Creating a report showing record details with VS2010 -

Is there a way I can design a report (using VS2010, ASP.Net), which will list customers in the following format:
Id: 1
Name: Joe Bloggs
Address:Address 1
Id: 2
Name: Steve Brown
Address:Address 2
Can I have such a format?

Yes, use List to iterate through each record and add the item template for each employee.
In your case you should group your list by the EmplyeeID field, that will make each ListItem show a single record of an Employee.
Inside the List place: 5 labels for each field, e.g. ID, Name etc..
Next to each label place a text box and attach it to the DataSet fields provided by the list element.
here is an example for you: Using Lists - MSDN


Table with self relation overwriting itself

I am having an issue with a table with self relations lets call it Table1
I created a table with two fields Id and name
Then i created a one to many relation from this Table1 to Table1 where one parent record can have many child records
Then i created a page lets call it Page1
This page has an insert for where you enter the name and select a parent record
This issue is that when i create a record and select a parent record. the first time i reload the application it takes the parent and makes the parent of that parent the child record.
Example I enter the following data in the insert form
Id Name Parent
1 USA No Selection
2 Canada No Selection
3 Houston USA
4 Toronto Canada
5 Minute Maid Houston
This goes fine, but when I refresh the application the data changes to
Id Name Parent
1 USA Houston
2 Canada Toronto
3 Houston Minute Maid
4 Toronto Canada
5 Minute Maid Houston
if i change it back it stays correct until i make a new entry then the issue repeats. Any ideas on what is causing this issue?

When adding a related row through a FactBox more... link, the new row is not linked to the parent. Bug or am I missing something?

I'm working through the Veterinary example (see below) for Dynamics AX 2012 and have created a FactBox that shows all the pets of the currently selected customer. I've previously added a form that allows new pets to be added and linked that form to a new button on the ribbon bar.
When I open that form through the ribbon bar adding a new pet works. When I click the "more..." link in the FactBox the same form is displayed but adding a new pet then, fails to link the pet to the customer.
Is this a bug/shortcoming in AX? Or am I missing something?
EDIT: The example consists of creating 3 tables: Species (SpeciesID, Name), Breed (BreedId, SpeciesId, Name) and Pet (CustomerAccount, SpeciesID, BreedId, Gender, Name). Then producing forms to edit those three tables and finally linking everything to the customer form (accounts payable)
Make sure the Data source is specified on the New menubutton

symfony fields relating to each entity

I am displaying a list of purchase orders and each "line item" corresponding to it so its basically nested in a table.
PO# | Item | Qty Ordered | Qty Received |
123 20 [form Field]
345 10 [form field]
232 5 [form field]
What I am trying to do is provide a single (unmapped) field for each line item called "quantity received" which the user will type a number in there and save the form. I currently setup my code to have a few collection types nested. For example, my initial FormType starts with my user. Then users have "PurchaseOrders" so I add a collection type of "PurchaseOrders" (PurchaseOrderType), then inside that PurchaseOrderType I have a collectiontype of PurchaseOrderItems (PurchaseOrderItemType) (these are the line items). In that form type I have a single unmapped field called "quantityReceived" (NumberType).
Everything seems to work fine with the form except I dont have a way to place the correct field in the correct row in the table. In my template I have a nested loop to loop through my PurchaseOrders and their corresponding PurchaseOrderItems for the purpose of displaying data in the table shown below. How can I render the correct form field in line with the data I am already displaying? The problem is that collections create field names using sequential index numbers starting with [0], so that does not correspond to the ID of the "PurchaseOrderItem" so as I am looping through each PurchaseOrderItem i feel like I dont have a reliable way to select the correct form field to place into that row.
So it seems that I have resolved this issue by instead of looping through my entities, I loop through my form instead and access the necessary variables for display purposes by using form.fieldName.vars.value.[propertyName]

Enter data in mother table using data from child tables

Hi all,
I have 3 tables in an access 2010 database:
Crew: CrewID; Name; Adres;...
Voyage: VoyageId; Voyage name; Departure harbour; Arrival harbour
Crewlist: CrewlistId, VoaygeId, CrewId, Rank
The VoaygeId and CrewId from the Crewlist table are linked (relation) to the autonumber ID's from tables 2 and 1.
My first and main question is: Upon boarding everyone has to ‘sign in’ selecting the voyage and there name, and assign them a roll (of to be donde by the responsible officer). How can I make a form that lets the users browse through the voyagenames and crewnames in stead of the ID’s uses in the ‘mother’ table (table 3: Crewlist)
2nd question: how can I make sure that someone isn’t enrolled twice for the same voyage (adding same voyagenumber and same crewId number in crewlist). This would preferably be blocked upon trying to add the same person a second time on a voyage.
To prevent duplicates in Crewlist, add a unique index to the table on both CrewId and VoyageId
It would be a good idea to add relationships and enforce referential integrity
You are now in a position to use the wizards to create a form based on Voyage and a subform based on CrewList with a combobox based on Crew
There are a number of refinements you could add.
Make sure you do not use reserved words like Name and do not put spaces in field names. You will thank yourself later.
See also create form to add records in multiple tables

Need help regarding a specific type of report design by ssrs

i want to show one master and one detail data.
master data from sale table and detail data from phone table
there is no relation between two table only one field is common in two table that is country code.
in the first page i want to show data regarding UK like
UK details it is title country wise
Total Sale : 112300 Diag sale: 1300 Reman sale : 10000
Caller Name incomming call out going call call transfer
---------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----------------
keith 5 5 2
john 3 2 1
sam 8 4 5
in the next page same data will come but USA data will show. so in this way country specific data will show in each page.
i am new in ssrs so i am not getting any idea how to design this report with ssrs
my store will supply data and it will take only one parameter like country code. if i pass country code like 'GB,US,DE' then my sp will return two result set first result set will fetch data from sale table for country GB,US and DE like
total_sale, diag_sale, Reman_Sale, countrycode
112300 1300 10000 GB
10200 1200 4700 US
4200 1500 5600 DE
first result will look like above output
second result set will look like
callername incommingcall outgoingcall calltransfer countrycode
keith 5 5 5 GB
john 3 2 1 US
sam 8 4 5 DE
so discuss in detail how could i design this type of report with ssrs.
Good Morning,
In addition to anakulk's solution, you could display detail records using a sub report. You would create the master report which contains the data from your sales table. You would create another report that is based on the phone table.
On the master report, you would insert a sub report, select the report you built based on the phone table, and link it using the country code. This way, whenever you have the UK sales information displaying, the sub report will display the details from the phone table that have UK in the country code field.
Do you know about Datasets?
If yes then then in dataset query you can join two tables to get whatever you want on report.
Now on report:-
1)You can take a tablix
2)In that tablix ,on first row you can write expression for displaying CountryName
3)on second row of tablix, you can put "Total Sale : 112300 Diag sale: 1300 Reman sale : 10000 "
4)and finally on 4th row you can put the details fields.
5)You have make a row group ,group by CountryCode.
This just a brief idea..I hope this will help you a bit to atleast start..
