How to display model popup at first time page load only -

I used the following code to display model popup for the first time page load,
<script type="text/javascript">
function pageload() {
var chkPostBack = '<%= Page.IsPostBack ? "true" : "false" %>';
if (chkPostBack == 'false') {
var popup = $find('ModalPopupExtender1');
if (popup != null) {;
I got the following error, Please help me.
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

I would suggest to show the ModalPopup from codebehind if(!Page.IsPostBack). Therefore you can use the Show method of ModalPopupExtender.
To enable it to be opened from serverside, you need to set the TargetControlID of the ModalPopupExtender to a hidden button:
<asp:Button ID="Hid_ShowDialog" Style="display: none" runat="server" />

I would suggest performing this code from the .net code then you can do a isPostBack check, or even if you only want it once for an entire session then once you've run the JS from the .net code, set Session("ShowPopup") to false and then check against that.
Though for this problem try changing the code block to start with:
<%# instead of <%=


Control in UpdatePanel not found using $find

I have a complicated page but I created a simple ASP.NET page with the issue. I have telerik RadAsyncUpload control and a button inside an UpdatePanel as shown:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="_updatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload ID="fileUpload" runat="server" MaxFileInputsCount="1" OnClientFilesSelected="fileUpload_ClientFilesSelected" /><br />
<asp:Button ID="_saveNewFileButton" runat="server" OnClick="_saveNewFileButton_Click"
When a file is selected I want to disable the _saveNewFileButton and change the text to "Please Wait for Attachment Upload..." but I can't seem to get hold of the button reference in javascript:
var FilesUpdateInterval = null;
//Handles client side FilesSelected event for _newFileUploadButton.
function fileUpload_ClientFilesSelected(sender, args) {
//disable the click event for submit button during upload
var submitButton = $find('<%= _saveNewFileButton.ClientID %>');
submitButton.set_text('Please Wait for Attachment Upload...')
if (FilesUpdateInterval == null) {
FilesUpdateInterval = setInterval(function () { FileCheckForUploadCompletion(); }, 500);
I am getting submitButton is null error. I tried putting this javascript code outside the updatepanel and inside ContentTemplate with same result. Obviously whatever I am doing is wrong. How do I get hold of the control that is in updatepanel in javascript?
EDIT: I find out that $find works with only telerik controls. So, I have to either use document.getElementById function or JQuery with something like Steve specified. Also, I have to use RegisterClientScriptBlock. I will test with Steve suggestion and then accept the answer.
short version - use $get() or document.getElementById(), as regular HTML elements are not IScriptControls, so $find() will not give you anything, and they don't have the rich client API you are trying to use.
For example
var submitButton = $get('<%= _saveNewFileButton.ClientID %>');
submitButton.setAttribute("value", "Please Wait for Attachment Upload...");
Option 2 - use RadButton.
Using jQuery and vb with ASP.Net, I've done something similar to this, which has worked well, even if it isn't that pretty. The [Whatever] I have was a FormView that didn't always have the control. Also, I didn't use it with a button, but I think that's the syntax for changing the button text. Either way, it might give you some ideas:
$('#<%=GetButtonClientID("_saveNewFileButton")%>').attr('value', 'Please Wait for Attachment Upload...');
And then I have a function like this:
Public Function GetButtonClientID(ByVal argFieldName As String) As String
Dim tmpID As String = "0"
Dim tmpButton As Button = [Whatever].FindControl(argFieldName)
If Not tmpButton Is Nothing Then Return tmpButton.ClientID.ToString Else Return "0"
End Function

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock not working

I have a popup in my page which I am trying to show on dropdownlist selected index changed event.
Here is register statement
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(),"id", "ShowApplicationPopUp()",true);
Here is my javascript function
function ShowApplicationPopUp() {
Both of my divs are initially hidden by using display:none; statement.
The problem is when my dropdownlist is changed the popup is not seen at all.I tried putting an alert statement to check if the function is called , and the alert statement is fired.Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong.
Any suggestions are welcome.
When you use RegisterClientScriptBlock the Javascript code is inserted early in the page, so it will run before the elements are loaded.
Use RegisterStartupScript instead, which places the code at the end of the form.
I too could not get this code to work but thanks to the above I now have working code. Note, I have a linkbutton inside an Ajax Update Panel.
in my code behind aspx.cs page is:
protected void OpenButton_Click(object s, EventArgs e)
// open new window
string httpLink = "../newWindow.aspx";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "script", "openWindow('" + httpLink + "');", true);
in my apsx page is first the link to jQuery source, then second the JavaScript for the openWindow function:
<script src="../js/jquery-1.10.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function openWindow(url) {
var w =, '', 'width=1000,height=1000,toolbar=0,status=0,location=0,menubar=0,directories=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');
and the link that makes it all happen:
<asp:LinkButton Text="Open New Window" ID="LnkBtn" OnClick="OpenButton_Click" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" BorderStyle="None"></asp:LinkButton>
Im not a jQuery expert and must attribute some of this to the following blog:

Display in correct order using RequiredFieldValidators, ValidatorCallout and a ModalPopupExtender of validation is OK

I'm trying to get a sequence of things to happen in the correct order, but no luck. What I have is a number of fields with asp:ReuiredFieldValidators and asp:ValidatorCallout to display validation messages. This is triggered with a button Save with validation="true".
If all validates, it should display a modal dialog asking for two choises on how to save the data. No matter the answer, it should always continue at this stage to code behind save function.The AjaxToolkit_ModalPopupExtender is connected to the same save button.
What happens is that the validation callouts and modal dialog is shown at the same time.
Searched for tips and help but haven't found any, for me, helpful! Most grateful for any help!
You can show the ModalPopup from codebehind(in BtnSave.Click-handler) if the page is valid:
Therefor you need to set the TargetControlID of the ModalPopupExtender to a hidden button:
<asp:Button ID="Hid_ShowDialog" Style="display: none" runat="server" />
You must move to Code Behind only when the Page is validated in client side. You can do it using OnClientClick of button
<asp:Button ID="ShowDialog" onClientClick = "return ValidatePage();"
runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidatePage() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) == 'function') {
if (Page_IsValid) {
// do something
alert('Page is valid!');
return true;
else {
// do something else
alert('Page is not valid!');
return false;

How to capture 'Update' click event in ASP.NET GridView with jQuery

I need to capture the 'Update' click event with jQuery in an GridView and have no way of knowing where to start. I'm still rather new to jQuery. My GridView is attached to a SQLDataSource and, naturally, has all the bells and whistles that that combination affords. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Simply add the script block anywhere after the GridView is declared and it should work with the default non-templated GridView column. No code in the codebehind as it is purely a Javascript solution.
Use this if you are using a Link-type GridView column:
<script type="text/javascript">
// a:contains(The text of the link here)
$('#<%= theGridViewID.ClientID %> a:contains(Update)').click(function () {
alert('Update click event captured from the link!');
// return false: stop the postback from happening
// return true or don't return anything: continue with the postback
Use this if you are using a Button-type GridView column and you don't want your Javascript to block the postback:
<script type="text/javascript">
// :button[value=The text of the button here]
$('#<%= theGridViewID.ClientID %> :button[value=Update]').click(function () {
alert('Update click event captured from the button!');
Use this if you are using a Button-type GridView column and you want to have control whether to continue with the postback or not:
<script type="text/javascript">
// :button[value=The text of the button here]
var updateButtons = $('#<%= theGridViewID.ClientID %> :button[value=Update]');
.attr('onclick', null)
.click(function () {
alert('Update click event captured from the button!');
var doPostBack = true; // decide whether to do postback or not
if (doPostBack) {
var index = updateButtons.index($(this));
// 'Update$' refers to the GridView command name + dollar sign
__doPostBack('<%= theGridViewID.UniqueID %>', 'Update$' + index);
Update: I think this would be a better solution in replacement of the last (3rd) script block I presented above, since you won't need to update the __doPostBack function call manually based on the command name, and as such, it should be less error-prone:
<script type="text/javascript">
// :button[value=The text of the button here]
var updateButtons = $('#<%= theGridViewID.ClientID %> :button[value=Update]');
updateButtons.each(function () {
var onclick = $(this).attr('onclick');
$(this).attr('onclick', null).click(function () {
alert('Update click event captured from the button!');
var doPostBack = true; // decide whether to do postback or not
if (doPostBack) {
Credit to Aristos for this idea. :)
Ok here is my solution to capture only one update (or more) from a button.
This is the javascript code that I run on update click
<script type="text/javascript">
function NowRunTheUpdate(){
alert("ok I capture you");
and here is the page code
`<asp:GridView ID="MyGridView" runat="server" OnRowDataBound="MyGridView_RowDataBound" ... >`
<asp:ButtonField Text="update" CommandName="Update" ButtonType="Button" />
Here is the code thats run behind and set the javascript.
protected void MyGridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
// loop all data rows
foreach (DataControlFieldCell cell in e.Row.Cells)
// check all cells in one row
foreach (Control control in cell.Controls)
// I go to get the button if exist
Button button = control as Button;
if (button != null && button.CommandName == "Update")
// Add delete confirmation
button.OnClientClick = "NowRunTheUpdate();";
You need to attach a client-side event listener to the click event of the Update [link]button. I don't think it can be done using AutoGenerateEditButton="true" if you are doing it that way. You'll need to use a TemplateField so that you can manipulate the button. Then you can use jQuery to bind to the click event of the button.
Add the update column to the column templates. Convert it to a custom column, and modify it in such a way you can hook to it with jquery i.e. like adding a css class to it.
Gridview is nothing but a table with a bunch of "tr" and "td". If you understand that concept then it would be easy for you to handle anything at client side. If you have enabled auto everything then it will be a link which would result for Edit, Delete, Update or Cancel (Check View Source). The code given below should capture the update click event:
$("a:contains(Update)").live("click", function() {
//alert("hi"); do what needs to be done
return false;//would not sent the control back to server

Javascript to access control in MasterPage

I have a textbox control Super1 in my MasterPage.
I am using javascript to access this control from my content page like this:
<asp:Content ID="ContentPage" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function Somethin() {
document.forms[0].elements['Super1'].value = "sdfsd";
//document.getElementById('<%=Super1.ClientID%>').value = "sdfsdf";
But while page load it says Super1 not found. How can I access Super1?
In your masterpage's onload add this code :
string script = #"<script>
function Somethin() {
document.getElementById('" + Super1.ClientID + #"').value = 'sdfsd';
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("somethin_script_block"))
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "somethin_script_block", script);
this will add your script to the end of the page.
EDIT : I just realized, you use your controls ID directly in your javascript code. this may cause the exception. I update your code to fix it.
I hope this helps.
You have to make sure the document has loaded, make sure to call your functions that rely on the DOM being loaded onload. E.g.:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
From the sample code you posted and since you said you are using a control, check the rendered id of the control you are trying to get at. In my experience the name is something crazy like ctl100_masterpagename_namingcontainer_controlname... that needs to show up in the js as well.
Super1 might be in a different naming container (the masterpage's control collection). You either need to render out the clientid of the control in a global javascript variable during the masterpage rendering so it can be accessed by javascript in the child page or you need to get a reference to the Masterpage, find the control there and write out the client Id in your child pages javascript...
Something like...
if the text box is in its own content place holder
var txtSuper1 = Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolderName").FindControl("Super1") as Textbox;
or if its not in a content place holder
var txtSuper1 = Master.FindControl("Super1") as Textbox;
3rd option might be to expose the control as a property of the masterpage (not sure) - my webforms is rusty.
On the master page, declare a javascript variable for the control, e.g:
<asp:TextBox id="Super1" runat="server"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var txtSuper1 = document.getElementById('<%= Super1.ClientID %>');
It's important that you use the ClientID property, because the rendered control's ID (on the client) will be different from the server control's ID (due to naming containers).
Now you can access the textbox from javascript declared in the content pages:
<asp:Content ID="ContentPage" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function Somethin()
txtSuper1.value = "sdfsd";
click me
BTW: in your code there are duplicate curly-braces in function Somethin() {{ ... }}
