Looking for algorithm to do long pair wise nucleotide alignments - r

I am trying to scan for possible SNPs and indels by aligning scaffolds to subsequences from a reference genome. (the raw reads are not available). I am using R/bioconductor and the `pairwiseAlignment function from the Biostrings package.
This was working fine for smaller scaffolds, but failed when I tried to align as 56kbp scaffold with the error message:
Error in QualityScaledXStringSet.pairwiseAlignment(pattern = pattern,
: cannot allocate memory block of size 17179869183.7 Gb
I am not sure if this is a bug or not ? ; I was under the impression that the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm used by pairwiseAlignment is an O(n*m) which I thought would imply the computational demand to be on the order of 3.1E9 operations (56K * 56k ~= 3.1E9). It seems the Needleman-Wunsch similarity matrix should as well take up on the order of 3.1 gigs of memory as well. Not sure if I'm not remembering big-o notation correctly or that is actually the memory overhead that would be needed to build the alignment given the overhead of the R scripting environment.
Does anybody have suggestions for a better alignment algorithm to use for aligning longer sequences? An initial alignment was already done using BLAST to find the region of the reference genome to align. I am not entirely confident BLAST's reliability for correctly placing indels and I have not yet been able to find an api as good as that provided by biostrings for parsing the raw BLAST alignments.
By the way, here is a code snippet that replicates the problem:
scaffold_set = read.DNAStringSet(scaffold_file_name) #scaffold_set is a DNAStringSet instance
scafseq = scaffold_set[[scaffold_name]] #scaf_seq is a "DNAString" instance
genome = read.DNAStringSet(genome_file_name)[[1]] #genome is a "DNAString" instance
#qstart, qend, substart, subend are all from intial BLAST alignment step
scaf_sub = subseq(scafseq, start=qstart, end=qend) #56170-letter "DNAString" instance
genomic_sub = subseq(genome, start=substart, end=subend) #56168-letter "DNAString" instance
curalign = pairwiseAlignment(pattern = scaf_sub, subject = genomic_sub)
#that last line gives the error:
#Error in .Call2("XStringSet_align_pairwiseAlignment", pattern, subject, :
#cannot allocate memory block of size 17179869182.9 Gb
The error does not happen with shorter alignments (hundreds of bases).
I have not yet found the length cutoff where the error starts happening

So I use Clustal as an alignment tool. Not sure about the specific performance, but it has never given me issues when doing multiple sequence alignments of large quantity. Here is a script that runs a whole directory of .fasta files and aligns them. You can modify the flags on the system call to suit your input/output needs. Just look at the clustal documentation. This is in Perl, I don't use R too much for alignments. You need to edit the executable path in the script to match where clustal is on your computer.
use warnings;
print "Please type the list file name of protein fasta files to align (end the directory path with a / or this will fail!): ";
$directory = <STDIN>;
chomp $directory;
opendir (DIR,$directory) or die $!;
my #file = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my $add="_align.fasta";
foreach $file (#file) {
my $infile = "$directory$file";
(my $fileprefix = $infile) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
my $outfile="$fileprefix$add";
system "/Users/Wes/Desktop/eggNOG_files/clustalw-2.1-macosx/clustalw2 -INFILE=$infile -OUTFILE=$outfile -OUTPUT=FASTA -tree";


Failure of unz() to unzip from a zip file offset of more than 2^31 bytes

I have been obtaining .zip archives of genome annotation from NCBI (mainly gff files). In order save disk space I prefer not to unzip the archive, but to read these files directly into R using unz(). However, it seems that unz() is unable to extract files from the end of 'large' zip files:
ncbi.zip <- "file_location/name.zip"
files <- unzip(ncbi.zip, list=TRUE)
gff.files <- files$Name[ grep("gff$", files$Name) ]
## this works
gff.128 <- readLines( unz(ncbi.zip, gff.files[128]) )
## this gives an empty data structure (read.table() stops
## with an error saying no lines or similar
gff.129 <- readLines( unz(ncbi.zip, gff.files[129]) )
## there are 31 more gff files after the 129th one.
## no lines are read from any of these.
The zip file itself seems to be fine; I can unzip the specific files using unzip on the command line and unzip -t does not report any errors.
I've tried this with R versions 3.5 (openSuse Leap 15.1), 3.6, and 4.2 (centOS 7) and with more than one zip file and get exactly the same result.
I attached strace to R whilst reading in the 128 and 129th file. In both cases I get a lot of lseek towards the end of file (offset 2845892608, larger than 2^31) to start with. This is where I assume the zip directory can be found. For the 128th file (the one that can be read), I eventually get an lseek to an offset slightly below 2^31, followed by a set of lseeks and reads (that extend beyone 2^31).
For the 129th file, I get the same reads towards the end of the file, but then rather than finding a position within the file I get:
lseek(3, 2845933568, SEEK_SET) = 2845933568
lseek(3, 4294963200, SEEK_SET) = 4294963200
read(3, "", 4096) = 0
lseek(3, 4095, SEEK_CUR) = 4294967295
read(3, "", 4096) = 0
Which is a bit weird since the file itself is only about 2.8 GB. 4294967295, is of course 2^32 - 1.
To me this feels like an integer overflow bug, and I am considering to post a bug report. But am wondering if anyone has seen something similar before or if I am doing something stupid.
Having done what I should have started with (reading the specification for the zip64 format specification), it's actually clear that this is not an integer overflow error.
Zip files contain a central directory at the end of the archive; this contains amongst other things the names of the compressed files and the offset of the compressed data in the zip archive. The offset (and file size fields) are only given 4 bytes each in the standard directory field; when the offset is larger than this it should instead be given in the extra fields section and the value in the standard field should be set to 0xFFFFFFFF. Since this is the offset that gets used when reading the file it seems clear that the problem lies in the parsing of the extra field.
I had a look at the source code for R 4.2.1 and it seems that the problem is due to the way the offset specified in the standard offset field is tested:
if(file_info.uncompressed_size == (ZPOS64_T)(unsigned long)-1)
changing this == 0xFFFFFFFF seems to fix the problem.
I've submitted a bug report to R. Hopefully changing the check will not have any unintended consequences and the issue will be fixed.
Still, I'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across the same issue. Seems a bit unlikely that my experience is unique.

Plothraw PARIGP (or similar) doesn't work (latexit crash)

I'm a new user of PARI/GP, and after writing my script, I wanted to make a graph of it. As my function take an integer and return a number, it's closer to a sequence. Actually, I didn't know how to do it, so I read the documentation of PARI/GP, and after that I made some test in order to obtain a graph from a list.
After reading an answer in stackoverflow (Plotting multiple lists in Pari), I wanted to test with the following code:
plothraw([0..200], apply(i->cos(i*3*Pi/200), [0..200]), 0);
But when I do it, it tries to open something on latexit, but then it crash and give me a problem report.
I didn't even know that I had an app named latextit, maybe it was install during the installation of PARI/GP. Anyway, how can I fix this?
PARI/GP definitely doesn't install latexit.
The way hi-res graphics work on the Win32 version of PARI/GP is to write down an Enhanced Metafile (.EMF) in a temp directory and ask the system to
"open" it. When you installed latexit it probably created an association in the registry to let it open .EMF files
i3Pi does not mean what you think, it just creates a new variable with that name. You want i * 3 * Pi instead.
The following constructions both work in my setup
plothraw([0..200], apply(i->cos(i*3*Pi/200), [0..200]), 0);
plothraw([0..200], apply(i->cos(i*3*Pi/200), [0..200]), 1);
(the second one being more readable because a red line is drawn between successive points; I have trouble seeing the few tiny blue dots)
Instead of apply, you can use a direct constructor as in
vector(201, i, cos((i-1) * 3 * Pi / 200))
which of course can be computed more efficiently as
real( powers(exp(3*I*Pi/200), 200) )
(of course, it doesn't matter here, but compare both commands at precision \p10000 or so ...)

How to delete a row in a csv file with powershell in R?

Good morning,
I'm new about powershell and I'd like to ask you if somebody can help me.
I have a big csv file around 3.5gb and my goal is to load it with fread (a data.table function) in R environment, but this function makes a error.
> n_a<-fread("C:/x/xy/xyz/name_file.csv",sep=";", fill = TRUE)
The error is:
Warning message:
In fread("C:/x/xy/xyz/name_file.csv") :
Stopped early on line 458945. Expected 29 fields but found 30. Consider fill=TRUE and comment.char=. First discarded non-empty line
I tried to use different way (I putted in my code fill=true, but doesn't work) to solve the problem, but I couldn't do it.
After different researches I found this kind of solution (always to do in R):
>system("powershell Get-Content C:/a/b/c/file.csv | Select -Index (0..458944 + 1000000) > output.csv")
The focus about the use of powershell in R is to delete a specific row and to load with fread the file.
My question is:
How I can delete a specific row in a csv in powershell but without specifying the length of the matrix?
Thank you in advance for every type of help.
I'd hazard a guess that the invalid row's location is not known. In such a case, it might be sensible to read the original file and create a new file that contains only valid data. What's more, if the source data would benefit of manipulation, it can be done before reading it into R.
A file as large as 3,5 GiB is a bit on the large side to read in memory as such. Sure, it can be done in the days of 64 bit systems, but for simple row processing it's unwieldy. A scalable solution uses .Net methods and row-by-row approach.
To process a file on row-by-row basis, use .Net methods for efficient row reading. A StringBuilder is created to store rows that contain valid data, others are discarded. The StringBuilder is flushed on disk every so often. Even on days of SSDs, a write operation for each row is relatively slow in respect to writing in a bulk of, say, 10 000 rows a time.
$sb = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
$reader = [IO.File]::OpenText("MyCsvFile.csv")
$i = 0
$MaxRows = 10000
$colonCount = 30
while($null -ne ($line = $reader.ReadLine())) {
# Split the line on semicolons
$elements = $line -split ';'
# If there were $colonCount elements, add those to builder
if($elements.count -eq $colonCount) {
# If $line's contents need modifications, do it here
# before adding it into the builder
# Write builder contents into file every now and then
if($i -ge $MaxRows) {
add-content "MyCleanCsvFile.csv" $sb.ToString()
$i = 0
# Flush the builder after the loop if there's data
if($sb.Length -gt 0) {
add-content "MyCleanCsvFile.csv" $sb.ToString()
This is easy done in powershell: Read csv in generic list, remove line and write back:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Collections
[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$csvList = #()
$csvFile = 'C:\test\myfile.csv'
$csvList = [System.IO.File]::ReadLines( $csvFile )
$lineToDelete = 2
[void]$csvList.RemoveAt( $lineToDelete - 1 )
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines( $csvFile, $csvList ) | Out-Null
vonPryz's helpful answer offers the best solution, given the size of your input file.
The following works too, but will be slow - in general, due to the overhead of using a pipeline, but also because Get-Content itself is slow due to decorating each line read with additional properties (see green-lighted, but not yet implemented GitHub suggestion #7537):
# Exclude line number 458945 (0-based index 458944)
Get-Content C:/a/b/c/file.csv | Select-Object -SkipIndex 458944 > output.csv
The beneficial flip side of use of the pipeline is that it acts as a memory throttle, so the above command can be used to process arbitrarily large files (though it may take a long time).

Complete R Session Size

Due to I constantly reach memory size limit in my R Session (8GB Windows PC) I start to remove big objects loaded in. However once I reach this limit, removing objects seems not to work.
So, I was wondering if there's a way to get the R Session size. I know that it's possible to retrieve objects' size (saw in this thread).I want to know if there's a way to count the complete R Session size though (loaded packages, objects, etc).
Thank you!
I personally use this function to get the available memory:
getAvailMem <- function(format = TRUE) {
if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
memfree <- 1024^2 * (utils::memory.limit() - utils::memory.size())
} else {
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/6457769/6103040
memfree <- 1024 * as.numeric(
system("awk '/MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo", intern = TRUE))
`if`(format, format(structure(memfree, class = "object_size"),
units = "auto"), memfree)
To get the total memory used by R, you may try mem_used() from pryr package. Unlike memory.size, this one is not OS dependent, because it uses the R function gc() underneath it. Try to look in the function body and also this pryr:::node_size and pryr:::show_bytes
The help file ?pryr::mem_used describes
R breaks down memory usage into Vcells (memory used by vectors) and
Ncells (memory used by everything else). However, neither this
distinction nor the "gc trigger" and "max used" columns are typically
important. What we're usually most interested in is the the first
column: the total memory used. This function wraps around gc() to
return the total amount of memory (in megabytes) currently used by R.
You can also use pryr::mem_change to track the size of the memory used by the R code. Try the example in its documentation page.
The numbers such as 28L and 56L used to refer node size with pryr:::node_size comes from the help file of ?gc, which describes
gc returns a matrix with rows "Ncells" (cons cells), usually 28 bytes
each on 32-bit systems and 56 bytes on 64-bit systems, and "Vcells"
(vector cells, 8 bytes each),
After removing a large object run gc() to free memory

Are there any equivalent of C/C++ __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros in R?

I'm trying to get the equivalent of FILE or LINE macros in C or C++ in R (or S+). Any ideas?
FILE The presumed name of the current source file (a character string literal).
LINE The presumed line number (within the current source file) of the current source line (an integer constant).
As for context - I have log messages being flushed to console from different sections of the code, and given that the messages themselves are built at run-time, it is often very difficult to find out where this log message is coming from (with the size of the R code growing to many thousand lines and running on a distributed grid). However if I could dump the FILE and LINE number along with the log messages, it would be much easier to trace the logs...
Use the #line directive. The structure is #line nn "filename". See Duncan's Murdoch's article on source references for more.
