Spaces disappeared - css

For some reason, the spaces between words on a font that I am using disappeared. See:
I'm using Twitter Bootstrap slightly modified to use Google Web fonts. The font in question is Oswald served up by Google web fonts:
And the spacing appears normal for me there.
I'm no CSS guru, but I have touched nothing in my code that should alter the way spaces are displayed. I don't know of anything that should target spaces in particular. I feel like this is some dumb mistake that I'm overlooking but I'm clueless. If I view the source, the spaces are clearly there as well as the spaces clearly being there when I inspect the element, in case some bit of javascript was playing a trick.
I am using the latest version of Chrome, although this also appears in Firefox.
I should say that the spacing problem appears specifically for the title in the boxes under latest player news

I forced it by adding word-spacing: 0.25em to my CSS, but I'm not yet 100% sure that fixed it in every browser. It's unfortunate that Google doesn't have an obvious way to link to a particular version of a font so you could be confident it won't change from under you.

Removing font-weight: normal; fixes the spacing (there are 2 instances being applied to it, Inspect Element and you will see them)
EDIT: This is a bad font, you should choose another one! It looks fine bold, but the normal version is awful.

Same problem here, i applied another font to the online website and pray for a solution :(
It may be a wrong encoded file on google's servers. Nobody's safe from minor issue like these, even the guy who encode typos in the webfont service.

I usually use Firefox(newest) for Ubuntu 12.10. Everything looks fine there. In Chrome however, your fonts are most definitely squished. I personally would choose a different font that renders more consistently. If you want to learn more check out Mozilla's MDC Kerning page to get started.
The main way that I use kerning is with the letter-spacing property.
h2 {
letter-spacing: -0.1em;
To say that this addresses "kerning" would be false. This actually affects "tracking". The only difference between the two is that kerning is the relationship between two character and tracking relates to a block of text.


How can I prevent this ndash from disappearing at small font sizes?

I have an – character that becomes invisible when the text is rendered at a smaller font size (the applicable font-size rule is 14px, at which it is invisible; if I zoom in one level in Firefox, it becomes visible.) I have only seen this behavior on Firefox on Windows. With Firefox on Linux, I see the character at all sizes. I believe that what happens is that at smaller sizes, the dash is allowed to render as a line of zero width. So the question is, how can I remedy this? Here's what I can think of -
Try a different dash character and hope for the best
wrap the dash in a span and force it to be bigger - seems clunky
maybe my font definition is broken - this is embedded Open Sans
any other approach I'm overlooking?
Don't use any of the legacy 90's Microsoft core fonts in Windows (Arial, Verdana, etc). They have very aggressive hints intended to prevent "fat" or "blurry" stems at all costs, that result in some of those stems disappearing at small sizes. Perpetuating the pixelated look Windows users were accustomed to was the only thing Microsoft cared about at the time (there are built-in workarounds in the Microsoft rendering stack to hide the bugs of those fonts, but they don't exist in third-party apps).
Have you tried a different font-family to see if it's showing the same problem?
This is a problem of fonts, not browser support. Try to use another font like "Times New Roman" to verify.
In the case of the small icons, the most reliable solution is to use the CSS #font-face rule to ask the browser to download a particular font. Then you'll know for sure that the user has an appropriate font installed. There are even some fonts designed specifically for this use, with extra icons built in: "Font Awesome" is a well-known example.
Please look here for more information: Does every browser support all unicode?

Google fonts different size and jagged

I have one very surprising issue with Google Fonts. This is the site in question.
The title is normaly showing in one ligne but a friend of mine with the same Opera version like me sent me this screenshot. You can see that the title goes in two lines and brakes every think.
It's the first time I use Gfonts and must admit that there is another problem in Firefox too - the font appears so jagged!
Thanks for your advises!
The line break can be prevented simply by adding
h1 { white-space: nowrap; }
Font rendering depends on the font, on the font size, on the browser, on the operating system, on the device, their settings, and probably phase of the moon, too. Some fonts are more difficult than others, so the practical move is to pick up another font.
Unfortunately, not all browsers render all fonts exactly the same way. I guess your problem with the title in Opera is caused by the font being rendered bigger. You can try to target a specific stylesheet for Opera to solve that.
As for the jagged font, well... you have to deal with that, and choose fonts that will look sharp on every browser.
Take a look here :
The jagged issue was solved thanks to this Joomla! extention - KC Cufón Font Replacement. A have included just the characters of my text - only 3KB of js and I left the same Google Web Font loading too in order the text to be shown until the extention loads.

Why does #font-face only work in localhost?

I used #font-face on my new site, it works fine in localhost in both FF and Chrome. However, when I upload it to my server, I can't see the fonts in FF or Chrome. What could be some possible causes?
My website is
While debugging your site you may want to have an easier to read css script to help find some of the problems. Compression should only be done when everything works the way you intend it to.
for now you can copy/paste it on this site to see it more clearly:
I was a bit suspicious of the #media print and the later one for #page. I am not sure if those are set up properly. I would suggest concentrating on the website first by commenting out the print specifics to help you troubleshoot the web rendering problem. You may want to set up a test html page with all the various elements you wish to use and make sure they are working properly before incorporating the 3d shapes. Just make an html file and remove those classes so you can see how everything renders as a basic web page.
As Ettiene said, there are several spots where the code is setting the font for different elements to Lucida Grande and Courier. These locations are where you should be referencing your desired font name, ColThin. How you name them is important as well, check the file that was downloaded from font squirrel (if you got the font there). The html demo file that is included has some css which shows how to use the #font-face fonts:
p.style1 {font: 18px/27px 'ColaborateThinRegular', Arial, sans-serif;}
You are missing the quotation marks, so the css may not be registering the new font name. As well, setting it on html and having those other font names in the code afterwards replaces the html setting. The only name that is important is how you designate the #font-face name. You could designate it 'smashed-font' and if you reference it as 'smashed-font' it will reference the files you have designated as 'smashed-font'. 'ColThin' should be fine.
From what I can see, you have copied the font files into their correct place, but how you want to use them is not quite right.
Good use of Paul Hayes 3d experiment, BTW.
Bear in mind it may not work properly on several kinds of browsers, so have a fallback of some kind for people who are not fortunate enough to have webkit browsers, or include the alternatives such as -moz and -o and a version of the css which does not include -webkit, just in case these transformations make it into the css3 specifications.
If this is intimidating, consider it a learning experience. Polishing these mistakes through your own work will make your services that much more valuable to your potential clients.
Your font familly name may be wrong..
try this one
font-family: 'ColaborateThinRegular';
Look at the source code of the page.
Shad found the problem: "you have a rule body, button, input, select, textarea that is further down setting the font to sans serif".

Special Characters in 20px+ Screw up in Firefox 3.6

Hey everyone, I'm working on a site and any special characters ("’" "…") turn into garbage at any font size over 19px. I'm using fonts I defined with #font-face, and the garbage disappears when I use a fallback font. This is Firefox 3.6.13.
I've tried defining the fonts in the page with a font: declaration rather than a font-family: declaration (see here) but it doesn't work.
I can use the standard straight quote and skip the special characters, but have you seen a straight quote in a heading at 40px? Ugh.
Anybody seen this bug, and any suggestions to fix it server-side?
Perhaps you will simply have to use another font?
After some more research, I (sort of) figured out what's going on. Firefox 3+ will automatically "optimizeLegibility" for any fonts over 20px (look up CSS "text-rendering" property).
For whatever reason, the fonts I am using don't render correctly when Firefox applies this value. If I specifically declare:
body { text-rendering: optimizeSpeed; }
Suddenly the problem disappears. Obviously this might bother someone who likes the effect of "optimizeLegibility" (it's definitely a nice effect), but if you can't change font-faces and you're getting garbage in your headings, I hope this helps.

After changing to #font-face, lists are spaced out?

I have a font installed on my pc, but after using a font-face converter and changing the css suitably, the lines in my ul are more spaced out, the font-size hasn't changed, but the spacing between them has. What CSS do I need to use to revert this? Example:
If you need any more information, then please ask, thank you
letter-spacing (
line-height (
The above two take care of all the distanced between lines and individual characters.
Still, if the font works OK when it's installed locally, there's a chance the conversion process introduced the problem. What tool have you used for the conversion? Have you tried Font Squirrel's converter? I've never had issues with it.
PS. The link you provided does not seem to work for me.
#Yi Jiang suggested these links as an alternative to the ones provided by me:
Each font can have its own spacing. Web fonts usually uses both the same spacing, so we use them without any issue. with custom fonts, sometimes we've got to change the line-height accordingly:
font: 44px/1.2em Sohoma;
1.2em is the line-height.
