ASP.NET log requests to Amazon S3 objects -

I've put some objects in an S3 bucket and I want to log everytime a client makes a request to one of those objects.
I'm using Umbraco 4.8 as my back-end with some custom code running.
The solutions I've come up with:
Set the link to an ASP page that pulls the object from S3 and sends it back as the response. The problem I see there is then the client has to wait for ASP to load the file before it can begin downloading the file.
Set the link to an ASP page that logs the request and returns a Response.Redirect to the S3 object. To me this seems like an unnecessary redirect and the client might cache that redirect and not hit my server the next time they access that object.
Does anyone have any other solutions or thoughts on how to achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.

I would use jquery and google analytics. Add a class to each link that you want to track and then use jquery to manipulate the onclick event to something like:
link text
Replacing the three variables appropriately ('s3-Bucket-Request', 's3-actual-bucket-name', 'current-page'). If you then put the jquery at the head of each page you have a reusable function.
link text
$('.ga').attr("onclick", "__gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 's3-Bucket-Request', 's3-actual-bucket-name', 'current-page']);");
link text

Depending on how accurate you need this to be, you could also do it client side. Using jQuery, etc, add a click handler to a href tags that makes an ajax request to a controller, logging the activity.


Creating multiple responses from one ASP page

When the user checks a checkbox and clicks a specific button, I already do some stuff on the server and then use Response.Redirect to "reset" the page. I also have a function which allows me to "export" a datatable to an excel spreadsheet by using a application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet response.
Both of these work fantastically when separate. But, what I now need to do is have both events take place after one button click.
It seems like I would need to Flush the response after exporting to excel and then redirect the response afterward, but I can't seem to be able to get this to work. I could be way off on this one, and need some assistance. Thanks
Alright, I have decided to go about this by opening a new page (downloadexcel.aspx) which will then initiate the download and close after the download is completed. I am opening downloadexcel.aspx using javascript by writing it to the response of the current page. For some reason, however, the window is not being opened before the original page is re-directed. Is their a method to be called before I redirect? Maybe I have a syntax issue?
Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'~/DownloadExcel.aspx', '', ''); </script>")
If you want to do this in a single HTTP request then you will have a single response. You can either return HTTP 200 (with the file as the content) or HTTP 301 to redirect the client. You can't return both.
The bottom line is that you will need to rethink your approach, you could "clean" the form on the client side using javascript instead of reloading the page using a redirect.

How a browser can reach the server without doing postback?

i've been asked this question and id not know the answer.
Thanks for any help!
Postback is a term used often in ASP.NET when a WebForm POSTs the single form back to the server and invokes some event in the code behind (like a click on a button for example). You could still use normal GET requests though to redirect to a given web page. For example you could use an anchor:
Go to page 2
When the user clicks on the anchor there is no postback occuring but a GET request to the target web page.
Another possibility is the user typing directly the address of the web page in his browser address bar.
Yet another possibility is to use javascript to perform an AJAX request which allows to invoke a web page without redirecting away from the current page. You could use any HTTP verb with AJAX.
We can use javascript code to do some function without postback. This will save the time for the request and response to the server. But this client side. you can't reach the server without posting back.But my mean you can do functionality by javascript which does not postback the page.
Hope it may help.
If you like to categories the call to the server you can say that there are two types.
The GET and the POST
The POST is the post back and are the parameters that you send using a form
and the GET that are the parameters that you can send from the url.
More about:
but I think the interview question was about the Ajax call, and this is probably what they try to see if you know, how to use Ajax to reach the server with javascript and not make postback. But you need to know that Ajax can make POST back, but this is done with out leave the page, with out make a full page post back.

How does Knows which Page to Generate?

When a client is on page A.aspx , and he press some button there is a postback.
The server knows which page to rebuild according to the request.
but how does the client knows which page to re-ask ? by the current url of his browser ?
where this information is saved in the client side ?
Its defined in the action property of <form>. The client does not need to re-ask, the server sends a response of his request.
ASP.NET is just a part of the .NET framework, but what every client sees on a web browser in plain old HTML.
ASP.NET gives you several controls that makes it easy to use them programatically, so we can set all sort of things in our code (that is run before the page is showing) to do the exactly what we want.
every link, button, image, grid, it's just HTML tags, like <a> for links, <input type="button"> for buttons etc...
Keep in mind that now, there are 2 variantes of the ASP.NET, the WebForms and the MVC (you can also read about choosing one in prole of the other)
in every ASP.NET WebForms there is always a <form> on the start of the <body> and wrapps all your code, so, any submit will do a PostBack into the same file name, in your example A.apsx will always post into A.aspx, then if you want, for example, send that request to B.aspx you need to have a Click Event that would use the Server.Transfer("B.aspx") and that would redirect the entire post to B.aspx just like it was a post from B.aspx
in the newest pattern, the ASP.NET MVC, it drives with Routes witch let's you set up any, every, one, multiple, ways to reach the same page. In MVC the URL does not point to a specific page, but to a specific Controller and it's up to the Controller to send, after processing the data, to a specific View, that is why in MVC there are no pages in the url (though you can add it to the route if you want, and you can accomplish the same with WebForms using a Routing plugin).
Now, in MVC it's there is no <form> wrapping up your entire code, you need to, if you want to submit something, create your own <form> and point to the correct route
but, just like in Webforms or any HTML page, posts are made through form submittion, and it's "path" it's always whats in the form attribute action that let's you know what's the next step.
I hope this helps you realizing that there is no big monster in ASP.NET, that is only a way to reuse controls and access them programmatically and that, in the end, it's all HTML :)
A general answer: on the client side it's either a submit from within a form or a link.
The form points to either a relative URL (that means the current URL plays a key role) or an absolute URL (the current URL plays little to no role).
For links it's generally the same: either they are relative or absolute. One big difference: links are use HTTP GET while forms can use HTTP POST (thus transferring more data without encoding them to the URL as parameters).
For a button it's the form that gets submitted.

Easiest way to simply display confirmation that a webservice worked?

I'm calling an webservice from an ASP clasic page basically just with:
<a href='http://domain/webservice.asmx/command'>Command</a>
and when users hit that button it works but they're just shown an xml page. The function will either work or not so I was wondering if it'd be possible to just have a pop up box appear to tell them if it worked or not after they clicked it rather than redirecting them to an xml page.
I'd prefer to not have to use jQuery or another javascript library.
If that's not possible, is there any way to dress up the XML page? Currently it says 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.' at the top.
Also, the domain that the webservice is on is different to the domain that the website that's call the webservice is on. Not sure if that matters.
Check out this MSDN Link on Calling A WebService From Javascript Using AJAX. No JQuery is required and it boils down to having to use the ScriptService attribute on your WebService method and adding a ServiceReference in a ScriptManager control. You can then easily call your WebService from Javascript and it will call another Javascript function when it finishes. It is in that response function where you can add your confirmation display.
be aware that this is a bad idea to let the user handle directly - web services are almost always called by your code rather than a client browser session. One reason is that raw error information would be hown to the client if there were a problem.
If you really want to do this, you can either:
Use AJAX (No framework required - just JS) or
You can make the webservice non-standard so it returns user-friendly content - perhaps by wrapping it in a website which calls the API behind the scenes and formats the response in a meaningful fashion.

AJAX call to asp from bookmarklet

I'm trying to create a bookmarklet that will start off an AJAX call to an aspx page I've written.
The code tests out perfectly when I place the javascript in a static html page, but when I try and call it off from a bookmarklet, the code will just hang at the"GET", url, true) part.
The code of the bookmarklet is basically this (found on several examples on the web):
var s,
a=function(o){ d.body.appendChild(o) };
This adds the contents of sq.js (the ajax call + some other processing) to whatever page the browser is currently at, and then calls off the ajax to my aspx page.
I'm using ASP 2.0 (with VS2008) and IIS 7. So far I've just been testing it on my home network.
I assume there must be some sort of permissions issue with the ajax call from an outside page, since, like I said, everything works fine from a static page. Is this an IIS setting I need to change to allow the call, or am I doing something completely wrong?
The XMLHttpRequest object is subject to a Same Origin Policy.
This is why the script your bookmarklet is loading can't use an XHR to get data from your server unless it's embedded in a page from your server.
Script added by dynamically adding a script tag will work though, as you can tell - your bookmarklet can load script from a different origin.
So there's your answer. Don't use an XMLHttpRequest object: dynamically load your script in the same way the bookmarklet does.
This is how JSONP works (actually there's a bit more to JSONP but that's how it gets around the SOP)
Actually, why not just use JSONP
Injecting JavaScript code on the page still has the same permission issues as code that is there normally. You can not make an Ajax call to a different domain. So if you are calling localhost from, it is not going to work.
You might want to look at returning JSON from your service and make JSON calls with a script tag.
The code you're using there is rather ugly, I would suggest using something like this that I built:
It works like this:
getScript("", function(data) {
alert(data); // the request is complete
On the it would have to return something like this, given you're using PHP:
echo $_GET["jsonp"]."('Testing data, you can put anything in here');";
Be sure to read about JSONP.
