App will run on device but not on iOS simulator - xcode4

I can run my app on my iPod Touch just fine but I can't run it on the Simulator. If I compile it for the simulator it builds fine but when it's about to run on the simulator, I get this error in the console
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/SenTestingKit.framework/Versions/A/SenTestingKit
Referenced from: /Users/bbrandy95/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/5BEEC98E-0F91-46C2-AF63-F695995A224D/Brandsonic Web Web mobile
Reason: image not found
What's the issue here? It compiles fine but It won't run on the simulator. This is an older project created in Xcode 3 so it doesn't have the testing target. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Double check that the library is actually in the path you specified (#rpath/SenTestingKit.framework/Versions/A/SenTestingKit)


xamarin.forms: App wont start in release on android when linker is set to NONE

I can debug my app just fine. Everything works. As soon as I set it to release, the app doesnt start. It just crashes on startup with no explaination. Setting the linker to "link assemblys and sdk" the app starts but with major bugs (texts missing, classes not loading)...
Same happens when the linker is active and the app is in debug mode.
I can only start the app in debug mode with linker set to none.
However, without alterting anything, yesterday it worked for a few builds. I could start the app in release.
Today it stopped working again.
I am completely out of ideas. The picture below is my android set up for release.
Why cant I start with no linker ? Build works fine...
*** EDIT:
I also just relised, i cannot start ANY project in releas with linker set to none. Even when I start up a new projekt from xamarin.forms, the first build in release already fails
So, it turns out that VS has to be start as administrator if I wanna start a release build. That was never the case... But it fixes it ...

Unable to install device agent in iOS 13

I tried to run xamarin ui test for iOS, it getting working on my iPhone iOS version 12.
When I tried it with iOS13 getting exception
Xamarin.UiTest.XDB.DeviceAgentException: Failed to install device agent.
I tried multiple xamarin ui test version none of them working.
Currently I am using
Xamarin.UiTest 3.0.7
Nunit 2.6.4
NunitTestAdapter 2.2.0
Definitely a bug in the UITest Nuget package that seems to be recurring since v3.
Have you tried the newer version of the Nuget package: 3.0.8-dev1? It may only be available in the Alpha channel.
I would recommend going here and tapping on "Contact Owners" to report the bug.
To verify that it's not just your issue, you could quite Visual Studio, delete all the bin and obj folders, delete the app from your phone and then try again (or just git clean -fxd if you have a .gitignore file)

Cannot compile iOS app with Firebase because of deprecated NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject

I am updating a small application for iOS 12+. I updated the CocoaPod list to use the latest Firebase tools but I am unable to compile because GoogleDataTransport has a file that still references a deprecated method:
Line 129: [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:self toFile:[GDTCORStorage archivePath]];
It seems the pod is already up to date so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get around this. Has anyone had the same problem?
Update to at least Xcode 10.1.
Recent versions of Firebase run into this issue with earlier versions of Xcode.
Here's the solution that worked for my case
Xcode 12.5 version
clean derived data
re-open project
update the platform ios target to iOS 12 in a pod file
run pod install
re-launch your project
The reason for depricate errors is because firebase SDK set iOS 12 as the minimum target requirement, but in my pod file, I put iOS13.

Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin.Forms.Maps broken references in Droid Project

I need to implement Map functionality into an application that I'm building.
And I was folliwing this guide.
I downloaded the package and did all of the configuration.
I haven't implemented the Map class into my project yet, I only did the configuration required for both platforms (Android and iOS).
The Portable project and the iOS project are fine, the problem here is the Android project.
It has some broken references, these ones:
And when I try to compile the Android project, I get this error and these warnings:
Can anybody give me a hand? Thanks in advance.
As a sidenote, I'm using the Sdk installed by Android Studio, and that one has the latest Google Play Services installed.
I just upgraded the version of my Xamarin.GooglePlayServices one by one (the one listed up there in the first image) for some reason it downloaded a really old version of those. So I just upgraded them, and it seems those references are fine now.
But I still get the error:
The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" tasks failed unexpectedly.
I unloaded the Android project, added this:
To every property group in the .csproj file.
Load my android project back, and it all worked fine now.

is 'dyld library not loaded- image not found' an error in the simulator or an error in the app extension?

When I run a build with the simulator it crashes with this error, saying 'dyld: Library not loaded' and also 'image not found';
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/105F223C-3558-46E2-B3C0-CEF7E29B6B3D/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D0F33E52-59FC-46EA-B1FF-DBE191CA4DD2/ Extension.appex/Watch Extension
Is this a simulator error, or an app code error? I would like to know if I can upload the app to the App store, or would it be an invalid build because of this error?
Also, any ideas on how I can fix it?
You cannot upload to the App Store this way, though I don't know why you would want to since you can't test your app.
Go to your main application and try turning on Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries (this was called Embedded Content Contains Swift in earlier releases).
Sometimes if the main app target doesn't have any Swift code or you have a plugin situation Xcode doesn't realize it should be including the Swift standard library in your bundle. In this case, for whatever reason, Xcode doesn't think needs Swift so it doesn't include it even though your extension does use Swift.
