Symfony2/Doctrine: load only subset of related entities - symfony

A Symfony2 application has a Job entity which has a tasks property, a collection of Task entities.
Job->getTasks() is used to iterate over a given job's collection of tasks. The Task entities encapsulated in the tasks property are lazy-loaded by Doctrine. I'm guessing they're loaded at the point getTasks() is called.
With extra details removed, the Job entity looks something like this:
class Job
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Example\Bundle\Entity\Task\Task", mappedBy="job")
private $tasks;
public function __construct()
$this->tasks = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getTasks()
return $this->tasks;
I often need to access only a subset of all tasks (maybe 10 out of 1000) for a job and currently do so by iterating over getTasks() and picking out those with relevant ids.
For large collections of tasks (thousands, tens of thousands) it can take a long time for the tasks collection to be loaded from the database.
I'd like to reduce the time required to gain access to a subset of tasks. I can do so by using a custom entity repository to retrieve Task entities by id and job.
I'd like to know if a in-built feature of Symfony2 and/or Doctrine2 already exists for doing this.
My thinking is that an entity with a related collection of entities is a common situation (blog post and comments, for example) and that there may be some pagination-related concept at the entity level for retrieving only a subset of related entities.
Is there an in-built Symfony2 feature for what I need?
I'd ideally like to be able to still iterate over Job->getTasks() knowing that it will return only a subset of tasks that I have somehow specified.

I think you are looking for Extra Lazy Association.


Symfony 3 fluid entity relations

I am trying to implement a time tracking mechanism in my custom project management app.
This app contains multiple entities (tickets, projects, wiki pages, sprints, ...)
I want my timetracking to be "generic" in the sense that I want users to be able to log time against a ticket, project, wiki page, ...well any entity actually.
Now, I am trying to figure out what database schema (relation) to use for my TimeLog entity.
I could theoretically create a relation to each entity I have in my app, but that will require me to keep updating schema when I introduce new entities later on.
Has anybody every implemented anything like this?
All suggestions are welcomed.
Many thanks in advance.
I faced a similar situation in my app while trying to add comments, likes and other types of elements whose behaviour would not really depend on the entity they are attached to.
The solution I eventually chose was to have two fields in my referring entities (e.g. Comment) to hold both the id of the entity being referred to and its type. Since I was using this multiple times, I put the properties into the following trait:
namespace AppBundle\Entity\Traits;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
trait EntityReferenceTrait
* #ORM\Column(name="reference_id", type="integer")
private $referenceId;
* #ORM\Column(name="reference_type", type="integer")
private $referenceType;
/* ... setters & getters ... */
Then I could use it in the entities holding those kind of references:
* #ORM\Table(name="comments", indexes={#ORM\Index(name="references", columns={"reference_id", "reference_type"})})
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\Comment\CommentRepository")
class Comment
/* ... other traits ... */
use \AppBundle\Entity\Traits\EntityReferenceTrait;
/* ... other fields & methods ... */
Note: I added an index for the references but it is not necessary for the whole thing to work properly. If you use such an index, beware of the order of your WHERE clauses if you want to benefit from it
In order to improve performance a bit and add additional configurations depending on the type of the entity being referred to, I handled settings directly in the config of my app. Thus, I have something like:
classname: AppBundle\Entity\News\News
type_id: 1
browse_route: news_comments
multiple_locales: false
This allows me to know precisely what kind of entities my Comment entity can refer. It also allows me to automatically hook specific listeners to the entities being referred to so that the removal of a referred entity triggers the removal of the related comments for example. I do this by processing the configuration in AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppExtension.php (more about this here) and saving the needed listeners list into a parameter. Then, by adding a listener to the loadClassMetadata event, I can effectively handle the removal of related entities for example.
Here is the listener that hooks the listeners for specific lifecycle events of referred entities by using addEntityListener on the ClassMetadata instance:
namespace AppBundle\Listener;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs;
class MappingListener
private $entityListenersMapping = [];
* #param array $mappingConfig Associative array with keys being listeners classnames and values being arrays associating an event to a method name
public function __construct(array $mappingConfig)
$this->entityListenersMapping = $mappingConfig;
public function loadClassMetadata(LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $eventArgs)
$classMetadata = $eventArgs->getClassMetadata();
if(!array_key_exists($classMetadata->name, $this->entityListenersMapping))
// Hook the entity listeners in the class metadata
foreach($this->entityListenersMapping[$classMetadata->name] as $listenerClassName => $eventsCallbacks)
foreach($eventsCallbacks as $event => $methodName)
$classMetadata->addEntityListener($event, $listenerClassName, $methodName);
Either way, for this part, it mainly depends on the specific needs of your entity but I guess it is quite a common need that these "soft" foreign keys emulate a ON DELETE CASCADE behaviour via preRemove and postRemove events.
Considering the handling of those references and the entities owning them, I also created a EntityRefererManagerTrait to easily create services that manage those entities so that the other components interacting with them would not have to worry about the underlying configuration.
The interface of most public methods of those managers thus usually require:
the classname of the entity being referred to
the numeric id of the entity being referred to
With those two info and the configuration retrieved in my manager service, I can easily interact with the database even if, in my case, it stores an integer defined in the configuration as the reference type in place of the classname of the entity being referred to.
Based on this, I can enable comments, likes, votes, subscriptions and so on for any of my app entities (as long as its primary key is a single integer) with just a few more lines in my configuration files. No need to update database schema and with proper lifecycle events listeners being hooked, no worries about orphan entries in the database.
On a side note, it should be mentioned that you won't be able to retrieve referring entities from the inverse side as it won't be a real association. You won't benefit from foreign keys behaviours either. Thus, even if you emulate the ON DELETE CASCADE behaviour by listening to remove events, you won't be able to ensure that there are no orphans in your database if some DELETE operations are performed directly via DQL for example.

Polymorphic attachments using a subset of the polymorphic relationship in doctrine 2

I need some help with doctrine 2 that uses "polymorphic associations". Let me clarify myself. Entitys can support file attachments using a subset of the polymorphic relationship. the File entity is used to safekeep this relationship where reference to the files are stored as records in the files table and have a polymorphic relation to the parent model. I want to create the same functionality as
But do not know how to make the relationship, and how, for example, put the attachment_type dynamic like attachment_id;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_thumbnail")
private $thumbnail;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_image")
private $image;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_files")
private $files;
An example of the files table.
I have some experience in trying to make polymorphism work (including polymorphic files) in symfony and by this time I think I can share a few of my insights with you in hopes that they would provide you with some useful information about this subject.
Firstly, I would suggest reading up on inheritance mapping in doctrine link. With doctrine inheritance mapping you would simply create one main File class and then make every other attachment extend it. Then, say you want to add a picture attachment to the user. You would simply create a oneToOne relationship between the user and the main File class. If the attachment you persist would be an instance of one of the attachment classes, Doctrine is smart enough to return you an object of that class, not the main File class.
So to answer you question, I will give you a specific example. Case:
ImageAttachment extends FileAttachment
User has a property called photo
Property photo is a OneToOne relationship to the FileAttachment entity
$image = new ImageAttachment();
Now in the database in the User table, in a column called something like photo_id the referenced ID would be the one in the FileAttachment table. When you would do $user->getPhoto(); it would return an object of class ImageAttachment since doctrine knows that you have persisted an ImageAttachment, not just a FileAttachment.
When it comes to collections, things would also be pretty simple. In this case, you would probably need to create an ManyToMany relationship between the file and the entity that you want to relate to the file. Say that a user can have many different types of attachments saved in the database. If you want to use this filesystem application wide it would probably make no sense for a file to know about the user it belongs to, because soon file would have to hold information on all different types of the relationships and that is just not a smart architecture choice if you want to have any type of modular system in place. Thats why my suggestion is to use ManyToMany relationships between some entity and the attachments. This way only user would know about the files in the database and filesystem would be agnostic and decoupled.
A third important point to be made when talking about polymorphism in doctrine is symfony support for this feature. Generally polymorphism is considered to be somewhat of a bad practice in certain cases, and especially in data persistence does not have much support in the community. So an important thing to consider is that symfony CollectionType HAS NO SUPPORT FOR POLYMORPHISM what so ever. Basically you will have to write your own Type if you were planning on using polymorphic form collections. But if you don't mind using a bit of ajax, this is not really a problem, you can simply avoid using SF forms for this purpose alone.

Related Entities and their Repository - selectively loading entities

I have a few entities that have a few associations. They are loading up fine now. So I basically have a customer entity, that relates to an address entity. I also have a receipt transaction that relates to a customer.
When I retrieve a small set of customers I want to retrieve their related receipts but that set is huge. I want just the receipts from the last 2 weeks.
I thought that I could use a custom repository then use a function like customer->getRecentReceipts() but that doesn't work since the customer entity doesn't know about the repository. And from reading on this forum, people seem to say not to use the repository this way. How should I structure things to limit the loading of my receipt entities. I'm trying to avoid loading all then sorting them with a php routine.
i think you forgot to link your repository at the entity.
// src/AppBundle/Entity/Product.php
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\ProductRepository")
class Product
that's when you can use your repository functions
There's nothing wrong with making a repository method to do this. You don't have to deal directly with the customer entity to get its receipts.
I'd just create a simple method in ReceiptRepository like (Syntax might be not quite right, I don't have an IDE handy right now)
getReceiptsForCustomerByDate(Customer $customer, \DateTime $createdAfter=null) {
if (!$createdAfter instanceof \DateTime) {
$createdAfter = new \DateTime('now -2 weeks');
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
return $qb->select('c, r')
->from('YourBundle:Customer', 'c')
->join('c.receipt', 'r')
->where($qb->expr()->eq('c', ':customer')
->andWhere($qb->expr()->gt('r.createdAt', ':createdAfter')
->setParameter('createdAfter', $createdAfter)
->setParameter('customer', $customer)
The above means your fetched customer entities will only have the relevant receipts. Because we haven't lazy loaded the receipts, $customer->getReceipts() will only return the receipts we have specified by date.
No, you can't call this from your Customer entity, but there's no reason you can't call it in a controller method. This is a perfectly valid way to get things done in Symfony.
You could easily modify this to get many customer receipts by passing an array of customers.

Symfony2 - New entity was found through relationship - but it has been persisted [duplicate]

since 2 weeks, we are having this problem while trying to flush new elements:
CRITICAL: Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException:
A new entity was found through the relationship 'Comment#capture' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity
But the capture is already in the database, and we are getting it by a findOneBy, so if we cascade persist it, or persist it, we get a
Table constraint violation: duplicate entry.
The comments are created in a loop with differents captures, with a new, and all required field are set.
With all of the entities persisted and / or got by a findOne (and all valid), the flush still fails.
I'm on this issue since a while, so please help me
I had the same problem and it was the same EntityManager. I wanted to insert an object related ManyToOne. And I don't want a cascade persist.
Example :
$category = $em->find("Category", 10);
$product = new Product();
This throws the same exception for me.
So the solution is :
$category = $em->find("Category", 10);
$product = new Product();
In my case a too early call of
caused the problem. It also disappeared by only doing a clear on the recent object, like
My answer is relevant for topic, but not very relevant for your particular case, so for those googling I post this, as the answers above did not help me.
In my case, I had the same error with batch-processing entities that had a relation and that relation was set to the very same entity.
When I did $this->entityManager->clear(); while processing batch of entities I would get this error, because next batch of entities would point to the detached related entity.
I did not know that $this->entityManager->clear(); works the same as $this->entityManager->detach($entity); only detaches ALL of the repositorie`s entities.
I thought that $this->entityManager->clear(); also detaches related entities.
I should have iterated over entities and detach them one by one - that would not detach the related entity that the future entities pointed to.
I hope this helps someone.
First of all, you should take better care of your code, I see like 3 differents indentations in your entity and controller - this is hard to read, and do not fit the Symfony2 coding standards.
The code you show for your controller is not complete, we have no idea from where $this->activeCapture is coming. Inside you have a $people['capture'] which contains a Capture object I presume. This is very important.
If the Capture in $people['capture'] is persisted / fetched from another EntityManager than $this->entityManager (which, again, we do not know from where it come), Doctrine2 have no idea that the object is already persisted.
You should make sure to use the same instance of the Doctrine Entity Manager for all those operations (use spl_object_hash on the EM object to make sure they are the same instance).
You can also tell the EntityManager what to do with the Capture object.
// Refreshes the persistent state of an entity from the database
// Or
// Merges the state of a detached entity into the
// persistence context of this EntityManager and returns the managed copy of the entity.
$captureEntity = $this->entityManager->merge($captureEntity);
If this does not help, you should provide more code.
The error:
'Comment#capture' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity
The problem:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Capture", inversedBy="comments")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="capture_id", referencedColumnName="id",nullable=true)
protected $capture;
dont configured the cascade persist
try with this:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Capture", inversedBy="comments", cascade={"persist", "remove" })
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="capture_id", referencedColumnName="id",nullable=true)
protected $capture;
Refreshing the entity in question helped my case.
/* $item->getProduct() is already set */
/* Add these 3 lines anyway */
$id = $item->getProduct()->getId();
$reference = $this->getDoctrine()->getReference(Product::class, $id);
/* Original code as follows */
Despite my $item already having a Product set elsewhere, I was still getting the error.
Turns out it was set via a different instance of EntityManager.
So this is a hack of sorts, by retrieving id of the existing product, and then retrieving a reference of it, and using setProduct to "refresh" the whatever connection. I later fixed it by ensuring I have and use only a single instance of EntityManager in my codebase.
I got this error too when tried to add new entity.
A new entity was found through the relationship 'Application\Entity\User#chats'
that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: ###.
To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or
configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}).
My case was that I tried to save entity, that shouldn't be saved. Entity relations was filled and tried to be saved (User has Chat in Many2Many, but Chat was a temporary entity), but there were some collisions.
So If I use cascade={"persist"} I get unwanted behaviour - trash entity is saved. My solution was to remove non-saving entity out of any saving entities:
// User entity code
public function removeFromChats(Chat $c = null){
if ($c and $this->chats->contains($c)) {
Saving code
/* some code witch $chat entity */
// saving
I want to tell about my case as that might be helpful to somebody.
Given two entities: AdSet and AdSetPlacemnt. AdSet has the following property:
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="AdSetPlacement", mappedBy="adSet", cascade={"persist"})
* #JMS\Expose
protected $placement;
Then error appears when I try to delete some AdSet objects in a cycle after 1st iteration
foreach($adSetIds as $adSetId) {
/** #var AdSet $adSet */
$adSet = $this->adSetRepository->findOneBy(["id" => $adSetId]);
A new entity was found through the relationship 'AppBundle\Entity\AdSetPlacement#adSet' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: AppBundle\Entity\AdSet#00000000117d7c930000000054c81ae1. To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}). If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem implement 'AppBundle\Entity\AdSet#__toString()' to get a clue.
The solution was to add "remove" to $placement cascade options to be:
cascade={"persist","remove"}. This guarantees that Placement also becomes detached. Entity manager will "forget" about Placement object thinking of it as "removed" once AdSet is removed.
Bad alternative
When trying to figure out what's going on I've seen a couple answers or recommendations to simply use entity manager's clear method to completely clear persistence context.
foreach($adSetIds as $adSetId) {
/** #var AdSet $adSet */
$adSet = $this->adSetRepository->findOneBy(["id" => $adSetId]);
So that code also works, the issue gets solved but it's not always what you really wanna do. Indeed it's happens quite rarely that you actually need to clear entity manager.

Multiple Entity managers

I have also posted this question before and I am posting it again as it is not resolved yet.
I am using Symfony2 for my application and I need to create two database connections i.e Read and Write for this I search and found easily that we can create different entity managers and i have created like that :
Making object in controller
$emWrite = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager('write');
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
when I persist the entity It gives me the following error:
A new entity was found through the relationship '
AppBundle\Entity\Follower#user' that was not configured to cascade persist
operations for entity: adeel. Explicitly persist the new entity or configure
cascading persist operations on the relationship. If you cannot find out which
entity causes the problem implement AppBundle\Entity\User#__toString()
to get a clue. (500 Internal Server Error)
I have already tried many things like giving persist property in both sides of entities involved.
Your problem isn't related to multiple entity managers but to options that you haven't setted onto your class, fore relationship purpose.
I haven't much details about your entities, but I could suggest you to modify relationship in that way
class User
* Bidirectional - One-To-Many (INVERSE SIDE)
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="Comment", mappedBy="author",
private $commentsAuthored;
Where cascade={"persist","remove"} is what you're looking for.
