url shows weird string - asp.net

I'm testing my asp.net website on my local server (Windows Server 2008, IIS 7.0.6), and when I type in just the IP address in my browser, e.g.,
it comes back like this:
The weird stuff between .0.5/ and /default.aspx changes every time I type in the ip and hit enter.
The content shows up correctly, but obviously there's a problem with the url.

Sounds like you might be using cookieless sessions.
Basically ASP.NET is storing your session id in the query string instead of storing it in a cookie. Looks gross, but allows you to use session state when someone does not accept cookies. You can read more here.

Guessing here - in your web.config file, you have set the sessionState cookieless attribute to UseUri or to true.
See the documentation on the sessionState element.

Seems like you Have Cookieless Sessions enabled. Below article illustrates the behavior:
MSDN - Cookie Less Sessions in ASP.NET
Changing the Setting in Web.Config can change the behavior:
<sessionState cookieless="true" />


Changing aspx website urls

I have a web site. URLs com/default.aspx form should appear. But when I click on the URL (com/(S (the hito5tqogutqn21tcn2mozjrr))/default.aspx) as it seems. How do I fix it. URLs with a random number itself is changing.
Check this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx
This is happening probably because (unless, you have specified explicitly to use the uri for session id management, which I think, is not the case) the browser does not allow cookies (either for your web site or for all) and Asp.Net detects this and appends the session id to the uri because otherwise your site would not be able to support sessions.
In fact, this is the most secure approach, allowing session state to be available even if the user had disabled cookies.
You can change this behaviour by specifying the following in your web.config file:
<sessionState cookieless="UseCookies" />
After that, you will not see the session Id in the Uri, but users whose browsers do not accept cookies from your web site will not be able to have a session state.
At this point, defining a privacy policy for your web site might help your cookies to be accepted by the browsers:

Session values are lost between calls

Due to an unknown reason, my website does not send ASP.NET_SessionId cookie to browser neither on local debugging IIS nor on deploying IIS, therefore my Session is always empty on each page. In IIS preferences 'Session state' is set to 'In process' (sorry, maybe not exact translation, I have localized IIS). Any ideas on this matter?
ADDITION 1: Well, I switched sessionState mode to <sessionState cookieless="UseUri" />. Url address in browser now contains (S(fn215g55r4kws155lbfaxf55)) tag, but Session property of the ASPX page is empty ANYWAY. So... my website is still sessionless without any obvious reason.
ADDITION 2. I created blank website on the same debug server and session cookie works okay there - values are persisted between calls. So, the problem is related to my main website or its web.config, I believe.
ADDITION 3. As mentioned #Damien_The_Unbeliever, the problem is really related to setting values. I do not know why, but session is completely ignores line Context.Session[promoCodeSessionKey] = (int?)promoCode.Id;. No cookie is send after this line. But if session is already created in another place and cookie is set, this line will work correctly.
ADDITION 4. I found the reason. See the answer below.
WOOHOO!! I found the reason! There was EnableSessionState="ReadOnly" directive in ASPX's <%# Page tag. Please pay attention, that a) because of this Session was not working on master page as well, and b) there are no exceptions!!

ASP MVC - Bunch of random characters in POST request route string

I am trying to log in to my own application, and i have discovered something strange. When I am sending a POST request to a login controller, it somehow redirects itself to a GET login controller, and displays login form with an action set to http://localhost:5898/(X(1)S(1tgv3m2psb2cxqaw4koiyhyt))/Account/Login. Now what the hell is this (X(1)S(1tgv3m2psb2cxqaw4koiyhyt)) thing? Why is it there, and what does it do? And on top of that, how do i get rid of it? I do not want it in there...
It appears that you have set the session provider in your web.config (or on IIS) to use a Cookieless session state. This is the session identifier for your session.
To get rid of it, you would need to change your sessionState element in your web.config to cookieless="false"
SessionState Web.Config element information
Those things are seen in asp.net when you disable cookie in your browser or your application settings. that is cookieless asp.net. you can start debugging your app from there.
hope it helps

Cookieless session from URL to QueryString

We're currently having an issue with cookieless sessions in ASP.NET, according to the documentation on MSDN here when you use AutoDetect:
ASP.NET determines whether the requesting browser or device supports cookies. If the requesting browser or device supports cookies, AutoDetect uses cookies to persist user data; otherwise, an identifier is used in the query string. If the browser or device supports cookies, but cookies are currently disabled, cookies are still used by the requesting feature.
Notice the query string part! Now if it were indeed added to the URL like &sessionId=yoursessionidhere it's all fine but actually what I get are URLs like this: http://yourserver/folder/(session ID here)/default.aspx.
So my question is: How would I configure ASP.NET to use the querystring (as it claims) instead of this URL defacing method?
I'm adding the config value we use in our web.config:
<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="20" />
Reading this resource here http://forums.asp.net/t/1480365.aspx/1 do you have the cookieless="UseUri" setting in the web.config - try deleting that from what I gather it may help! Do let me know!
Additionally it would probably be worth posting your config block in the question.
Ive done some more digging and found this post which covers the request handling in the source code for MVC - using the session id in the URL for routing looks to be baked in pretty deep - see the excepted answer code blocks Possible Bug With ASP.NET MVC 3 Routing?
I'll keep looking for you but this one has me stumped! I think you need to get this question in front of someone like Hanselmann, Haack or Skeet.

problem with aspx url

i m building website in asp.net
when i run my pages
i expect that my brower should display url like this
but instead of this it displays
what could be the reasons behind it,,might be coz i m trying to make sessions but if that is the case than how can i remove these long characters from the url
you have set it to use the url for sessions (cookieless) so this is the sessionid, you will see a line similar to the one vbelow, if you want to set the seesion back to cookies just remove the cookieless=true
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true"/>
This is because url is used to track session id instead of cookies. This setting is normally configured in web.config by the sessionState element. If you use cookieless="true" it will use urls. Set it to false and cookies will be used.
