How to align text of selected CellTable columns in GWT? - css

I want to right-align numeric values in a CellTable. I already tried looking for ways to assign a style name for selected columns so I could align it with CSS but still couldn't figure out.
I also tried this but didn't work,
According to the GWT documentation, the new horizontal alignment will apply the next time the table is rendered... and I don't know yet what parameters I have to pass since it is required by render() method.
So I'm hoping for answers that would involve CSS.

Well, what you had is almost right. This works for me, without css: myColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);

Where alignRight is the name of your CSS.
.alignRight {text-align:right}

Option 1: Use float:right on the parent element ( in the CellTable).
Option 2: Create your own TextCell and implement render method to generate something like this:
<div style="width:100%; text-align:center;"> your value </div>


Hide all elements with duplicate class names besides the first with CSS

I have a loop displaying some markup that has dynamic class names. Is it possible to hide all elements with duplicate class name besides the first instance? For example below I would only want the first .SomethingDynamic1 and the first .SomethingDynamic2 to be visible.
I think I might be able to use the div[class^="group"] "starts with" attribute selector to achieve this but am I able to match dynamic text after that and filter out the duplicates? I would prefer a CSS only solution if possible.
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
Update (credit #Temani Afif)
If you want a CSS only solution, you will need to know the classes to filter beforehand.
Given that, you can simply use a siblings selector like the following:
.group-SomethingDynamic1 ~ .group-SomethingDynamic1 {
display: none;
Here is a stackblitz example

Select elements with same attribute value

Is there any way to select elements with same attribute value which I don't exactly have access to? I imagine doing it in way like this:
I want to use ONLY pure CSS.
no, there is no way to achieve this using css
however, if you need to do something like this you should consider changing your markup (ex. using additional classes) - css is not a programming language
CSS cannot do that. For comparing two elements you need to have access to DOM.
We cannot achieve this through css but this can be done by JavaScript:
var attr = 'elementValue',
elements=document.querySelectorAll('.first, .second');
elements[0].getAttribute(attr) ===
<div class="first" elementValue="1">hello</div>
<div class="second" elementValue="1">hello</div>
Hope this helps

Is it possible to remove 'checkmark' on unselectable rows

We are using ui-grid v3.1.1 and have a specific use-case where a grid needs to have certain rows selectable, and others not selectable, depending on the code of a specific cell in the row. We have been implementing the grid's html as:
<div id="gridSummary" ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid-summary" ui-grid-auto-resize ui-grid-selection ui-grid-tree-view ui-grid-pinning>
<div class="grid-empty" ng-show="!">No Corresponding Data Found</div>
and have been experimenting with the isRowSelectable gridOption which does what we want except for one issue: we don't want the disabled checkmark icon to appear on the non-selectable rows. Is there a way of causing the checkmark to be hidden/collapsed when the row is not selectable?
You can achieve this by changing the rowHeaderIcon for non selectable rows.
You can override the template for the selection row header button and add custom css. Inject templateCache in your controller and override the template like this.
"<div class=\"ui-grid-selection-row-header-buttons\" ng-class=\"{'ui-grid-row-selected': row.isSelected , 'ui-grid-icon-cancel':!grid.appScope.isSelectable(row.entity), 'ui-grid-icon-ok':grid.appScope.isSelectable(row.entity)}\" ng-click=\"selectButtonClick(row, $event)\"> </div>"
The template will use a method in your controller scope to identify if the row is selectable.
Found this useful plunker.
I'd like to propose this Plunker which has no icon at all for unselectable rows
"<div ng-class=\"{'ui-grid-selection-row-header-buttons': grid.appScope.isSelectable(row), 'ui-grid-icon-ok' : grid.appScope.isSelectable(row), 'ui-grid-row-selected': row.isSelected}\" ng-click=\"selectButtonClick(row, $event)\"> </div>"

Wordpress table plugin floats elements below it

Good day
I am using the easy table plugin ( and I have a problem with floats with it: Any content I add below the table floats to the right of the table...
Now I can solve this by using a
<div style="clear: both"></div>
but isn't there a more 'user-friendly' way of doing it? That way my clients(with no html/css experience) can use the tables without problems...
Table Shortcode Code:
[table caption="Just test table" width="500" colwidth="20|100|50" colalign="left|left|center|left|right"]
Any suggestions?
thank you
You should take a look at the CSS the table uses. Right now it probably uses float:left values.
Use Firebug or a similar tool to check if this is the case, and try to edit the CSS.

CSS div style - should I use class or id?

I have a repeater of div's that look a little bit like this:
<div class="header_div">
<!-- Content -->
I want to have the background color of the divs change based on a dynamic property of the content of the div (lets call it the category), but I still want the "header_div" style to be assgined in cases where I dont have a css class for that category. Whats the best way of doing this?
The best way I can think of is to render the category as the "id" of the div and apply styles based on the id, but that strikes me as really messy - standards dictate that the id should uniquenly identify the element on the page and there will definitely be repeats of each category.
The simple answer would be to use multiple classes for the <div> so that
<div class="header_div header_red">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="header_div header_green">
<!-- Content -->
You're correct about the need for IDs to be unique.
There's nothing stopping you from specifying more than one value per class attribute - just separate them with a space.
<div class="header_div category">
<!-- Content -->
Just be careful to check what happens when both classes specify different values for the same style - I can't say whether the first or the second would take precedence.
You could supply multiple styles for the div class:
<div class="header_div mystyle">
<!-- Content -->
I believe styles declared later in the declaration override earlier ones. As long as you ensure your custom styles "shadow" those of the header-div, you can always include the header-div element, and it will only have an effect when any secondary style is absent (or empty).
If it's going to be used repeatedly on the page, it should be a class.
If it's unique on the page, use an id.
Without knowing more about your content, can you not use one of the header tags (<h1> etc)?
You are correct, IDs should be unique and if you want to use the same style more than once then use a class.
You can't have duplicate IDs so if you had multiple divs of the same category you would have an issue. Classes should be used when the style needs to be applied for 1 or more items on a single page.
Why not assign the class on databinding of the div based on the category? As your repeater is getting bound, find your div for the item you are binding and assign it.
You could also substitute the div for an asp:Panel and use it's onDataBinding method. It should look exactly like your div.
