Window.Open without popup-blocker -

i want to open a popup window when user leaves tab or closes browser, the available option with me was, but with that, it asks for popup blocker, if it is not enabled, i tried every possible ways to ignore popup-blocker but in vain, i tried onunload, onbeforeunload, but it does not works, i also tried to use modal dialog, before the tab/browser, i used it in onbeforeunload event, but it shows a browsers alert message, which i dont want, my simple requirement is, i need a popup window (if possible) or modal dialog, on the close of tab/browser, but should ignore popup-blocker, i guess with modal dialog, i dont need to worry about popup-blocker, because that wont be the new window, but how i would be handling it, while user closes tab/browser. If any of the above option is not possible, can anyone help me with any other possible alternative, or helpful articles.
Edited Question
i used the below script and with that i can open a new popup window on link click, without popup-blocker interfering in it
return false;
then why its not possible for the closing events.

You can't - because that's what popup blockers do: they block popup windows (i.e. calls to or invocations of target="_blank" links) unless it is directly in response to a user mouse action.
Opening popups when a browser window is closed was a common tactic of "pop-under" ads in the early 2000s, and it irritated users, that's why Firefox and IE6's popup blocker block them, and there is no way around it for you unless you ask the user to disable their popup blocker on your site (and I think you'll find most of them will have no idea how to do that).
What are you trying to accomplish anyway? What is the content of this popup that you want the user to see? What other approaches have you tried?

Exact duplicate of your previous question....
I'll post my answer for it here as well though...
Popup blockers are designed to prevent this behavior.
I would suggest using a modal window instead of an actual browser window. I don't think that these get blocked because they are opened within the page itself.
As for the event... You could do something like...
window.onbeforeunload = function whatever() {
//Do code here for your modal to show up.
If you are just trying ot give a warning or something you could do
window.onbeforeunload = function showWarning() {
returnString = 'Whatever you want your message to be....';
return returnString;
By returning something in the onbeforeunload statement it will show a confirm box with your message in it.

Popup blocker will not block the opening of popups if the javascript code which opens the popup is executed on user's direct action like click, keypress, drag, etc.


Fully programmatic hiding / showing of SignPosts

I'm trying to display some extra contextual help as a result of a button click elsewhere (in this case it cant be the trigger)
I'd like to be able to have users dismiss via clicking the close x, or clicking the trigger, but continue to show if users click in places other than the ACTUAL trigger.
I've tried setting *clrIfOpen="false" or to about just about any other way I can think of blocking it, but it seems like some place the click listener is just telling isopen service that its open... meaning the clrIfOpen is really only good for an initial state.
Any hacks around this?

Unable to switch to Alert without closing window popup in webdriver

Enter a keyword (Position) in a textbox
press Tab or click on the next element
A window popup appears
a list of position matching the criteria will be listed
click the required record
Popup window closes automatically
Alert will be displayed
have click on ok button of alert.
switch to main window and check the position details
Question :- i found many solutions in the site but all are about performing actions on window popup and close the popup then switch to alert or main browser
but my application closes the popup window automatically after selection,hence i cannot use the driver.close() or driver.switchto.defaultContent().
If i dont close the driver (for popup) im not able to identify the next alert displayed after popup.
if i switch directly to mainwindhandle, the alert dismiss is happening instead of accept.
Please anyone who know how to switch from window popup to alert without popup close help is needed...
Thanks ....
If alert dismiss is happening when you are trying to accept it, why don't you use alert.dismiss(), it will probably accept the alert in your context.
When you switch to the popup window, the driver focus is on the popup window. What you might want to do is, just after clicking the required record, switch to the main window then accept the alert.
This must be helpful for you . From your questions, Even after your pop up closes automatically you must be able to access your parent window element by switching back to it. There is no need of driver.close() all the time. Here is the code,
// do something with the pop up and it closes automatically here.
driver.switchTo().frame("your parent window mainframe"));
// try to access your parent window element here

Pop Up Pages to close once Save button is clicked

I have 12 pop up pages on my site with a Save and Cancel button. My requirement is once the Save button is clicked on the pop page i want the server side code to execute and once its done I want the pop up to close.
Is that possible? If yes, kindly let me know how do I achieve that.
You can put a small Javascript on each popup:
<script type="text/javascript">
Once the page has loaded (and all the code is run) this Javascript should close the window. Please note, different browsers will behave differently! Some might close it, some might alert warning, others may block it completely.
As far as I know this is the only way that could close a browser window. Either way, any number of popup windows over 0 is arguably an unfriendly user design. 10+ and you should be seriously reconsidering your user friendliness!
What you can do:
Create update panel and make your Save button as trigger to it, once button is clicked it will execute code behind without closing your popup.
Use your ScriptManager to register statrup method (JavaScript). This method will close your popup
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this,this.getType(),Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),"/your code to close popup/",true /this true will add script tags to your script so you don't have to write /);
Sorry but this SO script wont highlight code, I don't know what is the problem.
At the end of your code the below lines of code will help to close the window.
"window.frameElement.commonModalDialogClose(1, '{0}');", lblText.Text));

navigateToURL ... set modal property

When a user clicks a button, I need a separate browser window to popup. How can I set the modal property of the application? (ie, when a popup window opens, the main application is disabled until that popup is closed ... I need to use a browser window rather than a popup window, but can't figure out how to disable the main application)
PopUpManager.createPopUp (this, navigateToURL( url, "" ) , true );
[[Updated Answer]]
Ok, my modal dialog looks like so:
cg = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, ChoiceGrid, true) as ChoiceGrid;
But, what I would do instead of what you're asking, is embed an IFrame in the modal popup. This is exactly what we're doing in our app to collect CC data (well, not the popup part, just the IFrame bit.
This way, you have the standard modal dialog you're looking for, AND an internally managed 'view' out to your checkout server. Something like this:
<code:IFrame id="iFrameWithJSfunctions"
src="{checkoutURL}" />
The flex-iframe is pretty easy to work with, for the most part. You shouldn't have many problems with it.
[[Original Answer]]
I'm not sure you need a PopUp to do this.
Why don't you simply do:
You should think of a Flex App as a self contained entity. The PopUpManager is designed to create Windows (Panels / any UIComponent) that reside over another component inside the SWF. It does not create items that pop up out of the SWF or in new browser windows.
navigateToURL could be used to create a HTML pop-up from your Flex application. However, there is very little--if any--communication between the SWF and the browser pop up. And there is no way to make a modal pop-up.
You might investigate performing an ExternalInterface call and creating your new pop up in JavaScript. Here is an article about creating modal windows in JavaScript. Before going too far down that road, I would think carefully about your requirements. How would feel if one browser window popped open another browser window and prevented you from doing any browsing until you addressed the issues in that window. Or to put it another way, how would you feel if Microsoft Word opened a word document and wouldn't let you edit any other document until you shut down the first one? I'd be pretty upset.
Modal application dialogs are one thing. And the PopUpManager allows you to create those. I would consider Model application windows a bad UI decision. not working when attached on onload event in chrome and safari

I have attached some javascript on onload event of the form. this script contains Although this works fine in all the browsers doesn't open a new window nor it gives nay error message in google chrome and firefox.
I want to first check the screen resolution if it is less than 1024 then I would open it in a new window without menu,toolbar and others so that the user has more space to work on.
This is a feature, not a bug! :)
remember back in the '90s when pop-up windows annoyed the crap out of everyone? Well, because of the MASSIVE abuse of that JavaScript behavior, now the only way to open windows is with direct user interaction; like a click.
If you have a legitimate reason for opening another window, attach a click event to a button labeled such that it properly indicates you'll be opening a window. If your user wants to open the window, they will do so, and it will correctly get past any but the stupidest popup blockers. If they don't want to, you should not be opening a window in the first place.
