Mapping WebDAV ContentClass, OutlookMessageClass and other properties to EWS Managed API - webdav

I'm working on a migration from WebDAV to EWS Managed API in Exchange 2010 and i'm having some problems with property mappings.
In WebDAV I had a custom .Net wrapper and with it i created a where condition like this:
Where w = new Where();
w.Add(new WhereCondition(Properties.ContentClass, Enums.ComparisonOperatorsEnum.NotEquals, "urn:content-classes:message"));
w.Add(new WhereCondition(Properties.OutlookMessageClass, Enums.ComparisonOperatorsEnum.Like, "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.%"));
The wrapper just creates the proper WebDAV search SQL statement under the covers.
The Properties.ContentClass equals to DAV:contentclass in the WebDAV XML schema
and i've kind of mapped it to Item.ItemClass in EWS. At least I hope this maps to it.
Properties.OutlookMessageClass equals to in the WebDAV XML schema.
But I haven't found any EWS properties that woulp map to that one.
Is there a known mapping somewhere?

After a lot searching, contacting a few Exchange MVPs and even a Microsoft guy, the answer is always:
There's no mapping, redesign the application.


How to programmatically create a database in ADX using Java

I am using REST API ( to interact with the database in ADX.
I want to create more databases in the same cluster. How should I do it using Java?
I am not using the Java SDK. I have relied on the REST APIs so far.
I think I cannot create a new database using the REST API, so looking for alternative.
It would have been really helpful if there was a command like ".create table tablename" just for the database.
Clusters and databases can be managed using the "Control Plane", aka ARM APIs. These APIs have libraries in different languanges (as well as REST).
For instance, for the java library use this link, for C# use this link
Example for how to create a database in C# library (Java should be very similar):
var database = managementClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, clusterName, databaseName, new Database(location, softDeletePeriod: softDeletePeriod, hotCachePeriod: hotCachePeriod));
Read more here
I think you'll need to use the Azure ARM REST API since the database is treated as a resource. From that point you can interact with it through the ADX APIs.

Project using [Dapper] gets reported by Veracode as CWE ID 89 (Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command)

We have a .Net 4.0 project that is being scanned by Veracode in order to acquire security certification.
During static scan the following vulnerability has been found:
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') (CWE ID 89) See details at
The report details file & line number that seems to refer to Dapper:
OurOwnDll.dll dev/.../dapper net40/sqlmapper.cs 1138
App_Browsers.dll dev/.../sqlmapperasync.cs 126
OurOwnDll is using Dapper.
App_Browsers.dll I´m not aware where it is coming from, but seems to be related to the site project, and seems to be related to the browsers capabilities detection of
I would like to know if there is any way to prevent this vulnerability.
I am not familiar with VeraCode, however as pointed out by #Kristen Waite Jukowski, your issue may be due to the fact that some of your queries are not parameterised, in which case they are correctly being identified as vulnerable to SQL injection.
Alternatively, a similar question (relating to the same issue but with OrmLite) may shed some light on this. Similar to OrmLite, as dapper provides the facility to write raw SQL queries that could be composed with inputs that are not parameterised (for example by string concatenation), using it may be deemed a vulnerability, even if every query in your particular project is currently fully parameterised. The answer to that question (which may not be viable in your case) was to replace the existing ORM with Entity Framework:
During a code-readout with VeraCode the suggested proper remediation
was to replace ServiceStack ORM with EntityFramework 6.1.
From the comments in that question:
The difference is in EF, the executing context implements IDbCommand
but the CreateDataAdapter and other api's that can allow dynamic sql
have been implemented to throw exceptions. There are no code paths in
EF that allow dynamic sql without first going through a filtering
mechanism similar to OWASP.

ASP.NET Azure Blob Geographically Redundant Storage - How to use?

I have been searching for an answer on MS, SE and Google and cannot find it. I want to use the GRS option for Azure Storage (Cloud Block Blobs) but I cannot figure out how to properly do that.
I created my storage object in Azure and chose the GRS option.
I get that I have a primary and secondary connection string and know how to get that from the Azure portal.
What I do not know, in ASP.NET 4.0, is how to set both connection strings in the CloudBlockClient and gracefully handle the primary storage being unavailable.
--What exception is thrown and where, when primary is unavailable? Is this thrown when I create the client, or when I try to get a blob reference?
-- How do I then use the secondary?
Do I have to just test for any old exception and then try using the secondary connection string in a new CloudBlockClient if the primary does not work? Or is there anything in the API for this. I would think there would be but I cannot find it.
None of the "How to use Azure Storage" tutorials I have seen go into this. Most of the documentation seems to date from before mid-2014 when this feature became generally available.
This blog post should help you. In short if you want to read from both primary and secondary you want to enable RA-GRS - essentially read access from the secondary. If you are using out storage client libraries you can also enable a retry policy that will first try to read from a primary and then from the secondary if the first read fails.

vSphere Web Client Object properties

In vSphere web client extension development , i want to fetch the properties of VM , In the sample code model they are adding some annotations like
* The name of this VirtualMachine.
public var name:String;
Where can i get the List of available properties for all objects (like vm , datastore , hosts)
Presuming that you're talking about building an extension for the vSphere 5.1 web client, the documentation has a list of extension points. Listing the properties for each type of object would be far outside the scope of an answer here, so I'll instead point you to the vSphere 5.1 SDK documentation, specifically the appendix listing all properties.
If you're new to vSphere web client extension development, a good starting point is the What’s New In vSphere 5.1 API, vSphere Web Client SDK & vCenter SSO SDK blog post. I see that you've already posted the same question in the VMware Communities, so I don't need to point you there.
The properties correspond to the properties of Managed and Data Objects as described in the vSphere Managment SDK documentation. In particular the example you gave corresponds to Managed Object VirtualMachine's name property. Since VirtualMachine inherits from ManagedEntity, this is where the name property is actually defined (see for details). You can also use to access properties of nested data objects.
If you want to get list of vm or datastore... you can use DataServiceProvider get data with a simple constraint

Programming a Web Portal for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I'm working on a web portal for customers that will connect to Microsoft Dynamics. I don't want to make Dynamics CRM directly a internet facing deployment (IFD), so I'd like to use a separate database that the web interface interacts with and then use web services to move the data between the web portal database and Dynamics CRM.
I'm just looking for thoughts on whether this is the best way to proceed and whether there are any good code examples, etc. that I can look at for implementing this?
I saw Microsoft has a Customer Portal but it looks like it requires (at a cursory glance) an IFD deployment - which I don't want.
First, after creating your ASP.NET project (WebForms or MVC 3), add the following references:
System.Runtime. Serialization.
In your code-behind Create a class then add the following code:
private IOrganizationService GetCrmService(string userName, string password, string domain, Uri serviceUri)
OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy;
ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, password, domain);
//credentials.UserName.UserName = userName; // uncomment in case you want to impersonate
//credentials.UserName.Password = password;
ClientCredentials deviceCredentials = new ClientCredentials();
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serviceUri,
_serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
return (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
If you want to retrieve multiple records:
string fetch = #"My Fetch goes here";
EntityCollection records = getCrmService().RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetch));
I highly recommend to download the SDK or check this
You'll find many samples and walkthroughs which will help you to build good portals.
I think it's a good strategy because:
It allows you to asynchronously put the data entered on the website into the CRM. This decoupling ensures neither the CRM nor the Website will become eachother's bottleneck.
Only the intermediate service layer is internet facing, so you'll be in control over what CRM information would be disclosed/open for alteration if this service layer is compromised.
The architecture you're after is reminiscent of the way the CRM Asynchronous Service works (asynchronous plugins and workflows work this way).:
A job is put in a queue (table) in the CRM DB.
A scheduled service awakes every x seconds and fetches the latest y records from the queue table.
The service performs each job and writes the result (success, error message log) back to the queue table's records.
So the thing that is probably hardest is writing a good scheduled service that never throws an exception (but always digests it) and properly logs the results back to the DB.
To learn more about the Dynamics CRM's "Asynchronous Service Architecture", refer to the following:
It looks like a good approach.
It will improve the performance of both the portal and CRM.
The data shown on portal is NEARLY realtime. i.e it is NOT realtime.
Throughout the development, you better keep checking that there is not TOO MUCH async processing to keep the CRM server busy all time.
I don't think, that the accelerators/portals REQUIRE CRM to be an IFD instance, I guess only the portal part needs to be Internate facing (of course to make it usable for the purpose!)
Anwar is right, SDK is a good lauchpad for such research.
Customer Portal Does not require IFD deployment. And if you do not like the Customer Portal you can always use SDK Extension for Portal development (microsoft.xrm.client.dll & microsoft.xrm.portal.dll and portalbase solution) which are all included in SDK.
There is a great resource regarding how to build portal by using SDK Portal Extenstion.
Dynamics CRM 2011 Portal Development
