Linking multiple files while creating a package in R - r

I am trying to create a package in R wherein I have created lots of new custom Classes. Each class is in a different file. The Classes inherit from a parent class and inherit to other classes.
While running my codes I call each of them like this
Definition for Some of the methods needed by the grandson Class in defined in Son class. I use package.skeleton() to call each of them and create a package and it seems to work fine. But when running R CMD Check(and when trying install into R), it throws an error because the function tries to call the files in the alphabetical order and so the file grandson.R is called before son.R and it shows and error saying that the methods has not been defined. If I change the names to zgrandson.R, R called that file the last, and everything seems to work fine, but this is evidently not a solution for the problem.
I have read tutorials for creating packages, but all of them seem to deal with simple cases where there is no inheritance/calling other files in R. Hope I have made myself clear.

As far as I understand, you can use the Collate field in the DESCRIPTION file to control this.
Quoting from the Writing R Extensions manual:
An ‘Collate’ field can be used for controlling the collation order for
the R code files in a package when these are processed for package
installation. The default is to collate according to the ‘C’ locale.
If present, the collate specification must list all R code files in
the package (taking possible OS-specific subdirectories into account,
see Package subdirectories) as a whitespace separated list of file
paths relative to the R subdirectory. Paths containing white space or
quotes need to be quoted. An OS-specific collation field
(‘Collate.unix’ or ‘’) will be used instead of
So, you could specify:
Or simply rename the files in such a way that lexicographic sorting order will result in the correct collation order, as you indicated in your question.
But also see this answer by #DirkEddelbuettel on a similar question.


Where to put R files that generate package data

I am currently developing an R package and want it to be as clean as possible, so I try to resolve all WARNINGs and NOTEs displayed by devtools::check().
One of these notes is related to some code I use for generating sample data to go with the package:
checking top-level files ... NOTE
Non-standard file/directory found at top level:
It's an R script currently placed in the package root directory and not meant to be distributed with the package (because it doesn't really seem useful to include)
So here's my question:
Where should I put such a file or how do I tell R to leave it be?
Is .Rbuildignore the right way to go?
Currently devtools::build() puts the R script in the final package, so I shouldn't just ignore the NOTE.
As suggested in, it makes sense to use ./data-raw/ for scripts/functions that are necessary for creating/updating data but not something you need in the package itself. After adding ./data-raw/ to ./.Rbuildignore, the package generation should ignore anything within that directory. (And, as you commented, there is a helper-function devtools::use_data_raw().)

How to call R script from another R script, both in same package?

I'm building a package that uses two main functions. One of the functions model.R requires a special type of simulation sim.R and a way to set up the results in a table table.R
In a sharable package, how do I call both the sim.R and table.R files from within model.R? I've tried source("sim.R") and source("R/sim.R") but that call doesn't work from within the package. Any ideas?
Should I just copy and paste the codes from sim.R and table.R into the model.R script instead?
I have all the scripts in the R directory, the DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files are all set. I just have multiple scripts in the R directory. ~R/ has premodel.R model.R sim.R and table.R. I need the model.R script to use both sim.R and table.R functions... located in the same directory in the package (e.g. ~R/).
To elaborate on joran's point, when you build a package you don't need to source functions.
For example, imagine I want to make a package named TEST. I will begin by generating a directory (i.e. folder) named TEST. Within TEST I will create another folder name R, in that folder I will include all R script(s) containing the different functions in the package.
At a minimum you need to also include a DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file. A man (for help files) and tests (for unit tests) are also nice to include.
Making a package is pretty easy. Here is a blog with a straightforward introduction:
As others have pointed out you don't have to source R files in a package. The package loading mechanism will take care of losing the namespace and making all exported functions available. So usually you don't have to worry about any of this.
There are exceptions however. If you have multiple files with R code situations can arise where the order in which these files are processed matters. Often it doesn't matter or the default order used by R happens to be fine. If you find that there are some dependencies within your package that aren't resolved properly you may be faced with a situation where a custom processing order for the R files is required. The DESCRIPTION file offers the optional Collate field for this purpose. Simply list all your R files in the order they should be processed to satisfy the dependencies.
If all your files are in R directory, any function will be in memory after you do a package build or Load_All.
You may have issues if you have code in files that is not in a function tho.
R loads files in alphabetical order.
Usually, this is not a problem, because functions are evaluated when they are called for execution, not at loading time (id. a function can refer another function not yet defined, even in the same file).
But, if you have code outside a function in model.R, this code will be executed immediately at time of file loading, and your package build will fail usually with a
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'yourPackageName'
If this is the case, wrap the sparse code of model.R into a function so you can call it later, when the package has fully loaded, external library too.
If this piece of code is there for initialize some value, consider to use_data() to have R take care of load data into the environment for you.
If this piece of code is just interactive code written to test and implement the package itself, you should consider to put it elsewhere or wrap it to a function anyway.
if you really need that code to be executed at loading time or really have dependency to solve, then you must add the collate line into DESCRIPTION file, as already stated by Peter Humburg, to force R to load files order.
Roxygen2 can help you, put before your code
#' #include sim.R table.R
call roxygenize(), and collate line will be generate for you into the DESCRIPTION file.
But even doing that, external library you may depend are not yet loaded by the package, leading to failure again at build time.
In conclusion, you'd better don't leave code outside functions in a .R file if it's located inside a package.
Since you're building a package, the reason why you're having trouble accessing the other functions in your /R directory is because you need to first:
from within the working directory of your package. Now each function in your package should be accessible to any other function. Then, to finish up, do:
although it should be noted that a simple document() call will already be sufficient to solve your problem.
Make your functions global by defining them with <<- instead of <- and they will become available to any other script running in that environment.

Building R packages - using environment variables in DESCRIPTION file?

At our site, we have a large amount of custom R code that is used to build a set of packages for internal use and distribution to our R users. We try to maintain the entire library in a versioning scheme so that the version numbers and the date are the same. The problem is that we've gotten to the point where the number of packages is substantial enough that manual modification of the DESCRIPTION file and the package .Rd file is very time consuming, and it would be nice to automate these pieces.
We could write a pre-script that goes through the full set of files and writes the current data and version number. This could be done with out a lot of pain, but it would modify our current build chain and we would have to adapt the various steps.
Is there a way that this can be done without having to do a pre-build file modification step? In other words, can the DESCRIPTION file and the .Rd file contain something akin to an environment variable that will be substituted with the current information when called upon by R CMD build ?
You cannot use environment variables as R, when running R CMD build ... or R CMD INSTALL ..., sees the file as fixed.
But the no problem that cannot be fixed by another layer of indirection saying remains true. Your R source code could simply be files within another layer in which you text substitution according to some pattern. If you like autoconf, you could just have and have a configure script query the environment variables, or a meta-config file or database, or something else, and have that written out. Similarly you could have a sed or perl or python or R or ... script doing the textual substitution.
I used to let svn fill in the argument to Date: in DESCRIPTION, and also encoded revision numbers in an included header file. It's all scriptable to your heart's content.

Changing the load order of files in an R package

I'm writing a package for R in which the exported functions are decorated by a higher-order function that adds error checking and some other boilerplate code.
However, because this code is at the top-level it is evaluated after parsing. These means that
the load order of the package files is important.
To give an equivalent but simplified example, suppose I have a package with two files (Negate2 and Utils), and I require Negate2.R to be loaded first for the function 'isfalse( )' to be defined without throwing an error.
# /Negate2.R
Negate2 <- Negate
# -------------------
# /Utils.R
istrue <- isTRUE
isfalse <- Negate2(istrue)
Is it possible to structure NAMESPACE, DESCRIPTION (collate) or another package file in order to change the load order of files? The internal working of the R package structure and CRAN are still black magic to me.
It is possible to get around this problem using awkward hacks, but the least repetitive way of solving this problem. The wrapper function must be a higher-order function, since it also changes the function call semantics of its input function. The package is code heavy (~6000 lines, 100 functions) so repetition would be...problematic.
As #Manetheran points out, to change the load order you just change the order of the file names in the DESCRIPTION file.
The Collate: field of the DESCRIPTION file allows you to change the order files are loaded when the package is built.
I stumbled across the answer to this question yesterday while reading up on Roxygen. If you've been documenting your functions with Roxygen, it can try to intelligently order your R source files in the Collate: field (based on where S4 class and method definitions are). This can be done by adding "collate" to the roclets argument of roxygenize. Alternatively if you're developing in RStudio there is a simple box that can be checked under Build->Configure Build Tools->Configure... (Button next to "Generate documentation with Roxygen").
R loads files in alphabetical order. To change the order, Collate field could be used from the DESCRIPTION file.
roxygen2 provides an explicit way of saying that one file must be loaded before another: #include. The #include tag gives a space separated list of file names that should be loaded before the current file:
#' #include class-a.r
setClass("B", contains = "A")
If any #include tags are present in the package, roxygen2 will set the Collate field in the DESCRIPTION.
You need to run generation of roxygen2 documentation in order to changes to take effect.

Can I load an RData file while bypassing loading the namespaces?

Let's say some of my users cannot alter their R environments, but I need them to be able to open up RData files. These environment files require a package to be loaded (httpuv to be exact). We don't care about the package, we don't need its capabilities, we just need to get at the data. Is there a way to either force R to bypass loading namespaces when loading the RData file, or force it to save it without namespace dependencies at the originating end? Thanks.
To reproduce, install Shiny. Create and save a some R objects to the server's file system from within a Shiny applet as an RData file. Copy the file over to a computer that doesn't have Shiny or the httpuv package installed. Try loading the RData file, even if the actual objects you saved are completely ordinary data.frames that have nothing to do with Shiny or httpuv.
I did strings on the RData, and the damn thing is full of references to httpuv. The software is loading the file and then actively deciding to not continue in the internal loadFromConn2() function. Therefore there must be a way to make it stop doing so.
Really #baptiste should get credit for the link in his comment to some general solutions, especially the R CMD INSTALL --fake trick, and I will accept that if he reposts it as an answer. That is why I am not accepting the following answer of my own to the specific problem that caused it in my case, but I am posting my answer in case it helps someone else.
Some of the objects I was saving were lm fitted objects. Those contain formula/terms objects (at least two each, for some reason... maybe because they've been through stepAIC), and those formulas in turn each have an environment attribute. The environment attribute is .GlobalEnv which probably does contain copies of package functions someplace. When I dug through the objects inside the fitted models, and then the objects inside all the attributes of those objects, and then the objects inside the attributes of the attributes of those objects... and set every environment attribute I could find to NULL, eventually I was able to save that fitted model to a file that could be opened from a different R installation without getting the error about not being able to load a namespace.
I suppose I could also write a function to iterate through the objects within a fitted model, and their attributes, and remove environments but that sounds ugly and dangerous. Maybe there is a way to force formulas and fitted models not to retain environments, and that will be better. For the time being, instead of saving fitted models, I will save their call attributes after scrubbing any environment attributes I might find there. If that doesn't work, I'll deparse them into character strings.
PS: I used the RDS format and haven't yet tested it with RData, but I suspect that the problem was the saving of the evalution environment in some of the attributes, and had nothing to do with the format in which the objects get saved. I'll post an update if it turns out that this doesn't also work with RData.
PPS: I suspect I'm not the only one here who's hearing about the R CMD INSTALL --fake trick for the first time, and perhaps the word should be spread about this... because to the extent other R users don't know about it, this remains an obvious vector for denial-of-service attacks against R!
I will accept my own answer to get rid of the SO auto-nagger, but will unaccept it and accept #baptiste if they make it possible for me to do so by posting it as an answer. Thanks.
