Report-bulk-objects in Adobe Connect - adobe

I would like to get a list of meetings on the server however when i do a replacing the domain with my connect domain i get an access denied response. I am signed in to the connect work space and I am in the admin group. What could be the cause of this?
<status code="no-access" subcode="denied"/>

This should work if you're in the admin group, logged in, and submitting the request from the same browser that's logged in. You might try adding the session parameter to your request ("&session=breez123abc456def")
The value of the parameter must be that of the BREEZESESSION cookie set by the Connect server on your authenticated session. One of several ways to discover that is with the common-info API method: It'll be in the /results/common/cookie element.
If this still isn't working, check the debug.log on the server(s) for the failing request; there should be additional information there.


HTTP Connector in Microsoft Power Automate - Login against Azure AD app registration on behalf of user not working

I hope you are doing fine :)
I have the following problem/problems.
I have created a dummy (robot) user. In Azure AD there is an App Registration with some Power BI delegated permission services.
I want to automate the deletion of a push dataset via a HTTP request.
For this, I need to authenticate against that App Registration from Azure AD. With postman, everything worked perfectly, I got the token as a response.
Then, I tried to make the same request using the HTTP connector in PowerAutomate.
I get the following error
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'grant_type'.\r\nTrace ID: e6d68953-ce1c-4217-856c-ae3aada82e00\r\nCorrelation ID: f50db4d9-d5bb-4396-af11-214717721f43\r\nTimestamp: 2022-10-26 19:12:48Z","error_codes":[900144],"timestamp":"2022-10-26 19:12:48Z","trace_id":"e6d68953-ce1c-4217-856c-ae3aada82e00","correlation_id":"f50db4d9-d5bb-4396-af11-214717721f43","error_uri":""}
The connector looks like this->
I have tried other ways as well.
The following error ->
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.\r\nTrace ID: fec65949-0701-4727-af3b-2c2b8eb73a00\r\nCorrelation ID: 42c6c04b-98be-477d-8d36-52a01a473a40\r\nTimestamp: 2022-10-26 19:23:50Z","error_codes":[50126],"timestamp":"2022-10-26 19:23:50Z","trace_id":"fec65949-0701-4727-af3b-2c2b8eb73a00","correlation_id":"42c6c04b-98be-477d-8d36-52a01a473a40","error_uri":""}
I get from the the next HTTP connector inputs. I tried creating a query out of the previous json. It says the username or password are invalid but I logged in successfully for a number of times with those exact credentials. That I am sure of.
The dummy inputs in the picture are used to avoid the real ids, username and password.
This worked for me ...
Add a header setting Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and add the URL form encoded content string like thus ...
If you're using the password grant type approach, you shouldn't need a client secret, just the client ID.

Oracle's WDB_GATEWAY_LOGOUT does not work in mozilla browser

I have a PL/SQL application which has a log out button with following code being executed when log out button is clicked:
-- Open the HTTP header
owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE, NULL);
-- Send a cookie to logout
owa_cookie.send('WDB_GATEWAY_LOGOUT', 'YES', path=>'/');
-- Close the HTTP header
-- Generate the page
htp.p('You have been logged off from the WEBSITE');
htp.p('click here to log in');
It works perfect when using internet explorer, however when I use mozzila when I log back in I am still logged in as previous user. Has anyone else been in this situation? How can I make this work for mozilla as well?
I got this code from oracle documentation page:
Thanks in advance!
I've found it best to set and unset your own session cookie. Then use owa_custom to verify the cookie.
In the dad.config file add:
PlsqlAuthenticationMode CustomOwa
Then create a package in your schema: called owa_custom and add one function inside: owa_custom.authorize
owa_custom.authorize will be called before each web invocation. You can check your session cookie and if you want to allow the web call return true. To block, return false and the user will get a 403 forbidden.
Then if you like you can write a custom 403 forbidden page and redirect to your login page.
Just know that in 12C, mod_plsql is going away and you'll need to use the Oracle Rest Listener. The same functionality exists there. Things just have different names.

Not able to get nJupiter.DataAccess.Ldap work with our Internal LDAP (Lotus Domino)

I've tried everything possible, to setup nJupiter.DataAccess.Ldap as the membership provider on our intranet based web application built using 3.5.
Challenges I am facing:
Not able to authenticate the user using the default login webpart (says Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again)
I tried this code and I receive a COMException : "There is no such object on the server."
var ldapMembershipUser = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser("username") as LdapMembershipUser;
if (ldapMembershipUser != null)
var givenName = ldapMembershipUser.Attributes["givenName"];
I have placed my web.config and the nJupiter.DataAccess.Ldap.config here:
web.config :
nJupiter.DataAccess.Ldap.config :
I have tried all possible permutations and combinations for different values in the XML and i am not able to take it forward. Please guide. I just am not able to connec to the LDAP and authenticate the user or even search for users.
Just looking at your config is unlikely to be enough since I don't know your Domino server's confguration, so my answer isn't an attempt to fix your problem. It's an attempt to teach you how I would approach it if it were my problem. Here's what I do to troubleshoot connections and queries from code to Domino LDAP:
Configure the Domino LDAP server for logging the highest level of debug information with the notes.ini setting LDAPDEBUG=7. See this IBM technote for more info.
Use an LDAP client and figure out how to successfully connect to the Domino LDAP server. I like the free Softerra client for this. Check the logs and save off the info from your successful connection.
Now run your code and compare what you see in the logs against the successful connection.
If the code is making it past authentication but failing on the query, then find the actual query in the log, go back to your LDAP client, figure out what the query should have been, and adjust your code's configuration appropriately.

ACS - bypassing user redirection to IdP?

I have only recently been looking into ACS, AAL, WAAD and I would like to avoid redirecting users to the login page of their IDP. I want to keep my users within my site and present them with a dropdown to choose who they wish to authenticate with and an area to request a username and password, then acquire token via code. Is this possible?
I have been reviewing some sample applications and produce a quick mock-up, but cant seem to get things working e.g.
_authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
string enteredEmailDomain = UserNameTextbox.Text.Substring(UserNameTextbox.Text.IndexOf('#') + 1);
IList<IdentityProviderDescriptor> idpdList = _authContext.GetProviders("");
foreach (IdentityProviderDescriptor idpd in idpdList)
if (String.Compare(ServiceRealmDropDownList.SelectedValue, idpd.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
Credential credential;
credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential(enteredEmailDomain, UserNameTextbox.Text, PasswordTextbox.Text);
_assertionCredential = _authContext.AcquireToken("", idpd, credential);
Using the code above, when I try to use the Windows Azure Active Directory User (admin), i get the error "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." where I attempt to acquiretoken.
When I use Google, I get an error "0x8010000C: No identity provider matches the requested protocol".
If there is a working sample? if I am doing something obviously wrong, I would appreciate the correction.
This is not supported for passive identity providers. IdPs like Google, Facebook, etc. don't want other people collecting credentials for them, as this leads to security issues and possible phishing attacks. They also don't support it because they need to be able to show a permission dialog (that screen that asks the user if they want to release data to you) which they can't do without the browser redirecting to them. Furthermore, Google in particular supports two-factor auth, which you couldn't replicate, and generally collecting credentials opens up whole cans of worms around other UI problems such as incorrect or forgotten passwords.
This is also generally a bad user experience, because your users are fairly likely to already be logged in to Google and have cookies there. If so, and if they've already consented to your app, they would just be silently redirected back to you. In your scenario, even if the user is already logged in they'd still have to provide a username/password.
The correct way to do these sorts of logins is to render a browser control in your app that allows the user to log in at their IdP, which is what AAL helps with.
I had the same error, executing a powerscript solved that error
PS C:\windows\system32> $replyUrl = New-MsolServicePrincipalAddresses
PS C:\windows\system32> New-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalNames
#("") -DisplayName
"MyDomain Namespace" -Addresses $replyUrl
But i'm stuck anyway with a 403 permission error
If you get any further i would like to know how :)

webdriver not returning all cookies

I am trying to test a scenario where an http request is ran to login to a site using username and password and on success it redirects to also creates session cookies of its own which I am able to view in the Firefox browser manually.
However when I am trying to retrieve all cookies using Selenium Webdriver, it is just returning the cookies that belong to the present domain.
I am using the following code:
Set <Cookie> allCookies=driver.manage().getCookies();
Iterator <Cookie> itr=allCookies.iterator();"Cookie Size--->"+driver.manage().getCookies().size());
Cookie;"Cookie Domain--->"+c.getDomain()+"Cookie Name---"+c.getName()+"Cookie Value---"+c.getValue());
Please let me know if there is any other way to retrieve all the cookies.
