FileHelpers file access -

I am trying to get my head over FileHelpers library and have main critical problem. When I try to implement it in my web app, or even use online demo I end up with "FileNotFoundException". The chosen file is being looked for on my C: drive. How can I make the FileHelpers code to access relative path to my application instead of absolute one?

Use the Server.MapPath() method to map a relative path (based on current directory or web-site root) to an absolute accessible path.
For example, if yourfile.txt is placed inside App_Data folder of your web-site then you can write:
Customer[] customers =
The tilde character represents the root of your web-site, if you specify a relative path then it'll be resolved as relative to the directory where your ASP.NET page resides.


File Path and Root issues

So I have my the path to my website code as follows:
C:/folder1/folder2/folder3/my published website code from VS2012 - on my website I get an attachment and I want to save it to the following path C:/folder4
when I try the following code: file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("../../folder4/") + filename); it says that I am going past the root. Can someone explain to me what is going on and if and how I can solve this issue?
Server.MapPath() is used to get the path in relation to the server root. Since your trying to save it outside the server virtual directory, you could probably just hardcode the file.
file.SaveAs(#"C:/folder4/" + filename);
It might not work depending on your IIS worker pool permissions.
file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("folder4/") + filename);
Because I cannot see your folders structure I would reccomend setting a breakpoint after Server.MapPath() to see the full URI Path to determin your next steps since it says you are past root you may have one to many "../" before your string.
As per the documentation for HttpServerUtility.MapPath:
you cannot specify a path outside of the Web application
which is exactly what you are trying to do. If you interpret "the root" to be the root folder of your application, that is even what the error message is telling you.
use an absolute path or
store your data beneath the application folder
use MapPath("~/") to get the current directory and build a relative path from that (in essence, you just move the "../.." outside the call to MapPath)
I would probably recommend going with 2. as it will give less headaches wrt. permissions and multiple sites hosted on the same server.
Server.MapPath(...) tries to return a physical ("real") directory for the virtual or relative path you give it. And since a virtual directory can't be located "over" the root in that sense, what you're trying to do makes no sense. You can go from to, but you can't really go any farther back.
You could instead use Environment.CurrentDirectoryas the starting point to find your folder, and apart from that just use SaveAs(..) as you're already doing.

How to get exact path of servlet where it is running?

I have an application that I use in a servlet. The application assumes the text database residing in the same directory where it is being executed. When I am trying to use it in servlet and even after placing the text database files in /WebContent, /DataProject and also src folders. The application cannot find the database. I need to know exactly where the servlet file is being executed so I can place the database files in the same directory. I have already /.metadata/.plugin......../tmp0/wtpwebapps directory. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Usually when we access files in java we give the absolute path. Dont use the relative path. We use relative paths for jsp/html/css etc. For accessing normal files use the complete path. So put the files in /home/tomcat/.../../directoryDatabase

Relative path from site root

I feel like a nub for asking this, but I can't figure it out.. I've found several posts (here's one) saying that to use a relative path from the root of your site, start the path with /, ex:
<img src="/images/img1.jpg" />
My file hier. looks like
Now when I use the src path as shown above, it doesn't work in either index.aspx or test.aspx, but when I remove the /, it works for index.aspx. In test.aspx, I used ../images/img1.jpg and it works. What gives? Why is my example above not working?
Your site is probably in a virtual directory, so the "/" refers to the actual web root as IIS (or whatever web server) sees it - maybe the folder above your 'root' folder
The relative paths work because they are traversing the directory based on the location, so for index.aspx it needs to go into images folder and get the img1.jpg, for test.aspx it needs to go up one level .. then into the images folder and get the img1.jpg.
Absolute paths are based off of were the application is installed from based on IIS settings. If you are just testing this from that folder your absolute path needs to include the root folder. /root/images/img1.jpg and then it will work from both test and index with the same absolute path.

getting base url of web site's root (absolute/relative url)

I want to completely understand how to use relative and absolute url address in static and dynamic files.
~ :
/ :
.. : in a relative URL indicates the parent directory
. : refers to the current directory
/ : always replaces the entire pathname of the base URL
// : always replaces everything from the hostname onwards
This example is easy when you are working without virtual directory. But i am working on virtual directory.
Relative URI Absolute URI
I want to simulate a site below, like my project which is working on virtual directory.
These are my aspx and ascx folder
These are my JS Files(which will be use both with the aspx and ascx files):
this is my static web page address(I want to show some pictures and run inside some js functions):
this is my image folder
if i want to write and image file's link in my ASPX file i should write
aspxImgCtrl.ImageUrl = Server.MapPath("~")+"/Images/GIF/arrow.png";
But if i want to write the path hard coded or from javascript file, what kind of url address it should be?
The ~ operator is recognized by only for server controls and in server code. You cannot use the ~ operator for client elements.
Absolute and relative path references in a server control have the following disadvantages:
•Absolute paths are not portable between applications. If you move the application that the absolute path points to, the links will break.
•Relative paths in the style of client elements can be difficult to maintain if you move resources or pages to different folders.
To overcome these disadvantages, ASP.NET includes the Web application root operator (~), which you can use when specifying a path in server controls. ASP.NET resolves the ~ operator to the root of the current application. You can use the ~ operator in conjunction with folders to specify a path that is based on the current root.
As for the example you posted
aspxImgCtrl.ImageUrl = Server.MapPath("~")+"/Images/GIF/arrow.png";
the above code will render the server physical path (for example - c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\images\gif\arrow.png" which is meaning less on the client side,
you should use this for correct client relative path:
aspxImgCtrl.ImageUrl = "~/Images/GIF/arrow.png";
To reference resources from javascript you may want to consider a one level folders structure to unify access paths. for example:
For more details visit web site paths

ASP .net current physical location

Hi I am developing an web application.
I need to find the current location (physical) of the web site (or the bin directory containing the assemblies).
I have tried using Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() and that returns me the ASP .net temporary directory.
I really don't like the idea of include an application setting for the absolute path in my config file (eww!)
Any help would be much appreciated! :)
I should have given some context as to Why I would like the physical file path.
Thanks guys for your prompt responses to the question :)
I am using XSL-FO for .net (the library) to generate a PDF. Embedding images in FO requires an absolute path to be given:
<fo:external-graphic src="C:\MyWebsite\images\image1.jpg" />
What I needed to do was set the current directory to the web site (or bin directory), which would allow the XSL FO renderer to know where to find the image.
You need System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory (physical path to the bin folder) and System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath (physical path to the top-level ASP.NET application folder).
It depends on exactly what you want to do with the path, but the usual approach is Server.MapPath(). For example:
YourControl.src = Server.MapPath("~/images/image1.jpg");
That will return the physical path for the specified file.
