Access the controls from a web page -

I want to access the content(controls) on an external web page
There are a few controls there like the text box, get the value of it,
redirect to
supplying necessary input

You can use this code based on WebClient
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
byte[] raw = wc.DownloadData("");
//it's also possible to use DownloadString
string webData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw);
And so you can parse webData in order to get your wished value


Is there an equivalent to GetRouteUrl() at application/class level (.Net 4.8)?

Within classic webforms ASPX pages, I create URL routes using the following:
var url = this.GetRouteUrl("MyRouteName", new {UserId = 123}); // Generates /UserId/123
MyRouteName is defined within the Routes.RegisterRoutes() method used at startup.
However, I need to generate a URL within a helper method that lives at application-level. There is obviously no page context there, so I get an error.
The MSDN documentation states:
This method is provided for coding convenience. It is equivalent to
calling the RouteCollection.GetVirtualPath(RequestContext,
RouteValueDictionary) method. This method converts the object that is
passed in routeParameters to a RouteValueDictionary object by using
the RouteValueDictionary.RouteValueDictionary(Object) constructor.
I read these, but cannot figure out whether what I need to achieve is possible. An online search revealed some answers, but these are many years old an not easy to implement.
The following works to generate the equivalent of GetRouteUrl at application/class level:
var url = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
new RouteValueDictionary(new { UserId = 123 })).VirtualPath;
Remember that only returns a local Url (e.g. /UserId/123) so if you need to domain name you'll have to prepend that as well:
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
new RouteValueDictionary(new { UserId = 123 })).VirtualPath;
I have in my Global.asax file in the Application_Start
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("Level1", "{lvl1}", "~/Routing.aspx");//Any name will do for the aspx page.
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("Level2", "{lvl1}/{*lvl2}", "~/Routing.aspx");
Then my Routing.aspx.cs page handles the logic for what will happen with the request.
Mainly I Server.Transfer to an aspx page which will display the requested page.
Routing.aspx page picks up any "non-existing" page.
Hope this helps or at least gives you some more ideas.

Run a URL in background without opening in browser on clicking a button

I am using aspx with vb.I have a textbox and a login button.
On clicking this button,if username is correct, I need to run a URL in background without showing in browser.
Username is get from the textbox
Dim url As String
url = "" & txtUser.Text
You need to perform an async request to the server. You can use jquery ajax or native XMLHttpRequest to perform it on a client-side. If you want to perform request on a server-side you can use WebRequest or WebClient. Give me to know if you need a detailed example with on of this features.
You can use WebRequest Class or you can use HTTPClient class and Get the response stream from the URL, Then you can parse the response in memmory from the data for example if your data is HTML you can Load it in an XDocument and extract whatever information is required from the response , and it is better to use async and await to access the external Url.
Dim client As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
'Dim urlContents As Byte() = Await client.GetByteArrayAsync(url).

Comparing URLs in ASP.NET

I have an application that crawls a web site for unique link urls (i.e. hrefs) and then saves the urls to a database. I will ensure that there is url for each page in the site. Below is the code for getting the string that is saved to the database.
'url is the url obtained from the link's href
Dim uriReturn As Uri = New Uri(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)
'Make it absolute if it's relative
If Not uriReturn.IsAbsoluteUri Then
Dim baseUri As New Uri(BaseUrl)
uriReturn = New Uri(baseUri, uriReturn)
End If
Return LCase(uriReturn.ToString)
In another part of the application I have section that queries the database with the url of the current page. Below is the code for getting the current page url.
Dim CurrentURL As String = lcase(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
My question is can I be sure that I will find a match in the database using the current page url? That is could there be differences in the string obtained from the href and the string returned from the current page even through they point to the same page? Is there a way to convert the urls to ensure they will always match?
Since BaseURl is not defined, can't tell if you got it correct. But BaseUrl should be = Request.Url.
And your
Dim CurrentURL As String = lcase(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
Since you are doing store/retrieve, I suggests you standardize your methods. In store section, you use uriReturn.ToString(), so in the retrieve section, you should also use ToString() instead of AbsoluteUri.

Retrieving HTML from ASP.NET page on postback

I've found a few posts about retrieving HTML from an ASPX page, mostly by overriding the render method, using a WebClient, or creating an HttpWebRequest. All these methods return the HTML of the page as it's loaded, but I was hoping to actually retrieve the HTML after the user has entered information.
The purpose behind this is that I work in IT, and I'm attempting to build a logging library that has an overload that essentially does a "screen-scrape" on the page just as the user encounters an exception, that way I can log the exception, and create an HTML file in a sub-directory of the logging directory that shows the page exactly as the user had it before clicking "submit" or having some other random error, and add an "ID" to the error that's logged telling whoever is fixing the issue which page to look at.
I hope I've provided enough information, because I really have no idea where to start.
Also, We'd like to do this through our own library, because our logging library is included in our common library, and many of our common library functions use our logging class.
If you want to see what the user sees after they've been using the page, you're most likely going to have to do some fancy client-side scripting.
A naive approach:
When the clicks the submit button, fire a JavaScript event that encodes the DOM and either passes it as a form variable to the server, or executes a separate AJAX request with the encoded data as a parameter. ("Encode" in this case may be as simple as grabbing document.innerHtml, but I haven't checked.)
This potentially introduces a lot of overhead to every form submission, so I'd keep it out of production code.
I'm not sure why you need the rendered HTML as part of your exception log - I've never found it necessary for server-side debugging.
You getting HTML code from a website. You can use code like this.
string urlAddress = "";
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader readStream = null;
if (response.CharacterSet == null)
readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream);
readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet));
string data = readStream.ReadToEnd();

ASP.NET Request - Can I get a posted file from a dynamic control created on client?

I have a web control with some custom javascript. The javascript creates new file upload controls on the client dynamically using code similar to:
var newFileUpload = document.createElement('input');
newFileUpload.type = 'file';
container.appendChild(newFileUpload); // where container is a div
This exists in an ASP.NET form with encType set to multipart/form-data. I will have 1 - n controls on the page (well, limited to a reasonable number, of course).
I now would like to capture the uploaded files in my ASP.NET application. Because of the approach taken above I know that I cannot capture them as I would from a FileUpload control (which unfortunately I cannot use). Is there another way to capture the uploaded files?
I have looked through a number of areas, including:
But I have not been able to find the content. I believe the client is submitting this data correctly but have been unable to determine what the server does with the raw request information (if this is even exposed).
Does anyone have any suggestions on areas I might further explore?
You should add a unique name to your upload element to get it from Request.Form collection.
var newFileUpload = document.createElement('input');
newFileUpload.type = 'file';
// = 'file01'; = 'file01';
EDIT : I tried id and name attibutes, the with name, you can get the content by
Also if you should add the attribute below to your form element. This allows you to get the file content by Request.Files["file01"] :
