I'm looking for an efficient way to remove a large set of artifacts, spread across various locations from Artifactory (by retrievable with a search query).
I've tried using the JFrog CLI 'rt del' command (along with an AQL file) to search and then remove results, and this works. However, I am finding the removal rate is pretty slow for our instance -- around 1 artifact removal/sec. I will need to remove several hundred thousand artifacts, and this will take way too long. So I am looking for a batch removal mechanism which executes entirely serverside.
I noticed the Artifactory UI supports a 'search stash' feature where a search can be performed, then saved off and results can be acted upon (including deletion action). Is this available via the REST API? This seems like it would be a good match for this use-case.
Alternatively, is there a way to perform a search by creation date in the UI? If so, I could presumably use the search stash feature and perform the removal on the search stash.
Last option I can think of is to write a custom plugin to do this work, but I am hoping there is an easier way as it seems like a semi-common case.
Thanks in advance!
Deleting from search stash would delete the artfifacts from the stash results but won't delete from the artifactory(as per my understanding).
There is groovy plugin available that will clear your artifacts depending on few conditions(link below)
Groovy Clean Up
I found Artifactory AQL quite helpful in searching and deleting artifacts.
Also I had written a custom clean up script that in turn used aql to delete the artifacts for repo regex match and also checks for the artifacts promotion status
I'm trying to embed git describe-generated version info into AssemblyInfo.cs plus some label within ASP.NET website.
I already tried using git-vs-versionino but this assumes Git executable on PATH. However default install of msysgit on Windows does not set this up; it uses git bash. This caused problems.
Now I am looking for a way to utilize libgit2sharp library (for zero external dependencies) to use as build number generator. However this library has no describe command...
git-describe is a UI feature that nobody has implemented in the library or bindings yet (or at least nobody's contributed it), but you can do it yourself fairly easily.
You get a list of the tags and what commits they point to, do a walk down the commits and count how many steps it took to get to a commit that you have in the list you built. This already gives you the information you need. If the steps were zero, then your description would be the tag name only; otherwise you append the number of steps and the current commit's id to it.
There's a work in progress libgit2 pull request that proposes an implementation of git-describe functionalities.
See #1066 for more information.
It's not finished yet. Make sure to subscribe to it in order to be notified of its future progress.
Once it's done, it should be quite easy to bind it and make it available through LibGit2Sharp.
I'm using alfresco throw cmis.
On one of our environment, we have an issue.
We want to create a folder and put some docs in it.
This works fines in all our env except one.
In this one, we can create the folder.
But when we do a search to find the folder, the folder isn't found.
After that i can find it with the share gui.
I have no error message in the share app.
Does any one have an idea on what could be the issue?
Promoting a comment to an answer...
When using Alfresco with SOLR, you need to be aware that the SOLR index isn't quite real-time. Close to real time, sure, but it's asynchronous so there's always a lag. (It's an eventually consistent index, not a fully realtime one)
There's a lot of information on the Alfresco and SOLR Wiki, including the way you can query what the current lag is.
If the lag is very low (eg a lightly loaded system), you can find that SOLR will catch up almost instantly, and newly created items will show instantly in the search results. However, it's more normal to expect to have to wait a little bit, especially on more loaded systems.
If no new results are showing up even after several minutes, you'll want to follow the instructions on the wiki or the SOLR Monitoring and Troubleshooting docs to work out why and fix.
How do I clear old tests from the tests page in Sauce Labs?
I've got allot of noise on there from trying out stuff and I'd like to tidy it up.
In the long run there will be lots of uninteresting builds, I'd like to be able to archive\remove them so that it isn't difficult to find the significant test runs.
This is currently not possible in Saucelabs. See this forum post for reference:
these jobs stay in your account indefinitely, as we've found that users prefer to maintain the records for future reference (for example, in case something starts failing in the future that previously passed).
In the meantime they made it possible to delete jobs and resources through their REST API:
To quickly delete all your old SauceLabs jobs, you can use this command-line recipe:
curl -u $SUN:$SAK https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/$SUN/jobs?format=csv \
| perl -wpe 's/\r$//' \
| xargs -I{} curl -u $SUN:$SAK -X DELETE "https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/$SUN/jobs/{}"
Sauce Labs has recently (Spring 2014) added the capability to delete tests manually. If you go on the test details page, you'll see a big red button labeled "Delete" on the right side of the screen. Clicking it will delete the test.
There's a feature request in to allow you to delete multiple tests at the same time.
Amazon's official tools for interacting with EC2 are kind of clunky and a pain to deal with. I have to set up a bunch of environment variables, store separate private keys just for EC2, add extra items to my PATH, and so on. They all output tab delimited lines that are hundreds of characters long with no headings, so it's a bit of a pain to interpret them. Their instructions for setting up an SSH keypair give you one that isn't protected by a passphrase, rather than letting you use an existing keypair that you already have. The programs are all just a bit clunky and aren't very good Unix programs.
So, are there any easier to use command line tools for accessing EC2? I know there is ElasticFox, and there is their web based console, which do make the process easier, but I'm wondering if anyone else has written better command line tools for interacting with EC2.
I'm a bit late but I have a solution!
I found the same problems with the Amazon AMI tools. They're a decent reference implementation but very difficult to use particularly when you have more than a couple instances. I wrote a replacement command-line tool as part of another project, called Rudy that answers most of your concerns
The commands are more intuitive than Amazon's AMI tools:
rudy-ec2 instances -C
rudy-ec2 groups -A -p 8080 -a group-name
rudy-ec2 volumes -C -s 100
rudy-ec2 images
All configuration is in a single file (~/.rudy/config).
It can output in several formats (yaml, json, csv, tsv, and of course regular text):
rudy-ec2 -f yaml snapshots
:awsid: snap-2457b24d
:progress: 100%
:created: "2009-05-08T15:24:17.000Z"
:volid: vol-4ee10427
:status: completed
Regarding the private keys, There are no EC2 tools that allow to create private keys for with a password for booting a public instance because the API doesn't support it. However, if you create your own image, you can use your private keys.
Here's more info:
GitHub Project
An introduction to rudy-ec2
ElasticFox is handy for most tasks. They are occasions though that a command line tool will be better suited. I personally use boto library for python. It is very easy to script all the required operations. You can also use it to upload/download files from S3. In general, I would say that a scripting language like Python or RUby, together with a AWS library, is the best solution.
I personally use Tim Kay's Perl command line tools and haven't used original Java based API for quite some time. Excellent for UNIX environment.
Not command line, but take a look at what a free RightScale account will give you - much, much easier than command line or ElasticFox IMO.
About ec2-api-tools:
I agree that they are a bit too clunky, I particular dislike the output of ec2-describe-instances.
I recently switched to python-boto which offers a very clean and easy to use interface to ec2.
About not being able to specify a passphrase for the ssh key generated by EC2:
That's not the case. You can change the passphrase of any ssh private key anytime, using:
ssh-keygen -p -f /path/to/keyfile
ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
About uploading your own ssh key pair:
You can use ec2-import-keypair, like this:
for i in $(ec2-describe-regions|cut -f 2);do
ec2-import-keypair --region $i mykey --public-key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The example above will upload the public key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to every region under the name "mykey". Remember that each region has it's own keypair.
In order to have the key installed in your ec2 instances, you'll have to pass the "-k mykey" option to ec2-run-instances.
Incidentally, uploading your own keypair is the only way to login with the same key to all the instances in all regions. If you create the keypair from the web interface, you'll have a different key in every region.
I have an open source graphical system admin tool called EC2Dream that replaces the command line tool. It installs on windows, linux and Mac OS clients and is written in Ruby and FXRuby. See www.ec2dream.com.
Neill Turner
If you use windows, try the tool linked below (part of the O2 Platform) which gives you an easy way to start and stop Amazon EC2 images (and if you need to extend the tool it you can easily add new features (since it just an C# script that is dynamically compiled and executed)
O2 Tool – Amazon EC2 Browser
Amazon EC2 Browser – Timer to Stop Instances
the problem with alternative libraries is that they are not always kept up to date, so if new features for AWS are released, then you need to wait. You posted that your main problems are the bunch of environment variables, add extra items to your PATH, etc. We had this
issue at BitNami, and is the main reason we created BitNami Cloud Tools that ships all of the AWS command line tools together with preconfigured Java and Ruby language runtimes. You only have to download it and everything that you need will be installed in a folder without modify your system configuration. We keep it regularly up to date.
There is an entire industry called Cloud Management which try to solve this type of problems. Scalr and RightScale and the leaders in this sector (disclaimer: I work at Scalr).
Cloud management softwares are built on top of Amazon EC2 API (and usually on other public IaaS like Rackspace) and provide an improved user interface along with automation tools like backups or SSH management as you mentioned it. They don't provide easier command lines tools stricto sensu. Their goal is to make interaction with Amazon EC2 easier.
Different options are available in the market:
Scalr: Scalr is available as a hosted service with a trial version.
Otherwise you can download and install the source code yourself, as it is released under the Apache 2 license.
RightScale: while they are usually considered as expensive for small businesses, they do offer a free account.
enStratus: they offer a freemium model like RightScale.