Pascal's Triangle Row Sequence - recursion

I'm currently working on finding the row sequences of Pascal's triangle. I wanted to input the row number and output the sequence of numbers in a list up until that row. For example, (Pascal 4) would give the result (1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1).
I am trying to use an algorithm that I found. Here is the algorithm itself:
Vc = Vc-1 * ((r - c)/c)
r and c are supposed to be row and column, and V0=1. The algorithm can be specifically found on the wikipedia page in the section titled "Calculating and Individual Row or Diagonal."
Here is the code that I have so far:
(define pascal n)
(cond((zero? n) '())
((positive? n) (* pascal (- n 1) (/ (- n c)c))))
I know that's hardly anything but I've been struggling a lot on trying to find scoping the function with a let or a lambda to incorporate column values. Additionally, I've also been struggling on the recursion. I don't really know how to establish the base case and how to get to the next step. Basically, I've been getting pretty lost everywhere. I know this isn't showing much, but any step in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Using as a guide the entry in Wikipedia, this is a straightforward implementation of the algorithm for calculating a value in the Pascal Triangle given its row and column, as described in the link:
#lang racket
(define (pascal row column)
(define (aux r c)
(if (zero? c)
(* (/ (- r c) c)
(aux r (sub1 c)))))
(aux (add1 row) column))
For example, the following will return the first four rows of values, noticing that both rows and columns start with zero:
(pascal 0 0)
(pascal 1 0)
(pascal 1 1)
(pascal 2 0)
(pascal 2 1)
(pascal 2 2)
(pascal 3 0)
(pascal 3 1)
(pascal 3 2)
(pascal 3 3)
Now we need a procedure to stick together all the values up until the desired row; this works for Racket:
(define (pascal-up-to-row n)
(for*/list ((i (in-range n))
(j (in-range (add1 i))))
(pascal i j)))
The result is as expected:
(pascal-up-to-row 4)
> '(1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1)

I discussed Pascal's Triangle at my blog.
In your question, the expression for Vc is just for one row. That translates to code like this:
(define (row r)
(let loop ((c 1) (row (list 1)))
(if (= r c)
(loop (+ c 1) (cons (* (car row) (- r c) (/ c)) row)))))
Then you just put together a bunch of rows to make the triangle:
(define (rows r)
(let loop ((r r) (rows (list)))
(if (zero? r)
(loop (- r 1) (append (row r) rows)))))
And here's the output:
> (rows 4)
(1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1)
The base case is (= r c) in the first function and (zero? r) in the second.
If you want to write subscripts clearly, you can adopt the notation used by TeX: subscripts are introduced by an underscore and superscripts by a caret, with braces around anything bigger than one character. Thus Vc in your notation would be V_c, and Vc-1 in your notation would be V_{c-1}.


Asking for the idomatic way respectively for avoiding a duplicate in the code

(Just for fun) I figured out a way to represent this:
250 : 8 = 31 + 2
31 : 8 = 3 + 7
∴ (372)8
in the following procedure:
(defun dec->opns (n base)
(do* ((lst nil (append lst (list pos))) ; this is also not so nice
(m n (truncate m base))
(pos (rem m base) (rem m base)) ) ; <<<<<<
((< m base) (reverse (append lst (list m)))) ))
The procedure does what it is supposed to do until now.
CL-USER> (dec->opns 2500000 8)
(1 1 4 2 2 6 4 0)
At this point, I simply ask myself, how to avoid the two times
(rem m base).
First of all because of duplicates are looking daft. But also they may be a hint that the solution isn't the elegant way. Which also is not a problem. I am studying for becoming a primary school teacher (from 1st to 6nd class) and am considering examples for exploring math in a sense of Paperts Mindstorms. Therefore exploring all stages of creating and refining a solution are welcome.
But to get a glimpse of the professional solution, would you be so kind to suggest a more elegant way to implement the algorithm in an idiomatic way?
(Just to anticipate opposition to my "plan": I have no intentions to overwhelm the youngsters with Common Lisp. For now, I am using Common Lisp for reflecting about my study content and using the student content for practicing Common Lisp. My intention in the medium term is to write a "common (lisp) Logo setup" and a Logo environment with which the examples in Harveys Computer Science Logo style (vol. 1), Paperts Mindstorms, Solomons et. al LogoWorks, and of course in Abelsons et. al Turtle Geometry can be implemented uncompromisingly. If I will not cave in, the library will be found with quickload in the still more distant future under the name "c-logo-s" and be called cλogos ;-) )
The closest to your code
You can reduce the reversing of the reversing and append -> by using cons only. The duplication of (rem m base) is only an optical issue, since the first (rem m base) gets executed only the first time the loop runs and the second (rem m base) in all other cases. Thus they are actually not a duplication. One cannot use a let here, because of the required syntax within the macro. (<variable> <initial-value> <progression-for-each-round>)
(defun dec->ops (n base)
(do* ((acc nil (cons r acc))
(m n (truncate m base))
(r (rem m base) (rem m base)))
((zerop m) acc)))
The most Common Lispy version
The rosetta solutions for Common Lisp seems to give the most Common Lisp-like ways - either using write-to-string/parse-integer or even some format quircks.
(defun decimal->base-n (n base)
(write-to-string n :base base))
(defun base-n->decimal (base-n base)
(parse-integer (format nil "~a" base-n) :radix base))
(defun decimal-to-base-n (number &key (base 16))
(format nil (format nil "~~~dr" base) number))
(defun base-n-to-decimal (number &key (base 16))
(read-from-string (format nil "#~dr~d" base number)))
;; or:
(defun change-base (number input-base output-base)
(format nil "~vr" output-base (parse-integer number :radix input-base)))
(decimal-to-base-n 2500000 :base 8)
;;=> "11422640"
Solution without format or write-to-string/parse-integer
Use tail call recursion:
(defun dec->ops (n base &optional (acc nil))
(if (< n base)
(cons n acc)
(multiple-value-bind (m r) (truncate n base)
(dec->ops m base (cons r acc)))))
Try it:
[41]> (dec->ops 250 8)
(3 7 2)
[42]> (dec->ops 250000 8)
(7 5 0 2 2 0)
[43]> (dec->ops 2500000 8)
(1 1 4 2 2 6 4 0)
The do/do* macros are in this case not so nice, because one cannot capture the multiple values returned by truncate nicely (truncate is mod and rem in one function - one should use this fact).
If you really wants to use do*
(defun dec->ops (n base)
(do* ((acc nil (cons (second values) acc))
(values (list n) (multiple-value-list (truncate (first values) base))))
((< (first values) base) (nbutlast (cons (first values) (cons (second values) acc))))))
This works
[69]> (dec->ops 250 8)
(3 7 2)
[70]> (dec->ops 2500000 8)
(1 1 4 2 2 6 4 0)
I would go with the following implementation when trying to avoid recursion:
(defun digits-in-base (number base)
(check-type number (integer 0))
(check-type base (integer 2))
:with remainder
:do (multiple-value-setq (number remainder) (truncate number base))
:collect remainder
:until (= number 0)))
Multiple values are not directly handled by LOOP so instead of converting the values to a list I prefer using MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ to update multiple values at once.
The code first does some type checks because otherwise it can loop infinitely: the inputs are expected to be respectively positive or null, and greater than 1.
I put the :until condition at the end so that 0 gives (0).
Note that the digits are sorted from the smallest to the highest rank:
(digits-in-base 4 2)
=> (0 0 1)
(digits-in-base 250 8)
=> (2 7 3)
Alternatively, for the reverse order:
(defun digits-in-base (number base)
(check-type number (integer 0))
(check-type base (integer 2))
:with remainder :and digits
:do (multiple-value-setq (number remainder) (truncate number base))
:do (push remainder digits)
:until (= number 0)
:finally (return digits)))
(digits-in-base 4 2)
=> (1 0 0)
(digits-in-base 250 8)
=> (3 7 2)
In a previous version of this answer I said the first one (from low to high digits) is better for further manipulation of the digits, but I am not so sure.
Converting back to a number is quite easy with number arranged from high to low digits (all the code below use the second version):
(defun digits-to-number (digits base)
(reduce (lambda (n d) (+ d (* n base)))
:initial-value 0))
So is formatting to a string:
(defun number-string-base (number base)
(format nil
(if (<= base 10)
(digits-in-base number base)
(number-string-base 250 8)
=> "(372)8"
(number-string-base 250 16)
=> "(15'10)16"
Since you expressed interest in various approaches, one thing worth remembering is that Lisp's great strength is creating and extending languages. Indeed all the iteration constructs in Common Lisp are such extensions: CL has no primitive iteration constructs at all.
So there is nothing preventing anyone writing their own, which will be just as good as the ones the language provides. For instance Tim Bradshaw's simple loops provides an 'applicative looping construct', looping, which makes this quite simple to implement:
(defun dec->ops (n base)
(looping ((m n)
(a '()))
(when (< (abs m) base)
(return (cons m a)))
(multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate m base)
(values q (cons r a)))))
Using looping, the variables bound in the loop are updated by the values of the last form in the loop's body.
Of course this is rather close to the classic tail-recursive implementation (here using iterate):
(defun dec->ops (n base)
(iterate next ((m n)
(a '()))
(if (< (abs m) base)
(cons m a)
(multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate m base)
(next q (cons r a))))))
People tend not to like things like this because they are 'not idiomatic CL' of course.

Square of Sums in racket/scheme

I am writing the square of sums in racket/scheme recursively. The code sums the numbers right, but it doesn't square it right. I don't know what I am doing wrong. If I pass 10, it should be 3025.
(define (squareOfSums n)
(if (= n 0)
(expt (+ n (squareOfSums (- n 1))) 2)))
You should do the squaring only once, at the end of the recursion. Currently, your code squares at every iteration. One way to solve this problem would be to separate the sum part into a helper procedure, and square the result of calling it. Like this:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(define (sum n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (sum (- n 1)))))
(sqr (sum n)))
Also, did you know that there's a formula to add all natural numbers up to n? This is a nicer solution, with no recursion needed:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(sqr (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2)))
Either way, it works as expected:
(squareOfSums 10)
=> 3025
Here's a version which I think is idiomatic but which I hope no-one who knows any maths would write:
(define (square-of-sums n)
(let loop ([m n] [sum 0])
(if (> m 0)
(loop (- m 1) (+ sum m))
(* sum sum))))
Here's the version someone who knows some maths would write:
(define (square-of-sums n)
(expt (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2) 2))
I wish people would not ask homework questions with well-known closed-form solutions: it's actively encouraging people to program badly.
If you start out with your function by writing out some examples, it will be easier to visualize how your function will work.
Here are three examples:
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 0) 0)
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 2) (sqr (+ 2 1))) ;9
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 10) (sqr (+ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1))) ;3025
As we can see clearly, there are two operators we are using, which should indicate that we need to use some sort of helper function to help us out.
We can start with out main function squareOfSums:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(sqr (sum n)))
Now, we have to create the helper function.
The amount of times that you use the addition operator depends on the number that you use. Because of this reason, we're going to have to use natural recursion.
The use of natural recursion requires some sort of base case in order for the function to 'end' somewhere. In this case, this is the value 0.
Now that we have identified the base case, we can create our helper function with little issue:
(define (sum n)
(if (= 0 n)
(+ n (sum (sub1 n)))))

How to get the lowest integer out of a vector in Racket

I'm trying to get the lowest integer out of a vector only containing numbers. I know how to do it with lists. You compare the first two values of the list and depending on which is larger you either save your value to output it later or call the function again with the rest of the list (all elements except the first) using the cdr procedure.
But with vectors I'm completely lost. My guess would be that the way of thinking about the solution would be the same for lists and vectors. I've been reading on the racket-lang website but haven't been able to come up with a solution to the problem. The procedures I've been experimenting most with are vector-ref and vector-length as they seem to be the most useful in this problem (but this is my first time working with vectors so what do I know).
So my two questions are:
How can we get all values except the first from a vector? Is there a procedure like cdr but for vectors?
If you were working with lists you would use cons to save the values you would want to output. But is there a similar way of doing it when working with vectors?
The simplest solution is to use a variant of for called for/fold.
I thought there were an for/min but alas.
#lang racket
(define v (vector 11 12 13 4 15 16))
(for/fold ([m +inf.0]) ([x (in-vector v)])
(min m x))
If you like a more explicit approach:
(define (vector-min xs)
(define n (vector-length xs))
(let loop ([i 0] ; running index
[m +inf.0]) ; minimum value so far
[(= i n) ; if the end is reached
m] ; return the minimum
[else ; else
(define x (vector-ref v i)) ; get new element in vector
(loop (+ i 1) ; increment index
(min m x))]))) ; new minimum
(let loop ([x 1] [y 10])
(loop (+ x 1) (- y 1))
is the same as:
(let ()
(define (loop (x y)
(loop (+ x 1) (- y 1)))
(loop 1 10))
Vectors are O(1) access and indexed so it is a completely different data structure, however you have SEFI-43 which is like the SRFI-1 List library, but for vectors.
#lang racket
(require srfi/43)
(define (min-element lst)
(vector-fold min (vector-ref lst 0) lst))
(max-element #(7 8 1 2 3 4 5 12))
; ==> 1
The racket/vector module has vector-argmin for finding the minimum element of a vector (Well, the minimum after feeding the elements through a transformation function). Combine that with a function like identity from racket/function and it's trivial:
(vector-argmin identity '#(5 4 3 2 1 6))

Scheme - List of Fibonacci numbers up to certain value

I am trying to write a function that creates a list of the fibonacci sequence but stops when a certain value is found in the list, then returns that list (I hope that makes sense).
So for example if I give it fib-list(55), the function should return:
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
So it's not the 55th fibonacci number I want, its the list UP TO the value 55.
The code I have for returning the list so far looks like this:
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
(define (fib-list n)
; n = n, f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((n n) (f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; If n = 0, return reversed list.
((zero? n) (reverse fs))
; Check if n is in list. If so, return list.
((equal? n (car fs)) fs)
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop (- n 1) f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
(display (fib-list 55))
My main problem is finding if an element is in the list, because at the moment I just get an error on the line where I am trying to write the ((equal? statement.
The error says:
mcar: contract violation
expected: mpair?
given: '()
I am still very VERY new to Scheme, so my understanding of the language as a whole isn't great. So please be gentle when telling me why my code sucks/doesn't make sense.
(list) creates an empty list, and on the first iteration you get to (car fs), which tries to apply car to an empty list, and that's an error.
Your code seems a bit confused about the nature of n.
Your description says that it's the largest number you want, but you're recursing like you want the n:th Fibonacci number - terminating on (zero? n) and recursing on (- n 1).
When you're recursing you're still looking for numbers up to the same limit.
Thus, you should not decrement your limit and terminate on zero, you should leave the limit alone and terminate when you reach larger numbers.
Here's how I would write it:
The initial list is (1 1)
At each step:
Compute the next fibonacci number
If this is greater than the limit, reverse the accumulator list and return it
Otherwise, cons it to the accumulator and recurse with the "new" last two fibonacci number.
In code:
(define (fib-list n)
(let loop ((f2 1) (f1 1) (fs '(1 1)))
(let ((next (+ f1 f2)))
(if (> next n)
(reverse fs)
(loop f1 next (cons next fs))))))
Here's another way you can do it using continuation-passing style. By adding a continuation parameter to our loop, we effectively create our own return mechanism. One unique property of this implementation is the output list is built in forward order and does not need to be reversed when n reaches zero.
(define (fib-list n)
(let loop ((n n) (a 0) (b 1) (return identity))
(if (zero? n)
(return empty)
(loop (sub1 n)
(+ a b)
(lambda (rest) (return (cons a rest)))))))
(fib-list 10)
;; '(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
Reading your question a little closer, in fib-list(N) you need N to be the stopping condition for your loop, not the Nth term in the list. This is actually easier to implement as there's no need to count the number of terms generated.
(define (fib-list max)
(let loop ((a 0) (b 1) (return identity))
(if (> a max)
(return empty)
(loop b
(+ a b)
(lambda (rest) (return (cons a rest)))))))
(fib-list 55)
;; '(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
(fib-list 1000)
;; '(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987)
What's going wrong with the car function?
The car function takes the first element of a list, but if the list is empty it doesn't have a first element. The fs list starts out as empty. When you try to take the first element of an empty list you get this error message:
> (car (list))
mcar: contract violation
expected: mpair?
given: ()
If the list isn't empty, then it has a first element, and it's fine:
> (car (list 4 5 6))
Following what you meant in the comment
However, your comment "Check if n is in list" leads me to believe that (equal? n (car fs)) is not what you want anyway. The function for determining whether an element is in a list is called member.
(import (rnrs base)
(rnrs lists))
> (if (member 4 (list 1 2 4 8))
"it's in the list"
"go fish")
"it's in the list"
> (if (member 5 (list 1 2 4 8))
"it's in the list"
"go fish")
"go fish"
So with that (equal? n (car fs)) test replaced with (member n fs), your code looks like:
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
(define (fib-list n)
; n = n, f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((n n) (f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; If n = 0, return reversed list.
((zero? n) (reverse fs))
; Check if n is in list. If so, return list.
((member n fs) fs)
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop (- n 1) f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
> (fib-list 55)
(10946 6765 4181 2584 1597 987 610 377 233 144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1)
This is not the answer you wanted though; you wanted (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55).
Why is the list going past 55?
One of the problems is that the n is shadowed, in the same way that in this expression:
> (let ([n 5])
(let ([n 10])
The n in the body refers to 10 instead of 5.
The result is going past 55 because inside the loop n is shadowed and has become a different number. I'm guessing in your comment about "check if n is in list", you meant "check if the original n is in list". To do that you have to rename one of the ns:
> (let ([orig-n 5])
(let ([n 10])
In the context of your code:
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
(define (fib-list orig-n)
; n = n, f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((n orig-n) (f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; If n = 0, return reversed list.
((zero? n) (reverse fs))
; Check if orig-n is in list. If so, return list.
((member orig-n fs) fs)
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop (- n 1) f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
> (fib-list 55)
(55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1)
This is closer, but it's reversed. You have two base cases, the (zero? n) case and the (member orig-n fs) case. In one of those it's reversed and in one of them it's not. Changing them both to call reverse fixes it:
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
(define (fib-list orig-n)
; n = n, f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((n orig-n) (f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; If n = 0, return reversed list.
((zero? n) (reverse fs))
; Check if orig-n is in list. If so, return reversed list.
((member orig-n fs) (reverse fs))
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop (- n 1) f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
> (fib-list 55)
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
Small numbers
This is correct on large Fibonacci numbers like 55, but it still does something weird on small numbers:
> (fib-list 2)
(1 1)
> (fib-list 3)
(1 1 2)
If you only want it to stop when it gets to orig-n, then maybe the decreasing n argument is not needed, and is actually making it stop too early. Removing it (and removing the zero check for it) makes the member check the only stopping case.
This is dangerous, because it could go into an infinite loop if you give it a non-Fibonacci number as input. However, it fixes the small-number examples:
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
; The `orig-n` MUST be a fibonacci number to begin with,
; otherwise this loops forever.
(define (fib-list orig-n)
; f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; Check if orig-n is in list. If so, return reversed list.
((member orig-n fs) (reverse fs))
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
> (fib-list 55)
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
> (fib-list 2)
(1 1 2)
> (fib-list 3)
(1 1 2 3)
And finally, consider what happens vs. what should happen if you give it a number like 56.
> (fib-list 56)
;infinite loop
This is a design decision that you have not specified in your question (yet), but there are ways of solving it either way.
Update: orig-n or greater
I should have specified that I need to check if there is a number that is greater than OR equal to orig-n. Can I still use the member function to check for this or will I need to use something different?
You will have to use something different. Just above member in the documentation is the memp function (you could also use exists in this case). The mem is short for member, and the p is short for "predicate". It determines whether any member of the list matches a certain predicate.
> (if (memp positive? (list -4 -2 -3 5 -1))
"one of them is positive"
"go fish")
"one of them is positive"
> (if (memp positive? (list -4 -2 -3 -5 -1))
"one of them is positive"
"go fish")
"go fish"
> (define (five-or-greater? n)
(>= n 5))
> (if (memp five-or-greater? (list -4 -2 -3 6 -1))
"one of them is equal to 5 or greater"
"go fish")
"one of them is equal to 5 or greater"
> (if (memp five-or-greater? (list -4 -2 -3 4 -1))
"one of them is equal to 5 or greater"
"go fish")
"go fish"
To use it for "orig-n or greater", you would have to define a function like:
(define (orig-n-or-greater? n)
(>= n orig-n))
As a local function inside your main function, so that it can refer to orig-n. Then you can use it like (memp orig-n-or-greater? fs).
; Create a list of the fibonacci sequence up to n.
(define (fib-list orig-n)
(define (orig-n-or-greater? n)
(>= n orig-n))
; f2 = 1, f1 = 1, fs = a list.
(let loop ((f2 1) (f1 1) (fs (list)))
; Check if orig-n or greater is in list. If so, return reversed list.
((memp orig-n-or-greater? fs) (reverse fs))
;Else, find the next fibonacci number and add it to the list.
(else (loop f1 (+ f2 f1) (cons f2 fs))))))
> (fib-list 3)
(1 1 2 3)
> (fib-list 55)
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
> (fib-list 56)
(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89)

Generating a list of all possible combinations of true or false for n given variables in LISP

I want to define a function that takes an input "n" (the number of variables) and return all possible truth values. Here, I represent the truth values for a variable i (1 <= i <= n) with +i representing true, and -i representing false.
For example:
(generate-values 2)
should return:
((2 1)(2 -1)(-2 1)(-2 -1))
(generate-values 3)
should return:
((3 2 1)(3 2 -1)(3 -2 1)(3 -2 -1)(-3 2 1)(-3 2 -1)(-3 -2 1)(-3 -2 -1))
Here is my incorrect attempt:
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0) nil)
(t (list (cons n (generate-values (- n 1)))
(cons (- 0 n) (generate-values (- n 1)))))))
I know why this is incorrect, but I am not able to find a way to generate (3 2 1) and then move on to (3 2 -1). My program outputs:
((3 (2 (1) (-1)) (-2 (1) (-1))) (-3 (2 (1) (-1)) (-2 (1) (-1))))
Any help with this question qould be thoroughly appreciated! Thanks!
It might be easiest to approach this in the easiest way possible, and then to figure out how to make it a bit simpler or more efficient afterward.
If you're doing this recursively, it's important to consider what the bases cases are. A reasonable base case here is probably when n = 0. The function is always supposed to return a list of lists. In the n = 0 case, there are no "variables", so the result has to be a list of the empty list: (()).
For the case that n is anything else, consider what the function returns for n-1. It's a list of all the combinations on n-1 "variables". All you need to do is prepend n to each of those, and prepend -n to each of those, and then make sure you end up with a list of all of those.
Encoding that directly, we end up with something like this:
(defun table (n)
(if (zerop n)
(let* ((table (table (1- n)))
(plus-pos-n (mapcar (lambda (subtable)
(list* n subtable))
(plus-neg-n (mapcar (lambda (subtable)
(list* (- n) subtable))
(nconc plus-pos-n plus-neg-n))))
CL-USER> (table 3)
((3 2 1) (3 2 -1) (3 -2 1) (3 -2 -1) (-3 2 1) (-3 2 -1) (-3 -2 1) (-3 -2 -1))
Now, let's look at what your current implementation is doing differently, noting that it doesn't have to be exactly the same algorithm, of course.
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(list (cons n
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(cons (- 0 n)
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
Stylistically, since there are only two branches, I'd prefer if to cond here, but that's not a problem. Before attacking the base case, lets look at the recursive case, when n ≠ 0. First, you're calling generate-values twice; it would be more efficient to call it once and save the result. That could end up being important later if you're calling this function with big values of n, but it doesn't make the function incorrect. But remember what generate-values returns; it returns a list of the different combinations. That means that your call to (cons n (generate-values …)) is returning a list whose first element is n, and whose remaining elements are the combinations for n-1. E.g., you're doing something like:
CL-USER> (table 1)
((1) (-1))
CL-USER> (cons 2 (table 1))
(2 (1) (-1))
But that's not what you want. You really want to add n to each of those lists:
CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons 2 x))
(table 1))
((2 1) (2 -1))
That's the issue in the recursive case. There's an issue in the base case, too. In the recursive case, you want to add n and -n to each of the sublists from the n-1 case. So what happens when you have n = 1? You want to be getting (cons 1 '()) and (cons -1 '()). But since the second argument to cons is going to be each list inside of the result of (generate-values 0), you really need to have something in the list returned by (generate-values 0). What needs to be there? The empty list needs to be there. So the base case needs to return (()), not (). So, after making those changes, your code would be:
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(list (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons n x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons (- 0 n) x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
CL-USER> (generate-values 3)
(((3 (2 (1)) (2 (-1))) (3 (-2 (1)) (-2 (-1))))
((-3 (2 (1)) (2 (-1))) (-3 (-2 (1)) (-2 (-1)))))
That's closer, but it's still not quite right. There's another in the recursive case. You end up generating the values that have n in the beginning (a list of them), and the values that have -n in the beginning (a list of them), but then you're using list to combine them. That returns a single list with two values. Instead, you want a single list that has the values from each of them. You want to combine them with append (or, since all the structure is newly generated, you could use nconc):
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(append (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons n x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons (- 0 n) x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
CL-USER> (generate-values 3)
((3 2 1) (3 2 -1) (3 -2 1) (3 -2 -1) (-3 2 1) (-3 2 -1) (-3 -2 1) (-3 -2 -1))
This final implementation isn't exactly what I started with, but it's essentially the same in terms of the algorithm. The differences are mostly stylistic, but there are some efficiency concerns, too. Using nconc instead of append would save some memory, and it really would be good to cache the results from the recursive call, rather than recomputing it. Stylistic issues that don't affect correctness might be using if instead of cond, using list* instead of cons (to indicate that we're working with lists, not trees of cons cells), and it's nice to note that you don't have to do (- 0 n), - with a single argument returns the argument's negation. That is, (- n) = -n.
