
The above example works on their documentation page you liked in your question. Just hit F12, add the modifier, and voilĂ , all the page changes text size.

Embed Gist without vertical scrolling

When I embed a long gist (in this case of a Jupyter Notebook), the resulting box on my website has vertical scrollbars. I'd like to avoid these scrollbars and just have a longer page (in the same way it's on the actual gist website). Is there any way to do this, with CSS or otherwise?
I'm basically looking for the exact opposite to
Make Gist embed scrollable
Note that specifying a minimum height in CSS does not work: It produces a white box of the correct size, but the content is still scrolling in the top part of that box only
As I can check, the embed code inserts an iframe and there is no simply way to detect the height of that document (cross-domain).
This might help: Resize Cross Domain Iframe Height
But keep in mind that the workarounds are overkill, I think.

How to fix Responsive form layout

I am building this form:
and so far I am satisfied. Unfortunately I have some issue that I seem not able to fix.
First of all, I want to enforce the label positions beside their respective inputs. Now the form breaks down easily (with the opera emulator for smartphone and tablet, the privacy label goes below the check, but I want that it stays beside it)
The other issue that I have is that I want it to fall back gracefully when there are small screens, like placing the second image below the first and placing the input controls one below the other and take the full screen width to be bigger and easier to interact with, but so far I only was able to break the layout with my tests.
This issue: the the form layout breaks, the internal control (input, button, etc) go outside the container div. How do I enforce the container to keep everything inside? I've experimented with blocks, floats and whatever, but if the layout breaks, the input boxes usually go outside the gray rectangle.
Last issue: If I insert this form inside an existing website (for example, a page in wordpress) the layout get completely destroyed because influences from the theme style. How do I enforce my style on my form, keeping it isolated from the other styles? I can think of the iframe as a solution, but it is the only one? It is a good practice?
Anyone can help me with that?
You might want to take a look here. Its a site I just set up to explain an approach to responsive using a jQuery plugin to manage redoing layout. I think it could work for your example quite easily. Also because it can target a container div at any depth in a web page, it could be helpful in the scenario where the layout you want to reflow is inside a 3rd party container (as long as you can run script on the page).

How do you add a background image for printing in IE/FF?

In other topics I've found that IE/FF doesn't print background images by default. Now that's a shame, because background images add some possibilities that are very difficult to reproduce with classical <img> tags:
You can align them both horizontally and vertically
You can crop them if they are larger than the target element (which also enables the idea of CSS sprites)
Now, it's not impossible to do, but it will require me to have different HTML layouts for printing and normal page, and the printing layout will be quite overcomplicated (since I'll have to use <table>s to achieve vertical alignment). Also, the benefits of CSS sprites will be lost.
Is there any hope? I gather that #media print doesn't help, but isn't there something else, maybe browser-specific, that would allow one to say: "Yes, this isn't a normal background, it really needs to be there even in print view"?
Not possible. You would have to some how convert your background images to img or use Canvas. Of course using canvas depends on which IE you supporting.
Its a browser setting which restricts the printing of background images. I think the logic behind it was that the vendors wanted to give the users the option of printing background images and ensure that the web developer could not alter these settings through some sort of script.
As a general rule, background images should be reserved for adding to the page design but aren't essential to understanding the content. Therefore it shouldn't matter if they are missing when the page is printed. If something (such as a product shot) is important, then it should be included as an actual image (which has the added bonus of being more accessible).
Could you look at including the image, then hiding it using CSS and duplicating is as a background image (perhaps dynamically using JS)? That way, you can ensure the image itself shows in your print stylesheet, and you get the benefits that having a background image brings. I've created a very simple example here.

How to grow a textbox to match size of input for data entry dynamically (ASP.NET)

I'd like to add a description field to an application that can be as long as several lines (or even paragraphs) or as short as a one-liner.
Instead of taking up a lot of screen real estate or have scroll bars, it would be preferable to have the textbox grow based on its input.
On IE6 adding Style="overflow-y:visible" accomplishes this nicely (both on display of read only, and if we are in edit mode).
However, it has no effect on Firefox, or IE7 for that matter.
Is there a relatively easy fix for this?
You can accomplish this using jquery if you want to go down that route. It's a nice effect, kind of like the comment textarea in facebook.
