Apple iMessage - ForceICQPlainText - plist

I want to change ForceICQPlainText in ~/Library/Preferences/com.Apple.iChat.AIM.plist so my iMessage doesn't sends HTML-Code. But after I changed it and restarted my Mac 7 times I gave up.
Nothing seems to work:
ForceICQPlainText = ":true";
ForceICQPlainText = true;
ForceICQPlainText = "true";
ForceICQPlainText = ":yes";
ForceICQPlainText = "YES";
ForceICQPlainText = YES;
ForceICQPlainText = ":true";
What do I need to type, to get only text massages?
I always did a reboot and I locked the file too.

shutdown messages
open ~/Libriary/Preserences in finder
find com.Apple.iChat.AIM.plis file
open the plist in xcode (your might need to install it first, it's free)
[cmd]-F to find the tag
select "YES" in drop-down
[cmd]-S to save
close xcode
[ctrl]-click on the file and select "Get Info"
scroll down to very bottom
select read-only instead read&write
reboot your mac


Send SQLite db file from within app

I have looked everywhere and I can't find out how to do this; I'm so frustrated...
How can I allow the user to send (via email) the SQLite db file?
That's it in a nutshell. I can convert it to string and attach, but I want to send the actual db file. And I'm using a new phone that doesn't have an external SD card.
The app is just a form that the user fills out, then it's saved to a SQLite database. That works wonderfully. As does printing the db to string (text) and then sending it. But, I want the user to email the actual db file (so I can use C# to read, process it, and "recreate" a real form).
Or should I be using something other than SQLite?
Edit: This is as far as I've made it. It seems to work, but it does not actually attach the file or rather the file is "blank/empty". Debug log says no such file or directory. screenshot of debug log here:
//trying again to send a SQL db file
//this seems to work and shows that it's attaching a file, but the file is empty so it won't attach
//gmail will say "cant attach empty file"
private void sendFile(String email){
File myFile = this.getFileStreamPath("testresults.db");
if(myFile != null) {
Log.d("LOG PRINT SHARE DB", "File Found, Here is file location: " + myFile.toString());
}else {
Log.w("Tag", "file not found!");
Uri contentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "com.columbiawestengineering.columbiawest.MainActivity", myFile);
Log.d("LOG PRINT SHARE DB", "contentUri got: here is contentUri: " + contentUri.toString());
//grant permision for app with package "com.columbiawestengineering.columbiawest", eg. before starting other app via intent
this.grantUriPermission("com.columbiawestengineering.columbiawest", contentUri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);
Log.d("LOG PRINT SHARE DB", "permission granted, here is contentUri: " + contentUri.toString());
Intent shareIntent = new Intent();
shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "blaaa subject");
String to[] = { email };
shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, to);
shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "blah blah message");
shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, contentUri);
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, "Send mail..."), 1252);
//revoke permisions
this.revokeUriPermission(contentUri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);
See this answer
Android Utility to send sqlite db to server
You could do this any number of ways. I'd say posting it to a web service is easiest. If you can only use email then I'd compress and encode it and attach it to an email but that sounds painful.
Solved. FileProvider cannot access the database directory. The db file must be copied to the files directory before it is attached. See solution here:Android: FileProvider "Failed to find configured root"

wsh currentdirectory broken on Win 8.1?

We use HTA files to build installation CD's, so that we can display some introductory information and links to different setup options - each link goes to the appropriate setup.exe etc file. This has worked fine up to and including Windows 7, but on 8.1 (- not tried 8.0) it fails with an error 'Cannot find the file specified'. Turns out that this is because the current directory is now C:\Windows\System32, whereas it used to be the directory where the file was located - on the CD drive, and so relative paths would work for the links to the other files on the CD; now they don't.
In other words using this code in an hta file:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function RunFile(appname)
WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
alert( WshShell.CurrentDirectory );
WshShell.Run(appname, 1, false);
on win 8.1 we see C:\Windows\System32 in the alert box and so relative paths such as ..\ourproduct\setup.exe no longer work.
Is this a bug? Any ideas how I can work around this?
You could extract the correct path from window.location.pathname, and then set the value to CurrentDirectory. I've used something like the code below:
var shell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell'),
defaultInstallationFolder = 'installation_folder_name',
currentPath = window.location.pathname.replace(/\\/g,'/'),
if (currentPath.charAt(0) === '/') { // For the browser environment
currentPath = currentPath.substring(1, currentPath.length);
currentPath = currentPath.split(defaultInstallationFolder);
defaultRootPath = currentPath[0] + defaultInstallationFolder;
shell.CurrentDirectory = defaultRootPath;
IE and HTA give a slightly different pathname (in IE it starts with /). Sometimes it's nice to debug a HTA in IE, hence the check for currentPath.

setting request headers in selenium

I'm attempting to set the request header 'Referer' to spoof a request coming from another site. We need the ability test that a specific referrer is used, which returns a specific form to the user, otherwise an alternative form is given.
I can do this within poltergeist by:
page.driver.headers = {"Referer" => referer_string}
but I can't find the equivalent functionality for the selemium driver.
How can I set request headers in the capybara selenium driver?
Webdriver doesn't contain an API to do it. See issue 141 from Selenium tracker for more info. The title of the issue says that it's about response headers but it was decided that Selenium won't contain API for request headers in scope of this issue. Several issues about adding API to set request headers have been marked as duplicates: first, second, third.
Here are a couple of possibilities that I can propose:
Use another driver/library instead of selenium
Write a browser-specific plugin (or find an existing one) that allows you to add header for request.
Use browsermob-proxy or some other proxy.
I'd go with option 3 in most of cases. It's not hard.
Note that Ghostdriver has an API for it but it's not supported by other drivers.
For those people using Python, you may consider using Selenium Wire which can set request headers as well as provide you with the ability to inspect requests and responses.
from seleniumwire import webdriver # Import from seleniumwire
# Create a new instance of the Chrome driver (or Firefox)
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Create a request interceptor
def interceptor(request):
del request.headers['Referer'] # Delete the header first
request.headers['Referer'] = 'some_referer'
# Set the interceptor on the driver
driver.request_interceptor = interceptor
# All requests will now use 'some_referer' for the referer
Install with:
pip install selenium-wire
I had the same issue. I solved it downloading modify-headers firefox add-on and activate it with selenium.
The code in python is the following
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
path_modify_header = 'C:/xxxxxxx/modify_headers-'
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.count", 1)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.action0", "Add")
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.name0", "Name_of_header") # Set here the name of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.value0", "value_of_header") # Set here the value of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.enabled0", True)
fp.set_preference("", True)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.config.alwaysOn", True)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)
Had the same issue today, except that I needed to set different referer per test. I ended up using a middleware and a class to pass headers to it. Thought I'd share (or maybe there's a cleaner solution?):
class CustomHeadersHelper
cattr_accessor :headers
class RequestHeaders
def initialize(app, helper = nil)
#app, #helper = app, helper
def call(env)
if #helper
headers = #helper.headers
if headers.is_a?(Hash)
headers.each do |k,v|
env["HTTP_#{k.upcase.gsub("-", "_")}"] = v
require 'request_headers'
if %w(test cucumber).include?(Rails.env)
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Lock, "RequestHeaders", CustomHeadersHelper
require 'request_headers'
module CapybaraHeaderHelpers
shared_context "navigating within the site" do
before(:each) { add_headers("Referer" => Capybara.app_host + "/") }
def add_headers(custom_headers)
if Capybara.current_driver == :rack_test
custom_headers.each do |name, value|
page.driver.browser.header(name, value)
CustomHeadersHelper.headers = custom_headers
config.include CapybaraHeaderHelpers
Then I can include the shared context wherever I need, or pass different headers in another before block. I haven't tested it with anything other than Selenium and RackTest, but it should be transparent, as header injection is done before the request actually hits the application.
I wanted something a bit slimmer for RSpec/Ruby so that the custom code only had to live in one place. Here's my solution:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.after(:suite) do
$custom_headers = nil
module RequestWithExtraHeaders
def headers
$custom_headers.each do |key, value|
self.set_header "HTTP_#{key}", value
end if $custom_headers
class ActionDispatch::Request
prepend RequestWithExtraHeaders
Then in my specs:
$custom_headers = {"Referer" => referer_string}
If you are using javacsript and only want to implement on chrome, Puppeteer is the best option as it has native support to modify headers.
Check this out:
Although for cross-browser usage you might check out #requestly/selenium npm package. It is a wrapper around requestly extension to enable easy integration in selenium-webdriver.The extension can modify headers.
Check out:
Setting request headers in the web driver directly does not work. This is true.
However, you can work around this problem by using the browser devtools (I tested with edge & chrome) and this works perfectly.
According to the documentation, you have the possibility to add custom headers:
Please find below an example.
public async Task AuthenticatedRequest()
await LogMessage("=== starting the test ===");
EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions {UseChromium = true};
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(_testsSettings.GridUrl), options.ToCapabilities(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));
//Get DevTools
IDevTools devTools = driver;
//DevTools Session
var session = devTools.GetDevToolsSession();
var devToolsSession = session.GetVersionSpecificDomains<DevToolsSessionDomains>();
await devToolsSession.Network.Enable(new Network.EnableCommandSettings());
var extraHeader = new Network.Headers();
var data = await Base64KerberosTicket();
var headerValue = $"Negotiate {data}";
await LogMessage($"header values is {headerValue}");
extraHeader.Add("Authorization", headerValue);
await devToolsSession.Network.SetExtraHTTPHeaders(new Network.SetExtraHTTPHeadersCommandSettings
Headers = extraHeader
driver.Url = _testsSettings.TestUrl;
await LogMessage("=== ending the test ===");
This is an example written in C# but the same shall probably work with java, python as well as the major platforms.
Hope it helps the community.
If you use the HtmlUnitDriver, you can set request headers by modifying the WebClient, like so:
final case class Header(name: String, value: String)
final class HtmlUnitDriverWithHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]) extends HtmlUnitDriver {
super.modifyWebClient {
val client = super.getWebClient
headers.foreach(h => client.addRequestHeader(, h.value))
The headers will then be on all requests made by the web browser.
With the solutions already discussed above the most reliable one is using Browsermob-Proxy
But while working with the remote grid machine, Browsermob-proxy isn't really helpful.
This is how I fixed the problem in my case. Hopefully, might be helpful for anyone with a similar setup.
Add the ModHeader extension to the chrome browser
How to download the Modheader? Link
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addExtensions(new File(C://Downloads//modheader//modheader.crx));
// Set the Desired capabilities
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
// Instantiate the chrome driver with capabilities
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(YOUR_HUB_URL), options);
Go to the browser extensions and capture the Local Storage context ID of the ModHeader
Navigate to the URL of the ModHeader to set the Local Storage Context
// set the context on the extension so the localStorage can be accessed
Where `idgpnmonknjnojddfkpgkljpfnnfcklj` is the value captured from the Step# 2
Now add the headers to the request using Javascript
"localStorage.setItem('profiles', JSON.stringify([{ title: 'Selenium', hideComment: true, appendMode: '',
headers: [
{enabled: true, name: 'token-1', value: 'value-1', comment: ''},
{enabled: true, name: 'token-2', value: 'value-2', comment: ''}
respHeaders: [],
filters: []
Where token-1, value-1, token-2, value-2 are the request headers and values that are to be added.
Now navigate to the required web-application.
You can do it with PhantomJSDriver.
PhantomJSDriver pd = ((PhantomJSDriver) ((WebDriverFacade) getDriver()).getProxiedDriver());
"this.onResourceRequested = function(request, net) {" +
" net.setHeader('header-name', 'header-value')" +
Using the request object, you can filter also so the header won't be set for every request.
If you just need to set the User-Agent header, there is an option for Chrome:
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.add_argument('user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"')
Now the browser sends User-Agent.

How to close already open browser from application in Qt

I am using QDeskTopServices to open a URL in my application in Qt, but if the browser is already open in background, it does not come to the foreground and does nothing on calling on QDeskTopServices.
Is there any way to check and close the browser if it is already open in background?
I found an answer for bringing browser to front but still work needed to pass the Url to browser.
#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
TPtrC16 textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(theUrl.utf16()));
HBufC *param = HBufC::NewMaxLC(textPtr.Length());
RApaLsSession apaLsSession;
const TUid KBrowserUid = {0x10008D39};
TApaTaskList taskList(CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession());
TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(KBrowserUid);
if (task.Exists()){
// Switch to existing browser instance
HBufC8* param8 = HBufC8::NewLC(param->Length());
task.SendMessage(TUid::Uid(0), *param8); // UID not used
else {
if(!apaLsSession.Handle()) {
TThreadId thread;
User::LeaveIfError(apaLsSession.StartDocument(*param, KBrowserUid, thread));
If any suggestion then please add it to the answer.
Problem solved, just add "symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += SwEvent" in your file and make signed app. This will solve the problem :)
using the above line you can open browser. And also just add "symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += SwEvent" in your file and make signed app.
Refer this LINK

Code working in local environment, but didn't work when hosted on iis

Requiremnet--on click of a button, a site will be created on iis.I am passing a name,that will become the name of the site on iis
I created a powershell script to do this.Using process.start, i want to open a powershell.exe and want to execute my code inside it.
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
Char[] chr = Password.ToCharArray();
System.Security.SecureString pwd = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (char c in chr)
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe";
//proc.StartInfo.Arguments = powershellScriptCode; //It contains powershell script to create a new website in iis
proc.StartInfo.UserName = UserName; //Comes from config file
proc.StartInfo.Password = pwd; //Comes from config file
proc.StartInfo.Domain = Domain; //Comes from config file
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
bool result = proc.Start();
when i run this code in local environment,it run sucessfully and creates a website, but when i run this code on IIS(After hosting), it is not able to create a site on what type of permissions i required.
You need to change the identitiy in the Application Pool. Go to IIS Manager -> Application Pools -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Identity. Change it to "Local system" and try again (but remember to change it back unless you know what you are doing, security-wise; if it works, create a user account with just the required permissions).
