R function zip(utils) doesn't work on my machine - r

I would like to use the zip(utils) function, unzip function works fine, however, call zip e.g. zip ("out", "file.txt") does not return the file ("out.zip") to the working directory and R does not return any message at all - any error message and no massage about successful compression - if compression is successful R returns info such as "deflate - 40%." I checked various R versions and files - zip still doesn't work. On another computers, everything works fine. I have Windows XP. Furthermore, when I type the wrong name of the zip file to compress e.g. zip("out", "this_file_doesnt_exist.txt") R does not return any error at all ! I don't know much about computers, what should I check ? what could be problem in my case ? I turned off antivirus that didn't help.

You can use gzip from the package R.utils
df <- data.frame(x=10)
write.csv(df, file="x1.csv")
> dir()
[1] "x1.csv.gz"

For those reading this on 2020:
Install Rtools (https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) and follow the documentation steps.
Then Zip command will wokr on Windows 10 machines.

For Windows 10 Users: While the abovementioned Rtools approach did not work for me in the context of zip() {utils}, package {zip} (package description) works fine without installing Rtools and without the need to change your existing code (as the {zip} package masks the functions zip() and unzip() of {utils}).


Alternative to Rtools for openxlsx

I am using R on my work computer inside of our Network. Naturally, I do not have admin rights and It would be hard to convince my IT Department to make an exception for me installing Rtools on my computer.
My main issue with not having Rtools is, that I cannot use the saveWorkbook command from openxlsx, which would allow me to save data as Excel table objects.
The Error of the command implies that I could use an alternative zip application:
Please make sure Rtools is installed or a zip application is available to R
Would this be possible? Our work Computers have 7-zip for instance.
In line with the comment of #Tung and others I copied a Folder of Rtools from my private Computer to my work Computer. I tried the following to no avail
sys.path = Sys.getenv("PATH")
if (Sys.which("zip") == "" ) {
system(paste("setx PATH \"", Rtools.bin, ";", sys.path, "\"", sep = ""))
I also tried using Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = "C:/Program Files/7-Zip/7zG.exe") to use 7 zip but then I get an error messan Incorrect Switch postfix: -r1
I am specifally trying to replicate the writeDataTable example from openxlsx

R installed.packages() randomly stopped working on windows 7

installed.packages() command in R lists your installed packages. Mine was working for almost a year and then this command randomly started throwing an error. As this is a built-in command, I am not even sure how to "reinstall" it or address this. Any ideas how to fix the error and get the command working again?
> installed.packages()
Error in gzfile(file, mode) : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, mode) :
cannot open compressed file `'C:\Users\Mitch\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp6Dawpa/libloc_190_4464fd2b.rds', probable reason 'No such file or directory'`
One suggestion on here involved this in combination:
installed.packages(lib.loc = 'my path')
The results of this produced yet another error as shown here. Looks like an issue with the installed file still but how to address is the question:
> installed.packages(lib.loc = 'C:/ProgramFilesCoders/R/R-3.3.2/library')
Error in gzfile(file, mode) : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, mode) :
cannot open compressed file 'C:\Users\Mitch\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp6Dawpa/libloc_190_4464fd2b.rds', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
That is odd.
What version of R are you running, standard R or Microsoft R? And did you recently update?
If you did recently update, perhaps your packages did not get copied over, hence the 'No such file or directory' statement.
If you haven't updated, I would install a newer version and see if it fixes the issue.
If your uncertain, you can always use the updateR function to check if you have the latest version and choose to install it or not.
Good luck,
I think the issue lies in terms of the where the function is looking for the package information. installed.packages() needs an argument lib.loc.
From official documentation
lib.loc character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through
Looks like the function for some reason is looking in AppData\Local\Temp which is the download location and not the installed location.
Without looking at your R_Home and .libPaths() is difficult to nail down where the problem is, however running .libPaths() should give you one or more paths as shown in the below example. None of these should be temp locations.
[1] "C:/Users/UserName/Documents/R/win-library/3.4"
[2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.0/library"
If not, you can set the path within the .libPaths("your path") or pass the path of the library as part of installed.packages(lib.loc = 'your path') and try again.
Sometimes the most simple obvious solution is what works:
I closed my RStudio environment saving it to .RData
I re-opened RStudio and tried the command again
it worked
For the future, some good ideas got posted on here before I thought to try the above. Here are the suggestions that others included in case the above does not work if this problem is encountered by anyone in the future:
Use .libPaths() to find out proper path where this is installed, and then re-run the command with the path included in it like so: installed.packages(lib.loc = 'your path')
Try debugging it with: debug(installed.packages); Expectation is that we will likely find something wrong with .readPkgDesc(lib, fields) while stepping through debug. This was not tried yet so you may encounter things not written up here when you do try it.
Try Updating R in case it is out of date with these commands: library(installr) and updateR().

Publishing AzureML Webservice from R requires external zip utility

I want to deploy a basic trained R model as a webservice to AzureML. Similar to what is done here:
Since that post the publishWebService function in the R AzureML package was has changed it now requires me to have a workspace object as first parameter thus my R code looks as follows:
PredictionModel = lm( medv ~ lstat , data = Boston )
PricePredFunktion = function(percent)
{return(predict(PredictionModel, data.frame(lstat =percent)))}
myWsID = "<my Workspace ID>"
myAuth = "<my Authorization code"
ws = workspace(myWsID, myAuth, api_endpoint = "https://studio.azureml.net/", .validate = TRUE)
# publish the R function to AzureML
PricePredService = publishWebService(
list("lstat" = "float"),
list("mdev" = "float"),
But every time I execute the code I get the following error:
Error in publishWebService(ws, "PricePredFunktion", "PricePredOnline", :
Requires external zip utility. Please install zip, ensure it's on your path and try again.
I tried installing programs that handle zip files (like 7zip) on my machine as well as calling the utils library in R which allows R to directly interact with zip files. But I couldn't get rid of the error.
I also found the R package code that is throwing the error, it is on line 154 on this page:
but it didn't help me in figuring out what to do.
Thanks in advance for any Help!
The Azure Machine Learning API requires the payload to be zipped, which is why the package insists on the zip utility being installed. (This is an unfortunate situation, and hopefully we can find a way in future to include a zip with the package.)
It is unlikely that you will ever encounter this situation on Linux, since most (all?) Linux distributions includes a zip utility.
Thus, on Windows, you have to do the following procedure once:
Install a zip utility (RTools has one and this works)
Ensure the zip is on your path
Restart R – this is important, otherwise R will not recognize the changed path
Upon completion, the litmus test is if R can see your zip. To do this, try:
You should get a result similar to this:
In other words, R should recognize the installation path.
On previous occasions when people told me this didn’t work, it was always because they thought they had a zip in the path, but it turned out they didn’t.
One last comment: installing 7zip may not work. The reason is that 7zip contains a utility called 7zip, but R will only look for a utility called zip.
I saw this link earlier but the additional clarification which made my code not work was
1. Address and Path of Rtools was not as straigt forward
2. You need to Reboot R
With regards to the address - always look where it was installed . I also used this code to set the path and ALWAYS ADD ZIP at the end
sys.path = Sys.getenv("PATH")
if (Sys.which("zip") == "" ) {
system(paste("setx PATH \"", Rtools.bin, ";", sys.path, "\"", sep = ""))
you should get a return of
" C:\\RTools|\bin\zip"
From looking at Andrie's comment here: https://github.com/RevolutionAnalytics/AzureML/commit/9cf2c5c59f1f82b874dc7fdb1f9439b11ab60f40
Implies we can just download RTools and be done with it.
Download RTools from:
During installation select the check box to modify the PATH
At first it didn't work. I then tried R32bit, and that seemed to work. Then R64 bit started working again. Honestly, not sure if I did something in the middle to make it work. Only takes a few minutes so worth a punt.
Try the following
-Download the Rtools file which usually contains the zip utility.
-Copy all the files in the "bin" folder of "Rtools"
-Paste them in "~/RStudio/bin/x64" folder

Why R is unable to load a shared object?

I am trying to use XLConnect library in R. If I execute
I get the following error message:
JAVA_HOME cannot be determined from the Registry
To resolve this problem I set first the JAVA_HOME variable:
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_65')
It looks like it helps me to come further but then I get another problem:
unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.2/library/rJava/libs/x64/rJava.dll'
It wonder why R cannot load rJava.dll. At least this file is located in the folder where R searches for it:
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\library\rJava\libs\x64
Please note that the rJava.dll file exists and it is located there, where R is searching for it. I guess that the problem is in incompatibility between 32bit and 64bit versions. I assume that because R complains:
% 1 is not a valid Win32 application
Well, why do R expect it to be a Win32 application`? First, my OS is 64bit, second my Java is also for the 64bit and finally, the `rJava.dll` object is located in the folder withx64` in the name (so, I assume it is also a 64bit version).
I faced the same issue . Please locate jvm.dll
should be in (your JRE version could be different )
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\bin\client
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\bin\server
add this path to your windows system path and you are good to go .but keep in mind the version of jre and R should be consistent,if your java is in Program Files its 64 bit so launch from 64 bit R if its in Program Files (x86)its 32 bit so use 32 bit R
like in my case it showed error in 64 bit
but worked perfectly in 32 bit
You did use / instead of \.
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre1.8.0_65')
I am using UNIX. Therefore I cannot test it by myself but your path might be wrong as well.
According to this post you can search it by using this:
find.java <- function() {
for (root in c("HLM", "HCU")) for (key in c("Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment",
"Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit")) {
hive <- try(utils::readRegistry(key, root, 2),
silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(hive, "try-error"))
credit goes to #nograpes for the function and this article for helping me giving you the answer.

Warning message In download.file: download had nonzero exit status

I am downloading data from data.gov website and I get following two types of errors in the process:
fileUrl <- "http://catalog.data.gov/dataset/expenditures-on-children-by-families"
Warning message:
In download.file(fileUrl, destfile = ".data/studentdata.csv", method = "curl") :
download had nonzero exit status
I tried to remove the method="curl" as suggested in other forum, but again I get this new error
Error in download.file(fileUrl, destfile = ".data/studentdata.csv") :
cannot open destfile '.data/studentdata.csv', reason 'No such file or directory'
I think there are two major factors why your curl doesn't work well.
First, the problem is on your URL. fileUrl <- "http://catalog.data.gov/dataset/expenditures-on-children-by-families". In your URL, it is not referred to a csv file. So, they won't work even if you set the destination into a csv file such as destfile = ".data/studentdata.csv"
I have an example of getting a csv dataset using the same code (different dataset):
DataURL<- "https://data.baltimorecity.gov/api/views/dz54-2aru/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD" (This link refers to a rows.csv file)
download.file(DataURL, destfile="./data/rows.csv", method="curl") (The method is quite same, using curl)
Second, previously I had the same problem that the curl does not work, even I used a proper URL that refers to a csv file. However, when I diagnosed a bit deeper, I found something interesting fact about why my curl method cannot work properly. It was my R session program. I used a 32-bit R, in which the error occurs. Later then, I tried to change the session into a 64-bit R. Amazingly, and the download status was running at that time. To see your R session architecture (whether you are using 32-bit or 64-bit), type in your R:
R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-w64-ming32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)
You have to switch your R, from 32-bit to 64-bit to avoid 'curl' call had nonzero exit status. You go to your R directory folder, and then you run a 64-bit R.
If you are using a Windows OS and installing the R in a default path folder, you can run this C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3\bin\x64\R.exe. (I used a version of 3.5.3, so it may be different with your version)
If you are using R-studio, you can switch the R session on the menubar Tools -> Global Options -> R version -> Change -> Use your machine's default version of R64 (64-bit) -> OK. Then restart your R-studio.
However, it depends on your OS architecture. If you are using a 32-bit OS, hence you have to find another way to solve this.
So looking at the code for download.file(...), if you specify method="curl" the function tries to use the curl shell command. If this command does not exist on your system, you will get the error above.
If you do not specify a method, the default is to use an internal R method to download, which evidently works on your system. In that case, the function is trying to put the file in .data/studentdata.csv but evidently there is not .data directory. Try taking out the ..
When this download works, you will get a text/html file, not a csv file. Your url points to a web page, not a download link. That page does have a download link, but unfortunately it is a pdf, not a csv.
Finally, if your goal is to have the data in R (is it?), and if the link actually produces a csv file, you could more easily use
df <- read.csv(fileUrl)
If I'm not very much mistaken you just have a simple typo here. I suspect you have a "data" directory, not a ".data" directory - in which case your only problem is that your destfile string needs to begin "./data", not ".data".
I was having the same problem.
Then I realized that I forget to create the "data" directory!
So try adding this above your fileURL line to create the directory first.
Also, if you are running a Mac, then you want to keep method="curl" when downloading a https file. I don't believe Windows has that problem hence the suggestions to remove it.
Try this:
file<- read.csv(file)
