Compile only some C files in src folder - r

Is there a way to compile only some *.c (or *.cpp) files in src folder and not all of them? Perhaps it may be possible by modifying Makevars somehow?
A bit of background: I made a mistake of committing some files to the git master branch and would be easier for me to avoid their compilation rather than renaming them all or removing the branch.

That really is a Makefile (language) question that you can address via a Makevars file with proper settings.
But beware:
R really prefers the default settings and its implicit Makefile. You can get by with Makevars for settings things like compiler / linker options, doing dependencies among files right is much harder. Very few packages do it right. You are more likely to break dual-architecture builds on, eg, OS X and (via on Windows.
There is no reason to leave the repo in a sad state. Just clean up your git repo, and the world will be a better place too.


How to build a rpm that installs host dependent files

I have to build one rpm that copies the contents of file A to /path/to/tartetfile if the hostname is A. In all other cases the contents of B should be copied to /path/to/targetfile. I'm aware that this may be a misusage of rpm, but I still have to do it like this. Do you have any ideas how to get this done in an elegant way?
My solution at the moment would be to create an empty /path/to/targetfile in my BUILD directory as well as a /tmp/contents.tar.gz that contains the files A and B. In the postinstall routine i then would extract the relevant parts of /tmp/contents.tar.gz to /path/to/targetfile and delete the tarball afterwards. In the pre-uninstall routine I'd then touch the /tmp/contents.tar.gz to supress rpm reporting errors for an already deleted file.
To me this seems to be a very dirty way to get this done. Do you have better ones?
If you plan on abusing rpm for things it was not desinged for, you'll have to do dirty tricks.
I don't see another workaround for you. I fail to see the use of removing the tar.gz etc, unless that (little?) extra space is really a problem for you. I would propose:
package all files (A and B) into some specific directory (/usr/lib/your-package or whatever), not in compressed format.
in the %post section create just symlinks so that /path/to/targetfile points to /usr/lib/your-package/A or /usr/lib/your-package/B (symlinks take up almost no space). This has the additional value that ls -l /path/to/targetfile will show you which which file it points to, giving you the information whether this is file A or B.
in your %files section declare %ghost /path/to/targetfile for a nice cleanup upon removal.

OCaml: How can I get the path to the *current module* / my project's directory?

I'm new to OCaml, but I'm trying to figure out the equivalent of __filename, __dirname from Node. That is, I need to build a path relative to the file containing the code in question.
For reference, I'm working through Ghuloum's IACC:$ocameel
I'm building my first compiler, and I have an utterly-simplistic ‘runtime’ file (in C — temporarily) adjacent to the compiler's source-code. I need to be able to pass the path to this file, as an argument (or a pre-compiled version, I suppose) to gcc or my linker, to have it linked against my compiler's output when I invoke the linker/assembler tooling.
(This may be a stupid question — I'm at a bit of an unknown-unknown here, “how does a compiler get the runtime to the linker”, or something like that. Any commentary about idiomatic solutions to this is welcome, even if it's not a direct answer to the above question!)
If you're running the source file directly via ocaml, Sys.argv.(0) will give you the path to the source file and you can use Filename.dirname to get the directory from that.
If you first compile the source file into an executable and then run the executable, Sys.argv.(0) will give you the name of the executable. In that scenario it's impossible to get the location of the source code (especially if you consider that the person running the executable might not even have the source code on their system).
If you set up your project structure, so that your sources live in src/, your compiled binary in bin/ and the compiled stdlib in lib/, you could just use Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0) ^ "../lib" as the library path for gcc. This will work whether you run ocaml src/, bin/mycompiler or just mycompiler after installing everything to /usr/ or /usr/local/.

How do I edit a symlink using Atom?

On GitHub I can view symlinks as text - they are just a path to the target.
However, if I edit a symlink in Atom it opens the file that the symlink points to. This is reasonable behaviour but not what I am trying to do.
Can I edit them in a similar way using Atom on my local machine?
If now, is there another text editor that can?
You can't change a symbolic link's target by editing the symlink file.
There are cases where the target of a symlink is stored in the symlink file, but that is not usually the case. For most target paths, the target is stored in the inode data directly.
Then there are symlink-like things various filesystems have implemented, such as macOS aliases, or Windows NTFS which has symlinks but they are not exactly the same as Unix/POSIX symlinks.
To manage symlinks you should be using the tools your OS provides, such as the ln command.
That said, I'm not aware of any packages for Atom which offer an in-editor method of managing symlinks. The tree-view package does not seem to offer it.

How to install new packages for common lisp without asdf-install

I am new to cl, and I just learned to install packages using asdf-install, but I don't know how it works, I wonder how the package can be installed manully, then I could understand the use of the files in the root directory of the source code, thanks.
Short answer: Just use quicklisp.
Long answer: if you want to understand, how the package, or - more precisely - ASDF system, is laid out, that's a good idea. Actually, there's nothing hard about that.
Every ASDF system should have a system definition file with .asd extension. This file names other file of the system with their paths relative to the .asd file, their types (by default: lisp source code) and dependencies. Your Lisp should know where to find the system definition file. In ASDF there are 2 ways to inform Lisp about it: adding the directory, in which you store the file or symlink to it, to asdf:*central-registry* list or setting up special configuration files (called source-registry - more on that in ASDF manual).
Now if you want to install the system by hand, just download its sources, extract them into some directory (like in /home/user/lib/lisp/ - you may get /home/user/lib/lisp/cl-ppcre-2.3.1/, inside which there's cl-ppcre.asd). To let your Lisp find out about it just (push "/home/user/lib/lisp/cl-ppcre-2.3.1/" asdf:*central-registry*) (and don't forget the trailing slash - it's required), and then you can load the system with (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-ppcre).
You might also setup a special dir, where you'll symlink your existing systems, like /home/user/.lisp/ and add it to *central-registry* at Lisp startup type (e.g. in .sbclrc). Now if you want to temporarily override some of the system linked in this dir, say, with a newer version, you don't need to unlink anything - just push the path to alternative system to *central-registry*.
Quicklisp does all that for you and more...

Directory for files generated by Make during installation from configure, make and make install

Just assume we are installing some libraries from its source distributed by the way GNU promoted. When using "./configure --prefix" to specify where to install.
(1) does Make generate the binaries under the current directory? Does Make install then copies them from the current directory (which is from where Make is run) to $prefix? If the answers are yes, I have two questions, each for different cases.
(2) when the current directory and $prefix are not the same, can I remove all the files generated by Make under current directories to save some space?
(3) when the current directory and $prefix are the same, will make install do nothing or copy the files to themselves? Can I just skip the make install step?
The answer to your first question is probably yes.
As for the rest, you may find a make clean which will tidy up the files created by the initial make.
I think the makefile will be able to handle the situation where current directory and $prefix are not the same, and do the right thing.
The current directory would not usually be the destination of files created by makefiles.
(of course it depends on how the makefile is written, so I can't give definite answers, but I've generally been impressed with the makefiles I've used)
You are absolutely right: make just creates files in current directory and make install copies it to the destination directories, based on $prefix and other variables maintained by configure script.
You can wipe out the whole directory you've ran the build at. It will not be used, because, well, that's what "install" means: you build in one directory and the the files are placed in the proper places of your system.
Usually install destination and the directory you build in differ. The hierarchy of the files being installed usually do not relate to directory hierarchy of the build system. Just install to the other dir: it's cheap to create just yet another directory.
