CDONTS sending an email with attachments - Classic ASP - asp-classic

I want to send an email with attachments using CDONTS. But, here is what i am using:
CDO_MAIL.AttachFile ""
In JavaScript we are doing:
image1.src = ""
The problem is - I do not have the exact image name. The above URL returns me an image. Can you please let me know how to resolve this ?

Diodeus is correct. However, another way to "solve" this is to download the file so you have it locally and then attach it. Embedding in the HTML, as suggested by Diodeus, will cause most mail clients to block the image and require user interaction to download the image. It's better to do it attach it and reference it by CID.

CDO does not support HTTP. It's expecting a local file reference (C:....).
You can embed the image in the message body though, using simple HTML:
<img src="" />


Can I display a G Suite User Photo with the just the thumbnailPhotoUrl?

Can a web app display a G Suite user's profile image using just the thumbnailPhotoUrl, or is it necessary to save and serve the image?
This Guide describes how to get the image from the Directory API. But I'm not sure how to move from the get request to an image file I can display. There is mention of the Closure Library to use for Base64 encoding/decoding.
I'd like to use a link to the image, to use as the src of an img element.
What I've Tried
A firebase cloud function using a service account with domain-wide delegation is retrieving user data via This returns the thumbnailPhotoUrl, and I'm able to paste the URL into chrome and view the image. If I share the thumbnailPhotoUrl with someone else, they do not see the image but see the silhouette placeholder instead.
Note: the thumbnailPhotoUrl includes /private like this:
Is that a clue that this URL will not work in the web app to display the image?
You can embed the contents of the URL directly into your HTML document. It looks like this:
The magic part is taking the image binary data and base-64 encoding it for the img tag.
The format of the above example:
data:[<mime type>][;charset=<charset>][;base64],<encoded data>
This link provides more details and shows how to do this.

Disable javascript in frame

How I can disable javascript codes from iframe:
<iframe style="visibility:hidden;display:none" src="" width="0" height="0"></iframe>
Is it possible?
I can't do it by PHP (using file_get_contents() and regex) because web page from iframe must create a cookies into visitor's browser.
This may give you a starting point. Basically if you look at enter link CKEditor when you switch from View mode to Source mode. You can see when you enter a sample of javascript code and switch to source code, it will make encoded string which disable the java script execution.
Let me know if you want to see the implementation details of the javascript string encoding.

How to attach html file so that gmail's "view" option works

I have a script that sends an email with an html attachment. When I select "view" in gmail I get text...however when I click on "download" instead of "view", then open it, it displays as it should.
I think it's gmail related because I observe the exact same behavior from IE, FireFox(win/linux), Chrome(win/linux)
I made a youtube video of here:
Am I doing something wrong?
Not all email clients support the <style> tag. Gmail is one of those; it only respects in-line styling.
If your code is producing the css & html, then you could change it to use in-line styles for the table.
If you want something more auto-magic, see How do I use Google Apps Script to change a CSS page to one with inline styles?.
One way around this would be to have your script simply host the HTML file somewhere, and email a link to that file.
I cannot find any documentation from Google or the GMail team, but I would be surprised if they allowed HTML attachments to be opened and viewed (this would be a security risk, since they would essentially allow their email servers to host user-generated web content).

Problem passing parameters via Iframe in IE

I'm trying to execute an HTTP GET from my website to another website that is brought in via iframe.
On Firefox, you can see in the source that the correct url is in the iframe src along with it's correct parameters-- and it works.
On IE, you can see in the source that the correct url is in the iframe src along with it's correct parameters-- and it doesn't work...
Is there something about IE that doesn't let you pass parameters through an iframe in the querystring?
I've tried refreshing the iframe in IE, I've tried refreshing my page & the iframe in IE, and I've tried copying the url and re-pasting it into the iframe src (forcing it to refresh as if I just entered it into the address bar for that iframe window). Still no luck!
Anyone know why this is happening, or have any suggestions to try to get around this?
Edit: I cannot give a link to this because the site requires a password and login credentials to both our site and our vendor's site. Even though I could make a test account on our site, it would not do any good for the testing process because I cannot do the same for the vendor site. As for the code, all it's doing is creating the src from the backend code on page load and setting the src attribute from the back end...
//Backend code to set src
mainIframe.Attributes["src"] = srcWeJustCreated;
//Front end iframe code
<iframe id="mainIframe" runat="server" />
Edit: Problem was never solved. Answer auto accepted because the bounty expired. I will re-ask this question with more info and a link to the page when our site is closer to going live.
By the default security settings in IE query parameters are blocked in Iframes. On the security tab under internet options set your security level to low. If this fixes your problem then you know that is your issue. If the site is for external customers then expecting them to turn down their security settings is probably unreasonable, so you may have to find a work around.
Let's say your site is and the iframe source is at
IIRC, most domain-level security settings don't care about the hostname, so add a DNS CNAME to your zone file for, pointed back to Then, in your IFRAME, set the source using your hostname alias.
Another solution might be to have your Javascript set the src to a redirector script on your own server (and, thus, within your domain). Your script would then simply redirect the IFRAME to the "correct" URL with the same parameters.
If it suits you, you can communicate between sites with fragment identifiers. You can find an article here:
What BYK said. I think what's happening is you are GETting a URL that is too large for IE to handle. I notice you are trying to send variable named src, which is probably very long, over 4k. I ran into this problem before, and this was my code. Notice the comment about IE. Also notice it causes a problem with Firefox then, which is addressed in another comment.
var autoSaveFrame = window.frames['autosave'];
// try to create a temp form object to submit via post, as sending the browser to a very very long URL causes problems for the server and in IE with GET requests.
var host =;
var protocol = document.location.protocol;
// Create a form
var f = autoSaveFrame.document.createElement("form");
// Add it to the document body
// Add action and method attributes
f.action = protocol + '//' + host + "/autosave.php"; // firefox requires a COMPLETE url for some reason! Less a cryptic error results!
f.method = "POST"
var postInput = autoSaveFrame.document.createElement('input');
postInput.type = 'text' = 'post';
postInput.value = post;
// Call the form's submit method
Based on Mike's answer, the easiest solution in your case would be to use "parameter hiding" to convert all GET parameters into a single URL.
The most scalable way would be for each 'folder' in the URL to consist of the parameter, then a comma, then the value. For example you would use these URLs in your app:,value/otherparam,othervalue,value/thirdparam,value3
Which would be the equivalent of these:
This is pretty easy on Apache with .htaccess, but it looks like you're using IIS so I'll leave it up to you to research the exact implementation.
EDIT: just came back to this and realised it wouldn't be possible for you to implement the above on a different domain if you don't own it :p However, you can do it server-side like this:
Set up the above parameter-hiding on your own server as a special script (might not be necessary if IE doesn't mind GET from the same server).
In Javascript, build the static-looking URL from the various parameters.
Have the script on your server use the parameters and read the external URL and output it, i.e. get the content server-side. This question may help you with that.
So your iframe URL would be:,value/otherparam,othervalue
And that page would read and display the URL:
Try using an indirect method. Create a FORM. Set its action parameter to the base url you want to navigate. Set its method to POST. Set its target to your iframe and then create the necessary parameters as hidden inputs. Finally, submit the form. It should work since it works with POST.

Send a file from a web page in Outlook

I have a web page that displays a list of documents stored on the web site. I need to add a link next to each document that can e-mail it. By that I mean attach the entire document to the e-mail.
When clicking the e-mail link, a 'New Message' window needs to display with:
Subject line filled in with the title of the document (displayed on the web page)
Contents of the document downloaded from the web site and added as an attachment
The mail client is Outlook. The server is SharePoint (ASP.NET) which contains web services that are able to download files. JavaScript and any JS library is available for use. I'm not able to deploy additional software to the client.
What are my options and are there any references that achieve this type of functionality?
An alternative might be to put a link in the body of the message to a place where the file can be downloaded. You could even make it a web page that deletes the file after a set time or number of downloads. To be safe you would need to use ""+System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(bodyStringToEncode) to generate an html safe llink
Even with the above answer about launching an email using office automation, you'd still need to first have the file sent to the client, saved in a name and location known to the server, in order to attach the file.
I can't think of a way to attach the document but you can have a link to fill in the subject and body of an email in which you could add a link to the online document.
<a href="
[your_subject]&body=[url_encoded_content_string]">New Message</a>
You can use this function to urlencode your body text
Hope that helps,
Using the HREF mailto, you can make outlook open with the subject at least. I don't know any way to set the body nor an attachment.
From javascript there's no way to automate Outlook using OLE.
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