I am trying to create a column in a report which would take entries from a corresponding column from the database. This LOV is returning the active or inactive status depending on the value of the base column.
I would like to add colours to this column so it could be easier to spot records where the status has been set to inactive. So, green for active and red for inactive.
Any help greatly appreciated.
IR region source
select * from emp
Made an LOV on deptno
Run the report. Go to Actions > Format > Highlight
On the highlight options you can specify colours, whether to highlight the row or just a cell, and the condition for the highlight. Note that for lov columns you can pop open an lov with the values for that lov through the arrow button next to the expression field!
Applying this will result in this:
If you want this applied by default do not forget to save your report!
If highlighting is not to your satisfaction, you can still go the javascript / CSS way.
Create a dynamic action to fire after refresh of the IR region, with a true action of type Execute Javascript.
$("#apexir_DATA_PANEL td[headers='DEPTNO']").each(
$(this).addClass('deptAccounting'); //great to keep style in CSS!
$(this).css({"background-color":"red"}); //for that quick fix
Note that for this you need to specify the column (headers) and have to code in the to-be-compared text!
In App Maker, what is the simplest way to achieve the same result with a dropdown box that you can with a suggest box, which can return the whole record when you make a selection giving you the ability to assign associated record values to other fields on the page?
Consider a data model with three fields, (Code, Description, and Severity). Add a dropdown box to select the Code. Have the selection, (probably using onValueChange or onValueEdit), write the selected Code's Description to a label field beside the dropdown box. The Code's Severity will also be used to affect the style in some way like background color or something, but for this answer, merely assigning the value to a scripting variable will be good enough. It's the record value access and assignment mechanism I am after.
Clarification: This data model will not be the page's datasource. It is a secondary reference table used for assigning a code to a ticket. You can also assume that a record value will be written to a field in the page's datasource as well.
I would appreciate the simplest low code solution as we will have non-programmers attempting this. Thanks.
As long as you leave your value binding on the dropdown blank the following should work:
Set the options binding to:
You may want to consider changing the 'Names' binding to be the projection of a particular field in this datasource otherwise the values showing in your dropdown will only be the 'keys' from this datasource.
Then in your onValueEdit event you will gain access to individual fields like this:
var item = widget.datasource.item;
item.YourFieldToEdit1 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField1;
item.YourFieldToEdit2 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField2;
That would probably be the simplest way.
In forms I have a block that contains name of tables.
The column is narrow so I want to add a tooltip that contains the value for each row.
I tried to put this code in post_query
:set_item_property('block1.value',tooltip_text, :block1.value);
but the tooltip always contains the last row's value and shows
it for all the rows. What could be the problem here?
set_item_instance_property is the ideal way to affect a column for just specific rows of data. But, tooltip_text is not available for setting via set_item_instance_property.
What you could do, though, is put your call to set_item_property into a when-new-record-instance trigger on the block. That way it should change the tooltip each time a new record becomes the focus.
I'm trying to implement multiple record selection feature on a grid.
It is very similar to http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=3831
It adds an extra column with check boxes. I want those check boxes!!
But it depends on a extra logical field in the underlying table. It need to create a class clscheck which inherits CHECKBOX. I'm not sure why this CLICK procedure is needed for the checkbox.
When I removed it, row selection did not work correctly as expected. Why this?
Here is my requirement:
1) I don't want to add an extra logical field in the underlying table.
2) To work with controls in the grid, I think AllowCellSelection must be .T. I want AllowCellSelection = .F. because I don't need to work with any control in the grid except the check boxes. I need to work only with check boxes. The other columns will be read-only.
3) Can I have selected list without the logical field in the underlying table?
4) Can I remove the usage of KEYBOARD '{DNARROW}'?
In fact, I have a grid which is AllowCellSelection = .F., but it only provides single selection.
I need to enhance it with multiple selection, thus, I just want to add an extra column with check boxes so that user can know he can select multiple records.
No need Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click which is not familiar with idiot users.
I have found this - http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=433
It also depends on an extra logical field and it depends Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.
What you are seeing is quite common for multi-select grids. I've used them SIMILAR to this in the past. However, you are afraid of the extra column in the underlying table. That may/not be true. You don't always have to update the ORIGINAL table, but a temporary CURSOR you are presenting to the user. Ex: If you want to display a list of employees in a table. No, you don't want to keep adding this column to the original employee table as then anyone else trying to do multi-select could falsely get your selection. However, if you pulled into your own local cursor and presented to the user, then no problem. Example...
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "Employees"
(bound directly to your employee table -- not necessarily the right thing)
use in select( "C_MultiPickEmployees" )
select ;
.F. as IsChosen, ;
E.* ;
from ;
Employees E;
into ;
cursor C_MultiPickEmployees READWRITE
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "C_MultiPickEmployees"
NOW, you have your extra column without dealing with issues to the underlying table. If you wanted to further filter what you were showing -- such as employees for a certain division/department, then just add that to a WHERE clause, add an Order By if so needed and you are good to go.
As for the "Allow Cell Selection", I've never had to deal with that. I just add a "checkbox" to the first column and set
Thisform.YourGrid.Column[1].CurrentControl = "CheckBoxControl"
(based on the name it is added to the column).
Then, set the column 1's "ControlSource" = "C_MultiPickEmployees.IsChosen" and you should mostly be done.
As for the "CLICK" event trying to force the down arrow. This is more for automatically scrolling to the next record so you can just click, click, click for multiple entries.
Hope this helps clarify things for you.
I have tried multiple attempts at populating a report from selecting a value in a select list. I have come close but not close enough for the right answer. Does anyone have a solution?
Here is the code
Currently I have a select list that has the option of choosing an employees track and the employees track is populated in the select list based on :app_user.
List of Values
List of values definition:
SELECT track_name AS display_value,
track_id AS return_value
FROM ref_track
Source Value for select list:
"REF_TRACK"."TRACK_ID" AS return_value
I now have a report beneath it that is being populated when the page loads that also generates data based on :App_user.
Report Source Code:
I tried adding this line to pick from the select list.
Is there any way to manipulate this code to be able to select a track from my list and populate data based on the track selection in my report. I would also like to let you know that my select list values are based on a submit page. Please let me know if you can help me. Its frustrating when I look at something for a complete day and cant figure the code out. Also, if there is any other way around it or other options to explore please let me know.
If you want the report to update when you change the selected value of the select list, you can do this in 2 ways. But both come down to the same principle: your selected value has to be submitted to the session state in order for the report to filter on it.
Solution 1: have the select list submit/redirect the page. This will submit the value of your select list to the session, and reloads the page. With the redirect you will fill up the browser history though: select a value a couple of times, and you use 'back' on the browser to navigate back through the choices you made. Or use a submit, this'll reload the page too, but won't fill the history as much. There'll still be one extra history entry though (initial, and first reload, following reloads are not in history).
Find the option by editing your select list, going to the Settings region, and change the page action when value changed.
Solution 2: refresh the report region through a dynamic action. This will not reload the page, it'll 'refresh' just your report. This might be the most userfriendly, it depends if you like a page reload or not :)
You'll need a dynamic option, configured like this:
With these true action details:
And most important, to make sure your selected value is submitted to the session state: add the item to the list of items to be submitted when the report is refreshed.
I set up an example here
I have a form in which I have two drop downs.
A decision in one fires the other.
The basic rule is:
Drop Down A -> select items 1,2 or 3. Drop down B loads list 1
Drop Down A -> select items 4,5 or 6. Drop down B loads list 2
This works fine on first load and save of the form. The problem is when I edit. Lets say I selected and saved item 3 in Drop Down A.
On Editing:
If I change Drop Down A, the select changed event fires every time I change it except when i reselect what was saved.
It leaves me in a situation where I can choose 3 in Drop Down A but are left with the wrong list in Drop Down B as the event doesn't refire on that selection.
I've tried every trick I can think of but I can't seem to get around this issue.
Anyone have any suggestions?
(We've tried radiobutton lists and its the same issue. Setting the value in a variable and attempting to reset the control to clear what it thinks the original value is doesn't work either.)
Not sure that i've understood your problem completely, but consider to add an extra blank or dummy item(-- please select --) to your list and have that be the default selected item. That way as soon as a user selects a valid item it will always have changed from the original item.