Custom webfont characters don't appear in Safari iOS 5 - css

My custom icon font is not rendering in Mobile Safari on iOS 5. I've confirmed that the problem must be with my CSS.
The font works fine on iOS 6 and on desktop versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and IE9 when using the corresponding eot and woff formats generated by
I'm currently using the following simplified #font-face declaration (SASS):
font-family: 'Boundless'
src: asset-url('boundless.ttf', font) format('truetype')
font-weight: normal
font-style: normal
The following HTML works (it renders the desired icon character in Mobile Safari on iOS 5.1:
However, I see a <?> glyph if I try to render it in the way that Font-Awesome does:
font-family: "Boundless"
content: "\f0000"
<h1><i class="bicon-biology"></i></h1>
Yet Font-Awesome icons render fine on the site.
Does anyone know what might be causing this issue?
I should also add that I tried all the recommendations made here: #font-face not embedding on mobile Safari (iPhone/iPad) and none worked. This includes adding the smiley-face hack, making sure my font urls are absolute, and trying svg fonts (which shouldn't be neccessary for iOS 5 anyway).

Mobile Safari apparently just doesn't like the utf-8 addresses I was using (/0f0000-/0f001e).
I edited the font to move the characters to the same positions that Font-Awesome uses (/00f000...), and presto, it works!
I also checked whether adding/removing 0's padding the left made a difference, and it works either way. There's just something about the other address range. :\
AGAIN: This is only an issue when the codes are used in pseudo element content. As you see above, 󰀀 (and 󰀀) rendered just fine when it was directly in the HTML.


How to fix strange font rendering (some taller characters) in Google Chrome?

I want to use the Aller font on my website, which seems to work fine in Firefox. In Chrome however, the 's' and 'k' characters (and only those) have a bigger height than the other characters.
The font renders correctly in Firefox (on Linux and MacOS), in Chrome (on MacOS), but not in Chrome on Linux. Font is not installed locally on the Linux machine.
Css rule:
#font-face {
font-family: "Aller";
src: url("../fonts/aller/Aller_Lt.ttf");
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
Chrome (on Linux) preview of the font (seems to be good):
Screenshot of text on my website with incorrect font rendering (taller 's') with Chrome:
Screenshot of same website on same machine with Firefox with correct font rendering:
How can I make sure that in Chrome the font is rendered correctly? Is this an issue with Chrome, my code or the font itself?
This is usually a problem with fonts that aren't hinted, or not hinted correctly. There are PS Private settings you can configure in the font (called BlueValues, or OtherBlues - more information on these here) that help keep all of the characters on the same line like this - if they aren't present, the rendering just chooses the closest pixel without regard for if it's above the others. The problem will be less noticeable in the larger font sizes, and will vary from browser to browser like you've witnessed.
It doesn't look like this font is hinted - looking at the specimen page, you can see a similar issue with the a and p of alphabet. I'd advise trying to use a hinted font, or adding the hints yourself, if you're interested in that (and the license allows it).

how to make the css font-weight consistent across browsers

I am using a custom font that I implemented into my website using the #font-face css selector and provided the different formats of the fonts for the different browsers, up to this point firefox, chrome IE11 and opera render the font approximatly the same.
but when it comes to giving a font-weight: 900; Only Chrome succedes in rendering a bold enough font,
firefox and IE rendering is close to what chrome renders at 500 or 600
is there a work around to acheive the same result in the other browsers without having to implement a bolded version of the font in all different formats ???
firefox rendering
chrome rendering
The best way to keep font weights consistent is making sure that font comes with a bold weight font file. If your font files don't come with your desired weight then the Browser & OS will try to manually style the font which results in, as you've seen, different rendering.

Fonts broken in Chrome and Firefox but works good in Safari

I have a website, in which the fonts are appearing good in safari, but broken in Chrome and Firefox. I couldn't find which rule is overriding my font settings. Please help.
This page is live at
In safari, it is taking the settings from uaf.css but in chrome and firefox they are scored-out. I have no idea why it is broken. Even I tried to apply the font inline with !important tag, but no success.
It looks like you have two #font-face declarations for the "same" font. One is in MyFontsWebfontsKit.css which references a font as "Elizabeth-Italic". The other declaration, in uaf.css is referencing a font as "Elizabeth Italic". These are two distinctly different fonts.
Assuming you want the italicized font, just set the font-family to "Elizabeth-Italic" and you should be good to go.
I'd recommend removing any of the CSS files you don't need (particularly #font-face declarations), it will lessen the number of HTTP requests and make the site a bit snappier overall.

how to copy font-family from a webpage

Although having read some articles about font-family, I still don't have a deep understanding how it works. So I'm hoping this question may help me better understand how font-family works.
I see some beautiful fonts on a website, the CSS of one of them is font-family:'Futura Today Bold',Arial,sans-serif. I try to copy it to my website, but it doesn't work. It seems the elements affected by this website are displaying default font. Here is a side question: how do I check what font an element is actually using? can I do it with javascript?
And the main question is, how do I use this 'Futura Today Bold' font on my website?
The problem with the font you intend to use is that it will not be installed on every user's device, which is why the fallback font (Arial) is specified in the website you checked.
You need to use web fonts if you wish to use a font that is not available on the user's device. Here's an example CSS code to do that:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.woff') format('woff'), /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */
url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.ttf') format('truetype'); /* Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10+, Safari 3—5 */
After including the above lines in your CSS code, the font can be applied by the CSS rule font-family:'Futura Today Bold' in your stylesheet.
Also note that as Christina pointed out in a comment, you should not use fonts that you do not have licensing rights to use.
Answering your other question as to how to find out which font is currently being applied, you can use your browser's developer tools to find that out. Here's a screenshot of how it can be done in Firefox.
Basically you need to have the font actually included in the bundle when the page loads to have access to it. You can easily do this once you have the file by using this html code in your <head>
<link href='font-name' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
or like this into your css
After you have done this all you have to do is set the font like you did before
This is needed to define the font name once you have the ttf. Put this in CSS
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('font-name.ttf');
If you look at this file:
Then at the beginning you can see this line which is what create the font and if you look in your file tree under fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot then you can find the eot file:
#font-face {
src:url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.svg#Roboto') format('svg');
There are some sets of fonts that are available in the website by default. If you want to use any other fonts then you must specify the same in your css. Normally font files are available in ttf or otf format.
For example if you want to use Futura Today Bold you should first download the font file from this page.
Next, you can specify in your css, the font path that you intend to use. Visit this link to know more
If you trying to use a font in your website and it doesn't show, in many cases you just doesn't have the font available.
So google and download it (if allowed). To use it in your online websites, you have to provide the font, if you're not sure, wether everybody has this font or not. Providing can be done via #font-face. But keep copyrights in mind.
When a browser renders a page, it uses the fonts from left to right. If the most-left is not available, it goes one step to the right and so on. You will often see something like sans or sans-serif at the right and, to provide a fallback, where the browser just pick a default font of that type.
To see which font is currently used, you can right click that part (in Firefox or Chrome) and inspect the element. Look for the font section. There you can see which font is used. If you see multiple fonts, the most left/top value should be applied.
You would need to actually have the font file in your project or you can download the file using #font-face in your css.
There are quite a few services that offer fonts for download online. Some are free to download (Google Fonts, others are paid (Typekit).
This link explains a bit of how it is with fonts on the web today.

Fonts broken in Google Chrome

in most browsers the site I am creating is fine. But in Google Chrome the font I'm using has lots of cracks in it and doesn't render properly at all.
I've tried various fixes for it but am still unable to get it to how the site is on firefox. Here is my CSS for the font face:
#font-face {
font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
-moz-font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
-webkit-font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
src: url('/Resources/CLB.eot'); /* IE9 */
src:url('/Resources/CLB.svg') format('svg'),url('/Resources/CLB.woff') format('woff'),url('/Resources/CLB.ttf') format('truetype');
A few things to try:
Get the official web font files for your font if possible
Otherwise use a tool like the font squirrel generator
Use the bulletproof font face syntax
Use the Chrome SVG font trick for smoother rendering in Chrome
Chrome renders better at certain font sizes than others. Try setting e.g. font-size: 16px then incrementing / decrementing 1px at a time to find a compromise
It could just be that your web font is badly hinted, so find an alternate one
Note that Chrome, Firefox and IE all use different font rendering engines, so they'll always look a bit different
You can follow these steps:
Control panel-> Fonts -> Adjust clear type.
I found this solution and it worked for me.
