Why do external stylesheets appear as inlined when viewing source? - css

Lately I've noticed a strange behaviour in my browsers, when developing a website or doing some debugging.
When I click on View Source to check the site's HTML source code, the external stylesheets that I coded as links appear now inlined, that is, in its entirety.
What appears is something like this:
<style media="screen" type="text/css" style="display:none">
/*a bunch of CSS styles here, lines and more lines of CSS*/
...instead of the typical:
<link href="mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
It's happening with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE... with any browser I use.
Do you know guys what could be going on?

It happens to be only when I use my iPhone as a modem... no idea why.


IE8 will not render background-image when importing CSS

I have a weird issue where IE8 doesn't appear to render my background image using imported CSS.
Because of IE8's problematic issues and its lack to support many CSS3 elements, I am forced to use conditional logic to load specific stylesheets for my site content. I am using MVC4 and my _Layout page has the following in the header:
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/DeprecatedSite.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!--[if gt IE 8]>
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
.gradient {
In my deprecated.css file I have the following:
#main {
In my site.css, I have this comparable code for the same ID tag:
#main {
I had to use 2 differently sized images and attribute definitions to correct the way the browsers interpreted the Markup. I am comparing the results using IE8 and Chrome.
When I launch the site, the home pages reflect the appropriate corresponding images and renders everything as expected.
My problem occurs when I navigate to another page which resides outside the Home directory (if that really makes any difference with respect to the issue).
The page has the following in-line code:
<div id="spotlight" style="position:relative;left:-50px; top:2px; height:820px;margin: 0;width:650px;">
In my Site.css file I have the ID styled as such:
#spotlight {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0.6);
In the Deprecated.css the style is:
#spotlight {
background:url('/Images/orange_spotlights3.jpg') no-repeat;
In Chrome, the style gets loaded from the imported stylesheet. But in IE8 I get a blank area where the image should be loaded.
The quirky behavior I noted is that if I were to remove the following lines from the Site.css file, then both Chrome and IE8 will render the image but I loose the transparency effect in Chrome which is not the intent of separating the ID's to different stylesheets.
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0.6);
Its as if the 2 stylesheets are confusing the browsers or something.
Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
As it stands, I am thinking of simply scrapping any support at all for IE8 because its getting to be too much of a bother trying to create 2 different accomodations to render the elements.
If you're using MVC it may be a problem with the absolute path which is kind of what it sounds like is happening. (Try pulling up your developer tools in Chrome or FF and check out the console while doing a page reload see if you get a 404 on the image GET request)
You can try something like ../../Images/orange_spotlights3.jpg where each ../ is one folder level up. You could also look at using a helper like #Url.Content("/images/orange_spotlight3.jpg") or try the absolute path all together.
Ok, after doing some blundering with the stylesheets I managed to get both to play together. What I ended up doing was retaining the comments for all the previously mentioned lines in the
Chrome stylesheet except for opacity:.60
So my stylesheet that will be used to support all other browsers other than IE8 now looks like this:
#spotlight {
The other stylesheet for IE8 remained as is and both pages render the image appropriately according to their assigned stylesheets.
Apparently the following attributes don't work well in IE8 and can obviously cause problems:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0.6);
I have tested this using Firefox, Chrome and IE8. I have not seen if there are issues with any other browsers but I would imagine this should work with Safari as well.
What I still have no explanation for is why those elements affected IE8 browser when they clearly did not exist in its assigned stylesheet.
In the next revision of this site, I will definitely drop support for IE8 altogether. As much as I'd like to make it available to users having out-dated versions of IE 8 and earlier, its just added labor to try to keep up a dead horse. :-)

How to test print output of browsers with online tools? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Suggestions for debugging print stylesheets?
(13 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have used (as usual) #media print rules to specify how the print of a web page should be different to the online version. This works quite well, but the test is really difficult. What I usually has to do are the following steps:
Create the different style for screen and print.
Start your page in the screen mode
Print the page e.g. to a PDF printer.
Look at the result.
Try to find the rules that behave wrong.
What I would like to do (but was not able to do it with any browser):
Create the different style for screen and print.
Start your page in the screen mode
Go into the preview print mode (e.g. for Opera, Firefox available)
Use the available tools like Firebug (Firefox) or Dragonfly (Opera) to inspect the DOM and the current styles.
Change the CSS on the fly, reload the page, and look at the result and the DOM again.
Is there any browser or combination of browser, plugin and process available to get similar results? If you have ideas how to change the organizations of the files, with the most minimal changes to get the wished result, you are welcome.
Chrome Developer Tools has this feature.
Open Chrome Developer Tools for the page you want to test.
Open the Drawer if not already open. (Press Esc.)
Open the Emulation tab.
Click Media in the left menu.
Check CSS media and select print from the select box
Source: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/iterate/device-mode/media-queries#preview-styles-for-more-media-types
The Firefox pluging called "Web Developer" ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/) has a "Display CSS By Media Type" option.
Have you tried with Print Friendly Google Chrome extension.
Its a nice extension which adds a button and generates pdf of the web page on a click.
Hope that might be easier than your current process.
I have found a different solution to my problem inspired by Using Rails 3.1 assets pipeline to conditionally use certain css. Here is how it works:
Use in the main HTML file the following directives for stylesheets:
<link href="application.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="screen.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
isolate all rules in your stylesheets that are
appropriate for screen and print (Stylesheet: application.css)
appropriate only for screen (Stylesheet: screen.css)
appropriate only for print (Stylesheet: print.css)
During test of the print-out of your web page, switch the stylesheets in your main HTML file:
<link href="application.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="screen.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="print.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Notice the switch in the second and third line for media="print|screen".
As the result, you are now able to call your main HTML file, and see how it will look if you print it out under normal conditions. All the tools you normally use (Firefox Firebug, Chrome Developer Tools, Opera DragonFly, ...) will work as normally, so you are able to check your DOM, see the boxes, change CSS on the fly and just reload your page then.
Works pretty well for me, if I will stumble over some drawbacks, I will come back and notate that as well.
If you specify your Print & Screen CSS rules in separate files, you can do this quite easily using the Chrome Developer tools. Load your page and open the Developer Tools. From the "Elements" view, edit the media="print" line so it reads media="all".
For example, if you link your style sheets like:
<link href="/static/global/css/theme.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/static/global/css/print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/static/global/css/print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
to read:
<link href="/static/global/css/print.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
You will now have the print styles applied to the copy in your browser window. You can navigate the styles and elements as you would with any other webpage.
Here is a practice that I have found helpful with styling for print when the print layout needs to be a modification of the generic styling.
Create a print style sheet that uses #media print { } to frame the print styles
Apply that style sheet last
While working on print styles, temporarily comment out the lines that frame your print styles
Use Firebug and Web Developer in you accustomed way
Uncomment the media bracketing
Something like:
/* #media print { */
#sidebar {display:none;}
/* } */

Is there a css debugging tool to test an entire stylesheet for conflicts?

I created a stylesheet for jquery mobile using the ThemeRoller tool. It looks really great on the ThemeRoller page. In my mobile app... not so good. I think there must be some conflicts in definitions between my stylesheet and the jquery stylesheets.
Rails layout file:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "jquery_mob_theme.min", "jquery.mobile-1.1.0.min", "stylin.mobile" %>
For those of you not familiar with rails it is rendered:
<link href="/stylesheets/jquery_mob_theme.min.css?1338304118" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/jquery.mobile-1.1.0.min.css?1338312435" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/stylin.mobile.css?1337894014" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Is the only way to deal with this to wade through thousands of lines of css to look for conflicts? Is there a css debugging tool that will detect that in a stylesheet? I could change the jquery file names to scss and then roll them into one stylesheet. I am familiar with Firebug and Web inspector which check styles on one page. That wouldn't help... right?
Unfortunately for you, All of css is based on inheritance so there is no automated way of knowing of a conflict or if an object has just overriden the styling of a parent. I think the best bet is to force rails to show the mobile version of the site on a desktop pc and then you can use the Google chrome inspector. It will show you all styles applied to a specific object. It only shows relevant styles with line numbers in the stylesheet so you aren't stuck wading through css. You can also edit it in chrome to see what your changes will look like before you change your stylesheet.
Firebug (an extension for Firefox) can show all styles applied to any given element, as well as which styles are overridden by other styles. You would have to view your mobile site from a desktop browser, but this can be done in Firefox by changing the useragent to match that of a mobile device (iPod, Android, etc.)
If you plan on using webkit on your site, Firefox is not a great choice as it does not render webkit css styles. An alternative is to use Safari and its development tools (which can be activated in the options menu).
If you need to debug from an actual mobile device, there aren't many options. If you can get Opera mobile onto the device, it comes with a decent debugger called Dragonfly.
The order of your stylin Stylesheets matters for what gets overridden. Make sure your style sheet is before both of the jQuery style sheets.

Navigations with different styles after reloading a page

I am working on my website ( http://idefinland.com ) and have problem with displaying navigation. It looks good in all browsers and with any resolutions. Ideally it looks like this:
![Proper navigation][1]
Sometimes in Chrome and Safari navigation drops out of the header. It looks like this:
Then I reload the page and the problem disappear.
Has anyone ideas on what could be a reasons for such a problem?
Read the directions in footer.css -- there's some code you need to put in your HTML file to fully enable this stylesheet. Specifically, this needs to go between the <head>..</head> tags:
<!--[if !IE 7]>
<style type="text/css">
#wrap {display:table;height:100%}

CSS not loading in Chrome and Safari..works in Firefox and IE

I am giving external css path in aspx page via
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="file:///D:/CSS/Style.css" type="text/css" />
its works fine in firefox and ie while access that page.
but when i open this page in chrome or safari.
it does'nt do anything and no css is applying.
please tell what wrong i am doing??.
Make a relative path in the href attribute. For example: "~/CSS/Style.css"
Try an alternitive way of linking to the css:
<style type="text/css"><!-- #import url(file:///D:/css/styles.css); --></style>
But also try running a local server rather than using the file system. XXAMP and EasyPHP are good.
Done a bit of reading around, try using "file://" instead of "file:///" in your UNC. Chrome and safari should be able to read this and change it accordingly.
