Can anyone explain what this error might means?
I am trying to set up a phpunit test using ZF2, but everytime I try to run the phpunit command, I get this error.
If you install PHPUnit via Composer you can receive this error message.
Do not have anything related to ZF2.
In this commit Sebastian fix this issue.
You only need to update to "3.7.x-dev" instead of ">=3.7.1" or something similar
After making some changes in a JSON manifest file, I was trying to update it following the Amazon documentation:
ask smapi update-skill-manifest -g development -s amzn1.ask.skill.xxxx --manifest "skillManifest.json" --debug
I kept getting this error:
The error was not pointing to what the error was but my guess was that it was related to the parameters, but that was strange as I was following the documentation to letter.
I then tried, instead of passing the json file, to cat the content of the file, which would be either:
For Powershell: --manifest "$(type skillmanifest.json)"
For Linux: --manifest "$(cat skillmanifest.json)"
I still kept getting the same error.
Firstly, for debugging and getting a more accurate error, I checked my ASK-CLi version, which was outdated.
After updating ASK to the latest version I was still getting the same error.
At that point it started including an error object, which was saying:
When looking into Parsing error due to invalid body. and INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER through the error codes, it just said the body of the request cannot be parsed.
After research and playing around, the problem was the manifest parameter, changing it to "file:FILENAME" solved the issue:
--manifest "file:skillmanifest.json"
The documentation is not stating this but it seems necessary for it to go through.
I hope this helps someone out there avoid spending a full day troubleshooting.
I am trying to run results from recording.log, as instructed from I am running below command to see in browser view:
shinyloadtest::shinyloadtest_report(df, "run1.html")
but throwing an error :
to resolve this, when I am trying install pandoc, throwing below error
what I am doing wrong in this?
can any one please help me on this!
My Issue was resolved, I have used one command in R Studio that can overpass pandoc issue:
I use composer require mpdf/mpdf to install it.
when trying example I got error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting '&' or variable
(T_VARIABLE) in /var/www/randomizer/library/mpdf/src/functions-dev.php
on line 4
hope someone can help me with this issue.
Ensure you are running PHP5.6 or higher when attempting to run the examples. Your CLI might be a different version which is why it didn't complain when you installed Mpdf via composer.
It was working php artisan serve! After its not working! I didn't understand.Did you any suggest to look for it.
And giving error this
First of all you need to investigate why this error occurred. You have typo, Check your app\Http\routes.php and change reoute to Route
You have a typo in your source code. Use your editor (PHPStorm?) to find the word reoute in all your project files. It should be, probably route.
Also, make sure you did not modified any of the Laravel files (vendor/laravel/framework). It may be causing this error too.
I solve this! Because it was writing reoute::get('notes/{notes}/edit', 'NotesController#edit'); on web.php. I changed Route::get('notes/{notes}/edit', 'NotesController#edit');
In this error message shows the "reoute" class not found.Then first u should consider about the error message.go to app\Http\routes.php and you can find error.change class reout to Route
Something similar happened to me. I've created a laravel project. Until yesterday the php artisan serve command was working. Today, I ran the same command and the following error appeared:
Class 'Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory' not found
I solved it by deleting the vendor directory and executing the composer update command. After that I was able to execute the command php artisan serve.
when I call bundle install as a AfterInstall hook, I get the error: "opt/codedeploy-agent/Gemfile not found"
Any ideas what the issue might be?
I just ran into this.
I found the answer at, which is adding unset BUNDLE_GEMFILE at the top of your script.
I don't know why CodeDeploy is setting this ENV variable.