R workflow: How to handle hand-cleaning data - r

Let me first say that I assiduously avoid hand-cleaning data in favor of regular expressions and the like. However, occasionally it is inevitable.
I use something like the Load-Clean-Func-Do workflow normally, so this obviously fits into the cleaning phase. However, any hand-editing breaks the ability to run the stuff before the hand-cleaning if it needs updating.
I can think of at least three ways to handle this:
Put the by-hand changes as early in the workflow as possible, so that everything after that remains runnable.
Write out regexes or assignment operations for every single change.
Use a tool that generates (2) for you after you close the spreadsheet where you've made the changes.
The problem with 2 is that it can be extremely unweildy. The problem with 3 is that I'm unaware of any such tool existing for R. Stata has an extremely good implementation of this.
So the questions are:
Which results in the most replicable code with the least-frustrating code writing?
Does a tool as in (3) exist?

I agree that hand-cleaning is generally a rather bad idea. However, sometimes it is unavoidable. I'd suggest one of the two, or both:
Keep a separate data file with "data fixing" containing three variables "case_id", "variable_name", "value". Use it to store information about which values in the original data need to be replaced. You may add some additional variables to extra information about cleaning (e.g. why value on variable "variable_name" need to be replaced with "value" for case "case_id", etc.). Then have a short piece of R code, which loads your original data and then cleans it with the additional information in the "fixing" file.
Perhaps you should start using some version control system like git or subversion (there are other progs also). Every hand-made change to the data could be recorded in the system as a separate commit. By the end of the day, you will be able to easily check the log for what change you made to the data and when. Moreover, you will be able to generate patch files that transform original data files to the cleaned ones. It is also beneficial to have your R code files version-controlled.


What is the best practice for transferring objects across R projects?

I would like to use R objects (e.g., cleaned data) generated in one git-versioned R project in another git-versioned R project.
Specifically, I have multiple git-versioned R projects (that hold drake plans) that do various things for my thesis experiments (e.g., generate materials, import and clean data, generate reports/articles).
The experiment-specific projects should ideally be:
Connectable - so that I can get objects (mainly data and materials) that I generated in these projects into another git-versioned R project that generates my thesis report.
Self-contained - so that I can use them in other non-thesis projects (such as presentations, reports, and journal manuscripts). When sharing such projects, I'd ideally like not to need to share a monolithic thesis project.
Versioned - so that their use in different projects can be independent (e.g., if I make changes to the data cleaning for a manuscript after submitting the thesis, I still want the thesis to be reproducible as it was originally compiled).
At the moment I can see three ways of doing this:
Re-create the data cleaning process
But: this involves copy/paste, which I'd like to avoid, especially if things change upstream.
Access the relevant scripts/functions by changing the working directory
But: even if I used here it seems that this would introduce poor reproducibility.
Make the source projects into packages and make the objects I want to "export" into exported data (as per the data section of Hadley's R packages guide)
But: I'd like to avoid the unnecessary metadata, artefacts, and noise (e.g., see Miles McBain's "Project as an R package: An okay idea") if I can.
Is there any other way of doing this?
Edit: I tried #landau's suggestion of using a single drake plan, which worked well for a while, until (similar to #vrognas' case) I ended up with too many sub-projects (e.g., conference presentations and manuscripts) that relied on the same objects. Therefore, I added some clarifications above to my intentions with the question.
My first recommendation is to use a single drake plan to unite the stages of the overall project that need to share data. drake is designed to handle a lot of moving parts this way, and it will be more seamless when it comes to drake's decisions about what to rerun downstream. But if you really do need different plans in different sub-projects that share data, you can track each shared dataset as a file_out() file in one plan and track it with file_in() in another plan.
upstream_plan <- drake_plan(
export_file = write_csv(dataset, file_out("exported_data/dataset.csv"))
downstream_plan <- drake_plan(
dataset = read_csv(file_in("../upstream_project/exported_data/dataset.csv"))
You fundamentally misunderstood Miles McBain’s critique. He isn’t saying that you shouldn’t write reusable code nor that you shouldn’t use packages. He’s saying that you shouldn’t use packages for everything. But reusable code (i.e. code that you want to reuse) absolutely belongs in packages (or, better, modules), which can then be used in multiple projects.
That being said, first off, pay attention to Will Landau’s advice.
Secondly, you can make your RStudio projects configurable such that they can load data based on paths given in a configuration. Once that’s accomplished, nothing speaks against hard-coding paths to data in different projects inside that config file.
I am in a similar situation. I have many projects that are spawned from one raw dataset. Previously, when the project was young and small, I had it all in one version controlled project. This got out of hand as more sub-projects were spawned and my git history got cluttered from working on projects in parallel. This could be to my lack of skills with git. My folder structure looked something like this:
I contemplated having each project in its own git branch, but then I could not access them simultaneously. If I had to change something to the main dataset (eg I might have not cleaned some parts) then project 1 could become outdated and nonfunctional. Once I had finished project 1, I would have liked it to be isolated and contained for reproducibility. This is easier to achieve if the projects are separated. I don't think a drake/targets plan would solve this?
I also looked briefly into having the projects as git submodules but it seemed to add too much complexity. Again, my git ignorance might shine through here.
My current solution is to have the main data as an R-package, and each sub-project as a separate git-versioned folder (they are actually packages as well, but this is not necessary). This way I can load in a specific version of the data (using renv for package versions).
My folder structure now looks something like this:
And inside each sub-project, I call library(main) to load the cleaned data. Within each sub-project, a drake/targets plan could be used.

Data version control (DVC) edit files in place results in cyclic dependency

we have a larger dataset and have several preprocessing scripts.
These scripts alter data in place.
It seems when I try to register it with dvc run it complains about cyclic dependencies (input is the same as output).
I would assume this is a very common use case.
What is the best practice here ?
Tried to google around but i did not see any solution to this (besides creating another folder for the output).
Usually, we split input and output into separate files rather than modify everything in place, not only for the separation of concerns principles but also to make it fit with tools like DVC.
Hope you can try this way instead.

Is there a way to make R code only able to be run and not edited? Essentially read-only?

I am in the midst of writing some scripts to perform data analysis on large excel sheets faster than by hand. However, my company has a strict quality review system where the program used needs to be validated and secure (i.e. no one can edit it, there is proof of what code was run, etc.). So essentially I would like my code to be able to be ran by my coworkers without them being able to edit the script. I was also interested in inserting prompts that they can fill in (e.g. "Which column would you like to analyze?")
Is all of this possible? I have read a few things online about file permissions but I know that these can easily be changed by the user. I also read about obfuscators but am entirely unfamiliar with their use.
One thought I have is to use Rmarkdown as a method of displaying which lines were run for which results. However, I believe that document could be edited as well? This would also leave the issue of the script itself being able to be edited.

Which way is better for test data preparation in robot framework?

I’m using robot framework and selenium library to testing a web application, which way is better for test data preparation?
Writing test data directly into the test cases, test data act as the user keywords arguments. This way is simple and without any test data file needed, but some user keywords have a bit more arguments and test cases looks strange for people not familiar with.
Prepare test data file per test case, then load test data file into variables when executing. This way removes the user keywords arguments and easier for making higher level user keywords, but can’t identify where the variables in the user keywords come from directly and need to open and check the test data file when editing test data.
There is no way best way in general, it will depend on the context (how many tests, how many keywords, how many arguments etc.). Writing Robot tests is like writing code in any other langage: you have to refactor it again and again as it grows.
Though in the specific case of Robot, I agree there is a tension between having short/readable keywords with few/no arguments (solution 1) and more detailed keywords with more arguments (solution 2). My strategy is usually to keep the most important/relevant arguments (like 1 or 2) clearly provided in the test itself and take the other ones from data/lib files. This way you can see what this test is specifically doing without having to check other files.
Best approach depends on the volume and verity of data, if the expectation is to get huge amounts of data to be crunched then, document db i.e mongo db is extermely ood, on all other cases, excel should be good enough as well.

Cleaning up strikeout/coloured data in Excel

I'm processing data where the source is a manual update in Excel format which is provided monthly.
One of the quirk of the data is that some cancelled records are indicated either by the person keying in the data highlighting the cells in red, or changing the fonts to be strikeout. Unfortunately I have no control on the data entry source, so I have had to regularly manually search the file for red cells or strike out fonts, and manually clean them up (either delete, or add a column with status as Cancelled, depending on the usage).
Does anyone have suggestion on the best data cleaning practice for this? Is there an automated approach for this, or do I simply have to be resigned to documenting the steps, and executing them regularly?
For info my preferred tool is R, so if there is a way to clean it from within R, that would be best. I'm open to other approaches.
There are a few R packages for working with Excel, but filtering data based on formatting is going to involve using rcom and excel's COM interface. I'm not terribly familiar with either.
The route I would go is to write a VBA macro which would filter the data, wrap that macro in a VBS script, and call that script from the command line (or via R's system or shell functions)
The reason I would go that route is that both VBA and VBS are very easy to pick up if you have any familiarity at all with programming. COM on the other hand isn't something that people gain a level of comfort with very quickly.
VBA is what will give you access to the excel formatting. (Visual Basic for Applications). VBS is what you will need to automate the macro via the command line rather than from within Excel (Visual Basic Scripting Edition).
You can do this in Excel. Start by recording a macro, then put a colour based filter on the column you want (to select only the red cells), delete the rows and then stop recording of the macro.
This should give you a macro. You might need to make some small changes, you can google specific commands for more details.
