fme datalist extension for alfresco community 4.0.c - alfresco

Hi I know that fme datalist extension is not fully compatible with community 4.0.c. But wanted to try it out. I installed the jar files and it seem to work fine for the datalists i had created earlier. But the side effect of this I noted, when i create a new site and send an invite to somebody, the ACCEPT or REJECT button does not show up in the tasks (for the invitee to accept or reject). Not sure what's going on.but a hint in the positive direction would help me debug? thanks

I finished migrating the fme datalists extensions to 4.0 this week. Fixed the issue you are referring to today. You might want to have a look at and the source at github. Aside from and Solr issues with filtering, there are no more problems I am aware of. I think I'll be fixing the filtering to support solr based repos as well.


Realm and RxSwift connectivity

I've been looking at options for persistence when using RxSwift and Realm was looking attractive due to it's relative simplicity and the availability of some extensions in the community repo.
Unfortunately although I can get Realm and RxSwift working nicely in Xcode 8b6, things of seriously wrong as soon as you try to connect them together as RxRealm does not currently compile (there seems to be more going wrong with it than the Grand Renaming as far as I can tell).
Is there a workaround that is reliable? I can't believe for a moment that there isn't, I just can't find a resource at present. I was thinking of converting the Result object into an Set or Array and making this Observable but. I'm not sure if the contents (Realm Objects) are going to be handled correctly. Knowing my luck, I suspect not!
There's a Pull Request towards the RxRealm project adding Swift 3 support:
I suggest you try using that.
More generally, targeting an Xcode beta will by definition give you a less stable software ecosystem, since no one is submitting apps with that and it's a moving target (often with weekly breaking changes). So if you want stable software, use stable tools. Realm and RxRealm both support Swift 2.2 quite well, so using that will give you the best experience.

How to install TideSDK from TideSDK-1.2.1 package?

I've downloaded package from Installer was found in tidesdk\sdk\win32\1.2.0.RC4\installer. This installer doesn't work: "Installation failed. The installer could not determine the application path."
What's wrong with it? Is it the only (right) way to install TideSDK? No docs on topic were found in resources and links on
It looks like you picked up an artefact from our Continuous Integration System from some point in time in development. We will eventually expose a Nightly Build site for developmental releases. That said, we will do this once the 1.3.0-beta is ready so we can properly support you with developmental artefacts.
Please use the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 in the interim that can be downloaded from front page of until TideSDK 1.3.0-beta is available (which will be along very soon). This will serve your development needs in short term as we continue the work to get the beta prepared.
A new 'Getting Started Guide' will be up later today for the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 as there have been many requests for this help.
We appreciate how much attention our project is getting and have been working hard as a team to produce great documentation. Despite this, our efforts were primarily targeted on the API documentation at the outset. We experienced a surge of interest prior to getting the new guides in place. Our apologies to anyone new that has experienced any difficulty getting started. We appreciate your patience while we fill these gaps.
The new documentation is being prepared in anticipation of the 1.3.0 release so that we have great API docs, guides, and example apps when the time arrives. It is targeted for the end of September. We hope to also have our Tide Builder app available at that time to provide a nice app to help create, run and package your apps. There will also be an enhanced tidebuilder CLI since a tool with a UI will be strictly an option. For those that appreciate minimalism, this will get you going with no more than the SDK and a text editor.
You need to download Titanium Studio first.
Once that's done, you can install the package : Help menu > Install Sepcific Titanium SDK.

Anyone know of a good free patch creator?

Does anyone know of a good patching program that is free? You know, one that can take a directory with your old program in it and compare it to a directory with your new version, and spit out a patch that is only the difference between the two?
Also, I am looking for something that can patch the entire directory, not just one exe.
Thanks for the answers, but I am looking for an end user patch for product updates. Nothing to do with the source.
There is Binary patch and diff, which is free, Windows port available.
I've never used this but it is free. It might be worth a try:
Patch Maker 1.2.
A list of tools here reveals a few marked as "free".
Dispatcher: will use an updater GUI as well. They have a quick demo video on their site.
The best tool I've seen for this purpose is Visual Patch 3.5 . It provides the same functionality that you've mentioned. Although it needs to be purchased since it's not free software.
If you are using Subversion, SmartSVN can create a patch for directories (recursive and all) for the files changed since the last commit. I understand this is only a partial answer and it's not CLI, but it's a really good tool if you deal with an SVN repo here.
SmartSVN patch

a simple .net website source control system?

I work in Visual Studio working on sites mostly myself and occasionally I start on new features for a site and bam a bug pops up on the live site and now I am in the middle of changes and can't post a fix to the bug until everything I started to change is complete.
So I am looking for a nice an simple way to work with this type of situation - any suggestions?
Are you asking for a recommendation of a source control system? SourceGear Vault is free for single users.
I am big fan of subversion. There also plugins for VS to work with subversion repository.
I am in a similar situation and I use Perforce. It is free for up to two users and integrates well with Visual Studio.
Subversion is well supported and has tools for most any environment. It's also mostly straightforward to use, so you should be able to get up and running quickly.
If you need to work on a lot of separate features and bugs at the same time, you might try Mercurial instead. The tooling support is a lot less mature but I find the distributed design to do a better job of merging and facilitating work on separate issues concurrently.
But really, if you aren't using anything currently and aren't sure what your needs are, just choose one that has support in the IDE/tools you use. It will probably be Subversion.

Telerik Reporting Problems

Anyone else using this? I've just installed it, documentation is hidden somewhere, and so far it's not doing to well. It's Toolbox tab is missing, and when I add the items manually, they disappear again seconds later. I have managed to get one report done, but nowhere can I find how to make the viewer show it, without a very long winded error about not finding a certain path.
As Mark and Martin already pointed out Telerik support is second to none, so you would surely get help in their forums/support threads. I'm currently working with their Reporting product and honestly I have not experienced any problems so far. I've read that they had problems with the toolbox in x64 bit machines, but it has been resolved in the latest service pack, so you might want to make sure you are using the latest version first. However adding the items manually to the toolbox would definitely work and if you are having problem with that too, it sounds more like a Visual Studio problem to me. Also looking at their system requirements, VS Express editions are not supported, so this might be the case as well.
Looking through their help, I find a whole section about their reportviewer and how to use it - check it out:
You can find the complete documentation and tutorials online in the support section of their site. If this does not help, ask in the forums. And since you have valid license, you can also create a support ticket.
I can't comment on the reporting component, since I have never used it. But I do use the ASP.NET controls and from that I can tell you that you will usually get help very quickly (especially when creating a support ticket).
Telerik offers many useful controls and is generally quite conscientious about their code and support. You're likely to have more luck on their site's forums.
With that being said, I found their reporting tool to be quite buggy and unusable.
