Responsive Layout - PX, EM, or %? - css

I am building a responsive page layout and it works great so far, but I have a question:
Should I be using em, px or %?
For example, I want to have border radius applied to an element. Should I use this code:
border-radius: 1.563em;
Or this:
border-radius: 25px;
Should I be using ems for similar properties or should I stick with px?

Generally, don't use px for responsive layouts.
If you use a px-based media query, then your layout may end up looking like crap when the user zooms. And unfortunately, that I know all to well because I made that mistake too.
Regarding your example with border-radius, you may discover the two look really different when the font-size is increased - demo. The first and the third use px for border-radius, while the second and the fourth use em.
But there will be exceptions and if something doesn't feel right on zoom (for example, a box-shadow that looks exaggerated), try it with px as well.
Also check this article.

Just for info, if it helps, it's possible to use rem . It solves the problem of "cascading size" with em. If you set
body { font-size :62.5 %; } /* Trick to have 1em =10px */
li {font-size:1.4em; }
your <li> will be 14px, but if you have a list in a list, the second level <li> will be at 20px, and at third level will be 27px, etc..
With rem ( means "root em" ), all <li> are at the size you define.
More info :
and ( in french )


How to work with percentage rates instead of px rates in responsive design?

So I've applied for a front end job few months ago and got interviewed and they've given me a test task. One of the requirements of this task is that they want the website to be infinitely variable scalable like this one.
To quote the task description it says:
If you scale down the browser window, everything fits perfectly because everything scales in the same ratio. For that you have to work with percentage rates instead of px rates.
Now, my problem is I am a PX guy, I mean I build all of my projects using px and not that confident on using different unit such as em, vw, rem etc. Well I've use other unit like vh but I don't use it often.
So what's the best way to learn or any roadmap that'll help me to migrate from px to percentage. Should I just use tools like px to em?
Practice does make perfect
The short answer is... Start practicing using percentage-based units as that's how you'll learn the little catches. This is a good career move anyway as the idea of matching pixels to a design was crushed long ago with HiDPI screens, mobile devices, etc all rendering pixels differently.
Getting Started
Practically, you need a place to start and that means learning a few new CSS tools.
Use rem as a substitute for pixels.
Unlike an em that's relative to its parent font-size, a Rem is relative to the font-size of the root element (usually body) which means its GLOBAL. You can use rems everwhere (font-size, margin, padding, position, etc) and they're ALL based on the root size.
So let's say the root font size is 16px (typical browser default). That means 1rem = 16px. Now a 16px base isn't overly useful when you're doing math in your head. Jonathan Snook wrote about why this works years ago but the basic formula is set the base font size to 62.5% (of 16px) this means that 1rem = 10px and it's much easier to do the math.
Here's what that looks like in code:
body {
font-size: 62.5%;
h1 {
font-size: 2.4rem;
/* 2.4rem = 24px */
p {
font-size: 1.2rem;
/* 1.2rem = 12px */
.padding-left {
padding-left: 2rem;
/* 2rem = 20px */
You get the idea...
Fun tip: once you like the layout you can change the body font-size and make everything bigger or smaller. This is useful for things like a small screen where you want the fonts to be a bit larger
CSS Calc() Is your friend. It's designed to help you do math operations on mixed unit values. For example, the browser can then do this type of math: 33.33% - 200px.
.element {
width: calc(33.33% - 20px);
/* maybe you need responsive columns with 10 px of padding on either side */
Start doing all your layout in percents. For example instead of a 3 column layout set to 300px wide (not responsive). You should make them 100/3 or 33.3333333% wide. Percents like this are always based on the parent so 100% = parent's width (regardless of the parent's units).
As a side note, I rarely need to use vh/vw, not because they aren't useful but in general, elements overflow their window in very predictable ways and percents are easier to wrap your head around.
vw and vh are going to be your best bet if it needs to be a percentage of the screen. rem and em are still relative to a starting point (i.e. body { font-size: 16px; } and scaled from there. vw and vh do have some issues on smaller device screens though, but it looks like your demo website has this issue. You can fix this with media queries, but it doesn't look like your example did, it "infinitely" scales as you mentioned.

Using "vw" to get 100% width headings

I have an h1 I want to fit the entire width of the viewport which consists of 13 characters in a monospaced font. After reading the CSS-Tricks article on viewport sized typography it seems like logically if I want to achieve this I simply have to set my h1's styles to:
h1 {
font-size: 13vw;
font-family: monospace;
This however is rendering with a bit of space left over (highlight the text to see the white space):
(There would be an image here but I don't have enough rep so click here for the JSFiddle)
I have tried other sizes, font-size: 14vw; is slightly too big, font-size: 13.99vw; seems just right, but strangely font-size: 13.999vw; is still too big?
Can someone explain what is going on here? Why would each character of a 13 character length string in a monospaced font require more than (100/13)% of the viewport width to fit the entire viewport width?
Before I begin I'm just going to say that I'm not going to give you a workaround due to issues I've raised in comments on Stoyan Dekov's answer. Instead I'm only going to answer your question of Can someone explain what is going on here?
font-size != width
The problem here is that you're assuming font-size is the same thing as width. It isn't. The CSS Fonts Module defines font-size as:
...the desired height of glyphs from the font.
This means that font-size is more comparable to height than it is to width.
This isn't specific to the vw unit, either. If you specify a font-size in pixels you'll also notice that the computed width does not match the font-size.
But even then it all depends on which font-family you're using anyway, as the same paragraph continues to say:
For scalable fonts, the font-size is a scale factor applied to the EM unit of the font. (Note that certain glyphs may bleed outside their EM box.) For non-scalable fonts, the font-size is converted into absolute units and matched against the declared font-size of the font, using the same absolute coordinate space for both of the matched values.
The key words here being scalable and non-scalable.
Even if a non-scalable font was being used though, 13vw would not reflect each character's width. This would never work with vw, but it may work with vh but only if the aspect ratio of each individual character matched the screen's aspect ratio.
The problem is if a text is the exact same size as the parent container, it will span across a second line.
body {
margin: 0;
h1 {
font-family: monospace;
That will cause the text to go onto a new line as they are both 100px. That's why 14vw is too big, but 13.99 is just enough: Fiddle DEMO
However, you can use text-align: justify; to achieve what you want.
Take a look at this Fiddle DEMO.

rem, px, mediaqueries for browsers >=IE9

I have a project where IE9 is the minimal compatibility browser. That means that I can use the rem unit.
In my experience on large projects, involving many dev, the use of "em" creates quite a mess. I do not say that it is bad in itself, just that it seems to "naturally" happened on over time, when there is different people with varying skills working on a project. Dom elements tend to pile up, and that do not work well with the compounding behavior of "em".
After having looked at a lot of resources online, it seems that there is a lot of cargo cult on the question.
there is the temptation of solution 1:
start with this (suggested here comment - David Buell ):
solution 1 :
html { font-size: 10px;}
body { font-size: 1.3rem;}
Rem for anything text-related and px for the rest.
But even though, I am not sure where I am really contrained to use another unit than "rem". I did some zooming test, and did not notice differences between "rem" and "px". The advantage of "rem" over "px" seems to be that "rem" will be relative to the a size set with "%" on the body, and this allows to change all text sizes in one line for a specific breakpoint.
Default text size change IS seemingly an issue, since "px" and "rem" text remains unchanged. But I wonder is there is usage statistics about this (this SO user thinks nobody). If it is really used then, I think I should drop the "easy math" font-size definition on the html tag.
solution 2 :
body { font-size: 0.8125rem;}
That gives 13px size with the browsers default size of 16px - and users can still change the default setting. (and maths aren't that hard starting with 16)
What I am really unsure of is the case of different screen resolution, and the case of different pixel density (which I know can be changed on windows).
to sum up:
No need to accomodate anything below IE9.
reponsive design.
handle zoom well.
handle user text size change if that's really used.
no magic, as barebone as possible (I use a css preprocessor but I want to avoid crazy use of it).
I think many frontend developer adapt their interface to browser zoom. But what is the practice with text-only zoom ? Its a somewhat more hidden browser feature. How many devs actually test it and code for it ?
I see that SO supports it but that it sorta breaks beyond a certain scale.
What the right base setup for a IE9+ interface, that supports responsive web design?
keep a rule - All font sizes must be specified using rem only with a pixel fall back. Do not use percentages, ems or pixels alone.
font-size: 14px; /* pixel fall back rule should come first */
font-size: 1.4rem;
more infor -
I did some testing here :
a few interpretations :
solution 1 : WRONG
html { font-size: 10px;}
prevents the permanent browser/user font-size setting to be applied. If the user has requested a bigger font-size,it should take effect.
See here with the SO website, things break a little with very big fonts, but at least the user gets the font-size increase.
solution 2: OK
body { font-size: 0.8125rem;}
is actually the same as
body { font-size: 0.8125em;}
since the can only inherit from the element "em" as the same value as "rem" ("rem" stands for root em, the em value of the root element, i.e the element)
solution 3: INTERESTING
html{font-size: 62.5%;}
body{font-size: 1.6em;}
---> 1 rem == 10px
(if the browser is set to default, i.e 16px; - (62.5/100)*16 == 10)
Now about the possible strategies :
1. rem only
html{font-size: 6.25%;}
body{font-size: 16em;}
+ only working with rem; for font-size, width, padding, margin, borders. This seems to be the easiest way to go.
Here 1 rem equates to 1px in defaut setting. It responds to user change of the default setting, so it is accessible.
When doing responsive design, the interface can be zoomed by changing the % value of the . for instance:
the whole interface is zoomed. Zoom is vertical and horizontal.{
font-size: 16rem;
border: 16rem solid;
width: 350rem;
border-color: limegreen;
That will create a box that expands both vertically and horizontally.
Issue: What about vertical zoom ?
2. rem and em (in order to get vertical zoom)
rem -> interface elements, width essentially
em -> text (can be resized independently from interface elements (which are in rem) by changing the font-size value on the body)
px -> seperators, borders essentially
This way we achieve interfaces that respond well to both browser zoom and browser font-size setting
Some comments on ideas read on some blogs and
"just use px, if your brain works in pixel" --> Very Wrong. Font-size in px will be unreadable for some users who have explicitely requested bigger font size. (and what about dpi different from 96 ?)
"layout in em" --> average wrong, since a different user font size will make appear horizontal scrollbars or not use the full viewport space. Such behavior relates to zoom, not font size. (note that I am not considering browsers older than IE9 - just let them fall back on their default values )

Why can't I decrease the line-height of this text?
This is very odd: I have a few lines of text wrapped in an <em> tag. No matter what I do, lowering the value for line-height below 17px has no effect. I can bump the line-height up to greater than 17px and it'll apply, but I can't get it lower than 17px.
The CSS in question is:
#others .item em {
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 17px;
Try adjusting the line height both higher and lower and run the updated fiddle after each change, and you'll see what I mean.
Why would this be? No line-height is specified anywhere else in the CSS, so nothing is overriding it. That couldn't be the case anyway because I'm adjusting the line-height up and down within the same selector, so it doesn't make sense that a higher value would apply, but a lower value would get overridden.
Because the em tag is inline and its line-height cannot be lower than its parent div.
For example, if you set the line-height of the parent to 10px, then you would be able to decrease the line-height of em tag to 10px as well.
In order for line-height property to work, div should has display property equal to block
line-height: 20px;
display: block;
I was facing this problem with divs in mobile view - the line height was way too big and line-height wasn't working! I managed to make it work by adding "display:block", per advice here: Why isn't the CSS property 'line-height' letting me make tight line-spaces in Chrome?
Hope this helps anyone else facing the same problem in future
You seem to be using normalized css option in jsfiddle - which equates to the CSS rules being reset - ala
You can either reset the reset, or use a different reset if you really need it.
See here for more details:
The best way to do it is using css reset.
Write your own or use popular one like
Yes, the block level elements(h1, h2, h3...h6,div) sets the minimum line-height for its inline children elements(span, em etc.). Which means if there is a element inside (with line-height 1.5), then the can set minimum line-height of 1.5 and no less than it.
The simplest way is to specify the line height with a higher priority, for example you could write: line-height: 14px !important;
If it is still not working set high priority in both where you u would like to decrease the line height (inline css) and also put in the body css .. remember the high priority (!important;) because it overrides any other unknown css rules.
Hope this helps

Should I define CSS margins in pixels or ems? Why? When?

We have a CSS file with some rules similar to the following:
.directory-result ul
margin-top: 20px;
width: 60em;
margin-top: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
Everything is working ok, but we're wondering specifically about the inconsistencies between the margin-top values. One is 20px and the other is 1em.
Which is the best one to go with? What are the points I should consider when deciding which to use? Thanks.
em units are used for better scalability of the page when the size of the elements depend on the page's scale. It's especially important for old browsers (e.g. IE6) and mobile platforms.
px units are used for absolute values, while em is relative to the font size of the particular element.
1em means one font-line, e.g. you have a box with font-size 12px that means that 1em will be equal to 12px
Also, using px seems easier because you know the exact value, but em units inherit the value of their container.
<div class="box">
p {
font-size: 1.2em;
.box {
font-size: 1.2em;
In this case, the first <p> will have font-size equal to the basic font-size * 1.2, and the second <p> will display with font-size * 1.2 * 1.2.
They're simply two different ways of measuring. Em is linked to the font size (traditionally, 1em is roughly the width of the letter M in a given typeface), while px is pixels.
If you build everything using em, everything will scale accordingly when the user adjusts their font size (e.g. using IE's Page > Text Size menu). It also makes it easier to work to a vertical rhythm.
Pixels are better when you want to build something "pixel-perfect". Be aware that a CSS pixel doesn't always equal a screen pixel - mainly because modern browsers and mobile devices allow for zooming. This isn't usually a problem though because the entire page is scaled accordingly.
Whatever you do, make sure you're consistent throughout - it makes life much easier later on.
The ems unit is relative to the current font size in the browser. So if the user increases the font size*, or if you change an element’s font size in the CSS, the margins should still look “right” in proportion to the text.
*(This ceases to matter if the user zooms the page instead of increasing the text size (as is the default in Firefox and Chrome now, and is an option in IE).
If you're using a margin to position something a set number of pixels away from something else, then you should obviously stick with pixels.
Also here is a very good in depth tutorial:
px – em – % – pt – keyword
In this example directory-result ul represents a block - some sort of list/menu where pixel dimensions are quite important. We can’t always rely on em which defines the text size, because if we need 20px space due to some background image – well, we need 20px, no compromises.
Note that you can't create and save the image i.e. 10em wide, therefore I see no reason why should I use different units on a web page. It just creates confusion and later on it is very difficult to maintain the layout.
There is a one place though, where using em is advisable – I’m talking about text blocks. I’m guessing in your code about-text is placed within other text where adding top/bottom margin of 1em (height of text) makes sense. It’s like in any text editor (i.e. line spacing in MS Word) – text looks best when spacing between lines is defined by multiplying the height of text
So in my opinion – everywhere where you deal with design and you use images by default measured in pixels – usepixels for all padding/margin.
Everywhere where you deal with text inside a text block, and you want to add even spacing between the text nodes – useem.
