Opensky Symfony2 Intetegration - symfony

Is there any Step by Step tutorial to configure ZF2 Client in Symfony2?
Since I want to integrate Opensky LDAP bundle in my case.

Have you read the README file from Github?
If you don't already have the ZF2 codebase available in the vendor path of your Symfony2 application, you may be interested in using git-subtree to pull in the LDAP client by itself. Instructions for this process are documented in this thread from the symfony-devs mailing list.


AppKernel.php not found on Symphony 5.3.7?

I tried to follow the following tutorial to install OAUTH2 on symfony.
Nevertheless, there is no more an AppKernel.php file (everything works very well with the server).
I think that this file has been renamed to Kernel.php, but with this new versions I can't follow the tutorial (write new FOS\OAuthServerBundle\FOSOAuthServerBundle() inside).
So, is this step is no more needed with newers versions of symfony or I have to do something else?
Check your config folder: there should be a bundles.php that also contains references to the other bundles you've installed.
But as the repository for FOSOAuthServerBundle hasn't seen that many commits in the last months, you should probably use any other OAuth bundle like knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle or hwi/oauth-bundle instead

how to develop a custom connector in SailPoint

I am novices to the field of Identity and Access management.
Till now I know, Sail point has provided the some direct connectors to integrate the known systems like LDAP, HR systems, OIM, Databases..
And sailpoint also provided the support for disconnected applications with the use of Custom connectors.
Here, My question is how to develop a custom connector..?
I do not have jar file provided by sailpoint which contain "AbstractConnector" class.
So that I can write my own class and develop..?
I also so not understand, what to do with that class?(if i have a jar)
How sailpoint will refer to that class..
Do we need to deploy that class to somewhere...
Here I am expecting the complete flow to develop and deploy the custom connector..
If anyone is working please help..
If you unzip your identityiq.war, you'll find a JAR file called WEB-INF/lib/connector-bundle.jar. This is the JAR where you'll find AbstractConnector. Once you've written your connector code, you will need to compile it and bundle it into a JAR file, which you will place into WEB-INF/lib.
Finally, you will need to update the ConnectorRegistry object (under Configuration on the debug screen) to reference the new class, which will make it available as an Application type. If it has custom connection parameters (as most do), you will also need an xhtml page that will be embedded into the Sailpoint UI to prompt the user configuring the Application.
If you have Compass access, they have a whitepaper called Custom Connectors that you will find helpful.
All that said, I encourage you to try to find a way to use an out-of-box connector if possible.
Most of the times it will be better if you use the DelimitedFile connector, you can import a CSV of identity data, and make it work within Sailpoint's workflow. You will be able to map fields, correlate accounts and create multi-valued group memberships rapidly. Of course, this means that Sailpoint will not be connected directly to the application, and you will have to develop a workflow to extract the identities and upload them. But at least, you can integrate without going the Custom Connector way.

Equivalent of Laravel Seeders on Symfony?

I'm developing a web site with Symfony. I'm new on this framework. Before i used Laravel 5.0 and I need to have a database with rows.
I create my db with command prompt but now I don't find how to seed it.
There is a equivalent of Laravel seeders on Symfony?
No. Seeding was a feature added by Laravel. You’ll need to use a third-party package to load seeds/fixtures into your application:
All the answers here are a bit outdated and this question is the first result on google so for future readers:
Since Symfony 3 there is an official bundle for this very purpose
Installation: composer require --dev doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle
Then write your fixtures in src/DataFixtures and run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Try this package Looks like it's what you need.
Their readme
Symfony/Doctrine Seed Bundle
Used to load/unload seed data from the database. Example would be to load a table with a list of states and abbreviations, or populate the users table with initial admin user(s). Unlike the DoctrineFixturesBundle which is mainly for development this bundle is for seeding the database before the initial push to production.

A welcome message, that is pulled from a servlet that is configurable from the OSGi console

I am new to CQ5. I created a bundle that is configurable via the OSGi console. Now, I need the value that is configured on the console to be returned to my content page. I am not sure how to proceed with this. Looking for any tutorial or help. Thanks in advance.
Assuming the configured value is available via an OSGi service, you can access that service from java code using an #Reference SCR annotation with a suitable build setup to generate the corresponding OSGi metadata. You can also access OSGi services from scripts, in JSP that's done using sling.getService(YourService.class) in a script where you have called or its CQ equivalent.

Where to put the normal PHP library (ex Google API library) in symphony2 system?

I am making application with symfony2
I want to use Google API library in this application.
Google API has
/and so on..
I need to load this script from the DefaultController.php.
Where should I put the library,and how could I load the library from the DefaultController?
If it doesnt have framework like symfony2.
it is very simple though..
put library in the same directory and load
require_once 'src/config.php'
you simply can run
php composer.phar install google/api-client
in your projectfolder. It should install the api-client to your vendors.
As you mentioned, default the config resists in another file. A proper way around that would be to create a little bundle with a nice config, register the api as a client, and pass the config to your service.
I think, since you are using Symfony2, the best way is to use composer and that would install the library inside the vendors directory and be added to the autoloader.
Symfony2 and Google API integration
