Div popup alignment - css

I'm using a "homemade" php calendar in my site's right sidebar. The site's body is a fixed 1000px. When a day on the calendar with an event scheduled is hovered over, a div shows up that gives details on that event. Here's a visual representation:
The problem here is that the event box usually exceeds the boundaries of the body. On smaller monitors, the box extends past the right side of the screen and cannot be read. I tried having it fall to the left instead of the right, but this covers the main text area and looks odd. Is there anything I can do to make the box fall to the right, but if required (viewed on a smaller screen), be pushed to the left? Similar to a float, I guess.
Edit: Sorry, I forgot to mention the way I'm making the boxes show up. It's entirely CSS-driven. The containing element is positioned relatively, and the boxes are absolutely positioned. They're kept off-page (left: -9999px;) and show up upon calendar cell hover. This process seems to be snappier. Therefore, positioning the element to avoid this problem is not possible.
I don't want the box positioned to the left of the cell. I want it positioned to the right unless otherwise required due to a visitor's screen size.

For Javascript:
Check for the size of the document (to find the right most pixel)..
Check for the right most pixel of the box
Subtract box.right from document.right and move box left by that amount
For CSS:
Make the position of the box absolute and right: -10;

This is more a CSS / Javascript question.
First way: assign {position:absolute; right:0} to the popup div and {position:relative} to the containing div, so it will be floating to the left all the time.
Second way: use javascript / jQuery to calculate the right edge location of the popup div, modify the left if the div is going to poke out of the edge.


Keep element vertically and horizontally centered in another element while allowing it to grow and be panned

I am trying to keep an element horizontally and vertically centered while it grows inside a container, but while also allowing you to scroll and see the rest of the growing element. I made a codepen that demonstrates my problem.
I am using transformX and transformY while also using position:absolute with left and right set to 50% as well. The goal is that when you click the grow button, you should be able to scroll up, down left and right and see the whole image. Currently something with the transform seems to be preventing you from getting back to the top and the far left of the image. Any ideas?
I am using flexbox instead now, but still have the same problem. Its visible in the updated CodePen.

make div NOT go off the top of the page

I have a DIV that pops up in a set position via a jQuery function when you mouse over an image, there are quite a few of these vertically (say 1800px in total height)
The problem is that if i go down to the bottom of the page and mousover, the div appears too far up (out of the browser).
How can i get that div to not flow off the op of the page? IE stick to the top, instead of going off>
I think you're wanting to position it relative to the view port and not the page, is that correct?
If so, you need to use position:static on your element.

Not zooming the DIV element while zooming the page

While zooming the Web Page the DIV element will not Zoom, but the component placed inside the DIV is zooming and go out side of the DIV. Here I created a test fiddle test fiddle. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Your Div is taking up 50% of available space, irrespective of whats inside. The rest of the space is being left as margin.
For example if you zoom out from 100% (zoom out, not in). You can see that the contents will keep on getting small, but the width of the div will increase.
If you care about zoom-out/zoom-in looks, then use pixels instead of percentage.
Try it out over here: http://jsfiddle.net/fam46/1/

Hide scrollbar on absolute positioned div

I have a div that is positioned:absolute, this div extends outside the bounds of my site wrapper as it just contains a background image for a slider and doesn't need to be seen all the time. The problem is I cannot work out how to stop this div triggering the scrollbar. I have tried different combinations of overflow and position and cannot work it out.
If you inspect the element with firebug, just place it over the shadow behind the slider and you will see the div in question. You notice the scrollbar kicks in as soon as the browser bounds touches it.
View link
Can anyone let me know how to stop the scrollbar appearing for the shadow div?
It is the size of the DIV. When I inspect it using Chrome, the CSS shows that the container DIV was set to 520px width and the problematic DIV was set to 733px, so it actually exceeds the 980px width center area. Unless you want the shadow to disappear, I suggest moving it a bit to the left and make the div left to it smaller.
You can use the CSS overflow-x:hidden on the body element.
Other more complicated way that comes to mind is using jQuery to detect the size of the window and resize the problematic div according to the window's size.
Firstly, thanks to those that commented.
I have come up with a solution that allows me to keep the layout the same while still adhering to the document width. What I did was create a #wrap2 inside the main wrapper which has a width of 100% (full width of browser window).
#wrap2 {background: url(../css_img/slider-bg.png) no-repeat center 317px; }
The trick to this was making sure the image position was set to center. This means the image would also remain relative to the content when resizing the browser. The way I made the shadow line up behind the slider was to add blank pixels to the left, so the image ended up being about 1200px wide, this pushed shadow part right. Because it's all blank pixels it only added about 1kb. If someone thinks there is a better solution let me know.

css liquid layout with div overflow inside

I'm having trouble in design layout css with div element.
Basically my main page layout design is look like the following picture :
The red box is the browser screen area.
The black box is the content area where the data will included / or loaded via ajax.
The green box is the data list which is the response result and contain about hundred rows inside. The data list contain header div and rows divs.
What i intend to do is set the overflow on the blue area which is the data rows so the scrollbar will appear on the right side of the blue box not on the right side of the red or black box.
Then when the browser area (red) resized all the div inside will also resized to the best size.
I've managed to make the scroll bar appear on the blue box when the data inside is overflow by set css overflow : auto /scroll for blue box div. But the problem is the overflow : auto properties seems only work when i set a certain height for the blue box div let's say about 400px. When i resize the browser the blue box div keeps stay with 400px height.
How to make it auto resize? Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to fix the heights of the HEADER, "Table Heading Row", FOOTER and the "subfooter" row
from there you can calculate the top and bottom position offsets for the middle box, which should be absolutely positioned, the becasue it's positioned you will also need to absolutely position the two bottom footers, in my example I have wrapped them two rows and positioned them as one, this may seem excess but there are in fact a lot of your containers which are no longer required (though I didn't weed them out)
also your float code is too excessive, you don't need to relatively position every float to left: 0.0% so I chopped all tham out, you only need top relatively position something if you want to do absolute positioning inside it.. except for the body element which is all we need to use for this style layout (note I did change the end of your HTML slightly)
refiddle: HERE
and btw, I think this one those internal rows would be better as an actual <table>, it seems like rows of Data to me ;) - and the whole thing would likely mean a lot less code..
What your looking for is a positioned div for the blue box.
position: relative;
top : 100px; // height of header - Top stays 100px away from header thus grows on resize!
bottom : 0px; // Bottom sticks to bottom
left : 0px; // Left sticks to left
right : 0px; // Right sticks to right
