Partial regression plot of results from the np package - r

I run a nonparametric regression using the np package (npreg) and try to plot my results for the variable of interest x1 holding all other variables at their means/modes.
y <- rnorm(100)
x1 <- rnorm(100,10,30)
x2 <- rbinom(100,1,0.5)
x3 <- rbinom(100,1,0.5) <- npreg(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
The plots are exactly what I want but I cannot figure out how to generate them separately "by hand". In particular, I only want the first (of the three) output plots.

Apparantly, a detailed answer can be found in the help file for the npplot-routine with plot.behavior being the crucial argument.
For my example, plotting only the x1-graph could be done via:
nlmodel.plot <- plot(, plot.behavior="data")
y.eval <- fitted(nlmodel.plot$r1) #fit partial regression model for r1=airnoise <- se(nlmodel.plot$r1) #grab SE from botstrap <- y.eval +[,1] #lower CI <- y.eval +[,2] #upper CI
x1.eval <- nlmodel.plot$r1$eval[,1] #grab x1 values saved in plot$r1


Interaction plot

I am interested in representing an interaction effect among continuous variables in which the effect of one variable (X1) on Y depends on another variable (X2).
I have a code similar to this:
X1 <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
X2 <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
error <- rnorm(1000,0,0.5)
intercept <- 5
coef_1 <- 0.5
coef_2 <- 1
coef_3 <- -1.5
Y <- intercept + coef_1*X1 + coef_2*X2 + coef_3*X1*X2 + error
data <- data.frame(Y=Y,X1=X1,X2=X2)
fit <- lm(Y ~ X1*X2,data=data)
There are multiple ways to represent the interaction effect like 3D-plots and the interaction_plot(). However, I would like to have an output similar to this:
I had in mind to do it with the segments() function though any other advice would be helpful.

Regression Output from probitmfx

I am trying to produce a nice regression table for marginal effects & p-values from the probitmfx function, where p-values are reported under the marginal effect per covariate. An picture example of what I'd like it to look like is here Similar Output from Stata.
I tried the stargazer function, as suggested here but this does not seem to work if I don't have an OLS / probit.
data_T1 <- read_dta("xxx")
#specification (1)
T1_1 <- probitmfx(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=data_T1)
#specification (1)
T1_2 <- probitmfx(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data=data_T1)
#this is what I tried but does not work
table1 <- stargazer(coef=list(T1_1$mfxest[,1], T1_2$mfxest[,1]),
p=list(T1_2$mfxest[,4],T1_2$mfxest[,4]), type="text")
Any suggestions how I can design such a table in R?
You can probably use parameters package to produce a beautiful table:
# simulate some data
n <- 1000
x <- rnorm(n)
# binary outcome
y <- ifelse(pnorm(1 + 0.5 * x + rnorm(n)) > 0.5, 1, 0)
data <- data.frame(y, x)
mod <- probitmfx(formula = y ~ x, data = data)
HTML table to be used in Rmarkdown:

Random forest variable importance AND direction of correlation for binomial response

I am using the randomForest package in R, but am not partial to solutions using other packages.
my RF model is using various continuous and categorical variables to predict extinction risk (Threatened, Non_Threatened). I would like to be able to show the direction of variable importance for predictors used in my RF model. Other publications have done exactly this: Figure 1 in
Any ideas on how to do something similar? One suggestion I read said to simply compare the difference between two partial dependence plots (example below), but I feel this may not be the best way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
partialPlot(final_rf, rf_train, size_mat,"Threatened")
partialPlot(final_rf, rf_train, size_mat,"Non_Threatened")
response = Threatened
response = Non_Threatened
You could use something like an average marginal effect (or like below, an average first difference) approach.
First, I'll make some data
n = 200
p = 5
X = data.frame(matrix(runif(n * p), ncol = p))
yhat = 10 * sin(pi* X[ ,1] * X[,2]) +20 *
(X[,3] -.5)^2 + 10 * -X[ ,4] + 5 * -X[,5]
y = as.numeric((yhat+ rnorm(n)) > mean(yhat))
df <-,y))
Next, we'll estimate the RF model:
rf <- randomForest(as.factor(y) ~ ., data=df)
Net, we can loop through each variable, in each time through the loop, we're adding one standard deviation to a single x variable for all observations. In your approach, you could also change from one category to another for categorical variables. Then, we predict the probability of a positive response under both conditions - the original condition and the one with a standard deviation added to each variable. Then we could take the difference and summarize.
nx <- names(df)
nx <- nx[-which(nx == "y")]
res <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(nx)){
p1 <- predict(rf, newdata=df, type="prob")
df2 <- df
df2[[nx[i]]] <- df2[[nx[i]]] + sd(df2[[nx[i]]])
p2 <- predict(rf, newdata=df2, type="prob")
diff <- (p2-p1)[,2]
res <- rbind(res, c(mean(diff), sd(diff)))
colnames(res) <- c("effect", "sd")
rownames(res) <- nx
# effect sd
# X1 0.11079 0.18491252
# X2 0.10265 0.16552070
# X3 0.02015 0.07951409
# X4 -0.11687 0.16671916
# X5 -0.04704 0.10274836

Individual terms in prediction of linear regression

I performed a regression analyses in R on some dataset and try to predict the contribution of each individual independent variable on the dependent variable for each row in the dataset.
So something like this:
y <- rnorm(10)
m <- data.frame(v1=rnorm(10), v2=rnorm(10), v3=rnorm(10))
regr <- lm(formula=y~v1+v2+v3, data=m)
terms <- predict.lm(regr,m, type="terms")
In short: run a regression and use the predict function to calculate the terms of v1,v2 and v3 in dataset m. But I am having a hard time understanding what the predict function is calculating. I would expect it multiplies the coefficient of the regression result with the variable data. So something like this for v1:
But that gives different results compared to the predict function.
Own calculation:
0.55293884 0.16253411 0.18103537 0.04999729 -0.25108302 0.80717945 0.22488764 -0.88835486 0.31681455 -0.21356803
And predict function calculation:
0.45870070 0.06829597 0.08679724 -0.04424084 -0.34532115 0.71294132 0.13064950 -0.98259299 0.22257641 -0.30780616
The prediciton function is of by 0.1 or so Also if you add all terms in the prediction function together with the constant it doesn’t add up to the total prediction (using type=”response”). What does the prediction function calculate here and how can I tell it to calculate what I did with coefficients(regr)[2]*m$v1?
All the following lines result in the same predictions:
# our computed predictions
coefficients(regr)[1] + coefficients(regr)[2]*m$v1 +
coefficients(regr)[3]*m$v2 + coefficients(regr)[4]*m$v3
# prediction using predict function
# prediction using terms matrix, note that we have to add the constant.
terms_predict = predict.lm(regr,m, type="terms")
You can read more about using type="terms" here.
The reason that your own calculation (coefficients(regr)[2]*m$v1) and the predict function calculation (terms_predict[,1]) are different is because the columns in the terms matrix are centered around the mean, so their mean becomes zero:
# this is equal to terms_predict[,1]
# indeed, all columns are centered; i.e. have a mean of 0.
Hope this helps.
The function predict(...,type="terms") centers each variable by its mean. As a result, the output is a little difficult to interpret. Here's an alternative where each variable (constant, x1, and x2) is multiplied to its coefficient.
TLDR: pred_terms <- model.matrix(formula(mod$terms), testData) %*% diag(coef(mod))
### simulate data
nobs <- 50
x1 <- cumsum(rnorm(nobs) + 3)
x2 <- cumsum(rnorm(nobs) * 3)
y <- 2 + 2*x1 -0.5*x2 + rnorm(nobs,0,50)
df <- data.frame(t=1:nobs, y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2)
train <- 1:round(0.7*nobs,0)
rm(x1, x2, y)
trainData <- df[train,]
testData <- df[-train,]
### linear model
mod <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 , data=trainData)
### predict test set
test_preds <- predict(mod, newdata=testData)
### contribution by predictor
test_contribution <- model.matrix(formula(mod$terms), testData) %*% diag(coef(mod))
colnames(test_contribution) <- names(coef(mod))
all(round(apply(test_contribution, 1, sum),5) == round(test_preds,5)) ## should be true
### Visualize each contribution
test_contribution_df <-
test_contribution_df$pred <- test_preds
test_contribution_df$t <- row.names(test_contribution_df)
test_contribution_df$actual <- df[-train,"y"]
test_contribution_df_long <- pivot_longer(test_contribution_df, -t, names_to="variable")
ggplot(test_contribution_df_long, aes(x=t, y=value, group=variable, color=variable)) +
geom_line() +

R : Plotting Prediction Results for a multiple regression

I want to observe the effect of a treatment variable on my outcome Y. I did a multiple regression: fit <- lm (Y ~ x1 + x2 + x3). x1 is the treatment variable and x2, x3 are the control variables. I used the predict function holding x2 and x3 to their means. I plotted this predict function.
Now I would like to add a line to my plot similar to a simple regression abline but I do not know how to do this.
I think I have to use line(x,y) where y = predict and x is a sequence of values for my variable x1. But R tells me the lengths of y and x differ.
I think you are looking for termplot:
## simulate some data
x1 <- runif(100)
x2 <- runif(100)
x3 <- runif(100)
y <- cbind(1,x1,x2,x3) %*% runif(4) + rnorm(100, sd = 0.1)
## fit a model
fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
termplot(fit, se = TRUE, terms = "x1")
termplot uses predict.lm(, type = "terms") for term-wise prediction. If a model has intercept (like above), predict.lm will centre each term (What does predict.glm(, type=“terms”) actually do?). In this way, each terms is predicted to be 0 at the mean of the covariate, and the standard error at the mean is 0 (hence the confidence interval intersects the line at the mean).
