how to check weither aspnet profile variable is set OR not? -

I am using asnet membership.
There is a role named member. In root there is a site-visitor page, on that page in page load I want to check whether member is logged-In or not i.e. profile variable has set OR not.
How can I check that?
I gave search on google as well but failed to get correct answer.
i am setting profile like -
HttpContext.Current.Profile.SetPropertyValue("UserName", UserName);

If you need to find the logged user as you indicate I want to check whether member is logged-In or no
You can use HttpContext.User Property


Can I use Custom Claims to set a flag called 'disabled'?

When I register new users, can I use custom claims to set a flag for the created user? For ex. I want to set flag 'disabled' to False when the user is enabled and
to True when I block him.
I have read in many places people saying "don't save other information rather than user role in Custom claims" but why wouldn't it be a good idea to set this flag in Custom Claims? I understand Custom Claims doesn't hold much data but a flag wouldn't be a problem I guess.
I don't see anything wrong with it. Can someone help me out with a clarification?

Dynamic Access Control for entities in symfony 4

I try to manage the access rights for users to edit or view different articles.
Articles can be created dynamically and the rights should be editable for every article.
In my case, I have a User object and multiple other objects (Article, and more...).
I need to check if a User can read or write any kind of object.
I actually see there is a method Voters, but they only can manage User groups?
Can somebody help me?
A Voter can decide almost anything - usually it's based on a user's permission, but it doesn't have to be - I've used one as a 'feature flag' check, with a value fetched from a configuration, or database entry to show something - or not, as an example.
The page on voters has an example on viewing, or editing a database record (a Post entity, via a $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('edit', $post);.
In your instance, the voter would be passed the 'attribute', the object (Article, etc) you want to check on, and gets the current user from a service. If that user has the appropriate permission to read/edit/delete the Article or other object, it returns true.

MVC - how can I store a variable for the duration that a user is logged in

I have a project in MVC. I would like to save a variable and have it accessible as long as the user is logged in, to get it or set it.
The reason for this is that the application uses the information I would put in there, to get data. I now need to add admin functions so an admin can see more then only his own results, and therefore I would need to change this ID, depending on what result he wants to see.
I have tried using a session, but the problem I have with that is that when the user closes the website, and at a later time returns, he is still logged in, but the session variable is null.
I also tried to add a property to my base class. I was able to set it, but when I tried to get it in a different controller, the property was null as well.
What is the best/fastest/correct way to do this? I would prefer to not use the database for this, if possible.
What you are looking for is a "Session". On login you can just do
Session["Key"] = "Value";
And on logout you can empty the field
Session["Key"] = String.Empty;
You can read more about sessions here:

FOSUserBundle: Update entity after registration

In order to register, users have to select a their account name created by my moderators. That means that a moderators have to create an account name before the user registers.
To do so, I made a first entity, let's call it "Member", that has a field "account". Then I added to this entity the boolean field "bound" that is set to false by default.
What I want to do is to set this field "bound" to true when someone registers after he selected his account name and fill the FOSUserBundle required fields (username, passwords, email...).
I tried to follow the documentation of "overriding controllers", but I'm getting an error (You have requested a non-existent service "fos_user.registration.form".) and this is where I'm stucked.
Using controller events can maybe help me, but I do not know which is the best solution.
If anyone has a solution to my problem, I'll be really grateful.
You should used the controller event to hook after the registration process, and more specifically the
REGISTRATION_COMPLETED event (if I remember correctly). mvc 3 reset password by admin and force user to change it

I'm using Membership, I develop an admin page who can regenerate a temp password to send to the user, then when the user log on for first time, the password must be changed, but I cant figure out who to know if the password was reseted.
I tried something like in a base controller:
if (user.LastPasswordChangedDate >= user.LastLoginDate)
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("ChangePassword", "Account");
But, I already have updated the LastLoginDate because the ChangePassword Action need to be with a autenticated user.
I was thinking when reseting the password to lock/unlock the user to get updated the "LastLockoutDate" and do:
if (user.LastPasswordChangedDate >= user.LastLockoutDate)
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("ChangePassword", "Account");
But, I can't find a method to do manual lockout
There's a lot of things you could do, some would depend on how your system works. For instance, you could store a specific piece of data in the Comment field, if you're not using comments.
Or, if you don't use the "Approved" bit (that is, when you create new users you do not require them to validate an email or something, but instead create them with IsApproved set to true) then you can set IsApproved to False and force a password change if it's false.
There is no method to access much of this data in the Membership API, you just have to access it from you database.
You could also store this in the Personalization provider.
Another option is to simply avoid storing this in the Membership database, and instead just add a table or a field in your apps data to deal with this.
