SQLITE query to desire results - sqlite

I have the table in the format (CUSTOMER) (FIG 1.1)
TKLK LONE 09:19:16 1 2
TKLK LONE 09:22:11 4 6
TKLK LONE 09:32:46 2 7
TKLK LONE 09:32:46 4 9
TKLK LONE 10:09:36 1 3
and if i run the ( SELECT strftime('%H:%M', end, '-9 minutes') || ' - ' || strftime('%H:%M', end ) AS time_slot FROM end_times ) it gives the correct output as (FIG - 1.2)
09:19 - 09:28
09:29 - 09:38
09:39 - 09:48
09:49 - 09:58
09:59 - 10:08
10:09 - 10:18
Can you guide how to map these two tables, let`s say the the records in CUSTOMER table should be summed up for adult and adult_f column with( FIG 1.2 to FIG 1.1 )
5 8 09:19 - 09:28
6 16 09:29 - 09:38
0 0 09:39 - 09:48
0 0 09:49 - 09:58
0 0 09:59 - 10:08
1 3 10:09 - 10:18
Kindly guide me a solution, thanks for your time.

First, we have to get the start/end times in a format that we can easily compare (we can combine them later):
SELECT strftime('%H:%M', end, '-9 minutes') AS slot_start,
strftime('%H:%M', end ) AS slot_end
FROM end_times
Then we can join this to the CUSTOMER table, while ignoring the seconds:
FROM (SELECT strftime('%H:%M', end, '-9 minutes') AS slot_start,
strftime('%H:%M', end ) AS slot_end
FROM end_times)
ON substr(END_TIME_OF_SERVICE, 1, 5) BETWEEN slot_start AND slot_end
Finally, we group by the slot to get the sums per slot. I'm using total instead of sum to get a zero for NULL values:
slot_start || ' - ' || slot_end
FROM (SELECT strftime('%H:%M', end, '-9 minutes') AS slot_start,
strftime('%H:%M', end ) AS slot_end
FROM end_times)
ON substr(END_TIME_OF_SERVICE, 1, 5) BETWEEN slot_start AND slot_end
GROUP BY slot_start


Display hourly based data for 24 hour in SQL Server

I want to display the hourly based report for the last 24 hour. I have tried but the problem is that it will display count only where particular hour contains data.
But I want to display count for an hour and if count not found then display 0 over there.
datepart(hour, upload_date) as [hour], count(*)
upload_date > getdate() - 1
group by
datepart(hour, upload_date)
hour count
11 2
16 1
17 1
but I want to get a record in the following way.
hour count
1 0
2 0
3 5
24 1
You can use a value() clause to generate all the hours and then use left join:
select v.hh, count(s.upload_date)
from (values (0), (1), . . . (23)
) v(hh) left join
tbl_stories s
on datepart(hour, s.upload_date) = v.hh and
s.upload_date > getdate() - 1
group by v.hh
order by v.hh;
Note that hours go from 0 to 23.
If you don't want to list out the hours, a convenient generation method is a recursive CTE:
with hours as (
select 1 as hh
union all
select hh + 1
from hours
where hh < 23
select h.hh, count(s.upload_date)
from hours h
tbl_stories s
on datepart(hour, s.upload_date) = h.hh and
s.upload_date > getdate() - 1
group by h.hh
order by h.hh;

Oracle Timestamp based calculation on every day using Two datetime column

I have a table that contains two time stamp t1(event open date) and t2(event close date) and a primary key eventid.
If event is open then t2 will be null whenever even gets closed the same row will be get updated with event closure date t2.
For example I want to check how many issues are open on every day bases on opened date (t1) from 01-apr-2016 to 10-apr-2016.
I have to calculate how many events are open for every day based on a selected date range.
Lets say if eventid 1 has got opened on 1st-APR and got closed on 10th-APR and I am calculating the number of opened issues for every day on 11th-APR then it should give me number of open event 1 from 1st-APR to 10th-APR.
Table Structure:-
1 01-apr-2016 10-apr-2016
2 02-apr-2016 08-apr-2016
3 05-apr-2016 09-apr-2016
Expected Output:-
01-apr-2016 1
02-apr-2016 2(1 issue open on 1st(not closed on 2nd) and 1 on 2nd)
03-apr-2016 2
04-apr-2016 2
05-apr-2016 3
06-apr-2016 3
07-apr-2016 3
08-apr-2016 2(1 issue got closed on 8th(which was opened on 2nd))
09-apr-2016 2
10-apr-2016 0
How to do this kind of calculation in Oracle database ?
In order to generate the end report, you need a row for each date in your desired range. You could either use a calendar table, if available, or I find using a query on DUAL using CONNECT BY LEVEL < some_number works well to generate rows on the fly. (In this case "some_number" will be the number of days you want to report on.)
From there, you just need to join the individual dates to the date ranges in your event table:
-- create table "events" table
create table event_date_ranges
select 1 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-10', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
union all
select 2 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-08', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
union all
select 3 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-09', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
date_range_qry as
(-- one way to set the start and end dates for your report
select TO_DATE('2016-APR-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as report_start_date
, TO_DATE('2016-APR-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as report_end_date
from dual
, dates_qry
-- generate a row for all dates between 2016-APR-01 and 2016-APR-10
select report_start_date + ROWNUM - 1 as report_date
from dual
cross join
date_range_qry drq
connect by level <= (drq.report_end_date - drq.report_start_date + 1)
select dq.report_date, count(edr.event_id) as total_open_events
from dates_qry dq
left outer join
event_date_ranges edr
on dq.report_date >= edr.start_date
and dq.report_date < edr.end_date
group by dq.report_date
order by dq.report_date
2016-APR-01 1
2016-APR-02 2
2016-APR-03 2
2016-APR-04 2
2016-APR-05 3
2016-APR-06 3
2016-APR-07 3
2016-APR-08 2
2016-APR-09 1
2016-APR-10 0
You can try this:
create table events_log
select 1 as event_id, TO_DATE('01-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('10-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
union all
select 2 as event_id, TO_DATE('02-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('08-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
union all
select 3 as event_id, TO_DATE('05-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('09-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
select v.REPORT_DATE, count(t.EVENT_ID) as open_event
from events_log t,
(select to_date('01/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') + ROWNUM - 1 as report_date
from dual
connect by level <= (to_date('11/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') -
to_date('01/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') + 1)) v
where t.T1(+) <= v.report_date
and t.T2(+) >= v.report_date
group by v.report_date
order by v.report_date;
Output will be:
report_date open_event
01/04/2016 1
02/04/2016 2
03/04/2016 2
04/04/2016 2
05/04/2016 3
06/04/2016 3
07/04/2016 3
08/04/2016 3
09/04/2016 2
10/04/2016 1
11/04/2016 0

Group by function column

I'm writing a query like this...
select to_char(e_date, 'MON/YYYY') as Month , location_code, count(employee_number) from...
Now I want to group by Month and Location_code. so how to use to_char(e_date, 'MON/YYYY') as Month in group by clause?
select to_char(vheda.e_date, 'MON/YYYY') as Months , hla.location_code, count(vheda.employee_number) emp_count from
virtu.virt_hr_emp_daily_attendance vheda
inner join per_all_people_f papf on vheda.party_id = papf.party_id
inner join per_all_assignments_f paaf on papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
inner join hr_locations_all hla on paaf.location_id = hla.location_id
where (trunc(sysdate) between PAPF.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and PAPF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE)
--and (vheda.e_in_time is not null)
and vheda.e_duration <> 0
and vheda.e_date between '1-aug-2014' and '31-oct-2014'
group by hla.location_code, vheda.e_date
order by vheda.e_date
OUT PUT WHEN USE GROUP BY CLAUSE group by to_char(vheda.e_date, 'MON/YYYY'), hla.location_code:
ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
00979. 00000 - "not a GROUP BY expression"
Error at Line: 58 Column: 37
select to_char(e_date, 'MON/YYYY') as Month , location_code, count(employee_number)
from ...
group by to_char(e_date, 'MON/YYYY'), location_code
You need to group by To_char(vheda.e_date, 'MON/YYYY') and hla.location_code.
SELECT To_char(vheda.e_date, 'MON/YYYY') AS Months,
Count(vheda.employee_number) emp_count
FROM virtu.virt_hr_emp_daily_attendance vheda
inner join per_all_people_f papf
ON vheda.party_id = papf.party_id
inner join per_all_assignments_f paaf
ON papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
inner join hr_locations_all hla
ON paaf.location_id = hla.location_id
WHERE ( Trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN PAPF.effective_start_date AND
PAPF.effective_end_date )
--and (vheda.e_in_time is not null)
AND vheda.e_duration <> 0
AND ( Trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN PAAF.effective_start_date AND
PAAF.effective_end_date )
AND vheda.e_date BETWEEN '1-aug-2014' AND '31-oct-2014'
GROUP BY To_char(vheda.e_date, 'MON/YYYY'),
ORDER BY vheda.e_date
For example, let's see the same with EMP table,
SQL> SELECT To_char(hiredate, 'MON/YYYY') AS Months,
2 deptno,
3 Count(empno) emp_count
4 FROM emp
5 GROUP BY To_char(hiredate, 'MON/YYYY'),
6 deptno
7 /
-------- ---------- ----------
DEC/1980 20 1
JUN/1981 10 1
NOV/1981 10 1
MAY/1987 20 1
FEB/1981 30 2
MAY/1981 30 1
DEC/1981 30 1
JAN/1982 10 1
SEP/1981 30 2
DEC/1981 20 1
APR/1981 20 1
APR/1987 20 1
12 rows selected.
select EXTRACT(MONTH FROM e_date)||'/'|| EXTRACT(Year FROM e_date) as months , location_code, count(employee_number)
FROM ...
group by EXTRACT(MONTH FROM e_date)||'/'|| EXTRACT(Year FROM e_date), location_code
You can also use EXTRACT function in GROUP BY clause..
i hope it helps..

SQLite count(*) in while clause

I have a calendar table in which there are all the dates in the future and a workday field:
fld_date / fld_workday
2014-01-01 / 1
2014-01-02 / 1
2014-01-03 / 0
I want select a date which are n workday far from another date. I tried two ways, but i failed:
The 5th workday from 2014-11-07:
SELECT n1.fld_date FROM calendar as n1 WHERE n1.fld_workday=1 AND
(select count(*) FROM calendar as n2 WHERE n2.fld_date>='2014-11-07' AND n2.fld_workday=1)=5
It gave back 0 row.
SELECT fld_date FROM calendar WHERE fld_date>='2014-11-07' AND fld_workday=1 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 5
It's ok, but i would like to change the 5 days constant to a field, and it's cannot (it would be inside a bigger select statement):
SELECT fld_date FROM calendar WHERE fld_date>='2014-11-07' AND fld_workday=1 LIMIT 1 OFFSET fld_another_field
Any suggestion?
In the first query, the subquery does not refer to the row in n1.
You need a correlated subquery:
SELECT fld_Date
FROM Calendar AS n1
WHERE fld_WorkDay = 1
FROM Calendar AS n2
WHERE fld_Date BETWEEN '2014-11-07' AND n1.fld_Date
AND fld_WorkDay = 1
) = 5
The subquery is extremly inefficient if there is no index on the fld_Date column.
You can avoid executing the subquery for every row in n1 by adding another condition with an estimate of the result date (assuming that there are between about four to five work days per week, and using a few extra days to be sure):
WHERE fldDate BETWEEN date('2014-11-07', (5 * 4/7 - 10) || ' days')
AND date('2014-11-07', (5 * 5/7 + 10) || ' days')
AND fldWorkDay = 1

SQL Group Distinct Count

I have the following table
User ID Start Date End Date
John Doe Mar 11 2011 May 28 2011
Robret S Mar 21 2011 Jun 29 2011
Tina T Feb 01 2011 August 20 2011
I want to show how many people I have available for the past 6 months, even if the month has no people. How can this be possible. I know I have to do grouping and use distinct count.
Expected Output:
February = 1 Resource
March = 3 Resources
April = 3 Resources
May = 3 Resources
June = 2 Resources
July = 1 Resource
August = 1 Resource
With Calendar As
Select Cast('20110501' As DateTime) As [Date]
Union All
Select DateAdd(m,-1,[Date])
From Calendar
Where [Date] > DateAdd(m,-5,'20110501')
Select DateName(m, C.Date) + ' ' + Cast(Year(C.Date) As char(4))
, Case Count(*)
When 1 Then Cast(Count(*) As varchar(10)) + ' Resource'
Else Cast(Count(*) As varchar(10)) + ' Resources'
From Calendar As C
Left Join MyTable As T
On C.Date Between T.StartDate And T.EndDate
Group By C.Date
December 2010 | 1 Resource
January 2011 | 1 Resource
February 2011 | 1 Resource
March 2011 | 1 Resource
April 2011 | 3 Resources
May 2011 | 3 Resources
You will need the existing data records for the last 6 months, so that you can merge the two sets of data. You can generate the last 6 months in a CTE and do a left join with your data. That will allow you to show the last 6 months even if you have no data.
I don't think you can do what you want using a "simple" select statement (even using GROUPing etc.) The following is off the top of my head, so you'll have to experiment with it a little, and preferably read Joe Celko's excellent SQL for Smarties book.
You need to create a second table that contains all of your months (start/end dates). You only need one table for all types of similar queries, and it must contain all the months in the date ranges your interested in querying:
CREATE TABLE months (id, start DATE, end DATE);
INSERT INTO months (id, start, end)
values ( (1, 2011-01-01, 2011-01-31),
(2, 2011-02-01, 2011-02-28), ...);
You then LEFT OUTER JOIN from your user table to this month table. That will give you a row for each user for each month they were available, which you can GROUP as required:
SELECT months.id, COUNT(user.id)
ON user.start_date < months.end
AND user.end_date > months.start
GROUP BY months.id;
Hope that helps.
WITH resources AS (
Date = DATEADD(month, v.number, [Start Date])
FROM atable t
INNER JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v ON v.type = 'P'
AND v.number BETWEEN 0 AND DATEDIFF(month, t.[Start Date], t.[End Date])
Month = DATENAME(month, Date),
ResourceCount = CAST(COUNT(*) AS varchar(30)) +
CASE COUNT(*) WHEN 1 THEN ' Resource' ELSE ' Resources' END
FROM resources
GROUP BY YEAR(Date), MONTH(Date), DATENAME(month, Date)
