IE7 negative position issue - css

Take a look at this fiddle:
Render it in Firefox and IE7.. In Firefox, it works fine, but in IE, a long scrollbar shows.
How to fix this bug?
Note: I've also this problem in Android based browsers, in landscape mode.

The cause of the incompatibility in IE7 here is that the width of the html document is smaller than the width of the element labelled id="e". In the fiddle that you've provided the view port is about 660px wide, if the element e is 660px or less, then the green box appears as in other browsers.
What are you trying to achieve here? Are you sure that css is the best way to achieve your goal?


Firefox displays position relative different than Chrome

I have a webite where i position some events in a calendar with position relative. But the problem is that in Chrome the layout it pixel perfect, but in firefox and IE it does not work at all.
The events get positon about 10px wrong downwards. And my tooltip that also uses relative positoning gets stuck at its "orginial" position.
I have a live demo at:
You can see the black box positions different in Chrome and Firefox. And when you click on a tooltip it turns up at the date in Chrome but in the bottom left corner in Firefox.
I cannot understand why!?
Please! Help Me!
One way of doing this would be to use css hack so that you can style it dependant on the browser.
Here is a demo:
#media screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
.firefox {
background: red;
Fiddle example:
Here are my references:
I know this is an old post and because of your lack of detail I can't be sure, but quite often the reason for this is that different browsers will render their box models differently when widths, padding, margins etc are not explicitly set. setting widths for the elements you wish to position around will usually solve this problem.

CSS overflow:scroll doesn't work only for iFrame in Chrome, Safari and Opera

I am using overflow:scroll; in my css to have scrollbars always "on" for an iFrame window, but it works only for Firefox! Any idea about Chrome, Safari and Opera? Thank you in advance!
I have a similar issue with webkit (safari and chrome) based browsers; seems that they value higher the css styles on the html over the actual iframe style itself. CanĀ“t find much documentation on this, but I am sure it is the origin of the problem. the iframe moves to left when pulled right on its main content (under the navigation menu). Only on webkit.
This happens when scaling down the iframe with the scale (transform) css property.
This is not the perfect answer but at least a hint; will continue research and post afterwards.
And looking for others to contribute to this issue. Thanks.

Floated item breaks in IE7, works in IE8+

I've got a development site ( that works well in FF, Chrome, and IE8+ but the right-corner image breaks in IE7 and I can't seem to figure out what's causing the problem. The right-corner image is in a left-floated container DIV but there is also an absolutely-positioned graphic on top of it, not sure if that's got something to do with it or not.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide!
Per request, here is a JSFiddle with (I think) the relevant code:
Also, to see this work you can open the link with IE and hit F12 to bring up the development console, then click Browser Mode: IE9 and change it to IE7.
The widths and interior margin for .eightcol and .fourcol add up to more than 100%. Some browsers may round decimal values differently than others.
65.4546% + 3.63636% + 30.9091% = 100.00006%
Here's a jsfiddle demo where you can see that the right column breaks in IE6/7 but is fine in all other browsers.
It's possible that this CSS grid wasn't built to support IE6/7. If all else fails, you could edit or override some of the widths or margin values in the CSS grid. But the changes would have to be reapplied everytime the CSS grid is upgraded. Not sure if there's an easier solution.
Edit: For comparison purposes, here's a version of the jsfiddle demo with integer percents that add up to exactly 100%.

Remove div if webkit scollbars are supported

I am using a custom scrollbar for webkit browsers. The thing is that when the browser supports webkit. I want it to remove the border I have around the entire body.
I got it to work by using -webkit-box-sizing on the right div and a negative margin value as you can see in the fiddle:
And it works really great except for browsers that supports box-sizing but not webkit scrollbars. For example mobile browsers that don't have scrollbars at all.
Is there a way to make it work? I tried a jQuery method that asked if the browser supported webkit, and if so, remove the div. But that made the div appear for a short while and then removed it. It looked bad.
Please have a look at the jsfiddle
(I know I could make the markup cleaner without all the elements. But let's focus on the other problem)

Element chopped off on IE8 only - any takers?

My site has a search bar on the top right.
You can see it on IE7, FF, Chrome, Safari -- but not on IE8. It gets chopped off.
BTW if you happen to see it on IE8 just refresh the page and it will chop.
If I run IE8 on compatibility mode the search bar becomes visible.
Any ideas how to solve this?
It's because IE8 is interpreting the nature of its parent container: header_widget_1. The sizing or formatting of this element is causing the <li> element to be clipped prematurely. If you have Google Chrome, you can right click the sidebar element you're asking about and choose "Inspect Element". This will show you what the elements are doing.
Edit: You also have a sizable horizontal scrollbar in IE7.
Edit 2:
You might try altering the height of your #header element to be the height you want. Since height is not expressed in the sidebar class, this may also be contributing to the problem.
