CSS: nowrap div's children divs going crazy when added content - css

I'm trying to make a layout where I have a Div that gets added its content in a dynamic way. I want this "parent" div to have a fixed height and when content its added the div grows horizontally as needed.
This is the test HTML I made to isolate the problem.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styletest.css" />
<div style="width:700px;overflow:auto">
<div class="anio">
<div class = "semestre">
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
<div class="floater"></div>
Here i have 7 class=floater divs that go into the class=semestre container div which is supposed to grow horizontally as I add more class=floater divs. all of this goes into a fixed width div with overflow-x:auto.
after some fighting with the css i managed the following:
div.floater {
margin: 4px;
width: 110px;
height: 82px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
display: inline-block; /*this to make the floaters go horizontal*/
white-space: nowrap; /* this avoid the floater overflowing under the parent div*/
margin-top: 5px;
margin: 2px;
height: 90px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
margin : 2px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
So this worked..kind of.. the class=floater divs go horizontal and cause the activation of the overflow-x on the outermost div, but the container divs that contain the class=floater div don't grow as i think the should (this can be seen by the borders not growing). After googling I found some proposed solutions like adding width:auto on top of the min-width: css property or floating them, but none worked. This is a minor issue since the borders are just for formatting.
The mayor problem I'm having is when I try to add content to the class=floater divs they just go CRAZY and won't stay where they should( when they had no content). i tried reverting the white-space:nowrap by adding white-space:normal to the floater class but that didn't work. After that I just went berserk and started trying random stuff and managed to fix my first problem but the I forgot what I did and went back to step 1 D:.
To be honest I'm very new to html/css and I'm learning by doing. So if this question has been already asked/answered believe me that I searched for it. Also excuse my English, doing my best.
Thank you for your time.
By request, the fiddle :D http://jsfiddle.net/UBYKy/1/
there you can see both of my problems.
edit 2: i believe i have found a solution to both problems. For the first one I solved it by adding display: inline-block to the parent divs and for the 2nd problem I added vertical-lign:top to the floater class css(as afshin suggested) and it works just fine. I hope this helps anyone having the same problem.

I think you should use this
div.floater {
margin: 4px;
width: auto;
height: 82px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
display: inline-block; /*this to make the floaters go horizontal*/


Align two divs side by side

I have three divs.. Container, Content_1 and content_2.
What I want to do is position the two content divs inside the container, side by side. now I have half accomplished that.. But the thing is I want my container to automatically resize to the div that is highest. so the container height must be auto. With the code I have written on JSFiddle, the content_2 on the right sets the container height, but the content_1 on the left does not.. Please help I am completely stuck.
<div class="container">
<div id="content_1">
<div id="content_2">
Is this what you wanted?
jsFiddle Demo
.container {
background-color: #000;
width: 980px;
min-width: 980px;
height: auto;
position: relative;
margin: 50px auto 100px auto;
border:1px solid #000;
overflow:auto; /* <========= */
your divs closing tag is open: </div to </div>
The problem is that you forgot the clearfix. There are a couple of ways to do a clearfix on google, but the one that will fix this problem is adding overflow:hidden to your container div.
Check out my example on http://cdpn.io/sEwfI
overflow: hidden;

Div below with fixed height, div above filling the remaning vertical space?

How do I create a div that has a fixed height and stays on the bottom of the page, and another one above it occupying the remaining vertical space?
Something like this should achieve what you're looking for.
Try like this
See Demo
Use height: inherit for your first div which takes the remaining height available
<div id='container'>
<div id='first'>
First Div content
<div id='second'>
Second div content
width: 600px;
height: 450px;
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
bottom: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: green;
height: inherit;
background-color: red;
I don't think any of the other examples really work nicely when the page is resized.
This type of thing is best accomplished with a few lines of javascript, as its not something that CSS does a great job of generally speaking.
See here for a working demo. mod.it requires that you view the demo in chrome but the code in the demo is cross browser and will work anywhere.

CSS min height not working

I have a large div that I want to put content in. I want the div to be padded and have a minimum height so that if there is too much text in the div it expands down to maintain the padding. But I also don't want it to get less than 100px in height. Currently, when I run this code, some of the text falls outside of the div.
<div id='content'>
<div>lots of text in here</div>
#content {
position: relative;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border: 1px solid gray;
min-height: 100px;
width: 800px;
padding: 60px;
Well, try to use paragraphs in your HTML, instead of duplicating divs. It does not work because the duplicate div is not styled in your CSS.
<div id='content'>
<p>lots of text in here</p>
If this solves your problem, feel free to accept this answer.
You can add height:auto; to your css, it may help.

float divs inside container, text leaks out the bottom of the container, I want it inside the container.

I have 2 divs inside a container, Each of the inside divs are floated to the left and right, I want to make 2 columns for data inside the main content div.
Currently, text leaks out the bottom of content-left and content-right, even though they are contained within content.
Here is a jsfiddle
<div id="content">
<div id="content-left">I want to put content in here<br/><br/><br/>This is outside? why? </div>
<div id="content-right">and more in here</div>
Maybe other content here, inside the content
And the CSS
width: 50%;
border: 1px dotted #aaa;
float: left;
width: 49%;
float: right;
border: 1px dotted #aaa;
background-color: #eee;
width: 95%; /* Width of Main Content Div, % for Fluid*/
height: auto;
max-width: 1350px; /*Max width, To wide on big monitor*/
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 10px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
Also, any tips about floating items would be great and might earn reps if I find them useful, I thought I had it mastered but obviously not! :P
You just need to add a clearing br inside the last div
Maybe other content here, but this should be below the 2 above divs in the rendered view.
<br style="clear:both;" />
This is happening because the floated elements are taken out of the document flow.
Currently, text leaks out the bottom of content-left and
content-right, even though they are contained within content.
You need to "clear/contain your floats", more information here: http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/59
One simple way to do that is to add overflow: hidden to #content.
See: http://jsfiddle.net/sahbz/8/
Pure CSS
.content:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: block;

Image Difference IE7 to IE8/IE9/FF4

I have a problem with simple Images in DIV containers in IE7.
I have it a few times on my homepage, here is an example:
<div id="divSearchBottomLinks" class="divSearchBottomLinks">
Meistgesucht: Wetter Ebay-Abnahmen Geld Mehr...
<div id="divSearchButtomLinksEffect" class="divSearchButtomLinksEffect">
<img src="Images/Design/DefaultPage/searchButtonEffect.png" alt=""
style="border: 1px red solid;" />
CSS is:
border: 1px solid red;
width: 99%;
height: 15px;
text-align: left;
font-size: 10px;
word-spacing: 8px;
color: Gray;
Here is how it looks like:
As you can see: No reason, why the image should be more in Bottom then the other, you see left FF4 (same in IE8/IE9/Opera9/Opera10) and right only IE7 who seems to have a problem with this.
I can't see how to fix it, I can only see from where it somes... any ideas?
For some reason the element floating to the right will float beneath the text on the line in IE7, The text takes up the full width of the container, just as a div elements does by default, and pushes the floating element down.
Put the text before the image in a div element also, and float that to the left, that way the element floating to the right will not be pushed down.
Browsers have different default CSS for various HTML elements. The first thing I would do is add a good reset so that all elements start out with the same basic settings. This will take some of the guess work out of the debugging process. Add this BEFORE the rest of your CSS -
Next, you should always specify the width in a floated container. IE in particular has issues if you don't specify widths properly.
I would try go with something like this instead:
<div id="bottomLinks">
<p>Meistgesucht: Wetter Ebay-Abnahmen Geld Mehr...
<img src=".." />
div#bottomLinks {
overflow: hidden;
div#bottomLinks p {
float: left;
div#bottomLinks img {
float: right;
You're problem right now is probably because of the width of 99% and that the first element doesn't float.
