Insert The Value from 10 radio button list from .aspx page( into a single row into the data base -

I have 10 radio button list in the .aspx page (in ,in the database one Row (name Answer)
1.In the Model Layer ,I mention this code
public class DimensionQuestion
public string NewCompanyName { get; set; }
public string NewSurveyName { get; set; }
public List<int> NewAnswer { get; set; }
2.In the Data Layer Layer,I mention this Code,
public static bool InsertNewDimAnswer(DimensionQuestion dimension)
bool result;
using (var helper = new DbHelper())
_cmdtext = "sp_InsertNewDimAnswer";
var success = new SqlParameter("#Success", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, ParameterDirection.Output, true, 0, 0,
"Result", DataRowVersion.Default, 0);
foreach (string s in dimension.NewAnswer)
if (s.Trim().Length > 0)
var parameter = new[]
new SqlParameter("#CompanyName", dimension.NewCompanyName),
new SqlParameter("#SurveyName", dimension.NewSurveyName),
new SqlParameter("#Answer",s ),
helper.ExecuteScalar(_cmdtext, CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameter);
result = (bool)success.Value;
return result;
Finally in the Business Layer
private void FillObjects()
List Answer = new List();
_DimensionQuestion.NewAnswer = Answer;
And on the Button Click
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (InsertData.InsertNewDimAnswer(_DimensionQuestion)
ShowMessage("Information is saved");
ShowMessage("Please try again");
//_DimensionQuestion = null;

Just store it as a semi colon delimited string in the database.
When building the string loop through the radio buttons and then add ; then store the full string in the database.
Then when filling the data back in just split the string by the ; and fill the array/list with each item.


Xaramin form -calling variable from other .cs file

I am doing a quiz game in Xaramin. forms. and for the score function. if the user got a correct answer, I want the score will add 1.but in my case even the give the correct answer, the score is not adding.
I am also trying to bind to the "score" variable to a label. I want to know if i put a correct code or not.
private void submit_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
string answer = this.answer.Text;
string canswer = "correct";
if (answer != null)
string ranswer = answer.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
if (ranswer.ToLower() == canswer)
DisplayAlert("GoodJob", "You got the correct answer", "OK");
bindingModel b = new bindingModel();
(sender as Button).IsEnabled = false;
DisplayAlert("Unfortunately", "Your answer is wrong", "OK");
(sender as Button).IsEnabled = false;
public class bindingModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public int displayScore => Score;
public int score = 0;
void OnPropertyChanged(int score)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(score.ToString()));
public int Score
get => score;
if (score != value)
score = value;
<Label Text="{Binding Score}"/>
in your page constructor, keep a reference to your VM
bindingModel VM;
// this is your constructor, the name will match your page name
public MyPage()
this.BindingContext = VM = new bindingModel();
then in your event handler, you do NOT need to create a new bindingModel
// update the Count on the VM
There's two things broken here:
You are re-initializing your ViewModel instead of referencing the same instance
You are passing the wrong value into PropertyChangedEventArgs
1. Referencing the View Model
You are re-initializing the ViewModel every time by calling bindingModel b = new bindingModel();
Lets initialize the ViewModel once, store it as a field, set it as the BindingContext for our ContentPage, and reference that field in submit_Clicked
public partial class QuizPage : ContentPage
readonly bindingModel _bindingModel;
public QuizPage()
_bindingModel = new bindingModel();
BindingContext = _bindingModel;
private async void submit_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
string answer = this.answer.Text;
string canswer = "correct";
Button button = (Button)sender;
if (answer != null)
string ranswer = answer.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
if (ranswer.ToLower() == canswer)
await DisplayAlert("GoodJob", "You got the correct answer", "OK");
button.IsEnabled = false;
await DisplayAlert("Unfortunately", "Your answer is wrong", "OK");
button.IsEnabled = false;
2. PropertyChangedEventArgs
You need to pass in the name of the property to PropertyChangedEventArgs.
They way PropertyChanged works is that it announces the name of the property that has changed. In this case, it needs to broadcast that the Score property has changed.
Let's use nameof(Score) to pass in the string "Score" to PropertyChangedEventArgs:
void OnScorePropertyChanged()
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(displayScore)));
public int Score
get => score;
if (score != value)
score = value;

Select ID from Picker

I am getting values in picker from an API, text and Value are two fields as I declared ! I am able to see values in it ! I want that whenever I select item from It, I am able to fetch respective value of that field !
async void CallInspectionMaster()
string Url = "192.168.xx.xx/api/QMSin/GetInspectionMasterList";
var data = await Url.GetJsonAsync<List<MyClass>>();
InspectionMasterPicker.ItemsSource = data;
InspectionMasterPicker.ItemDisplayBinding = new Binding("Text");
Binding selecteditemx = new Binding("InspectionMaster");
selecteditemx.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
selecteditemx.Source = InspectionMasterPicker;
public class MyClass
public string Value { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
I have to display text but fetch value so I can pass it other functions ! How do do that ?
assign a handler to the SelectedIndexChanged event
InspectionMasterPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += PickerSelect;
then create the handler
protected void PickerSelect(object sender, EventArgs args)
var item = (MyClass)InspectionMasterPicker.SelectedItem;
there is a complete example included in the docs

Xamarin.Forms SQLite ,initialize data once on table creation

I am new in xamarin and I am trying to make xamarin.form app which contains sqlite database. So I know that the table is created once but also I have some records that I need to be in that table by default. I mean when table is created the data also must be initialized with it once. According to tutorial I have a class to handle the database called DataAccess.cs
class DataAccess : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
private SQLiteConnection database;
public ObservableCollection<DataModel> dataz { get; set; }
private static object collisionLock = new object();
public DataAccess()
database = DependencyService.Get<IConfig>().DbConnection();
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 1 , Data = "aaaa"});
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 2, Data = "bbb" });
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 3, Data = "ccc" });
this.dataz = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>(database.Table<DataModel>());
if (!database.Table<DataModel>().Any())
public void addNewData()
this.dataz.Add(new DataModel { Did = 1, Data = "aa" });
public void SaveData(DataModel record)
lock (collisionLock)
public DataModel GetDataById(int id)
lock (collisionLock)
return database.Table<DataModel>().
FirstOrDefault(x => x.Did == id);
public List<DataModel> GeyAllData()
return database.Table<DataModel>().ToList();
Since the table is created in above class instructor. So I tried to initialized data there but data added to table on each run. So I confused how to initialize data on first run only.
You could go one of two ways.
1: Check if the table does not exist yet and if not, create it and add your data
var result = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='DataModel';", new string[] { });
if (result == 0)
await conn.CreateTableAsync<DataModel>();
// Insert your initial data
2: Always check if the data exists and insert it if it does not
FYI: Assuming Did is your PrimaryKey of DataModel
var row = await conn.FindAsync<Record>(1);
if (row == null)
// Insert the "Did = 1" row

Issue with Custom Pipeline component

The Custom Pipeline component developed reads the incoming stream to a folder and pass only some meta data through the MessageBox.I am using the one already availaible in Code Project
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop;
using System.IO;
namespace SendLargeFilesDecoder
public class SendLargeFileDecoder : IBaseComponent,
#region IBaseComponent
private const string _description = "Pipeline component used to save large files to disk";
private const string _name = "SendLargeFileDecoded";
private const string _version = "";
public string Description
get { return _description; }
public string Name
get { return _name; }
public string Version
get { return _version; }
#region IComponentUI
private IntPtr _icon = new IntPtr();
public IntPtr Icon
get { return _icon; }
public System.Collections.IEnumerator Validate(object projectSystem)
return null;
#region IComponent
public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
if (_largeFileLocation == null || _largeFileLocation.Length == 0)
_largeFileLocation = Path.GetTempPath();
if (_thresholdSize == null || _thresholdSize == 0)
_thresholdSize = 4096;
if (pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream().Length > _thresholdSize)
Stream originalStream = pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();
string srcFileName = pInMsg.Context.Read("ReceivedFileName", "").ToString();
string largeFilePath = _largeFileLocation + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(srcFileName);
FileStream fs = new FileStream(largeFilePath, FileMode.Create);
// Write message to disk
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
int bytesRead = originalStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
while (bytesRead != 0)
fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
bytesRead = originalStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// Create a small xml file
string xmlInfo = "<MsgInfo xmlns='http://SendLargeFiles'><LargeFilePath>" + largeFilePath + "</LargeFilePath></MsgInfo>";
byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlInfo);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
pInMsg.BodyPart.Data = ms;
return pInMsg;
#region IPersistPropertyBag
private string _largeFileLocation;
private int _thresholdSize;
public string LargeFileLocation
get { return _largeFileLocation; }
set { _largeFileLocation = value; }
public int ThresholdSize
get { return _thresholdSize; }
set { _thresholdSize = value; }
public void GetClassID(out Guid classID)
classID = new Guid("CA47347C-010C-4B21-BFCB-22F153FA141F");
public void InitNew()
public void Load(IPropertyBag propertyBag, int errorLog)
object val1 = null;
object val2 = null;
propertyBag.Read("LargeFileLocation", out val1, 0);
propertyBag.Read("ThresholdSize", out val2, 0);
catch (ArgumentException)
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ApplicationException("Error reading PropertyBag: " + ex.Message);
if (val1 != null)
_largeFileLocation = (string)val1;
if (val2 != null)
_thresholdSize = (int)val2;
public void Save(IPropertyBag propertyBag, bool clearDirty, bool saveAllProperties)
object val1 = (object)_largeFileLocation;
propertyBag.Write("LargeFileLocation", ref val1);
object val2 = (object)_thresholdSize;
propertyBag.Write("ThresholdSize", ref val2);
The issue here is the LargeFileLocation is configurable in the receive pipeline. If I give a location for the first time for example E:\ABC\ the files are sent to the location.
But if I change the location to E:\DEF\ the files are still being sent to the previous location E:\ABC. I tried to create a new biztalk application deleting the old one but still I get the files dropped in to the old location E:\ABC\ not sure why.
Most likely the issue is with respect to Property definition of LargeFileLocation and its implementation and usage in IPersistPropertyBag interfaces. You can try following things:
Check if you have added E:\ABC path in Pipeline at design time. If
yes remove it from there and set in Admin console for first time
also and see how it behaves, my feeling is it will take temp path
Change the Properties and IPersistPropertyBag implementation to use property with declaration such as public string LargeFileName {get;set;} i.e. no local variables _largeFileName.
Have you deleted the dll in %BizTalkFolder%\Pipeline Components\ ?
To refresh the pipeline component, you need delete the old dll file/remove the item in VS toolbox. then restart the VS, deploy it again.
and for this LargeFileLocation , I suggest you make it as a property so you can config it.

HOW to get Context of WorkflowApplication?

I'm making a Workflow designer similar to Visual Workflow Tracking*.
I would like add a new control to debug wf, but id don't know how to access to wf context
To Run WF I Use this :
WFApplication wfApp = new WorkflowApplication(act, inputs);
My idea is when i recive trace event, get context of wfApp, to get vars or arguments values.
It's posibble?
*You can donwload VisualStudioTracking Code From :
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Samples for .NET Framework 4
and then
Finally I solved the problem.
First I get all arguments names, and variables of workflow, from xaml.
class XamlHelper
private string xaml;
public XamlHelper(string xaml)
this.xaml = xaml;
DynamicActivity act = GetRuntimeExecutionRoot(this.xaml);
ArgumentNames = GetArgumentsNames(act);
private void GetVariables(DynamicActivity act)
Variables = new List<string>();
private void InspectActivity(Activity root)
IEnumerator<Activity> activities =
while (activities.MoveNext())
PropertyInfo propVars = activities.Current.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Variables" && p.PropertyType == typeof(Collection<Variable>));
if (propVars != null)
Collection<Variable> variables = (Collection<Variable>)propVars.GetValue(activities.Current, null);
variables.ToList().ForEach(v =>
public List<string> Variables
private set;
public List<string> ArgumentNames
private set;
private DynamicActivity GetRuntimeExecutionRoot(string xaml)
Activity root = ActivityXamlServices.Load(new StringReader(xaml));
return root as DynamicActivity;
private List<string> GetArgumentsNames(DynamicActivity act)
List<string> names = new List<string>();
if (act != null)
act.Properties.Where(p => typeof(Argument).IsAssignableFrom(p.Type)).ToList().ForEach(dp =>
return names;
Second I create trace with these arguments and variable names
private static WFTrace CreateTrace(List<string> argumentNames, List<string> variablesNames)
WFTrace trace = new WFTrace();
trace.TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
ImplementationVisibility = ImplementationVisibility.All,
Name = "CustomTrackingProfile",
Queries =
new CustomTrackingQuery()
Name = all,
ActivityName = all
new WorkflowInstanceQuery()
// Limit workflow instance tracking records for started and completed workflow states
States = {WorkflowInstanceStates.Started, WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed },
trace.TrackingProfile.Queries.Add(GetActivityQueryState(argumentNames, variablesNames));
return trace;
And then invoke wf and add traceextension.
Adam this is the code
private TrackingQuery GetActivityQueryState(List<string> argumentNames, List<string> variablesNames)
ActivityStateQuery query = new ActivityStateQuery()
ActivityName = "*",
States = { ActivityStates.Executing, ActivityStates.Closed }
if (argumentNames != null)
argumentNames.Distinct().ToList().ForEach(arg =>
if (variablesNames != null)
variablesNames.Distinct().ToList().ForEach(v =>
return query;
You can use a Tracking Participants to extract the variables and arguments when the workflow is running.
I try tracking variables with this tracking participant
private static VisualTrackingParticipant VisualTracking()
String all = "*";
VisualTrackingParticipant simTracker = new VisualTrackingParticipant()
TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
Name = "CustomTrackingProfile",
Queries =
new CustomTrackingQuery()
Name = all,
ActivityName = all
new WorkflowInstanceQuery()
// Limit workflow instance tracking records for started and completed workflow states
// States = { WorkflowInstanceStates.Started, WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed },
new ActivityStateQuery()
// Subscribe for track records from all activities for all states
ActivityName = all,
States = { all },
// Extract workflow variables and arguments as a part of the activity tracking record
// VariableName = "*" allows for extraction of all variables in the scope
// of the activity
Variables =
{ all }
Arguments={ {all}}
return simTracker;
and this is VisualTrackingParticipant
public class VisualTrackingParticipant : System.Activities.Tracking.TrackingParticipant
public event EventHandler<TrackingEventArgs> TrackingRecordReceived;
public Dictionary<string, Activity> ActivityIdToWorkflowElementMap { get; set; }
protected override void Track(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
OnTrackingRecordReceived(record, timeout);
//On Tracing Record Received call the TrackingRecordReceived with the record received information from the TrackingParticipant.
//We also do not worry about Expressions' tracking data
protected void OnTrackingRecordReceived(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
String.Format("Tracking Record Received: {0} with timeout: {1} seconds.", record, timeout.TotalSeconds)
if (TrackingRecordReceived != null)
ActivityStateRecord activityStateRecord = record as ActivityStateRecord;
(activityStateRecord != null)
// && (!activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName.Contains("System.Activities.Expressions")))
Activity act = null;
ActivityIdToWorkflowElementMap.TryGetValue(activityStateRecord.Activity.Id, out act);
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(record, timeout, null));
//Custom Tracking EventArgs
public class TrackingEventArgs : EventArgs
public TrackingRecord Record {get; set;}
public TimeSpan Timeout {get; set;}
public Activity Activity { get; set; }
public TrackingEventArgs(TrackingRecord trackingRecord, TimeSpan timeout, Activity activity)
this.Record = trackingRecord;
this.Timeout = timeout;
this.Activity = activity;
if I trace this wf :
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sap" x:Class="Microsoft.Samples.Workflow" xmlns="" xmlns:av="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:mv="clr-namespace:Microsoft.VisualBasic;assembly=System" xmlns:mva="clr-namespace:Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities;assembly=System.Activities" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:s1="clr-namespace:System;assembly=System" xmlns:s2="clr-namespace:System;assembly=System.Xml" xmlns:s3="clr-namespace:System;assembly=System.Core" xmlns:sa="clr-namespace:System.Activities;assembly=System.Activities" xmlns:sad="clr-namespace:System.Activities.Debugger;assembly=System.Activities" xmlns:sap="" xmlns:scg="clr-namespace:System.Collections.Generic;assembly=System" xmlns:scg1="clr-namespace:System.Collections.Generic;assembly=System.ServiceModel" xmlns:scg2="clr-namespace:System.Collections.Generic;assembly=System.Core" xmlns:scg3="clr-namespace:System.Collections.Generic;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:sd="clr-namespace:System.Data;assembly=System.Data" xmlns:sd1="clr-namespace:System.Data;assembly=System.Data.DataSetExtensions" xmlns:sl="clr-namespace:System.Linq;assembly=System.Core" xmlns:st="clr-namespace:System.Text;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:x="">
<x:Property Name="decisionVar" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />
<mva:VisualBasic.Settings>Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces</mva:VisualBasic.Settings>
<Flowchart sad:XamlDebuggerXmlReader.FileName="C:\WF_WCF_Samples\WF\Application\VisualWorkflowTracking\CS\VisualWorkflowTracking\Workflow.xaml" sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="626,636" mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces">
<Variable x:TypeArguments="x:String" Name="myStr" />
<scg3:Dictionary x:TypeArguments="x:String, x:Object">
<x:Boolean x:Key="IsExpanded">False</x:Boolean>
<av:Point x:Key="ShapeLocation">270,7.5</av:Point>
<av:Size x:Key="ShapeSize">60,75</av:Size>
<av:PointCollection x:Key="ConnectorLocation">300,82.5 300,111.5</av:PointCollection>
<x:Double x:Key="Width">611.5</x:Double>
<FlowStep x:Name="__ReferenceID0">
<scg3:Dictionary x:TypeArguments="x:String, x:Object">
<av:Point x:Key="ShapeLocation">179,111.5</av:Point>
<av:Size x:Key="ShapeSize">242,58</av:Size>
<av:PointCollection x:Key="ConnectorLocation">300,169.5 300,199.5 280,199.5 280,269.5</av:PointCollection>
<Assign sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="242,58">
<OutArgument x:TypeArguments="x:String">[myStr]</OutArgument>
<InArgument x:TypeArguments="x:String">PDC Rocks</InArgument>
<FlowStep x:Name="__ReferenceID1">
<scg3:Dictionary x:TypeArguments="x:String, x:Object">
<av:Point x:Key="ShapeLocation">174.5,269.5</av:Point>
<av:Size x:Key="ShapeSize">211,61</av:Size>
<av:PointCollection x:Key="ConnectorLocation">155.33,351.361666666667 155.33,481 204.5,481</av:PointCollection>
<WriteLine sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="211,61" Text="[myStr]" />
When activitity assing close y recive this trace this args
[Arg] Value = PDC Rocks
[Arg] To = PDC Rocks
and I don't know the name of var where value is assined
