Access (exporting) function from namespace - r

I know something similar has been asked before here on SO, but the solution given there doesn't seem to apply in my case.
I'm trying to follow convention in creating a package by referring to functions exported from other namespaces and avoiding use of require() within a function.
I'm basically trying to prevent a function taking too long to run. For example,
fun <- function(i){
setTimeLimit(elapsed=10, transient=TRUE) # prevent taking more than 10secs
Works fine, but if I try:
fun <- function(i){
R.utils:::setTimeLimit(elapsed=10, transient=TRUE) # prevent taking more than 10secs
I get:
Error in get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE) :
object 'setTimeLimit' not found
Changing ::: to :: doesn't change this behavior.
I'm open to any simpler methods to achieving the same objective.
Also is it really so bad to have require() calls inside a function?
Many thanks!
If import works then great, thanks. Still in development so wanted to make sure it would be OK.
Apologies, it's there in base. Not sure how I missed this; I was originally using R.utils::evalWithTimeout and must have assumed both were in the same package. *looks sheepish*

I'm just posting this to prevent the question from showing up as unanswered, but will be glad to accept another...
isTRUE("setTimeLimit" %in% ls(getNamespace("base"), all.names=TRUE))


R generic dispatching to attached environment

I have a bunch of functions and I'm trying to keep my workspace clean by defining them in an environment and attaching the environment. Some of the functions are S3 generics, and they don't seem to play well with this approach.
A minimum example of what I'm experiencing requires 4 files:
testfun.R <- function(object) print("x")
ttt <- function(object) UseMethod("ttt")
ttt2 <- function() {
yyy <- structure(1, class="xxx")
In testfun.R I define an S3 generic ttt and a method, I also define a function ttt2 calling the generic.
test_env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
source("testfun.R", local=test_env)
In testenv.R I source testfun.R to an environment, which I attach.
xxx <- structure(1, class="xxx")
test1.R sources testfun.R to the global environment. Both ttt2 and a direct function call work.
xxx <- structure(1, class="xxx")
test2.R uses the "attach" approach. ttt2 still works (and prints "x" to the console), but the direct function call fails:
Error in UseMethod("ttt") :
no applicable method for 'ttt' applied to an object of class "xxx"
however, calling ttt and without arguments show that they are known, ls(pos=2) shows they are on the search path, and sloop::s3_dispatch(ttt(xxx)) tells me it should work.
This questions is related to Confusion about UseMethod search mechanism and the link therein, but I cannot get my head around what is going on: why is it not working and how can I get this to work.
I've tried both R Studio and R in the shell.
Based on the answers below I changed my testenv.R to:
test_env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
source("testfun.R", local=test_env)
if (is.null(.__S3MethodsTable__.))
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
for (func in grep(".", ls(envir = test_env), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE))
.__S3MethodsTable__.[[func]] <- test_env[[func]]
rm(test_env, func)
... and this works (I am only using "." as an S3 dispatching separator).
It’s a little-known fact that you must use .S3method() to define methods for S3 generics inside custom environments (outside of packages).1 The reason almost nobody knows this is because it is not necessary in the global environment; but it is necessary everywhere else since R version 3.6.
There’s virtually no documentation of this change, just a technical blog post by Kurt Hornik about some of the background. Note that the blog post says the change was made in R 3.5.0; however, the actual effect you are observing — that S3 methods are no longer searched in attached environments — only started happening with R 3.6.0; before that, it was somehow not active yet.
… except just using .S3method will not fix your code, since your calling environment is the global environment. I do not understand the precise reason why this doesn’t work, and I suspect it’s due to a subtle bug in R’s S3 method lookup. In fact, using getS3method('ttt', 'xxx') does work, even though that should have the same behaviour as actual S3 method lookup.
I have found that the only way to make this work is to add the following to testenv.R:
if (is.null(.__S3MethodsTable__.)) {
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
.__S3MethodsTable__.$ <-
… in other words: supply .GlobalEnv manually with an S3 methods lookup table. Unfortunately this relies on an undocumented S3 implementation detail that might theoretically change in the future.
Alternatively, it “just works” if you use ‘box’ modules instead of source. That is, you can replace the entirety of your testenv.R by the following:
This code treats testfun.R as a local module and loads it, attaching all exported names (via the attach declaration [...]).
1 (and inside packages you need to use the equivalent S3method namespace declaration, though if you’re using ‘roxygen2’ then that’s taken care of for you)
First of all, my advice would be: don't try to reinvent R packages. They solve all the problems you say you are trying to solve, and others as well.
Secondly, I'll try to explain what went wrong in test2.R. It calls ttt on an xxx object, and is on the search list, but is not found.
The problem is how the search for happens. The search doesn't look for in the search list, it looks for it in the environment from which ttt was called, then in an object called .__S3MethodsTable__.. I think there are two reasons for this:
First, it's a lot faster. It only needs to look in one or two places, and the table can be updated whenever a package is attached or detached, a relatively rare operation.
Second, it's more reliable. Each package has its own methods table, because two packages can use the same name for generics that have nothing to do with each other, or can use the same class names that are unrelated. So package code needs to be able to count on finding its own definitions first.
Since your call to ttt() happens at the top level, that's where R looks first for, but it's not there. Then it looks in the global .__S3MethodsTable__. (which is actually in the base environment), and it's not there either. So it fails.
There is a workaround that will make your code work. If you run
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- list2env(list( =
as the last line of testenv.R, then you'll create a methods table in the global environment. (Normally there isn't one there, because that's user space, and R doesn't like putting things there unless the user asks for it.)
R will find that methods table, and will find the method that it defines. I wouldn't be surprised if this breaks some other aspect of S3 dispatch, so I don't recommend doing it, but give it a try if you insist on reinventing the package system.

Detect methods in other environments in R -- for testing in testthat

Is it possible to allow "UseMethod" to see class functions defined in other environments? See the below code for an example. I would like the h.logical to be detected too such that h(TRUE) would return "logical".
h <- function(x) {
h.character <- function(x){ "char"}
h.numeric <- function(x) { "num" }
aa = list(h.logical=function(x){"logical"})
This code now throws an error in the last line:
Error in UseMethod("h") : no applicable method for 'h' applied to an object of class "logical"
Solving the issue with this example suffices. If that is not possible, I would appreciate help solving the actual use case in another way.
The use case is as follows: I have a package with functions like h above, then I want to add a class to that function. This works fine just adding the new function to .Globalenv. The problem occurs when I want to test this using testthat as I am not allowed to write to .Globalenv within a test. Adding the new class function to some other environment within the test makes it detectable by methods(), however, UseMethod still does not see it and throws an error. Any ideas?
Can I use something else then UseMethod for this purpose or do some other hack while testing to mimic the actual usage?
Any help or pointers to how to handle this is highly appreciated!

Editing a function in R using trace?

I noticed there is a bug in a function from a package I want to use. An issue has been made on GitHub, but the creator hasn't adressed this yet, and I need the function as soon as possible.
Therefore I want to edit the code. Apparently this is possible by editing the source, repacking and installing the entire package, I can rewrite the function and reassign the namespace, but also possibly by just editing the function in the current session using trace().
I already found out I can do:
The line I want to edit is located in the second step of the function.
Specifically, it is this line in the code I need to edit. I have to change to An example in case the link dies:
functionx(){if{...} else if(grepl("miRNA", data.type, {...}}
I haven't really found a practical example on how to proceed from here, so can anyone show me an example of how to do this, or lead me to a practical example of using trace? Or perhaps reassigning the function to the namespace?
For your specific case, you could probably indeed work around it using trace.
From the link you provide I don't know why you speak of a function inside a function, but this should work:
# example
trace("grepl", tracer = quote( <- TRUE))
grepl("hi", "Hi")
## Tracing grepl("hi", "Hi") on entry
## [1] TRUE
# your case (I assume)
trace("readTranscriptomeProfiling", tracer = quote( <- TRUE))
Note that this would be more complicated if the argument that you want to fix wasn't already at the right position in the call.
I faced a similar problem once and solved it using assignInNamespace(). I don't have your package installed so I cannot be sure this will work for you, but I think it should. You would proceed as follows:
Make the version of the function you want, as edited:
# I would just copy the function off github and change the offending line
readTranscripttomeProfiling <- function() {"Insert code here"}
# Get the problematic version of the function out of the package namespace
tmpfun <- get("readTranscripttomeProfiling",
envir = asNamespace("TCGAbiolinks"))
# Make sure the new function has the environment of the old
# function (there are possibly easier ways to do this -- I like
# to get the old function out of the namespace to be sure I can do
# it and am accessing what I want to access)
environment(readTranscripttomeProfiling) <- environment(tmpfun)
# Replace the old version of the function in the package namespace
# with your new version
readTranscripttomeProfiling, ns = "TCGAbiolinks")
I found this solution in another StackOverflow response, but cannot seem to find the original at the moment.

R Functions require package declaration when they are included from another file?

I am writing some data manipulation scripts in R, and I finally decided to create an external .r file and call my functions from there. But it started giving me some problems when I try calling some functions. Simple example:
This one works with no problem:
change_column_names <- function(file,new_columns,seperation){
new_data <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep=seperation)
colnames(new_data) <- new_columns
write.table(new_data, file=file, sep=seperation, quote=FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
change_column_names("myfile.txt",c("Column1", "Column2", "Cost"),"|")
When I crate a file "data_manipulation.r", and put the above change_column_names function in there, and do this
change_column_names("myfile.txt",c("Column1", "Column2", "Cost"),"|")
it does not work. It gives me could not find function "read.table" error. I fixed it by changing the function calls to util:::read.table and util:::write.table .
But this kinda getting frustrating. Now I have the same issue with the aggregate function, and I do not even know what package it belongs to.
My questions: Which package aggregate belongs to? How can I easily know what packages functions come from? Any cleaner way to handle this issue?
The sys.source() by default evaluates inside the base environment (which is empty) rather than the global environment (where you usually evaluate code). You probably should just be using source() instead.
You can also see where functions come from by looking at their environment.
# <environment: namespace:stats>
For the first part of your question: If you want to find what package a function belongs to, and that function is working properly you can do one of two (probably more) things:
1.) Access the help files
?aggregate and you will see the package it belongs to in the top of the help file.
Another way, is to simply type aggregate without any arguments into the R console:
> aggregate
function (x, ...)
<bytecode: 0x7fa7a2328b40>
<environment: namespace:stats>
The namespace is the package it belongs to.
2.) Both of those functions that you are having trouble with are base R functions and should always be loaded. I was not able to recreate the issue. Try using source instead of sys.source and let me know if it alleviates your error.

Method initialisation in R reference classes

I've noticed some strange behaviour in R reference classes when trying to implement some optimisation algorithm. There seems to be some behind-the-scenes parsing magic involved in initialising methods in a particular which makes it difficult to work with anonymous functions.
Here's an example that illustrates the difficulty: I define a function to optimise (f_opt), a function that runs optim on it, and a reference class that has these two as methods. The odd behaviour will be clearer in the code
f_opt <- function(x) (t(x)%*%x)
do_optim_opt <- function(x) optim(x,f)
do_optim2_opt <- function(x)
f(x) #Pointless extra evaluation
optClass <- setRefClass("optClass",methods=list(do_optim=do_optim_opt,
oc <- optClass$new()
oc$do_optim(rep(0,2)) #Doesn't work: Error in function (par) : object 'f' not found
oc$do_optim2(rep(0,2)) #Works.
oc$do_optim(rep(0,2)) #Parsing magic has presumably happened, and now this works too.
Is it just me, or does this look like a bug to other people too?
This post in R-devel seems relevant, with workaround
do_optim_opt <- function(x, f) optim(x, .self$f)
Seems worth a post to R-devel.
