Optimization with minimum order quantities using R - r

I'm new to optimization and I need to implement it in a simple scenario:
There exists a car manufacturer that can produce 5 models of cars/vans. Associated with each model that can be produced is a number of labor hours required and a number of tons of steel required, as well as a profit that is earned from selling one such car/van. The manufacturer currently has a fixed amount of steel and labor available, which should be used in such a way that it optimizes total profit.
Here's the part I'm hung up on - each car also has a minimum order quantity. The company must manufacture a certain number of each model before it becomes economically viable to produce/sell that model. This would be easily sent to optim() if it were not for that final condition because the `lower = ...' argument can be given a vector with the minimum order quantities, but then it does not consider 0 as an option. Could someone help me solve this, taking into account the minimum order, but still allowing for an order of 0? Here's how I've organized the relevant information/constraints:
Dorian <- data.frame(Model = c('SmCar', 'MdCar', 'LgCar', 'MdVan', 'LgVan'),
SteelReq = c(1.5,3,5,6,8), LabReq=c(30,25,40,45,55),
MinProd = c(1000,1000,1000,200,200),
Profit = c(2000,2500,3000,5500,7000))
Materials <- data.frame(Steel=6500,Labor=65000)
NetProfit<-function(x) {
LowerVec <- Dorian$MinProd #Or 0, how would I add this option?
UpperVec <- apply(rbind(Materials$Labor/Dorian$LabReq,
# Attempt at using optim()
optim(c(0,0,0,0,0),NetProfit,lower=LowerVec, upper=UpperVec)
Eventually I would like to substitute random variables with known distributions for parameters such as Profit and LabReq (labor required) and wrap this into a function that will take Steel and Labor available as inputs as well as parameters for the random variables. I will want to simulate many times and then find the average solution given specific parameters for the Profit and Labor Required, so ideally this optimization would also be fast so that I could perform the simulations. Thanks in advance for any help!

If you are not familiar with Linear Programming, start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming
Also have a look at the part about Mixed-Integer Programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_integer_programming#Integer_unknowns. That's when the variables you are trying to solve are not all continuous, but also include booleans or integers.
To all aspects, your problem is a mixed-integer programming (to be exact, an integer programming) as you are trying to solve for integers: the number of vehicles to produce for each model.
There are known algorithms for solving these and thankfully, they are already wrapped into R packages for you. Rglpk is one of them, and I'll show you how to formulate your problem so you can use its Rglpk_solve_LP function.
Let x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 be the variables you are solving for: the number of vehicles to produce for each model.
Your objective is:
Profit = 2000 x1 + 2500 x2 + 3000 x3 + 5500 x4 + 7000 x5.
Your steel constraint is:
1.5 x1 + 3 x2 + 5, x3 + 6 x4 + 8 x5 <= 6500
Your labor constraint is:
30 x1 + 25 x2 + 40 x3 + 45 x4 + 55 x5 <= 65000
Now comes the hard part: modeling the minimum production requirements. Let's take the first one as an example: the minimum production requirement on x1 requires that at least 1000 vehicles be produced (x1 >= 1000) or that no vehicle be produced at all (x1 = 0). To model that requirement, we are going to introduce a boolean variables z1. By boolean, I mean z1 can only take two values: 0 or 1. The requirement can be modeled as follows:
1000 z1 <= x1 <= 9999999 z1
Why does this work? Consider the two possible values for z1:
if z1 = 0, then x1 is forced to 0
if z1 = 1 then x1 is forced to be greater than 1000 (the minimum production requirement) and smaller than 9999999 which I picked as an arbitrarily big number.
Repeating this for each model, you will have to introduce similar boolean variables (z2, z3, z4, z5). In the end, the solver will not only be solving for x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 but also for z1, z2, z3, z4, z5.
Putting all this into practice, here is the code for solving your problem. We are going to solve for the vector x = (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5)
num.models <- nrow(Dorian)
# only x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 contribute to the total profit
objective <- c(Dorian$Profit, rep(0, num.models))
constraints.mat <- rbind(
c(Dorian$SteelReq, rep(0, num.models)), # total steel used
c(Dorian$LabReq, rep(0, num.models)), # total labor used
cbind(-diag(num.models), +diag(Dorian$MinProd)), # MinProd_i * z_i
cbind(+diag(num.models), -diag(rep(9999999, num.models)))) # x_i - 9999999 x_i
constraints.dir <- c("<=",
rep("<=", num.models),
rep("<=", num.models))
constraints.rhs <- c(Materials$Steel,
rep(0, num.models),
rep(0, num.models))
var.types <- c(rep("I", num.models), # x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 are integers
rep("B", num.models)) # z1, z2, z3, z4, z5 are booleans
Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = objective,
mat = constraints.mat,
dir = constraints.dir,
rhs = constraints.rhs,
types = var.types,
max = TRUE)
# $optimum
# [1] 6408000
# $solution
# [1] 1000 0 0 202 471 1 0 0 1 1
# $status
# [1] 0
So the optimal solution is to create (1000, 0, 0, 202, 471) vehicles of each respective model, for a total profit of 6,408,000.


Simulate missing values with MNAR method in R

I simulated a data set with the following assumptions:
x1 <- rbinom(100,0,0.5) #trt
x2 <- rnorm(100,0,1) # metric outcome
df <- data.frame(x1,x2)
Now I'm trying to include missing values with two different methods: First "missing completely at random" and second "missing not at random". Therefore I tried lots of packages, but it does not work, as I expacted.
For the first scenario (MCAR) I used:
df_mcar <- ampute(data = df, prop = 0.1, mech = "MCAR", patterns = c(1, 0))$amp
... and it seems to work (with probability of 10% only x2 has missing values - independently of x1)
For the second scenario I want - again - that only x2 has missing values, but this time with special assumption on x1: Only for x1 = 1 I want x2 to have missing values in 10% of cases.
So in variable x2 I want missing values with probability of p=0.1 for x1 = 1 and with probability of p=0 for x1 = 0.
I would be glad for any hint or a simple solution :)
PS: I often read something like prodNA(...) but it does not work
Could probably do something like:
df %>%
x2 = if_else(x1 == 1 & runif(n()) < .1, NA_real_, x2)
My R is currently too busy for me to run the code, though.

Minimal depth interaction from randomForestExplainer package

So when using the minimal depth interaction feature of the randomForestExplainer package, in R, I'm getting some hard to interpret results.
I simulated some data (x1, x2,..., x5) where x1 is binary and x2-x5 are continuous. In my model, there are no interactions.
Im using the randomForest package to create a random forest and then running it through the randomForestExplainer package.
Here's the code I'm using to simulate the data and random forest:
n <- 100
p <- 4
# Create data:
xrandom <- matrix(rnorm(n*p)+5, nrow=n)
colnames(xrandom)<- paste0("x",2:5)
d <- data.frame(xrandom)
d$x1 <- factor(sample(1:2, n, replace=T))
# Equation:
y <- d$x2 + rnorm(n)/5
y[d$x1==1] <- y[d$x1==1]+5
d$y <- y
# Random Forest:
fr <- randomForest(y ~ ., data=d,localImp=T)
# Random Forest Explainer:
interactions_frame <- min_depth_interactions(fr, names(d)[-6])
head(interactions_frame, 2)
This produces the following:
variable root_variable mean_min_depth occurrences interaction
1 x1 x1 4.670732 0 x1:x1
2 x1 x2 2.606190 221 x2:x1
1 1.703252
2 1.703252
So, my question is, if x1:x1 has 0 occurrence ( which is expected) then how can it also have a mean_min_depth?
Surely if it has 0 occurrences, then it can't possibly have a minimum depth? [or rather, the min depth = 0 or NA]
What's going on here? Am I misinterpreting something?
My understanding is this has to do with the choice of the mean_sample argument of min_depth_interactions. The default choice replaces NAs with the depth of maximum subtree whose root is x1. Details below.
What is this argument mean_sample for? It specifies how to deal with trees where the interaction of interest is not present. There are three options:
relevant_trees. This only considers the trees where the interaction of interest is present. In your example, this gives NA for mean_min_depth of interaction x1:x1, which is the behavior you were looking for.
interactions_frame <- min_depth_interactions(fr, names(d)[-6], mean_sample = "relevant_trees")
head(interactions_frame, 2)
variable root_variable mean_min_depth occurrences interaction uncond_mean_min_depth
1 x1 x1 NA 0 x1:x1 1.947475
2 x1 x2 1.426606 218 x2:x1 1.947475
all_trees. There is a major problem with relevant_trees, that is for an interaction only showing up in a small number of trees, taking the mean of conditional minimum depth ignores the fact that this interaction is not that important. In this case, a small mean conditional minimum depth doesn't mean an interaction is important. To address this, specifying mean_sample = "all_trees" replaces the conditional minimum depth for the interaction of interest by the mean depth of maximal subtree of the root variable. Basically, if we are looking at the interaction of x1:x2, it says for a tree where this interaction is absent, give it a value of the deepest tree whose root is x1. This gives a (hopefully large) numeric value to mean_min_depth of interaction x1:x2 thus making it less important.
interactions_frame <- min_depth_interactions(fr, names(d)[-6], mean_sample = "all_trees")
head(interactions_frame, 2)
variable root_variable mean_min_depth occurrences interaction uncond_mean_min_depth
1 x1 x1 4.787879 0 x1:x1 1.97568
2 x1 x2 3.654522 218 x2:x1 1.97568
top_trees. Now this is the default choice for mean_sample. My understanding is it's similar to all_trees, but tries to down-weight the contribution of replacing missing values. The motivation, is all_trees pulls mean_min_depth close to the same value when there are many parameters but not enough observations, i.e. shallow trees. To reduce the contribution of replacing missing values, top_trees only calculates the mean conditional minimal depth on a subset of n trees, where n is the number of trees where ANY interactions with specified roots are present. Let's say in your example, out of those 500 trees only 300 have any interaction x1:whatever, then we only consider those 300 trees when filling in value for x1:x1. Because there are 0 occurrence of this interaction, replacing 500 NAs vs replacing 300 NAs with the same value doesn't affect the mean, so it's the same value 4.787879. (There's a slight difference between our results, I think it has to do with seed values).
interactions_frame <- min_depth_interactions(fr, names(d)[-6], mean_sample = "top_trees")
head(interactions_frame, 2)
variable root_variable mean_min_depth occurrences interaction uncond_mean_min_depth
variable root_variable mean_min_depth occurrences interaction uncond_mean_min_depth
1 x1 x1 4.787879 0 x1:x1 1.947475
2 x1 x2 2.951051 218 x2:x1 1.947475
This answer is based on my understanding of the package author's thesis: https://rawgit.com/geneticsMiNIng/BlackBoxOpener/master/randomForestExplainer_Master_thesis.pdf

How to simulate a dataset with a binary target in proportions determined 'a-priori'?

Can someone tell me what is the best way to simulate a dataset with a binary target?
I understand the way in which a dataset can be simulated but what I'm looking for is to determine 'a-priori' the proportion of each class. What I thought was to change the intercept to achieve it but I couldn't do it and I don't know why. I guess because the average is playing a trick on me.
x1 = rnorm(1000)
x2 = rnorm(1000)
p=0.25 # <<< I'm looking for a 25%/75%
b0 = mean( mean_z - (4*x1 + 3*x2)) # = mean_z - mean( 2*x1 + 3*x2)
z = b0 + 4*x1 + 3*x2 # = mean_z - (4*x1 + 3*x2) + (4*x1 + 3*x2) = rep(mean_z,1000)
mean( b0 + 4*x1 + 3*x2 ) == mean_z # TRUE!!
pr = 1/(1+exp(-z))
y = rbinom(1000,1,pr)
mean(pr) # ~ 40% << not achieved
What I'm looking for is to simulate the typical "logistic" problem in which the binary target can be modeled as a linear combination of features.
These 'logistic' models assume that the log-odd ratio of the binary variable behaves linearly. That means:
log (p / (1-p)) = z = b0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 where p = prob (y = 1)
Going back to my sample code, we could do, for example: z = 1.3 + 4 * x1 + 2 * x2 , but the probability of the class would be a result. Or instead we could choose coefficient b0 such that the probability is (statistically) similar to the one sought :
log (0.25 / 0.75) = b0 + 4 * x1 + 2 * x2
This is my approach, but there may be betters
I gather that you are considering a logistic regression model, right? If so, one way to generate a data set is to create two Gaussian bumps and say that one is class 1 and the other is class 0. Then generate 25 items from class 1 and 75 items from class 0. Then each generated item plus its label is a datum or record or whatever you want to call it.
Obviously you can choose any proportions of 1's and 0's. It is also interesting to make the problem "easy" by making the Gaussian bumps farther apart (i.e. variances smaller in comparison to difference of means) or "hard" by making the bumps overlapping (i.e. variances larger compared to difference of means).
EDIT: In order to make sample data which correspond exactly to a logistic regression model, just make the variances of the two Gaussian bumps the same. When the variances (by this I mean specifically the covariance matrix) are the same, the surfaces of equal posterior class probability are planes; when the covariances are different, the surfaces of equal probability are quadratics. This is a standard result which will appear in many textbooks. I also have some notes online about this, which I can locate if it will help.
Aside from generating the two classes separately and then merging the results into one set, you can also sample from a single distribution over x, plug x into a logistic regression model with some weights (which you choose by any means you wish), and then use the resulting output as a probability for a coin toss. This method isn't guaranteed to output proportions that correspond exactly to prior class probabilities.

Constrained Profit Maximization with Volume-dependent Production Cost

I am trying to maximize hourly profits from a power generation asset.
As far as I understood from my research, I might use quadprog::solve.QP.
I did most of the required data preparation already giving me a 96 x 5 data frame.
The columns include the following information:
Quarter Hour of a day
Power Price
Production Volume
Generation Cost
The first two columns are complete which leads to my quadratic optimization. The target function is as follows:
max Profit[i] = Volume[i] * (Price[i] - Cost[i])
The main issue is that the Generation Cost is a function of the Production Volume (which I have predetermined and which moreover depends on various static values).
In addition to that the Production Volume in a certain quarter hour must not differ from the precedent production volume by let's say more than 20 MegaWatt.
The Production Volume must not exceed a maximum production volume and not fall below a minimum production volume.
I tried to implement the optimization problem as follows:
Volume = x1
Price = x2
Cost = x3
Profit = x1 * (x2 - x3) --> max
Profit = x1*x2 - x1*x3 --> max
x3 = f(x1)
subject to
x1(t) >= x1(t-1) - 20
x1(t) <= x1(t-1) + 20
x1 <= max(x1)
x1 >= min(x1)
From the quadprog manuals I read that I need to use
solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec)
But I honestly don't know how to fill the two matrices and the two vectors.
Can anyone help?
I hope the information given is sufficient.

Populating two inter-related columns in a R data.table

I have this sample data table:
df <- data.table(indexer = c(0:12), x1 =
Now I need to create two additional columns x2 and x3 in this data frame such as x2[i] = x1[i] - x3[i] and x3[i] = x2[i-1] with x3[1]=0.
How can I do this without using a loop in an efficient way?
EDIT1: expected results are
x2 = c(0.0,1000.0,500.0,500.0,500.0,1500.0,-500.0,1500.0,-1500.0,1851.2,-851.2,1851.2‌​,0.0)
x3 = c(0.0,0.0,1000.0,500.0,500.0,500.0,1500.0,-500.0,1500.0,-1500.0,1851.2,-851.2,18‌​51.2)
EDIT2: First time here posting questions. Hence all these confusions. Forget the example guys, the formulas are:
x3[i] = c - x2[i-1]*(1+r/12); x2[i] = x1[i] - x3[i]; x3[1] = 0; # c is some constant.
The problem is that x2 and x3 depend on each other. Thus, one needs to express x2 in terms of x1:
Once we have the formula, programming is easy:
df$x2 <- (-1)^(df$indexer) * cumsum(df$x1*(-1)^(df$indexer))
And x3 can be obtained from x2:
df$x3 <- c(0,df$x2[-nrow(df)])
[EDIT2] I guess that solution for the modified question, if it exists at all, should be sought along the same lines. I don't think it should be considered as a programming-related problem, because the code is quite straightforward once the mathematical formula is known.
