How do you find what wordpress theme someone is using? - wordpress

How do you find what theme someone is using, for example what theme does the official wordpress blog use?
Here are the links :

The theme being used is called h4.
You can find this out by looking at where the style sheet is located. The style sheet code from this page is
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />
so you can see that the theme is stored in wp-content/themes/h4.
I would assume that h4 is a custom theme and wont be available publicly though.
This website is also useful for finding a wordpress theme as you just stick in the url and it pulls all the meta information (if there is any) from the CSS for you.


How to add rel="preload" in Wordpress Porto Theme css, can't find css link

I've been running Google Page Speed Inisght and two of my themes css failed because of not having rel="preload" attribute. The problem is I can't find the link anywhere in my themes php files.
Site is

How to change the CSS for links in a BuddyBoss theme

I know what kind of styling I want, and how to program in CSS and I have equired a BuddyBoss theme and I have asked on their forum for help but they haven't got back to me so I'm wondering if someone can help.
How would I go about changing the style of a particular link in a BuddyBoss theme?
We recommend adding all of your CSS edits into your child theme at /themes/buddyboss-child/css/custom.css. Any styles added to this stylesheet will overwrite styles set in the parent theme’s /css/ folder.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>"
type="text/css" media="screen, print" />
According to above you can add your style sheet.
Create a file buddypress.css in your css folder.
Add BuddyPress Styles to a Theme
BuddyPress 1.7 adds the ability to use any WordPress theme. The theme compatibility has a base style sheet that helps format the BuddyPress content. The styles may not be perfectly suited to your theme.
It’s very easy to add your own styles. If your theme folder has a sub folder called css you only need to add a stylesheet buddypress.css to this folder and BuddyPress will use this file overriding the BuddyPress styles. If the css folder is missing just create one and include the file inside. You can copy the buddypress.css file from the BuddyPress plugin folder and edit or create your own.
Theme Developer:
If you want to ship your theme with extra styles to support BuddyPress add the BuddyPress styles to the buddypress.css file and include it in your theme. Do not add the BuddyPress styles to your style.css file. This will ensure the styles are only loaded when BuddyPress is activated and will override the default styles supplied by the plugin.
Prefix your styles with #buddypress to target the areas of BuddyPress content.
#buddypress .activity-content {
*NOTE As of 1.8 you can place the file in /my-theme/community/css/ or /my-theme/buddypress/css/
check this link

WooCommerce Remove WordPress Header lines

I am just about to launch an eCommerce site using WordPress and WooCommerce and trying to tidy up the source code and strip out all the WordPress header lines.
The site is pure eCommerce with a blog for users and search engines, I believe the functions below are for a pure blog website.
<link rel="profile" href=""/>
<link rel="pingback" href=""/>
<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href=""/>
<link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href=""/>
Does anyone know what is required from the above for WordPress to function? And how we can remove these from WordPress, if we can?
Thanks Kindly.
You can safely remove all of these from your header.php file. They aren't required for the site to function.
More info: In HTML5, the "profile" attribute was dropped.
The others are purely optional.
For de-registering the bottom two, you'll need to add some new lines to your functions.php:
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
These functions, from the wp_head action hook, can be viewed in wp-includes/general-template.php, starting on line 2190.
From this file, rsd_link "display(s) the link to the Really Simple Discovery service endpoint."
The wlmanifest_link "display(s) the link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file." If you don't use Windows Live Writer, there's no need for this.

CSS of Blank Theme Does NOT Show My Edits - Why?

On, I activated a BLANK theme by Chris Coyier.
I edit index.php and my changes are showing up on my website. Fantastic.
I edit the existing style.css file but none of my edits are showing up. Ugh.
I delete style.css and the website still works. Why?
I repeat these steps with a different blank theme. Same issues.
Why am I unable to edit style.css of ANY blank theme? I am confused because I am able to edit style.css of Twentyfourteen theme.
If I delete style.css from the blank theme, the website still works and still shows the same CSS styling. How is this possible?
For blank themes, the stylesheet is called in header.php as
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" />
But for Twentyfourteen theme, I don't see any call for a stylesheet.
Why do regular themes not have a call for a stylesheet in header.php? Is this why I cannot edit style.css of blank themes?
Most likely your browser is caching the CSS?
What happens when you use your browsers dev tools to check the CSS source.does that show your edits?
When you say "delete the CSS" do you get a missing resource error on the browser console?
If it does not, try force reloading your page.

Linked Stylesheet in WordPress

I am trying to build a second .css file for my company's website.
Currently, we are using a responsive theme, so most of our content displays correctly on desktop and mobile browsers. However, recently the boss is requesting custom code that is unresponsive. In order to keep the site looking good, I want to apply a secondary stylesheet that contains formatting for mobile devices. It would be like this for any html page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://domain.tld/mobile.css" type="text/css" media="handheld" />
I cannot figure out how to get this into a wordpress child theme correctly. Can anyone offer suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
Look for the header.php file in your child theme directory, or under "Appearance"->"Editor" in the main menu of the your Wordpress adminpanel. You can paste the link to your new stylesheet there.
Also consider moving the styles to your theme's directory and replacing the domain in your href with <?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?> (example from wordpress codex).
