razor sql error - asp.net

I have this razor statement
sql = "SELECT * FROM CarBike" +
"Order By id OFFSET #0 ROWS FETCH NEXT #1 ROWS ;";
var result = db.Query(sql, offset, pageSize);
i am getting error
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'By'.
Invalid usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'By'.
Invalid usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.
Please help me to correct this error

You need a space between CarBike and Order by
sql = "SELECT * FROM CarBike" +
" Order By id OFFSET #0 ROWS FETCH NEXT #1 ROWS ;";
NB: OFFSET/FETCH is SQL 2012+ only.
To achieve similar results in previous versions
select * from
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id) rn
from CarBike
) v
where rn between #0+1 and #0+#1
order by id


Create a table as, where 'date condition' in dynamic PL/SQL

I got assigned the following task.
Assume we have a table A structured with an id column and a date column.
Write a procedure in PL/SQL that: takes as parameters the table name (in our case A) and a date D, creates a backup table named A_bck containing only the records of A with dates < D and removes from the table A all the records inserted in A_bck.
Here there is my code.
Unluckily I get this error:
Error report -
ORA-00904: "MAY": invalid identifier
ORA-06512: at line 41
ORA-06512: at line 80
00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
If I try to achieve the same result using a where condition on the id column instead that on the date one, I have no problems.
Where is the mistake? Am I implementing it completely in the wrong way?
The problem you have is that as you're executing dynamic sql you're query is built up as a string. Oracle does not know that the date you've given is actually a date, it is simply being treated as part of the string. To solve this you should be able to do the following:
my_query := 'CREATE TABLE ' || table_name_backup || ' AS (SELECT * FROM ' || table_name || ' WHERE table_date < to_date(''' || backup_date || '''))';
This should sort out your issue for you. As a side note, you will probably want to change your "table_exists" query, as table names are all stored in upper case, e.g.
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO table_exists FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = upper(my_table);
Edit: Further explanation following comment
To explain why you don't have the above problem when using integers, it is important to remember that using execute immediate simply executes the given string as an SQL query.
For example:
x INTEGER := 1;
i integer;
my_query VARCHAR2(256);
my_query := 'select 1 from dual where 1 = ' || x;
my_query in the above example would be executed as:
select 1 from dual where 1 = 1
which is perfectly valid sql. In your example however, you were ending up with something like this:
CREATE TABLE abaco_bck AS (SELECT * FROM abaco WHERE table_date < 27-MAY-17)
As it isn't wrapped in quotes, or explicitly converted to a date, the SQL engine is trying to subtract "MAY" from 27, but it doesn't know what "MAY" is.
One other thing to mention, is that for some operations you could use bind variables instead of quotes (although you can't for DDL) e.g.
my_query VARCHAR2(256);
my_query := 'select 1 from dual where sysdate = :1';

JDBC - SQLITE Select to variable

I am trying to run a query / select statement and save it in a variable. I know how to get something specific from a specific column but not from counting rows.
This is working as I getting MYID specifically.
ResultSet MYIDrs = stmtCFG.executeQuery( "SELECT rowid, MYID from MYINDEX order by rowid desc limit 1;" );
MYID = MYIDrs.getString("MYID");
Now I am trying to count the rows that works in SQLite client but not in the jdbc as I can't figure out what to request.
this is what I have but is not resulting in what I am expecting.
ResultSet FILE_COUNTrs = stmtCFG.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) from TABLE where MYID = '"+MYID+"';");
FILE_COUNT = FILE_COUNTrs.getString(?????);
problem or question is: What do I put in the ????? as I already tried everything.
I am expecting to see a number.
I am really sorry I found what I was looking for by assigning a name TOTAL
This is my code and it works...
ResultSet FILE_COUNTrs = stmtCFG.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS TOTAL from TABLE where MYID = '"+MYID+"';");
You use wrong data type. COUNT(*) returns Integer type, Not String.
You can do like this without assigning a label for COUNT(*)
int FILE_COUNT = FILE_COUNTrs.getInt(1); // 1: is the column index of COUNT(*)

asp.net sql order by certain value

hi i have an sql statement that returns rows from a table in descending order, the column i am ordering by is requestStatus. the requestStatus can be 3 values pending, approved and rejected . i would like to alter the sql if possible to order by pending then approved and then rejected. my sql statement is below. i am using asp.net razor view engine. can anyone point me in the right direction ?
var dbCommand2 = "SELECT * FROM LeaveRequests WHERE email = #0 ORDER BY WHERE requestStatus DESC";
var rows1 = db.Query(dbCommand2, theUserName);
Use CASE in your SELECT statement:
SELECT *, CASE requestStatus
WHEN 'pending' THEN 0
WHEN 'approved' THEN 1
WHEN 'rejected' THEN 2
END AS requestStatusOrder
FROM LeaveRequests
WHERE email = #0
ORDER BY requestStatusOrder

nested query error with where clause

I have a problem in this query.
I want to retrieve a data from a table by comparing with other column of table.
error is: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [news_id], [news_title] FROM [upload_news] WHERE [country]='" + DropDownList1.Text + "' AND (SELECT DISTINCT[authority] FROM [user_data] WHERE [authority]<>'trusted')";
The problem is that you are not doing any comparison with this condition:
AND (SELECT DISTINCT[authority] FROM [user_data] WHERE [authority]<>'trusted')
This is just returning a distinct list of items, and furthermore, is not being compared with something. Remember that statements on the WHERE clause are comparisons that results in a boolean value.

PL/SQL - comma separated list within IN CLAUSE

I am having trouble getting a block of pl/sql code to work. In the top of my procedure I get some data from my oracle apex application on what checkboxes are checked. Because the report that contains the checkboxes is generated dynamically I have to loop through the
list and generate a comma separated string which looks like this
v_list VARCHAR2(255) := (1,3,5,9,10);
I want to then query on that list later and place the v_list on an IN clause like so
WHERE user_id IN (v_list);
This of course throws an error. My question is what can I convert the v_list to in order to be able to insert it into a IN clause in a query within a pl/sql procedure?
If users is small and user_id doesn't contain commas, you could use:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE ',' || v_list || ',' LIKE '%,'||user_id||',%'
This query is not optimal though because it can't use indexes on user_id.
I advise you to use a pipelined function that returns a table of NUMBER that you can query directly. For example:
RETURN tab_number
FOR cc IN (SELECT rtrim(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]*,', 1, level), ',') res
FROM (SELECT p || ',' str FROM dual)
CONNECT BY level <= length(str)
- length(replace(str, ',', ''))) LOOP
PIPE ROW(cc.res);
You would then be able to build queries such as:
FROM users
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT *
FROM TABLE(string_to_table_num('1,2,3,4,5'));
You can use XMLTABLE as follows
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT to_number(column_value) FROM XMLTABLE(v_list));
I have tried to find a solution for that too but never succeeded. You can build the query as a string and then run EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14261/dynamic.htm#i14500.
That said, it just occurred to me that the argument of an IN clause can be a sub-select:
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT something FROM somewhere)
so, is it possible to expose the checkbox values as a stored function? Then you might be able to do something like
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT my_package.checkbox_func FROM dual)
Personally, i like this approach:
with t as (select 'a,b,c,d,e' str from dual)
select val
from t, xmltable('/root/e/text()'
passing xmltype('<root><e>' || replace(t.str,',','</e><e>')|| '</e></root>')
columns val varchar2(10) path '/'
Which can be found among other examples in Thread: Split Comma Delimited String Oracle
If you feel like swamping in even more options, visit the OTN plsql forums.
