Getting document height with Dart? - css

I'll say upfront that I feel like a total newb asking this. I've scoured the Dart docs, and googled this as much as I can. No answers. Been writing in JS for a while. Trying to get a handle on Dart.
How do you get the height of the document?
work just fine in the Dartium console.
However, when used in my code, I get this thrown
NoSuchMethodException : method not found: 'get:height'
What am I doing wrong here? And if you please, why is it wrong? What am I misunderstanding about the structure?

I'm still trying out dart, but you can use a future to get the computed height of the body:
document.body.rect.then((ElementRect value){
This should work.
The document doesn't contain any "height" in the publics neither in the Attributes map.


How to use syntax highlighting in next js?

I am able to parse the markdwon with the help of remark and remark-html. How can I add syntax highlighting features for the code element?
I've been searched for TWO whole days trying to use remark/rehype ecosystem on syntax highlighting which is way more complex to use. I'm still working on searching, it's better to avoid remark/rehype ecosystem and try another method.
Here I share list of my search, just give you some subjective perspective so that you won't waste you too much time on things that not working. None of them will work as you expected, and their sample code are obscure or just broken codes.
They move to support rehype. Are you a big fan of them wanna move as well?
You will get this error: Module parse failed: Unexpected character '�'
They states on their website: 🚨 This client is still very much a work in progress. Please open issues! 🚨View it on github at and this link is invalid.
It force you to use rehpye althought you can you remark-rehype for you to transfer easily. However, debug your code once you encounter some error will be helpless.
sample code use third-pary v-file to read file showing their code is working but not. and it reads html file not markdown file.
It's hard for you to grasp their concept to use their plugins to easily. It waste most of you valuable time to think what they think.
I give up remark/rehype ecosystem and stay away from them. Good luck! :)

How can I get a Clip object for a ClipLauncherSlot?

I have a ClipLauncherSlot in Bitwig API, and I'd like to get ahold of the Clip within it so I can transpose it on user input.
The docs aren't online that I know of, so I can't link to them. But extensive searching has yielding absolutely no way of getting ahold of Clip objects in general.
I think you're supposed to work with a CursorClip.
Instead of directly accessing the clip, you access it through a CursorClip. The CursorClip will follow your selection and always represent the currently selected clip.
Something like this:
CursorClip cursorClip = host.createLauncherCursorClip()
// Now your cursorClips represents the desired clip.
Not entirely sure about the exact implementation, maybe you have to do some additonal steps for the cursor to correctly follow, but something like this should work.
See also here: for a similar problem. They had some problems with execution time, keep that in mind if you run into unexpected behaviour.

JDEdwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 Debugging jdeObjectCall

I have a UBE that is failing after making a call to a jdeObjectCall. The API returns a 1, indicating a warning, which indicates to the report to stop processing.
The image below shows the jdeObjectCall in question that is returning a 1.
I'd like to determine why jdeObjectCall is returning a warning, so that I can investigate a fix.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated!
Cheers, Cam.
I was able to determine the answer to this question with some help from the forum The topic in which I discovered my answer can be found here:
The way I found my solution is as follows. Apologies for the high-level steps. There is some assumed knowledge here. If you are interested in a more in-depth explanation of one of these items please comment and I will provide it.
Enable logging in the jde.ini file.
Debug the locally.
Examine the output of the log file using a tool like JDETrace.
You can do a search for your business function within JDETrace. In my case, I searched for EditDate.
The line in the log will let you know the name of the busines function object.
Checkout the object in object management workbench.
Find the line where the EditDate function exists.
Place a breakpoint on this line and continue debugging.

Solve deprecation about $this- get('twig')-> getextension('form')

I'm getting message like this in an application:
Referencing the "form" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is deprecated since 1.26 and will be removed in Twig 2.0. Use the Fully Qualified Extension Class Name instead
The code causing this is:
There seem to be some related threads, but I've been unable to find a solution for this. I've also taken a deep look at deprecation notes, but I've been unable to find anything that, with my knowledge, helps me to solve the problem. I'd ask for a clear solution for what I have to do to get rid of this message, that doesn't allow me to even try to upgrade.
Thanks in advance.
Well, I think I've found the solution. I just needed to find out the FQCN for the specific call, and it's
So, adding
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension;
and replacing
solved the problem.
I think there should be a more specific guide about what to replace and the replacement for each case.
PD: I'm trying to find out how to mark this as solved, but maybe I'm not allowed to do this kind of things yet.

Quartz 2D substitude for graphicsPort in SDK 10.10

The scenario:
I'm editing some CGImages and strangely enough until now I was first creating NSImages from those CGImages before drawing them. So I tried to change the code so that I would draw the CGImages directly in into NSGraphicsContext.currentContext().graphicsPort. As you see I'm using Swing here but the same problem goes for Objective-C I presume.
Having a look into the documentation I saw that graphicsPort will be deprecated in 10.10, but I couldn't find another way to the current CGContext from NSGraphicsContext nor is there a way to create the CGContext from an NSGraphicsContext.
The Question:
Does anybody know what the proper way to retrieve the context would be? If not - Is there a way to cast the graphicsPort's COpaquePointer, which apparently is an initialized NSPipeObject, to a CGContextRef? Although using code that has already been marked deprecated would be quite unsatisfactory I would consider it until there is a better solution.
After spending a half hour digging around for information on this, I realized I should just check out the header file for NSGraphicsContext. Turns out there's a new property on NSGraphicsContext that's apparently not documented yet: CGContext. The header also notes that this should be used instead of graphicsPort.
