With Meteor, why calling MyCollection.findOne affects other template functions? - meteor

I am using findOne just to fetch one certain element for my collection.
However, when I do that, all my template functions containing those collections are re-run and the content refreshed. The content is similar, the problem is I am applying styles to some of those elements, and these updates just reset everything as well. More importantly: those refreshes are completely useless.
For example, I have this template:
Template.content.cars = function () {
alert("I AM RERUN!");
return Cars.find();
And in another function, I am doing this:
Cars.findOne({ _id: Session.get('current_car') }, {});
Why would be the first template re-run? Am I doing something wrong?

I'm not sure why your first template would be re-run: are you sure something else isn't going on?
But as a general non-answer to your question: you should expect that a template which depends on the entirety of a collection will be re-run many times (for instance as the data loads incrementally when the page first renders). With meteor you need to write your HTML/CSS in such a way that this re-rendering won't cause problems.
Without knowing more about your problem I can't really say more than that.


How to get current year in a Nunjucks template within Apostrophe CMS

I am in the process of adding a copyright line to the footer of a website that I have been working on and I cannot find the best way to get the current dynamically into the footer so I never have to set it again. I have tried multiple things, including a global setting that can be accessed from anywhere, but nothing has worked.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Write an ApostropheCMS nunjucks helper function. See those docs for the general issues around this. Your specific function could look like:
thisYear: function() {
return new Date().getFullYear();
If you put that in construct of a module of your own, let's say it's called helpers, then you can call it in Nunjucks as {{ apos.helpers.thisYear() }}.
These are very handy, just remember they cannot do any async work.

Where does Meteor.subscribe() belong?

I just noticed that my subscription code "Meteor.subscribe('my-publications')" at the top of my JS file affects ALL my templates, not just the template that the JS file is created for.
This was unexpected because all the demos did it this way.
Where is the subscription code suppose to be in if I want it to affect one template only? Inside Template.name.created()?
Don't assume the only data in minimongo is what is relevant to your template. Be specific when selecting your data for the template.
You have several options as far as subscriptions go, the most common by far is adding a subscription to the waitOn section of your routes definitions. Using waitOn will result in the subscription being unsubscribed when the route is no longer in use.
Router.map(function() {
this.route('route', {
waitOn: function(){ return Meteor.subscribe("yourSub"; }
You can also subscribe per template. A package I've created for this purpose can be added via
meteor add elevatedevdesign:template-subscriptions
This pattern will also be coming soon as a part of blaze, but with some slight differences in how you call it. This will automatically unsubscribe when the template is no longer active. It also allow's subs-manager to be subscribed to on template destruction.

Meteor - Understanding template 'rendered' calls

I'm a bit of a newb in Meteor so this is possibly a trivial question for you Meteor masters out there.
I use a template which has a couple of child templates:
<template name="parent">
{{> child1}}
{{> child2}}
I noticed that parent.rendered and child1.rendered functions are invoked when reactive data under child2 changes.
My understanding of meteor docs is that only child2.rendered should be called. So, what I am seeing should not happen, yet for a reason which is beyond me, it does.
To rule out any noise, I gutted the child1 template (to contain only an empty div). Still, its rendered function is called.
Can anyone provide insight?
As of Meteor, the parent template will be re-rendered but the sibling child templates will not.
Here is a simple example Meteor app that shows this in action:
Keep in mind that Meteor UI is getting a drastic overhaul before Meteor 1.0 lands so a lot of things may change with respect to how templating works.
Just hypothesizing here, but I think the entire page rerenders when any reactive data changes. For example, if you were to have data in Session.get('test') and the only time the value of that is inserted into the DOM is in child2, I believe the entire page still rerenders.

Using third party javascript package with Meteor

I'm working with Meteor at the moment, and I'm trying to make it look more 'real timey' by adding transitions to numbers as they change. The best third party package I can see for that is http://github.hubspot.com/odometer/.
I'm having trouble getting the package to work in Meteor to update comment numbers on an item.
I've tried putting the javascript into client/compatibility as per the meteor docs: http://docs.meteor.com/#structuringyourapp, but no joy.
The other issue might be that the package uses CSS transitions, which would mean that a re-rendering of the template around the number that is updating would prevent the transition from occurring. To try and fix this problem, I used {{#isolate}} around the number, but that didn't work either.
Has anyone got any other ideas on what else in meteor might be getting in the way?
I think you should try {{#constant}} instead of {{#isolate}}. Also note, that the "constant" part of your template will no longer be reactive, so you'll have to update it manually. Supposing that you have a template
<template name="myTemplate">
<span class="odometer"></span>
you will need to do something like this:
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function () {
var node = this.find('.odometer');
Deps.autorun(function () {
node.innerHtml = MyCollection.find({}).count();

Meteor+Blade template variables catch 22

I'm trying to use a variable in my Blade template, but I always get
ReferenceError: files is not defined
My understanding is that the proper way to pass a variable to a template is something like this (client/ceres.js):
Meteor.startup(function() {
Files = new Meteor.Collection('files');
Template['files'].files = function() {
return Files.find();
(Copying from the "todos" example)
And then I should be able to use it in my template, views/files.blade:
foreach files as file
li= file.filename
But I guess the variable is passed to the template too late? But if I take my JS out of Meteor.js then Template isn't defined.
So I don't get it. Either my template doesn't exist, or the variable doesn't exist, and it always crashes. How do I pass a simple variable along?
Same error with this:
- for(var i=0; i<files.length; ++i)
li= files[i].filename
This is a known issue with Meteor that is actively being worked on.
The problem is that Meteor prevents smart packages from specifying the load order of files. See issue here.
Because of this issue, it is possible that your client-side JavaScript will run before the templates are loaded. (There is a hack in Meteor that ensures Handlebars templates load before your custom code) For example, Template.foo.helperName = function() { ... } will fail if Template.foo has not yet been defined.
Check the generated HTML (view source) for the initial page load to see if your client-side JavaScript code is loading before the template is defined. If so, you may get an Error like:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'helperName' of undefined`
To workaround this issue, try putting your client-side code in a folder with a different name. I believe that Meteor currently sorts files alphabetically when determining the load order. See the troubleshooting section on this page for more information.
A similar workaround is to utilize Meteor.startup when adding view helpers to your views. That is, you can wrap your Template.foo.helperName = ... stuff in a Meteor.startup call. If you are using a body.blade template, though, you can end up with the opposite problem (i.e. the "catch 22") in which your body.blade template starts rendering before view helpers get setup. In this case, you can get errors since those helpers/variables are not yet defined. The solution here is to avoid using body.blade templates and only render the initial template once all view helpers have been loaded (i.e. at the end of your Meteor.startup routine).
At any rate, all of these workarounds are rather lame. :( But, alas! These issues should be fixed soon.
As soon as Meteor fixes the issue described above, I will modify the Blade smart package to enforce the load order of compiled templates. My apologies for the confusion.
Turns out you can't include files that use Template variables either. i.e., you can't use the include directive in Blade at all if you want to use variables in your template that haven't been initialized by Meteor yet -- you have to insert your template via jQuery/JS after the DOM has loaded. Example:
h1 Page Title
foreach files as file
- console.log(file);
li= file.filename
Files = new Meteor.Collection('files');
Template.files.files = function() {
return Files.find();
$(function() {
