Inconsistent security behaviour on IIS - wcf-security

We have a secured WCF service with WsHttpBinding, Client & Server certificates & transport security with Claim Based Authorization.
Everything works fine 50 % of the time. When we do request to a secure endpoint, we get the correct response. But if we send the same request again immidiatly after the first we get the following response:
The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'.
If we then send a request again, we get normal behaviour. So the odd requests work and the even not.
But after some more investigation in the problem. We noticed that if there is at least 1:40 minutes between the previous request, we don't get the error response.
What we can confirm from the debugger and logging. The client sends the credentials to the service. We don't enter System.ServiceModel if we have the Authentication response. In the IIS trace logs we get this on a good request:
Authentication: SSL/PCT
User from token: Domain\CertifacteUserName
and this on a bad request:
Authentication: NOT_AVAILABLE
User from token:
Also in the IIS Trace logging. If we send the second request, we see that the ConnId and RawConnId are the same on both requests. And if we make multiple successful request (By allowing some time between requests) they are different for each request.
It seems to me IIS is not getting the Credentials we send, when they are there. Is this due to caching? Or something else? Does anyone has a solution.


Workfront API Auth request (Machine to Machine Application) is returning 404 error

I'm making an auth POST request to the (note: actual request has '' subdomain replaced with the real Workfront subdomain for my org) endpoint with the required client_id, client_secret, and jwt_token values but receiving the following 404 response and error message in the Response:
{"statusCode":404,"error":true,"type":"Not Found","message":"Invalid Host"}
I searched the API docs and Workfront forum for any additional information on what could cause the error but had no luck. Does anyone know what is causing this error?
For context, this request seems to work fine from Postman on my local machine (i.e. auth token is returned) but fails on the server that is being used for this machine to machine application.
The issue was that the request to the Workfront API was including the port in the host Header value, i.e.
Excluding the port so the host Header value is in the format resolved the issue and provided the expected 200 response with auth token.

apacahe shiro ,after 1 successful basic authentication it returns true for all wrong credentials

I'm using Apache Shiro for my Rest service project and I have troubles getting it to work as intended.
For rest service,I use basic authentication and as first,when I send wrong username,It returns 401 as expected.
Then I send correct user name and password,It returns 200 as expected.
As 3th step,When I send again wrong username,It returns 200,should return 401.
I think after first successful login,It doesnt need any authentication process again.How can I force it to authenticate for every request?
I couldnt find any reason or any parameter I should add in my shiro.ini.
This is my shiro.ini:
What you are seeing may be the result of your client. Before a client will send credentials to a server typically has to ask for them (responding with a 401), the client will the add the auth header. A client can work around this using "preemptive" auth, which will send the Authorization header on the initial request.
Your server is likely also configured to use cookies, which the server will process first and then return a 200 (and the client would never send the new credentials).
If this is just a REST server/client setup, you could disable session creation, using the noSessionCreation filter.
If you are still stuck take a look at your HTTP logs and watch for the headers (specifically Authorization and an Cookie headers).

Windows authentication multiple requests

I am using Windows Authentication to secure ASP.NET MVC5 application.
Everything works ok, I'm prompted to enter credentials via browser popup, and content it served properly.
However I do notice constantly that some requests are being sent 2 times, or more, with receiving 401 (Unauthorized) code, but shortly after requests are issued again and 200 (OK) is returned.
I assume that is part of negotiation with WWW-Authenticate and Authorize requests headers, but what is unclear to me is why this has to happen all the time even though credentials were supplied at the very start?
Is this normal behavior?
If not, how can it be fixed?
If yes, is it a big performance hit?
Attached is the combined screenshot of Fiddler and Firefox developer console.
What you are experiencing is the normal behavior. Here is a (very) short description of how the authentication works:
Request is sent to server (without credentials) => not authenticated (your first request)
Server responds with 401 (Access denied)
Browser gets error and sends credentials back => authenticated (your second request)
After the 3rd step, if the server has not received the requested credentials, it sends another 401 response and the browser displays the 401 error page. A more complete description can be found here.

RESTful Login Failure: Return 401 or Custom Response

This is a conceptual question.
I have a client (mobile) application which needs to support a login action against a RESTful web service. Because the web service is RESTful, this amounts to the client accepting a username/password from the user, verifying that username/password with the service, and then just remembering to send that username/password with all subsequent requests.
All other responses in this web service are provided in a JSON format.
The question is, when I query the web service simply to find out whether a given username/password are valid, should the web service always respond with JSON data telling me its successful or unsuccessful, or should it return HTTP 200 on good credentials and HTTP 401 on bad credentials.
The reason I ask is that some other RESTful services use 401 for bad credentials even when you're just asking if the credentials are valid. However, my understanding of 401 responses are that they represent a resource that you are not supposed to have access to without valid credentials. But the login resource SHOULD be accessible to anyone because the entire purpose of the login resource is to tell you if your credentials are valid.
Put another way, it seems to me that a request like:
should return 401 if bad credentials are provided. But a request like:
should never return 401 because that particular URL (request) is authorized with or without valid credentials.
I'd like to hear some justified opinions one way or the other on this. What is the standard way of handling this, and is the standard way of handling this logically appropriate?
First off. 401 is the proper response code to send when a failed login has happened.
401 Unauthorized
Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided. The response must include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.
Your confusion about, sending back 401 when you just do a check, I think is based on the fact that doing boolean requests in REST often is wrong by the RESTful constraints. Every request should return a resource. Doing boolean questions in a RESTful service is a slippery sloop down to RPC.
Now I don't know how the services that you looked on are behaving. But a good way of solving this is to have something like an Account object, that you try to GET. If your credentials are correct, you will get the Account object, if you don't want to waste bandwidth just to do a "check" you can do a HEAD on the same resource.
An Account Object is also a nice place to store all those pesky boolean values that otherwise would be tricky to create individual resources for.
401 should be sent only when the request needs authorization header field and authorization fails. Since the Login API doesn't require authorization, hence 401 is the wrong error code in my opinion
As per the standard here
*10.4.2 401 Unauthorized
The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has already attempted authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the entity that was given in the response, since that entity might include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43].*
If the 401 response code is misleading for user authentication, the API can send HTTP status code 200 OK for both successful and failed authentication, but set a custom header on the authentication successful response and omit that header on failed logins.
The client can check if the header exists or not and decide the action.
Example: SpringBoot API Response
The call to OK when login is successful sets the header "gotyouin" with a value (anything). Call to failed does not add the header and client can treat this as a failed login attempt.
public class LoginResponseEntityHelper {
public static ResponseEntity<?> ok(String token) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).header("gotyouin", token).body(null);
public static ResponseEntity<?> failed() {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(null);
It is logical to use 401 http status code when access to a resource is denied because the request lacks or has incorrect credentials. And when correct credentials are provided, the request should complete successfully granting access to the protected resource.
Applicable for your case:
Maybe we should be clear about this credentials
In most secure applications, credentials are needed to access protected resource(s). These credentials can be sent along every request via HTTP header. Specifically the Authorization Header.
Therefore the Authorization header contains credentials to allow a user to access protected resource(s).
Remember that a user who was verified successfully as an authorized user(successful login), is the one given this priviledged credentials to allow for access on protected resources on the server.
From the server point of view, a HTTP request targeting a protected resource yet it is lacking credentials or containing invalid credentials may cause to validly send back 401 response code.
Therefore the Login API should not send a 401 response code because of a failed login attempt. It is misleading. Reasoning out that you are requesting to the server application via the Login API to grant you with credentials required to access resources that are protected. By itself, the Login API is not a protected resource.
So what is the correct response status?
Well I will opine towards sending back a 400 response code because a failed login attempt is a client error who is at fault for not providing the correct username or password.
According to RFC standards about 400 code:
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)
Again I will reiterate that failed login is a client error due to providing details that are incorrect. Sending back a 400 doesn't have to mean that the request syntax is malformed. But a malformed syntax is one of the reasons.
Sending a 401 would really be misleading as the user doesn't need to provide authentication information to access the login API.

HTTP 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden for a "disabled" user?

An authentication service allows user accounts be disabled (a sort of soft-delete).
If the server then receives an authentication request for a disabled user that would otherwise be valid, should the server return 401 or 403? With either status code, I would return a message indicating that the account had been disabled.
For quick reference, relevant quotes from HTTP/1.1 spec (emphasis mine):
401 Unauthorized
The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a
WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge
applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the
request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If
the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401
response indicates that authorization has been refused for those
credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the
prior response, and the user agent has already attempted
authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the
entity that was given in the response, since that entity might
include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication
is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access
Authentication" [43].
403 Forbidden
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make
public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the
reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to
make this information available to the client, the status code 404
(Not Found) can be used instead.
Based on an email written by Roy T. Fielding, there's apparently a bug in the current HTTP spec.
The way the spec is intended to be read is as follows (using quotes from above email):
401 "Unauthenticated":
you can't do this because you haven't authenticated
403 "Unauthorized":
user agent sent valid credentials but doesn't have access
So, in the case of a disabled user, 403 is the correct response (and 404 is also an option).
I've got two different answers for what to return in this case.
Semantic choice - 401 Unauthorized. In this case, your client has provided credentials, and the request has been refused based on the specific credentials. If the client were to try again with a different set of credentials, or if the account were to be re-enabled in the future, the same request might succeed.
Security choice - 404 Not Found. Many services will simply return a 404 for any failure, in order to avoid information leakage. Github comes to my mind immediately.
From General API Information, in github's developer docs:
Unauthenticated requests will return 404 to prevent any sort of
private information leakage.
For something I was deploying as a public service, I'd probably go with using 404 to avoid giving an attacker clues about their credential attempts. If it was for internal-only consumption, or in testing, I'd probably return 401.
technically both are correct, it really comes down to how much you want to reveal.
returning a 401 says to the caller that the account isn't valid, which is correct, but if your api is then going to be called again to register a user with the same credentials that call would also fail. which might not be much use to the caller.
so, it really depends on how your api will be used and who/what the target audience is.
