An equation which gives me 10 = 0 but 100 = 100 - math

In one line, how to get an equation which will give me 0 if I pass 10, but 100 if I pass 100?
So that, for the following numbers, the value will be something like:
10 -> 0
100 -> 100
Of course my number can be anything between 10 to 100.

int input = ...;
int result = (input <= 10 ? 0 : 100 * (input - 10) / 90);

Finally I got my answer, the equation is something like this:
X = (Y*10-100)/9
Now try putting any value between 10 to 100 in it.

You can do
if (i == 0) return 10;
if (i == 100) return 100;
Anything else is left to your imagination.
return i * 9 / 10 + 10;
return (i * i + 1110) / 111;


Sherlock and Cost on Hackerrank

It's about this dynamic programming challenge.
If you have a hard time to understand the Problem then see also on AbhishekVermaIIT's post
Basically, you get as input an array B and you construct array A. Fo this array A you need the maximum possible sum with absolute(A[i] - A[i-1]), for i = 1 to N. How to construct array A? --> You can choose for every element A[i] in array A either the values 1 or B[i]. (As you will deduce from the problem description any other value between these two values doesn't make any sense.)
And I came up with this recursive Java solution (without memoization):
static int costHelper(int[] arr, int i) {
if (i < 1) return 0;
int q = max(abs(1 - arr[i-1]) + costHelper(arr, i-1) , abs(arr[i] - arr[i-1]) + costHelper(arr, i-1));
int[] arr1 = new int[i];
for (int j = 0; j < arr1.length-1; j++) {
arr1[j] = arr[j];
arr1[i-1] = 1;
int r = max(abs(1 - 1) + costHelper(arr1, i-1) , abs(arr[i] - 1) + costHelper(arr1, i-1));
return max(q , r);
static int cost(int[] arr) {
return costHelper(arr, arr.length-1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = {55, 68, 31, 80, 57, 18, 34, 28, 76, 55};
int result = cost(arr);
Basically, I start at the end of the array and check what is maximizing the sum of the last element minus last element - 1. But I have 4 cases:
(1 - arr[i-1])
(arr[i] - arr[i-1])
(1 - 1) // I know, it is not necessary.
(arr[i] -1)
For the 3rd or 4th case I construct a new array one element smaller in size than the input array and with a 1 as the last element.
Now, the result of arr = 55 68 31 80 57 18 34 28 76 55 according to Hackerrank should be 508. But I get 564.
Since it has to be 508 I guess the array should be 1 68 1 80 1 1 34 1 76 1.
For other arrays I get the right answer. For example:
79 6 40 68 68 16 40 63 93 49 91 --> 642 (OK)
100 2 100 2 100 --> 396 (OK)
I don't understand what is wrong with this algorithm.
I'm not sure exactly what's happening with your particular solution but I suspect it might be that the recursive function only has one dimension, i, since we need a way to identify the best previous solution, f(i-1), both if B_(i-1) was chosen and if 1 was chosen at that point, so we can choose the best among them vis-a-vis f(i). (It might help if you could add a description of your algorithm in words.)
Let's look at the brute-force dynamic program: let m[i][j1] represent the best sum-of-abs-diff in A[0..i] when A_i is j1. Then, generally:
m[i][j1] = max(abs(j1 - j0) + m[i-1][j0])
for j0 in [1..B_(i-1)] and j1 in [1..B_i]
Python code:
def cost(arr):
if len(arr) == 1:
return 0
m = [[float('-inf')]*101 for i in xrange(len(arr))]
for i in xrange(1, len(arr)):
for j0 in xrange(1, arr[i-1] + 1):
for j1 in xrange(1, arr[i] + 1):
m[i][j1] = max(m[i][j1], abs(j1 - j0) + (m[i-1][j0] if i > 1 else 0))
return max(m[len(arr) - 1])
That works but times out since we are looping potentially 100*100*10^5 iterations.
I haven't thought through the proof for it, but, as you suggest, apparently we can choose only from either 1 or B_i for each A_i for an optimal solution. This allows us to choose between those directly in a significantly more efficient solution that won't time out:
def cost(arr):
if len(arr) == 1:
return 0
m = [[float('-inf')]*2 for i in xrange(len(arr))]
for i in xrange(1, len(arr)):
for j0 in [1, arr[i-1]]:
for j1 in [1, arr[i]]:
a_i = 0 if j1 == 1 else 1
b_i = 0 if j0 == 1 else 1
m[i][a_i] = max(m[i][a_i], abs(j1 - j0) + (m[i-1][b_i] if i > 1 else 0))
return max(m[len(arr) - 1])
This is a bottom-up tabulation but we could easily convert it to a recursive one using the same idea.
Here is the javascript code with memoization-
function cost(B,n,val) {
return 0;
let prev1=0,prev2=0;
dp[n-1][0] = cost(B,n-1,1);
dp[n-1][1] = cost(B,n-1,B[n]);
prev1 = prev1 + Math.abs(val-1);
prev2 = prev2+ Math.abs(val-B[n]);
return Math.max(prev1,prev2);
where B->given array,n->total length,val-> 1 or B[n], value considered by the calling function.
Initial call -> Math.max(cost(B,n-2,1),cost(B,n-2,B[n-1]));
BTW, this took me around 3hrs, rather could have easily done with iteration method. :p
//dp[][0] is when a[i]=b[i]
Initially all the elements in dp have the value of 0.
We know that we will get the answer if at any i the value is b[i] or 1. So the final answer is :
dp[i][0] signifies a[i]=b[i] and dp[i][1] signifies a[i]=1.
So at every i we want the maximum of [i-1][0] (previous element is b[i-1]) or [i-1][1] (previous element is 1)

Sum of combinations of numbers

I want to solve a mathematical problem in a fastest possible way.
I have a set of natural numbers between 1 to n, for example {1,2,3,4,n=5} and I want to calculate a formula like this:
s = 1*2*3*4+1*2*3*5+1*2*4*5+1*3*4*5+2*3*4*5
as you can see, each element in the sum is a multiplications of n-1 numbers in the set. For example in (1*2*3*4), 5 is excluded and in (1*2*3*5), 4 is excluded. I know some of the multiplications are repeated, for example (1*2) is repeated in 3 of the multiplications. How can I solve this problem with least number of multiplications.
Sorry for bad English.
Here is a way that does not "cheat" by replacing multiplication with repeated addition or by using division. The idea is to replace your expression with
1*2*3*4 + 5*(1*2*3 + 4*(1*2 + 3*(1 + 2)))
This used 9 multiplications for the numbers 1 through 5. In general I think the multiplication count would be one less than the (n-1)th triangular number, n * (n - 1) / 2 - 1. Here is Python code that stores intermediate factorial values to reduce the number of multiplications to just 6, or in general 2 * n - 4, and the addition count to the same (but half of them are just adding 1):
def f(n):
fact = 1
term = 2
sum = 3
for j in range(2, n):
fact *= j
term = (j + 1) * sum
sum = fact + term
return sum
The only way to find which algorithm is the fastest is to code all of them in one language, and run each using a timer.
The following would be the most straightforward answer.
def f(n):
result = 0
nList = [i+1 for i in range(n)]
for i in range(len(nList)):
result += reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,(nList[:i]+nList[i+1:]))
return result
Walkthrough - use the reduce function to multiply all list's of length n-1 and add to the variable result.
If you just want to minimise the number of multiplications, you can replace all the multiplications by additions, like this:
// Compute 1*2*…*n
if n = 1
return 1
res = 0
// by adding 1*2*…*(n-1) an entirety of n times
for i = 1 to n do
res += mult_all(n-1)
return res
// Compute sum of 1*2*…*(i-1)*(i+1)*…*n
if n = 1
return 0
// by computing 1*2*…*(n-1) + (sum 1*2*…*(i-1)*(i+1)*…*(n-1))*n
res = mult_all(n-1)
for i = 1 to n do
res += sum_of_mult_all_but_one(n-1)
return res
Here is an answer that would work with javascript. It is not the fastest way because it is not optimized, but it should work if you want to just find the answer.
function combo(n){
var mult = 1;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++){
mult = 1;
for (var j = 1; j<= n; j++){
if(j != i){
mult = mult*j;
sum += mult;
return (sum);

How to simply truncate a number for display

I would like to know the simplest way to transform a number to a truncated and rounded form.
I know many way to do it "manually" (truncate manually, put a comma then round the number after) but I think there are easier ways to do it (probably with Maths methods).
Example :
1 234 567 should become 1,2 M
1 567 890 should become 1.6 M
Something like that:
static string FormatNumber(uint n)
if (n < 1000)
return n.ToString();
if (n < 10000)
return String.Format("{0:#,.##}K", n - 5);
if (n < 100000)
return String.Format("{0:#,.#}K", n - 50);
if (n < 1000000)
return String.Format("{0:#,.}K", n - 500);
if (n < 10000000)
return String.Format("{0:#,,.##}M", n - 5000);
if (n < 100000000)
return String.Format("{0:#,,.#}M", n - 50000);
if (n < 1000000000)
return String.Format("{0:#,,.}M", n - 500000);
return String.Format("{0:#,,,.##}B", n - 5000000);
Will give you this output:
1249 1.24K
12499 12.4K
124999 124K
1249999 1.24M
12499999 12.4M
124999999 124M
1249999999 1.24B
I don't think there are built-in libraries to do this.
The integer part of the base-10 logarithm gives you the exponent as appearing in the scientific notation.
If you want s significant digits, normalize by dividing by ten to the exponent, rescale by ten to s-1 and round.
e= floor(log10(x)); // => e = 6
x= Round(x * pow(10, s - 1 - e)); // => x = 12, x = 16

Recursive approach for pow(x,n) for finding 2^(37) with less than 10 multiplications

The regular recursive approach for pow(x,n) is as follows:
pow (x,n):
= 1 ...n=0
= 0 ...x=0
= x ...n=1
= x * pow (x, n-1) ...n>0
With this approach 2^(37) will require 37 multiplications. How do I modify this to reduces the number of multiplications to less than 10? I think this could be done only if the function is not excessive.
With this approach you can compute 2^(37) with only 7 multiplications.
= 1 ... n=0
= 0 ... x=0
= x ... n=1
= pow(x,n/2) * pow (x,n/2) ... n = even
= x * pow(x,n/2) * pow(x,n.2) ... n = odd
Now lets calculate 2^(37) with this approach -
2^(37) =
= 2 * 2^(18) * 2^(18)
= 2^(9) * 2^(9)
= 2 * 2^(4) * 2^(4)
= 2^(2) * 2^(2)
= 2 * 2
This function is not excessive and hence it reuses the values once calculated. Thus only 7 multiplications are required to calculate 2^(37).
You can calculate the power of a number in logN time instead of linear time.
int cnt = 0;
// calculate a^b
int pow(int a, int b){
if(b==0) return 1;
int v = pow(a, b/2);
cnt += 1;
return v*v;
int v = pow(a, b/2);
cnt += 2;
return v*v*a;
Number of multiplications will be 9 for the above code as verified by this program.
Doing it slightly differently than invin did, I come up with 8 multiplications. Here's a Ruby implementation. Be aware that Ruby methods return the result of the last expression evaluated. With that understanding, it reads pretty much like pseudo-code except you can actually run it:
$count = 0
def pow(a, b)
if b > 0
$count += 1 # note only one multiplication in both of the following cases
if b.even?
x = pow(a, b/2)
x * x
a * pow(a, b-1)
else # no multiplication for the base case
p pow(2, 37) # 137438953472
p $count # 8
Note that the sequence of powers with which the method gets invoked is
37 -> 36 -> 18 -> 9 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0
and that each arrow represents one multiplication. Calculating the zeroth power always yields 1, with no multiplication, and there are 8 arrows.
Since xn = (xn/2)2 = (x2)n/2 for even values of n, we can derive this subtly different implementation:
$count = 0
def pow(a, b)
if b > 1
if b.even?
$count += 1
pow(a * a, b/2)
$count += 2
a * pow(a * a, b/2)
elsif b > 0
p pow(2, 37) # 137438953472
p $count # 7
This version includes all of the base cases in the original question, it's easy to run and confirm that it calculates 2^37 in 7 multiplications, and doesn't require any allocation of local variables. For production use you would, of course, comment out or remove the references to $count.

What math do I need to convert numbers according to this table?

Given an X, what math is needed to find its Y, using this table?
This is a language agnostic problem. I can't just store the array, and do the lookup. The input will always be the finite set of 0 to 6. It won't be scaling later.
y = (8 - x) % 7
This is how I arrived at that:
x 8-x (8-x)%7
0 8 1
1 7 0
2 6 6
3 5 5
4 4 4
5 3 3
6 2 2
int f(int x)
return x["I#Velcro"] & 7;
0.048611x^6 - 0.9625x^5 + 7.340278x^4 - 26.6875x^3 + (45 + 1/9)x^2 - 25.85x + 1
Sometimes the simple ways are best. ;)
It looks like:
y = (x * 6 + 1) % 7
I don't really like the % operator since it does division so:
y = (641921 >> (x*3)) & 7;
But then you said something about not using lookup tables so maybe this doesn't work for you :-)
Since you want to actually use this in real code and cryptic numbers are not nice, I can offer this more maintainable variant:
y = (0x2345601 >> (x*4)) & 15;
Though it seems a bunch of correct answers have already appeared, I figured I'd post this just to show another way to have worked it out (they're all basically variations on the same thing):
Well, the underlying pattern is pretty simple:
x y
0 6
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
6 0
y = 6 - x
Your data just happens to have the y values shifted "down" by two indices (or to have the x values shifted "up").
So you need a function to shift the x value. This should do it:
x = (x + 5) % 7;
Resulting equation:
y = 6 - ((x + 5) % 7);
Combining the ideas in Dave and Paul's answer gives the rather elegant:
y = (8 - x) % 7`
(though I see I was beaten to the punch with this)
unsigned short convertNumber(unsigned short input) {
if (input <= 1) { return !input; } //convert 0 => 1, 1 => 0
return (8-input); //convert 2 => 6 ... 6 => 2
How about:
y = (x <= 1 ? 1 : 8) - x
and no, i dont/cant just store the array, and do the lookup.
Why not?
yes, the input will always be the finite set of 0 to 6. it wont be scaling later.
Just use a bunch of conditionals then.
if (input == 0) return 1;
else if (input == 1) return 0;
else if (input == 2) return 6;
Or find a formula if it's easy to see one, and it is here:
if (input == 0) return 1;
else if (input == 1) return 0;
else return 8 - input;
Here's a way to avoid both modulo and conditionals, going from this:
y = (8 - x) % 7
We know that x % y = x - floor(x/y)*y
So we can use y = 8 - x - floor((8 - x) / 7) * 7
What about some bit-fu ?
You can get the result using only minus, logical operators and shifts.
b = (x >> 2) | ((x >> 1) & 1)
y = ((b << 3)|(b ^ 1)) - x
