Horizontally centered on a horizontally scrolling page - css

I'm trying to develop a horizontally scrolling website in which clicking a link in the navigation scrolls the page to the right to the linked div.
The problem is I want the elements that it scrolls to to be horizontally centered within the browser window. I assume that this can be done using javascript, but I have no idea how to go about it.
Here is a pastebin link to my HTML: http://pastebin.com/YxajLvtW
And here is the CSS: http://pastebin.com/JpaJC2Yg
I know how to implement javascript, but not necessarily read/write it.

This should be helpful: http://www.arvindandrion.com/jquery/horizontal-scroll-using-jquery-scrollto/
General advice: Use a Javascript framework like jQuery to code Javascript functionality. It makes life a loooooot easier :)
Maybe take a look at this, too: http://api.jquery.com/scrollLeft/


Flow into view (don't know the technical term)

I don't know what this is called, but I've seen it on a few websites where when a div scrolls into view it flows to the top hiding the previous block (well scrolling out of view). It like a slideshow but vertically and shows the content. It's kinda like a normal scrolling web page but brings segments into view.
Does this make sense??
Does anyone know what this is called so I can Google how to do it in css or jQuery.
Thanks in advance
If I understand correctly your question you are searching for sticky position. You can see how to do it here: https://css-tricks.com/position-sticky-2/

How can I achieve this 'WOW' scrolling effect

A client of mine saw this awesome scrolling effect when clicking on a menu item: http://www.feedmusic.com/
I'm talking about the grey/purple overflow between the two anchor menu items.
I've been Googeling around for hours and can't find anything like this. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
It's singlepage application with disabled scrolling. I haven't experience with singlepage, but here are ideas which looks like it could work:
Create two divs between content one gray and second purple (or one with two colors in the background). Then create scrolling via js (jquery) on button click.
If it's ajax loaded, there could be only 3 divs: one with current content, one with gray/purple background and third with new content and js should place the divs to required places. But first solution should be easier.
Implementation is up to you.

How to arrange HTML5 web page elements?

I'm trying to make a sample web page to get acquainted with HTML5, and I'd like to try replicating Facebook's page layout; that is, the header that spans the entire width of the screen, a small footer at the bottom, and a three-column main body, consisting of a list of links on the left, the main content in the middle, and an optional section on the right (for ads, frames, etc.). It's neat and displays well in multiple window sizes.
So far, I've tried to accomplish this with a <header>, <footer> and a <nav> and <section> block, respectively. There's a few anomalies with the page, however. The footer (which contains a simple text block with copyright info) appears at the top-right of the page below the header when the window is maximized. On the other hand, when there isn't enough space to display everything in the window, it places the main body text below the section. In other words, it keeps moving elements around to fit the window.
Could someone please tell me how I'd achieve the look I'm going for? I've tried playing around with a few CSS attributes I read about through Google, but I'm pretty sure I don't know what I'm doing, and could really use some guidance.
Thank you!
This isn't an HTML5 question as much as it is a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. If you're going to jump in to web dev you're going to need to understand basic CSS like floating etc. I would recommend some tutorials on YouTube or NetTuts. Just play around with a few divs, move them around the page, manipulate them with CSS and it will start to come together. Then making a three column layout with fixed header and footer will seem like a piece of cake.
Floating Divs w/ CSS
I find CSS to be super hard. It is quite difficult to make a page that looks good and works on lots of different platforms and browsers. You may find it easiest to use a css framework, such as Bootstrap.
Drop that into your website, and use it to make your layout. Use the dev tools for your browser (Firebug for firefox) to examine the styles that are being applied to the various elements. Modify the styles to suit your needs.
HTML5 doesn't really give you a page layout for free. The elements you mention (header, section,etc) are used to create semantic pages, rather than to specify how they should be displayed.
Can't help much without your code. But I am sure it is because of float issue. add this CSS property to your footer clear: both
Hope it might help.
I'm not sure if you're trying to make yourself a little hack, or if you're looking for a complete library that will do all this for you, but if you're looking for the latter, I recommend Twitter Bootstrap, which is a cross-platform solution for implementing many HTML5 features, and even resorts to fallbacks for non-modern browsers. The only drawback is the requirement of jQuery in order to initialize the components that are responsive*. However, this is optional if you are not looking to implement these features. The responsive design, amazingly, does not require javascript since it is pure CSS. Hope this helps!
*Edit: meant "interactive" there, not "responsive."

mobile "push" page in web browser - how?

I have a mobile page, js-library only for DOM and events (zepto), no fancy ui-library.
Now I want to add some kind of "modal" feature. Thinking of scroll-right "push",
where the the loaded content pans out to the left. On finish, pop the original page back.
Since the first page is width=100% I can't find any solid solution to work this out. Thankful for any solid css-tricks on this one.
Use CSS transforms to move the content out of the way.
Without seeing your code, it's hard to say, but if I were doing this I'd make a div wide enough to hold the page content + the modal bit, put them both in the div and float them both right.
I'd then absolutely position the big div so you could only see the content. When I needed a modal I'd put it's content into the off screen div, then transform the big div to slide it into view.
Of course, without seeing any of your code, that might be impossible, but it's hardware accelerated, and can only involve adding and removing classes to get the animation.

Changing the image of a scroll bar without flash

How can i change the appearance (not the color) of a scrollbar within a box with overflow? I know how to do it in flash, I need a way to do it without it. In fact, I want to know how they did this slider in the apple web site: http://www.apple.com/mac/
It seems they used css along with javascript, but that's all I know. Is it possible that they did it using DOM, DHTML, HTML 5, Ruby or PHP? I have no idea.
If you'd be kind enough to share the answer, I thank you in advance.
They basically re-created a fake scrollbar using images, CSS and some Javascript. When you drag the image, Javascript makes it move together with the mouse cursor and scrolls the box contents in the opposite direction. The real scrollbar is being hidden/deactivated using CSS.
Look here for some examples/tutorials: http://www.hiddenpixels.com/javascript/custom-javascript-scrollbar/
