A* path finding: backed into a corner, now what? - path-finding

I'm writing a tower defense game, and I'm implementing the A* path finding algorithm from tutorials and what not, but I've encountered a situation I can't code out of as of yet! Consider the graphic below. The cyan nodes represent the shortest path found so far, the violet nodes represent inspected nodes, and the dark gray nodes represent a wall.
From what I know of the A* algorithm, to calculate a path for the situation below, it...
Starts at "start" and checks if the upper node is available. It is. It calculates its G and H scores. It does the same to the right, lower, and left nodes.
Finds that the right node has the lowest F score (F = G + H). It then repeats the same method as step #1 to find the next node, marking the "start" node as the parent.
Continues this pattern and lands on the node in the center of the "C trap," as this node has the lowest F score so far.
Discovers that the upper, right, lower, and left nodes are all closed. A* then marks this node as closed and starts over, understanding to leave this node alone.
What happens immediately after #4? Would A* re-examine the G and H scores along the same path, skipping that newly-closed node? Also, when drawing this scenario with this SWF, it indicates that more nodes are discovered to make up for the trap, as suggested here. Why?

What you seem to be missing is that A* is not like a single unit moving along the grid, and backtracking when it hits a wall; it's more like an observer looking at various nodes around the graph, always considering next the node "most likely" to be in the shortest path.
So, step 4 above never happens. A* doesn't mark a node as closed when it determines it can't be part of the best-path - it simply puts every single node it vists in the closed list, as soon as it visits it. And it doesn't ever "start over" - it's always looking at the next "most likely" node, where "most likely" means the front of the priority queue ordered by f(x).
So, in your example above, A* will jump to one of the blue-nodes next, since they are all in the open list, and all have the same f(x) value. Though it could technically consider any one of them next, if you use the correct tie-breaking criteria, it will take one of the two that are closest to the end.


Pathfinding through graph with special vertices

So I've got this directed and/or undirected graph with a bunch of vertices and edges. In this graph there is a start vertex and an end vertex. There's also a subset of vertices which are coloured red (this subset can include the start and end vertices). Also, no pair of vertices can have more than one edge between them.
What I have to do is to find:
A) The shortest path that passes no red vertices
B) If there is a path that passes at least one red vertex
C) The path with the greatest amount of red vertices
D) The path with the fewest amount of red vertices
For A I use a breadth first search ignoring red branches. For B I simply brute force it with a depth first search of the graph. And for C and D I use dynamic programming, memoizing the number of red vertices I find in all paths, using the same DFS as in B.
I am moderately happy with all the solutions and I would very much appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!!
For A I use a breadth first search ignoring red branches
A) is a Typical pathfinding problem happening in the sub-graph that contains no red edges. So your solution is good (could be improved with heuristics if you can come up with one, then use A*)
For B I simply brute force it with a depth first search of the graph
Well here's the thing. Every optimal path A->C can be split at an arbitrary intermediate point B. A Nice property of optimal paths, is that every sub-path is optimal. So A->B and B->C are optimal.
This means if you know you must travel from some start to some end through an intermediary red vertex, you can do the following:
Perform a BFS from the start vertex
Perform a BFS from the endvertex backwards (If your edges are directed - as I think - you'll have to take them in reverse, here)
Alternate expanding both BFS so that both their 'edge' (or open lists, as they are called) have the same distance to their respective start.
Stop when:
One BFS hits a red vertex encountered by (or in the 'closed' list of) the other one. In this case, Each BFS can construct the optimal path to that commen vertex. Stitch both semi-paths, and you have your optimal path with at least a red vertex.
One BFS is stuck ('open' list is empty). In this case, there is no solution.
C) The path with the greatest amount of red vertices
This is a combinatorial problem. the first thing I would do is make a matrix of reachability of [start node + red nodes + end nodes] where:
reachability[i, j] = 1 iff there is a path from node i to node j
To compute this matrix, simply perform one BFS search starting at the start node and at every red node. If the BFS reaches a red node, put a 1 in the corresponding line/column.
This will abstract away the underlying complexity of the graph, and make an order of magnitude speedup on the combinatorial search.
The problem is now a longest path problem through that connectivity matrix. dynamic programming would be the way to go indeed.
D) The path with the fewest amount of red vertices
Simply perform a Dijkstra search, but use the following metric when sorting the nodes in the 'open' list:
dist(start, a) < dist(start, b) if:
numRedNodesInPath(start -> a) < numRedNodesInPath(start -> b)
OR (
numRedNodesInPath(start -> a) == numRedNodesInPath(start -> b)
numNodesInPath(start -> a) < numNodesInPath(start -> a)
For this, when discovering new vertices, you'll have to store the path leading up to them (well, just the nb of nodes in the path, as well as the nb of red nodes, separately) in a dedicated map to be fetched. I mention this because usually, the length of the path is stored implicitly as the position of the verrtex in the array. You'll have to enforce it explicitely in your case.
Note on length optimality:
Even though you stated you did not care about length optimality outside of problem A), the algorithm I provided will produce shortest-length solutions. In many cases (like in D) it helps Dijkstra converge better I believe.

Cypher query to find paths through directed weighted graph to populate ordered list

I'm new to Neo4j and am trying wrap my mind around the following problem in Cypher.
I am looking for a list of nodes, sorted by ascending visitation order, after a run of n path iterations, each of which adds nodes to the list. The visitation sort depends on depth and edge cost. Because the final list represents a sequence of nodes you could also look at it as a path of paths.
My graph has an initial starting node (START), is directional, of unknown size, and has weighted edges.
A node can only be added to the list once, when it is first visited (e.g. when visiting a node, we compare to the final list and add if the node isn't on the list already).
Every edge can only be traveled once.
We can only visit the next adjacent, lowest-cost node.
There are two underlying hierarchies: depth (the closer to START the better) and edge costs (the lower the cost incurred to reach the next adjacent node the better). Depth follows the alphabetical order in the example below. Cost properties are integers but are presented in the example as strings (e.g. "costs1" means edge cost = 1).
Each path starts with the starting node of least depth that is "available" (= possessing untraveled outbound edges). In the example below all edges emanating from START will have been exhausted at some point. For the next run we'll continue with A as starting node.
A path run is done when it cannot continue anymore (i.e. no available outbound edges to travel on)
We're done when the list contains y nodes, which may or may not represent a traversal.
Any ideas on how to tackle this using Cypher queries?
Example data: http://console.neo4j.org/r/o92sjh
This is what happens:
We start at START and travel along the lowest-cost edge available to arrive at A. --> A gets the #1 spot the list and the costs1 edge in START-[:costs1]->a gets eliminated because we've just used it.
We’re on A. The lowest cost edge (costs1) circles back to START, which is a no-go, so we take this edge off the table as well and choose the next available lowest-cost edge (costs2), leading us to B. --> We output B to the list and eliminate the edge in a-[:costs2]->b.
We're now on B. The lowest cost edge (costs1) circles back to START, which is a no-go, so we eliminate that edge as well. The next lowest-cost edge (costs2) leads us to C. --> We output C to the list and eliminate the just traveled edge between B and C.
We're on C and continue from C over its lowest-cost relation on to G. --> We output G to the list and eliminate the edge in c-[:costs1]->g.
We're on G and move on to E via g-[:costs1]->e. --> E goes on the list and the just traveled edge is eliminated.
We're on E, which only has one relation with I. We incur the cost of 1 and travel on to I. --> I goes on the list and E's "costs1" edge gets eliminated.
We're on I, which has no outbound edges and thus no adjacent nodes. Our path run ends and we return to START iterating the whole process with the edges that remain.
We're on START. Its lowest available outbound edge is "cost3", leading us to C. --> C is already on the list, so we just eliminate the edge in START-[:costs3]->c and move on to the next available lowest-cost node, which is F. Note that now we've used up all edges emanating from START.
We're on F, which leads us to J (cost =1) --> J goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on J, which leads us to L (cost = 1)--> L goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on L, which leads us to N (cost = 1)--> N goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on N, which is a dead end, meaning our second path run ends. Because we cannot start the next run from START (as it has no edges available anymore), we move on to next available node of least depth, i.e. A.
We're on A, which leads us to B (cost = 2) --> B is already on the list and we dump the edge.
We're on B, which leads us to D (cost = 3) --> D goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
Output / final list / "path of paths" (hopefully I did this correctly):
CREATE ( START { n:"Start" }),(a { n:"A" }),(b { n:"B" }),(c { n:"C" }),(d { n:"D" }),(e { n:"E" }),(f { n:"F" }),(g { n:"G" }),(h { n:"H" }),(i { n:"I" }),(j { n:"J" }),(k { n:"K" }),(l { n:"L" }),(m { n:"M" }),(n { n:"N" }),(o { n:"O" }),(p { n:"P" }),(q { n:"Q" }),(r { n:"R" }),
START-[:costs1]->a, START-[:costs2]->b, START-[:costs3]->c,
a-[:costs1]->START, a-[:costs2]->b, a-[:costs3]->c, a-[:costs4]->d, a-[:costs5]->e,
b-[:costs1]->START, b-[:costs2]->c, b-[:costs3]->d, b-[:costs4]->f,
c-[:costs1]->g, c-[:costs2]->f,
d-[:costs1]->g, d-[:costs2]->f, d-[:costs3]->h,
g-[:costs1]->e, g-[:costs2]->j, g-[:costs3]->k,
j-[:costs1]->l, j-[:costs2]->m, j-[:costs3]->n,
l-[:costs1]->n, l-[:costs2]->f,
m-[:costs1]->o, m-[:costs2]->p, m-[:costs3]->q,
q-[:costs1]->n, q-[:costs2]->r;
The algorithm being sought is a modification to the nearest neighbor (greedy) heuristic for TSP. The changes to the algorithm result in an algorithm that looks like this:
stand on the start vertex an arbitrary vertex as current vertex.
find out the shortest unvisited edge, E, connecting current vertex, terminate if no such edge.
set current vertex to V.
mark E as visited.
if the the number of visited edges has reached the limit, then terminate.
Go to step 2.
As with the original algorithm, the output is the visited vertices.
To handle the use case, allow for the algorithm to take in a set of already visited edges as an additional input. Rather than always starting with an empty set of visited edges. You then just call the function again but with the set of visited edges rather than an empty set until the starting vertex only leads to visited edges.
(Sorry, I'm new on the site, can't comment)
I was hired to find a solution to this particular query. I only learned of this question afterward. I am not going to post it at full here, but I am willing to discuss the solution and get feedback of anyone interested.
It turned out not being possible with cypher alone (well, I could not find out how myself). So I wrote a java function with the Neo4j bindings to implement this.
The solution is single threaded, flat (no recursion), and very close to the description of #Nuclearman. It uses two data structures (ordered maps), one to remember visited edges, another to keep a list of "start" nodes (for when the path runs out):
Follow path of smallest costs (memorize visited edges, store nodes by depth/cost)
On end of path, pick a new start node (smallest depth first, then smallest cost)
Report any new node in the order they are accessed
The use of hash sets, coupled with the fact that edges are visited only once makes it fast and memory efficient.

Pathfinding - A* with least turns

Is it possible to modify A* to return the shortest path with the least number of turns?
One complication: Nodes can no longer be distinguished solely by their location, because their parent node is relevant in determining future turns, so they have to have a direction associated with them as well.
But the main problem I'm having, is how to work number of turns into the partial path cost (g). If I multiply g by the number of turns taken (t), weird things are happening like: A longer path with N turns near the end is favored over a shorter path with N turns near the beginning.
Another less optimal solution I'm considering is: After calculating the shortest path, I could run a second A* iteration (with a different path cost formula), this time bounded within the x/y range of the shortest path, and return the path with the least turns. Any other ideas?
The current "state" of the search is actually represented by two things: The node you're in, and the direction you're facing. What you want is to separate each of those states into different nodes.
So, for each node in the initial graph, split it into E separate nodes, where E is the number of incoming edges. Each of these new nodes represents the old node, but facing in different directions. The outgoing edges of these new nodes will all be the same as the old outgoing edges, but with a different weight. If the old weight was w, then...
If the edge doesn't represent a turn, make the new weight w as well
If the edge does represent a turn, make the new weight w + ε, where ε is some number significantly smaller than the smallest weight.
Then just do a normal A* search. Since none of the weights have decreased, your heuristic will still be admissible, so you can still use the same heuristic.
If you really want to minimize the number of turns (as opposed to finding a nice tradeoff between turns and path length), why not transform your problem space by adding an edge for every pair of nodes connected by an unobstructed straight line; these are the pairs you can travel between without a turn. There are O(n) such edges per node, so the new graph is O(n3) in terms of edges. That makes A* solutions as much as O(n3) in terms of time.
Manhattan distance might be a good heuristic for A*.
Is it possible to modify A* to return the shortest path with the least number of turns?
It is most likely not possible. The reason being that it is an example of the weight-constrained shortest path problem. It is therefore NP-Complete and cannot be solved efficiently.
You can find papers that discuss solving this problem e.g. http://web.stanford.edu/~shushman/math15_report.pdf

Finding shortest paths to all desired points in a graph

I was asked the following question in an interview
You are given a 4 X 4 grid. Some locations on the grid contain
treasure. Your task is the visit all the locations that contain the
treasure and collect it. You are allowed to move on the four adjacent
cells (up, down, left, right). Each movement and the action of
"treasure collection" is of a single unit cost. You need to traverse
the entire grid, and collect all the treasure on the grid, minimizing
the cost taken.
If I can recall properly, here is a sample graph that was given:
Where, U is my current position and X marks the position of the treasure.
The solution that I presented was to use breadth first search traversing the graph and "collecting the treasure" while doing so. However, the interviewer insisted that there was a better way to minimize the cost. I hope you could help me in figuring it out.
You should have recognized that this is a Traveling Salesman Problem in a small disguise. Using breadth-first, you can determine the shortest way between the different vertices you have to visit which gives you a derived graph containing just those ways as weighted edges between the vertices. From then on, it's a classic TSP.
BFS alone is not going to solve it for you, because you cannot move in all directions at the same time. It is not a single-source shortest path problem, because once you collect the treasure, you start your path to the next one from your current spot, not from the original spot.
The time that it takes to collect all treasure depends on the order in which you visit the boxes with X. Since there are only five of them, you can try all 120 orderings, compute the cost, and pick the best one.
Note that if the order is fixed, the solution is trivial: you add up manhattan distances between the cells in order, and pick the smallest result.

Find All Cycle Bases In a Graph, With the Vertex Coordinates Given

A similar question is posted here.
I have an undirected graph with Vertex V and Edge E. I am looking for an algorithm to identify all the cycle bases in that graph. An example of such a graph is shown below:
Now, all the vertex coordinates are known ( unlike previous question, and contrary to the explanation in the above diagram), therefore it is possible to find the smallest cycles that encompass the whole graph.
In this graph, it is possible that there are edges that don't form any cycles.
What is the best algorithm to do this?
Here's another example that you can take a look at:
Assuming that e1 is the edge that gets picked first, and the arrow shows the direction of the edge.
I haven't tried this and it is rather greedy but should work:
Pick one node
Go to one it's neighbors's
Keep on going until you get back to your starting node, but you're not allowed to visit an old node.
If you get a cycle save it if it doesn't already exist or a subset of those node make up a cycle. If the node in the cycle is a subset of the nodes in another cycle remove the larger cycle (or maybe split it in two?)
Start over at 2 with a new neighbor.
Start over at 1 with a new node.
Comments: At 3 you should of course do the same thing as for step 2, so take all possible paths.
Maybe that's a start? As I said, I haven't tried it so it is not optimized.
EDIT: An undocumented and not optimized version of one implementation of the algorithm can be found here: https://gist.github.com/750015. But, it doesn't solve the solution completely since it can only recognize "true" subsets.
