Custom button for cocos2d - button

I was working on creating my custom "Button" class... Im not using CCMenuItems because I need some flexibility in my buttons.
My implementation is the following:
DMenuButton : CCSprite <CCTargetedTouchDelegate>
When created, the button receives a target and selector, and builds an NSInvocation. When touched, the invocation is called. I will use this buttons mainly to go from one layer to another.
The problem is that when going from a layer to the next, and then back to the previous, something strange occurs: either no sprites are loaded into the next view or an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error is thrown.
Can anyone help me with this?
PS: My theory is that it has to do with the NSInvocation and the "dealloc" method.
Am I doing something wrong?


Issues with wrapping PrismForms NavigationService

In PrismForms we got the problem, that the NavigationStack is empty after navigating to a new page. That means after using the hardware back-button on the SecondPage, the app is closed. Although the back-arrow in the header on Android isnt shown. If looking closely you can see the back-arrow for a short moment after the page is switched. I guess thats before the NavigationStack gets cleared.
To the first page we navigate with the following command in OnInitialized() in our App.xaml.cs which derives from PrismApplication.
(If only Navigating to „StartPage“ here, the Stack doesnt get cleared.)
That has do to with PageNavigationService.ProcessNavigationForNavigationPage(...) calling
bool clearNavStack = GetClearNavigationPageNavigationStack(currentPage); and PageNavigationService.ProcessNavigationForContentPage(...) not.
From the StartPage to the next we navigate with NavigateAsync("SecondPage")“. Here the described behaviour appears.
For navigation we use a class which wraps the Prism NavigationService. We hold him as a property and get him via Unity in our constructor:
this.PrismNavigation = prismNavigation ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(prismNavigation));
The methods „NavigateAsync“ and „GoBackAsync“, etc. we just pass through.
This way we want to seperate our ViewModel-Project from references to XamarinForms to later be able to use the same ViewModels for for example a WPF-GUI.
Why is the stack beeing cleared by our own NavigationService? If we register the original Prism NavigationService in App.xaml.cs instead, navigating back works as expected again. We found the point in the framework and could avoid the clearing with a drity hack, but that’s against the navigation-logic implemented in PrismForms, but we don’t understand how to do it the correct way.
Every help appreciated!
We edited a few things to get it working after finding some interesting information by Brian Lagunas in the forlast-post here:
Although the topic was about something else, it led to improvements for overwriting the Navigation Service.
Remember that in your viewModels the Navigation Service must be named "navigationService" by convention. Also we switched from just holding the Prism Navigation Service as a parameter to deriving from it as suggested in the link above.
public class MyNavigationService : UnityPageNavigationService

Flex: PopUpManager giving "...null object reference" error

I have a main application calling several ViewStack states, each with popup windows. If I don't open any popup windows, I can move between states fine. If I open a popup window then try to change the state using currentState=... I get the error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at spark.components::Scroller/focusInHandler()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\]
at flash.display::Stage/set focus()
at mx.core::UIComponent/setFocus() [E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
I see others having the same problem, for example here:
But I haven't figured out how to implement the recommended solution. It sounds like I should just include:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
inside my main application and it should work, but it doesn't work for me.
My application has each view state in a different file, each defined using <views:View>. Also, all of the popups are separate files defined as <s:TitleWindow>. Each file includes this line:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
I wonder if this means each file is using a different popup manager(?), when it's a singleton and only one should be used for the whole app (how to set that up?).
The code I use to call a popup is:
var _popupName:MyTitleWindowFileName = MyTitleWindowFileName(
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyTitleWindowFileName, true));
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_popupName); // call popup
Note that when the main application (the one defined as <s:Application>) runs, the ViewStack states have not been loaded yet (since they get loaded when they are used the first time). Not sure if that has any cause/effect here.
I've tried to follow Adobe's example code in the "Passing data to and from a Spark pop-up window" section here:
Any ideas much appreciated.
Based on your comments, it seems like the error occurs because the focus remains in the popup. I would expect the PopUpManager and FocusManager classes to handle this better.
One thing I can think of is that the FocusManager may be trying to handle this. But since the state changes, the item that originally had focus (in the view stack child, before the pop up was opened) may no longer be there when the view state changes. Just a hunch, w/out seeing your code.
Here's some things you can do to either work around the problem (or better) further debug it to understand what is happening:
Use FocusManager.setFocus() to move the focus back to an object in the view stack child before closing the pop up
Use FocusManager.getFocus() to debug and see where it thinks the focus is at various stages (before opening popup, before/after changing state, and before/after closing pop up).
It appears this is the situation I'm experiencing:
Adobe Air: scroller throws error when changes focus between different applications
It's an Adobe bug. Solution from Adobe is:
This bug is easily fixed by changing Scroller to do a null pointer check on focusManager before using it.
which is what the first link above attempts to do.
Another link:

Sometimes willHideViewController from UISplitViewControllerDelegate is not called

I have a problem.
My app is a tab bar controller and its first view controller is a split view controller.
This seems to be not ok for Apple because documents say a split voew controller must be the root, so perhaps that is the reason of my problems.
The problem is that sometimes, willHideViewController from UISplitViewControllerDelegate is not called, so, for this reason, the upper/left button sometimes is not created, which is anoying.
I realised, to reproduce this error, try several times this:
-Landscape mode.
-Select a tab different to split view controller tap.
-Move the iPad to portrait in that tab.
-Go to the split view controller tab, and sometimes, willHideViewController is not called so you will not see the upper button. However if I rotate my iPad to landscape and after that to portrait, it's fixed.
I tried to force manually several rotations to work around this problem, but no luck.
I still have to try any split view controller clone class from github or similar.
Do you have idea what's going on or any work around?
Here I show you two examples working properly.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Where do you set the splitViewControllers delegate? Perhaps you can set the delegate when you load the tab. It sounds like you set it only when you have rotated once?
Otherwise, see this example
Here they have the TableViewController be the delegate of the splitviewcontroller. Perhaps you could do the same with the TabBarController?
I've concluded that this can't be done in any way that I consider 'sufficiently' legitimate. It's possible to get frustratingly close, but the issue of having the willShow..., willHide disseminated to the split view controllers under each tab remains.
The solution that seems most likely to work is,
Though this code is undoubtedly clever, it's a bit too 'side door' for me. I suspect (but don't know) that just invoking the delegate methods is not sufficient. Surely the UISplitViewController itself needs to change it's internal state as well as calling the delegate methods? This method 'just' invokes the delegate methods when there's an orientation change.
So... I've decided on a more legitimate solution, which is to use the new method introduced in iOS 5.
- (BOOL) splitViewController:(UISplitViewController *)svc
shouldHideViewController:(UIViewController *)vc
return NO;
So, the master menu is never hidden, and therefore the problem of managing the popover doesn't arise.
Of course, this is still not totally 'legit' as it still includes UISplitViewControllers that are not at the top level (the UITabViewController is at the top level, and the split views are on each tab)
Good luck with whichever solution you choose.
I'll update this reply when I've confirmed Apple will approve an app using this solution.

iPad Split View App - DetailViewController Methods Never Called

I'm using a fresh iPad split-view template application in Xcode. I've added a sample data array and the data shows up just fine in the Popover view. However, when it's tapped, it doesn't call any methods from DetailViewController.m (setDetailItem in particular) like I'd expect it to.
Am I missing something here?
(I'm not sure what code I should post for this particular question, so I'll wait on you guys to ask for it.)
Thanks SO much in advance!
To troubleshoot this issue, you should check the method called didSelectRowAtIndexPath in the delegate for the table view. I remember that was called RootViewController by default and exists in the RootViewController.m file.
It should call the setDetailItem method. Check if it does so.
Posting the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method body here will help better.

IOErrorEvent Eluding Capture

I'm working on a Flex application that processes and displays small amounts of HTML, sometimes including images. I'm getting the HTML out of third-party RSS feeds. Sometimes, I see this in a pop-up window:
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
The RSS URL is just fine, but there's apparently something in the downloaded HTML that's causing a problem. Since the application is meant to run as part of a non-interactive digital sign, anything that requires a click to continue is completely unacceptable. I don't care how useless or malformed a URL is; the app needs to ignore the problem without pestering the user.
Unfortunately, I'm having no luck trapping this event. I'm sprinkling calls like this liberally through the code:
[object].addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError);
... where [object] is everything from the mx:Text object rendering the HTML to its mx:Canvas parent to the mx:Application top-level app, and handleIOError is a simple function that looks like this:
private function handleIOError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
trace ("IO error occurred: " + event);
But so far, nothing; that bloody error keeps popping up in the Flash player. Does anybody have any insight as to where I'm going wrong?
Make sure you are putting the event on the right object. I haven't done a whole lot of remote loading in Flex, but in Flash, a hilarious and annoying quirk is that when you use the Loader class to load images, the object you need to put event handlers on is NOT the Loader itself, but a property of the loader called contentLoaderInfo.
Read the docs carefully on the objects you are using, a similar pitfall might be at play.
IOErrorEvent is not bubbled so you cant catch or control it if someone else is implementing it.
Please find out which third party component you are using and try to get source if its open source or read some documentation or ask support guys on how to turn off this alert.
For example, if I made RSS component for flex and on error if I displayed the alert, if you use my component, whatever you can do you cant turn off my error alert unless i have provided you a boolean switch to turn it off. So this is really a problem with who has written the code for this alert box. Whatever you do you will not be able to turn this thing off. Except reverse engineer, change the code and recompile it, but it should be legal.
