Moq Throws an exception for verify - moq

I'm new to Mocking, but this must be something really basic that I'm missing:
The test code below produces an exception:
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: x => x.DeleteProducts(._products)\r\n\r\nConfigured setups:\r\nx => x.DeleteProducts(._products), Times.Never\r\n\r\nPerformed invocations:\r\nIProductRepository.DeleteProducts(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[WebApiDemo.DataAccessLayer.Product])
I step through the controller method and it does seem to call the DeleteProducts method...
// Arrange
IEnumerable<Product> _products = Helpers.ProductHelpers.CreateProducts(_numberProducts);
Mock<IProductRepository> _productRepository = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
_productRepository.Setup(x => x.DeleteProducts(_products));
ProductsController controller = new ProductsController(_productRepository.Object);
// Act
controller.Destroy(_productViewModels); // Destroy calls DeleteProducts
// Assert
_productRepository.Verify(x => x.DeleteProducts(_products));

Does DeleteProducts(_products); return void? I assume it does, so you need to put the .Verifiable() at the end of the .Setup() for it.
With that in place, it should run through ok, although I'm not sure why you have the Times.Never() instead of Times.Once() ??
I would also advocate on the Setup call using It.IsAny<T> rather than a specific collection, such as:
MyMock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Widget>>)).Verifiable()

Unless you have the mock behaviour set to strict there is no need for the setup. You are not returning anything from the Delete. The call to Verify will suffice.
Some things are not totally obvious from the code.
The repository deletes products but the controller destroys productviewmodels.
In Moq 4 the test should work if
You have a product view model for every product in _products
The Controller.Destroy method gets products from the viewmodels in the same order as _products
I would check that _productViewModels is a 1:1 match to the _products and check how Destroy() extracts the products from the viewmodels before calling Delete()
I would not go with the IsAny>() because you want to check that these specific products were deleted not any other ones.
public class Verifying {
public interface IProductRepository {
void Delete(IEnumerable<Product> products);
public class ProductController {
private IProductRepository _repository;
public ProductController(IProductRepository repository) {
_repository = repository;
public void Destroy(IEnumerable<Product> products) {
public void Destroy(IEnumerable<ProductViewModel> productViewModels) {
_repository.Delete(productViewModels.Select(vm => vm.Product));
public class Product {
public class ProductViewModel {
public Product Product { get; set;}
static Verifying() {
sProducts = new List<Product> { new Product(), new Product(), new Product() };
sProductViewModels = new List<ProductViewModel>(sProducts.Select(p => new ProductViewModel { Product = p }));
private static List<Product> sProducts;
private static List<ProductViewModel> sProductViewModels;
private Mock<IProductRepository> _mockRepository;
private ProductController CreateController() {
_mockRepository = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
return new ProductController(_mockRepository.Object);
public void DestroyingProducts() {
var controller = CreateController();
_mockRepository.Verify(mk => mk.Delete(sProducts));
public void DestroyingProductViewModels() {
var controller = CreateController();
_mockRepository.Verify(mk => mk.Delete(sProducts));


Same Policy but different required parameter for each action method

In a .Net core Webapi 2.1 project, I have a tons of action methods.
All action methods should be authorized against the same policy (named FooPolicy) but with a different required argument.
Based on Microsoft's docs: Policy-based-Authorization
One way would be to declare a tons of policies based on different input argument:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy1", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(1)));
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy2", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(2)));
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy3", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(3)));
//... May be 30 more same policies here ...
As i earlier mentioned, only different part is in new FooRequirement(diffArgs). The other challenge for this solution would be to add each FooPolicy on it's corresponding action method and you may miss a couple of theme:
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy1")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo1(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy2")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo2(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy3")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo3(...) {...}
...List still goes on...
Is there any solution like: declare a policy once but use it with different instance of FooRequirement (which is of type IAuthorizationHandler)? like so:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(?));
And on the action methods:
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(1))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo1(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(2))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo2(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(3))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo3(...) {...}
The main idea is to declare policy once. Two recent code blocks are psudo-code, Does any body knows practical solution with similar concept?
You could implement your own IAuthorizationFilter
custom IAuthorizationFilter
public class CustomAuthorize : IAuthorizationFilter
private readonly int _input;
public CustomAuthorize(int input)
_input = input;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
//custom validation rule
if (_input == 1)
context.Result = new ForbidResult();
Custom CustomAuthorizeAttribute
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
public CustomAuthorizeAttribute(int input) : base(typeof(CustomAuthorize))
Arguments = new object[] { input };
public IActionResult About()

ASP.NET MVC 5 Common actions for more controllers

I have some controllers (and will be more) which share some actions like those:
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
Supplier s = db.Suppliers.Find(id);
s.Deleted = true;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult RestoreConfirmed(int id)
Supplier s = db.Suppliers.Find(id);
s.Deleted = false;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Those action are part of SuppliersController. What this does is that when I delete or restore an object, it marks the object in the database as true for deleted field (and false when it is restored).
The same behavior is shared by many other controllers like CurrenciesController, ProductsController, etc...
In the code I showed you should see that my database entity is clearly specified (Supplier) and also the repository (Suppliers).
I want to find a way to this in a generic way. I want to create a custom controller and all other controllers that shares the same behavior will extended it. In this case ProductsController will extend my DeleteRestoreController.
How can I do this in a "generic" way?
db is a DbContext
public partial class LE: DbContext
public LE()
: base("name=LE")
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();
public virtual DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<CategoryText> CategoryTexts { get; set; }
Categories also share the same behavior.
To go one step further
public abstract class DeleteRestoreController<T> : Controller
public virtual Action DeleteConfirmed(int id)
var dbset = db.Set<T>();
var s = dbset.Find(id);
s.Deleted = true;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
then when defining your controller add the entity type
public class ProductsController : DeleteRestoreController<Supplier>
You can implement your DeleteRestoreController as an abstract class.
public abstract class DeleteRestoreController : Controller
private IRepository : Repository;
public DeleteRestoreController() { ... }
public DeleteRestoreController(IRepository Repository) { ... }
public virtual Action DeleteConfirmed(int id)
Supplier s = db.Suppliers.Find(id);
s.Deleted = true;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
If you need to differ from that behaviour in your ProductsController you can simply override that method.
public class ProductsController : DeleteRestoreController
public override void DeleteConfirmed()
//override the logic
You could always go one step further and implement a generic repository as well, but I've never gone beyond 6-8 controllers in my applications and didn't create one once.
EDIT I've just read in the comments, that the entities would change from Suppliers in the controllers, so implementing a base controller wouldn't make much sense, if you do not implement a generic interface as well. Robert Harvey has made a great point in stating the complexity has to go somewhere.

Asynchronous call to webservice in MVC 4 web application

I am building my first real MVC4 application and I have run into following issue.
I have a model for "User" class. Data for it are obtained through asynchronous call to webservice:
public sealed class AdminDMSEntities
public List<User> UserList { get; private set; }
public AdminDMSEntities()
this.UserList = new List<User>(0);
ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
if (e.Result == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No users were retrieved");
UserList = new List<User>(0);
e.Result.ForEach(w => this.UserList.Add(new User(w.Guid, w.TrusteeType, w.Username, w.Email, w.LastLogin, w.PasswordChanged, w.IsUsingTempPassword)));
I intend to use this class as I would use class derived from DbContext (if I could use Entity Framework which I cant). So far I have only users in the class.
I am using tis class in UsersController like this:
public class UsersController : Controller
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = new AdminDMSEntities();
// GET: /User/
public ActionResult Index()
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The problem is that I will end up with InvalidOperationException, because controller is not waiting for async call completion and passes UserList to the view before it is properly filled with users.
I can have the call synchronous for the time being, but it is very likely I will be forced to use asynchronous calls later, so I would like to know how to ensure, that controller will wait for async call to be completed before UserList is passed to view...
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I have tried the approach with AsyncController as listed below, currently I have added this to AdminDMS entities class:
public static async Task<AdminDMSEntities> AdminDMSEntitiesAsync()
AdminDMSEntities result = null;
Task<AdminDMSEntities> getUsersAsyncTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new AdminDMSEntities());
await getUsersAsyncTask;
return result;
and this is the change to the controller:
public class UsersController : AsyncController
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = null;
// GET: /User/
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
if (adminEntities == null)
adminEntities = await AdminDMSEntities.AdminDMSEntitiesAsync();
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The result is that adminEntities are containing an instance of the class, but there are no users in the list (there should be 11).
EDIT2: Since i was told that creating new task is not the right thing to do, I went with the first suggested approach removin AdminDMSEntities class from the code. My thanks to Darin for helping me out :)
You could use an asynchronous controller. The idea is to have your controller derive from the AsyncController class instead of the Controller class. This class provides methods that allow you to perform asynchronous operations.
For example:
public class MyController: AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
var client = new SomeClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
UserList = new List<User>();
AsyncManager.Parameters["users"] = e.Result.Select(
w => new User(
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(IEnumerable<User> users)
return View(users);
and if you are using .NET 4.5 you could even take advantage of the new async keyword simplifying the asynchronous code even further. This is possible if you refactor your data access layer to the new pattern (i.e. return Tasks):
public class MyController: AsyncController
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var client = new SomeClient();
var users = await client.GetUsersAsync().Select(
w => new User(
return View(users);

Mocking ChildProperty cannot get it to work?

I am trying to test a property that is nested in a child class.
I always get an error.
Am I missing something?
Is it possible to test a child property in moq.
I have the following
public void Should_be_able_to_test_orderCollection()
var orderViewMock = new Mock<IOrderView>();
orderViewMock.SetupGet(o => o.Customer.OrderDataCollection.Count).Returns(2);
orderViewMock.SetupSet(o => o.Customer.OrderDataCollection[1].OrderId = 1);
orderViewMock.VerifySet(o => o.Customer.OrderDataCollection[1].OrderId=1);
public class CustomerTestHelper
public static CustomerInfo GetCustomer()
return new CustomerInfo
OrderDataCollection = new OrderCollection
new Order {OrderId = 1},
new Order {OrderId = 2}
public class CustomerInfo
public OrderCollection OrderDataCollection { get; set; }
public class OrderCollection:List<Order>
public class Order
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public interface IOrderView
CustomerInfo Customer { get; set; }
You can't mock the OrderDataCollection property of CustomerInfo because it's a non-virtual property on a concrete class.
The best way to fix this would be to extract an interface from CustomerInfo and let IOrderView return that instead:
public interface IOrderView
ICustomerInfo Customer { get; set; }
It is definitely possible if you have the right abstractions. You need to mock your Customer and its children too, for your example to work, like:
var customerMock = new Mock<ICustomer>();
orderViewMock.SetupGet(o => o.Customer).Returns(customerMock.Object);
etc. for the entire hierarchy of child objects you want to control with mocks. Hope it makes sense.
You will get a runtime error, as you've found:
System.ArgumentException: Invalid setup on a non-overridable member:
o => o.Customer.OrderDataCollection.Count
at Moq.Mock.ThrowIfCantOverride(Expression setup, MethodInfo methodInfo)
You can mock the IOrderView and return any CustomerInfo instance you want, but you're also trying to mock CustomerInfo and OrderCollection. As Mark Seemann mentioned, you can only mock interfaces and virtual properties/methods. This will hold true for almost any mocking/isolation framework except for Typemock (commercial).
As others have already stated, one way to solve the problem is to return an interface for the customer.

ParameterMismatch exception when using Moq Callback method

I have an interface named IAuthorizationRepository with the following interface:
public interface IAuthorizationRepository
IQueryable<User> Users { get; }
Int32 SaveChanges();
void Detach(Object entity);
void Attach(IEntityWithKey entity);
void DeleteObject(Object entity);
void AddObject(String entitySetName, Object entity);
Where User is defined as follows:
public class User{
string Username { get; set; }}
And I have a TestInitialize method like this:
public void Init()
_repository = new Mock<IAuthorizationRepository>();
List<User> users = new List<User>();
User user = new User();
user.Username = "test_osness";
_repository.ExpectGet(r => r.Users).Returns(users.AsQueryable());
_repository.Expect(r => r.AddObject("Users", It.IsAny<Object>()))
.Callback<User>(u => users.Add(u));
_repository.Object.AddObject("Users", user);
Console.WriteLine("Users: {0}", _repository.Object.Users.Count());
But when I run the test I am getting a System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException on the line which calls _repository.Object.AddObject("Users", user). I'm new to Moq, but from what I can tell this should work. What am I doing wrong. I want to add a user object to my List when AddObject("Users" , Object) is called. So _repository.Object.Users.Count() should reflect that the correct number of users.
I'm gonna overwrite my previous answer.
This line:
_repository.Expect(r => r.AddObject("Users", It.IsAny<Object>()))
.Callback<User>(u => users.Add(u));
Is looking to call a version of .Callback() that takes a single parameter. However, your "AddObject" method that you're expecting takes two parameters. I think you need something more like this:
_repository.Expect(r => r.AddObject("Users", It.IsAny<Object>()))
.Callback((s, o) => users.Add(o as User));
Now the Callback lambda takes the same number of parameters as your expectation, so it should work.
